Go or Not Go For It?

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Pretty wife tempts fate & goes for an exciting affair.
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Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story.


In seven years I had feared for this day to come and my hope that it would never happen had increased for every year that passed. But today it was a reality. It was the worst day in my life, though it was an average sunny Tuesday in May. The day had begun almost as usual and, if it hadn't been for a forgotten wristwatch, I would never have gotten to know how important that day really would be for me.

Of course, I knew the risks and couldn't deny that lots of people had warned me not to do what I did seven years ago and I knew that now I would hear many times that I ought to have listened to their warnings. But I didn't listen and will never regret that I didn't do that.

I can never forget when the shit hit the fan and my world began to fall to pieces. I was already dressed and stood in the kitchen making my breakfast when I noted that my watch was still in the bedroom so I went back in there to get it. My lovely common-law wife, Alexandra, had gotten up from her bed and was dressing. To my great surprise, I noted that she was dressed in a new, lacy sexy bra, small sexy panties and dark stay up stockings which I never seen before. When she came out to the kitchen after a while she even had a little shorter skirt than she used to wear at her work and more make up than usual.

She worked in the marketing department at the steel industry, which totally dominated our small Scandinavian town and she hardly needed any sexy underwear for her work there. When I asked her the reason for the sexy outfit and if she had intended to go for a date with some pussy hound, she got a fearful expression for a split second before she began shouting and accusing me of losing my mind.

I replied to her without raising my voice, "It doesn't matter whether I have lost my mind or not, the consequences of cheating will be the same. I can't stop you from doing it but I will kick you out when you have done it."

I'm sure that I hadn't lost any mind because it had been obvious to me how Alexandra had begun changing her behavior in slight steps a few weeks after "the Bench" came to our town and got a job at the same department as Alexandra. He is a former national soccer team player who even spent a year as a professional player in one of the best English Premier League Clubs and made good money there though he spent most of the time on the player's bench beside the field. He came to our town some years after a knee injury had ended his career as a player.

Thanks to his continuing fame and social abilities he was hired for a PR and marketing job at the steel company where Alexandra worked. However the people in our town rather soon found out that this guy was a bragging asshole, so he got his new local nickname, "the Bench", which made him furious. Nobody could deny that "the Bench" was a good looking guy and few people were surprised when the rumors began to circulate in town that his snobbish BMW M5, the only one of that kind in the area, had been seen several times outside the most discrete room at Junction Motel, about 20 kilometers away from town.

There are groupies who adopt all kinds of famous people and I knew that many guys envied him having great sex with limited effort, at least as long as he fucked somebody else's girlfriend or wife and not theirs.

I expected serious problems with that guy because I was hundred percent sure that he was working hard on Alexandra and probably already had some success with her. Alexandra and I had a serious argument about the rumors regarding the Bench's pussy hunting only a week before the day she dressed extra sexy for her job. I had made it completely clear for her that I wasn't so stupid than I understood that such a very beautiful wife as she must be one of the most preferred targets in his pussy hunting at the office. To avoid all possible misunderstandings in the future, I told her what I would do if she didn't want or couldn't resist his attempts.

The change in Alexandra's behavior against the Bench had slowly turned into some kind of admiration. Though she herself hardly noted it, her behavior had made it clear for me that the Bench had an advantage over me in Alexandra's mind about what she really wanted to do; "cheat or not cheat" or, in other words, did she want "Great moments of excitement with a famous lover?" or "Wedding, marriage and family with a faithful man?" She wasn't stupid and I'm sure she had some serious thoughts before she decided what to do. In my humble opinion I had done everything that could been done to save our relationship and keep our family together. I had talked to her about the problem and did my best to be the perfect loving husband. What else could I do? However, if my efforts weren't enough to keep my wife faithful, I swore that I would never accept any sloppy seconds after the Bench and be a laughing stock among my friends and acquaintances.

I had some simple plans about what to do if the expected problems would appear and had stored some equipment in my car just in case I got the necessary clues. In all rumors about the Bench, his affairs had happened at the same motel 20 kilometers outside our town, so I expected him and Alexandra to have their date there if he got her on his hook. I was sure they didn't dare to meet either in my house or in his. Therefore that motel was the main target in my plans.

That very day I saw Alexandra's new sexy underwear there had been a strange feeling in my stomach the whole day, so I called her work phone at one o'clock and was told that she had taken the day off after lunch, which meant "go to action" for me.

My foreman Kent was involved in my plan, so I borrowed his Ford Focus, picked up the bag with useful things from my own car and left for the Junction Motel. On the road I phoned Alexandra's cell phone. We had agreed that I would only call her cell phone if I needed to talk with her during her work time. She replied after a while and sounded a bit stressed.


"Hi, darling. Did I disturb you? Doing something special?"

"No, nothing special. Working as usual."

"At your office?"

"Yes, of course. Where else? What do you want?"

"I wanted to tell you that I will have to work at least an hour overtime and ask you to pick up the kids from the daycare but I happened to call your office number and they told me that you're a damn lying bitch and had taken the day off. Where in the hell are you and what in the bloody hell are you doing?"

She is a clever girl and immediately spit out an answer but could not help that she sounded a bit worried when she replied, "What's the matter with you? Why such a stupid overreaction because Sandra and I are shopping for a surprise for your birthday. Don't blame me now if you have a clue about your birthday surprise."

I gave her one more chance to get out of her mess and said, "I really hope you told me the truth, because if you are somewhere cheating on me with that damn Bench or some other whoremonger, your ass will be kicked out of my house and the damn pussy hound who fucks you will get his balls crushed. Did you get it?"

"Don't be such damn jealous maniac. Just relax. I'll get the kids from daycare."

I wonder how well she felt after that call and if she told her lover, probably the Bench, what I had promised to do to him. That must have cooled down their hot feelings at least for a while.

As soon as I got to the motel, I parked in a discrete spot some distance away - dressed in white overalls, white baseball cap, dark glasses - and went to room eight at the motel where I found Alexandra's blue Corolla next to the Bench's black BMW M5. I used a big knife to puncture all four tires on both cars. Thereafter I painted "WHORE" with yellow spray paint on the front doors on Alexandra's car and "SEX BUYER" on both sides of the Bench's expensive black BMW. I estimated that the whole mission had taken about a minute. As far as I could see, nobody had seen what I did.

However I expected the painting to create some rumors because buying sex is against the laws of this country but selling sex is legal.

After I discretely sneaked back to the forest where I took off my overalls, cap and sunglasses, I threw everything in the bag and laid it in Kent's Focus. Then I rang Kent with my prepaid cell phone and asked him to take my company Nissan King Cab and meet me on the road halfway to the motel. Thereafter I rang the Bench's wife Camilla at her job and told her who I was and that I had received a phone call telling me that my wife and her husband had rented a room at the Junction Motel and I would be there as soon as I could. Thereafter I called the local newspaper and a preacher of a new and publicity hungry religious sect.

Kent and I met a hundred meters away on a forest road, not visible from the main road. After exchanging cars, Kent parked so he could see the main road and only a few minutes later he signaled that the Bench's wife Camilla's red Renault Megane had passed by. I gave her five minutes before I followed her, now in my Nissan King Cab with very visible company logos.

When I got to the motel, there was a small crowd of people looking at the damaged cars and talking about what had happened. None of the involved people were visible. But one of spectators told me that there were some people in the room.

I went in and the first thing I saw was the used bed, then the Bench and his wife sitting on the sofa and screaming at each other. At first I didn't see Alexandra but then I heard sounds from the bathroom and found her in there crying.

They were waiting for the police, who had forbidden the car owners to do anything to the cars before they had sent a patrol to investigate the matter. I took several photos with my cell phone of the used bed and of the room, and then went out to take pictures of the cars. To my great pleasure I saw that now even a journalist from the local newspaper was there taking pictures, probably because the Bench was a well-known character in our town. Of course they would mask the license plates but as his BMW was the only M5 in our town, most people would know who's expensive "extender" had been involved in that sex scandal.

The journalist and I were somehow acquainted, so he asked me if I knew who owned the Corolla, and I told him the cruel truth that it was my soon-to-be ex and that when I arrived there had been some rumors among the spectators that it was some religious sect involved for punishing the sinners.

I went back in the room and told the sobbing Alexandra that as soon as she had removed her "business sign" from this motel, she was welcome to come to my house and start packing.

Some people used to say that rumors are spread as fast as lightning. I doubt that, but only a few minutes later there were three people from the new religious sect. One of them seemed to be a leader or preacher, because he began to talk with a loud voice about punished sinners. Then the police patrol arrived, two young men in their mid-twenties. What could they do? Nothing else than take a few pictures and talk with Alexandra and the Bench who didn't know anything because they had been busy when it happened.

The preacher told the police that it was the good Lord who had punished those sinners. When the police asked him if he or his friends had anything to do with it, he to my surprise neither denied nor agreed to anything but told the police that the good Lord would sooner or later punish all sinners on this earth. When he began to tell the two policemen what they ought to do to get their salvation, they gave up and left.

It wasn't my business to fix Alexandra's car so I left the motel. Back at work, I noted that, though my mission had been successful, it was impossible to do any work during this, for me and for my children, very horrible day.

I couldn't come up with any reason to continue working that day. On my way home I bought ten cardboard boxes for Alexandra to use for packing her belongings.

Alexandra arrived home about six o'clock in a taxi and tried to explain that the sect had attacked innocent people and it hadn't been what it looked like at the motel because she could explain everything. I did my best to be polite when I told her to skip all the bullshit and start packing.

She began to cry and sobbed, "Please forgive me. I made a terrible mistake:"

"No, you didn't. You had planned the whole crap and you can't deny that you knew exactly what would happen if you went on with your cheating, though I warned you as late as in the morning today and even when you were at the motel. If you had taken your cheating ass from the motel immediately after that call, I would have failed to get any evidence but you didn't give a shit, probably because you had obviously done it several times before.

"No, no, no, today was the first time and I can promise to you that it was the last time I did it."

"First or tenth time doesn't matter any longer but I can agree that it was the last time you cheated on me. That's for sure!"

Alexandra is not a stupid bimbo, far from it. Therefore it was a mystery to me why she kept going with her cheating though she knew that her extra sexy dressing and our arguing at breakfast had made me very suspicious. Alexandra must understand that the Bench had no plans to abandon his beautiful trophy wife for her. But somehow he must be a very convincing character, probably psychopathic, to get Alexandra in some kind of love with him or at least admiring him so much that she would believe all the crap he told her for getting her panties off when he wanted her to do that.

I couldn't stay at home that evening, so I took a taxi to the most popular bar in town. To my great pleasure I noted that the main subject of the gossip of the day was what some sect had done to the Bench's expensive extender-car at the motel. An old saying says, "When a lie is repeated enough times, it will be regarded as truth." That trick is used by many politicians and is obviously very efficient because nobody at the bar suspected the cheated husband of damaging the cars. The involved sect never denied those rumors because they got much more PR from what they didn't do than they had ever gained from what they had done.

As I mentioned earlier, this story began six years ago when Alexandra and I, Filip Molin, had our first serious talk as singles on the dance floor at the only hotel in our small Scandinavian town. She was a tall slim blond Nordic beauty and known as a rather wild party girl who never kept a boyfriend long enough to get bored of him. I was quite the opposite: an average hardworking guy, owner of a slowly growing rather successful small company. That evening I was out for the first time as a single after my two year long relationship was over. Of course I had met Alexandra many times before during the years, but I used to be faithful to my girlfriends so I had never made any attempts to get in line for her favors.

During our first slow dance she asked me why she hadn't seen me there before and I told her the simple truth that my ex had never liked that place and therefore we hadn't been there. To my surprise she asked if we could take a drink and talk for a while. I bought us drinks and we got seats in a booth.

Alexandra asked about my ex, and I told her the truth that she had worked as an assistant nurse but wanted to be a nurse, which would take her three and a half years in school. The main problem was that the only nursing school where she had a chance to get in was located far up in the north. That meant both advantages and disadvantages for her. Expensive flight or train tickets limited her possibilities to come home more than a few times a year. Great advantages in the north for her were the many possibilities to earn extra money with assistant nurse and later nurse jobs during the weekends and holidays. We agreed that it was impossible to keep our relationship going during those circumstances and we decided to part as friends.

Then Alexandra told me about her own problems. Though she was single because her last boyfriend had dumped her after some misunderstanding, she could not get any own apartment even though she had a rather well paid job because the bailiff was hunting her for a big debt, which all estate owners could see in the public register. She asked me how I was living and when I told her that I had a three-room apartment in a nice area, she gave me a suggestion.

She wanted to rent a room for a short time until she had fixed something of her own and promised to pay a fair rent and not bring any friends to visit her in my apartment. Though she never mentioned a single word about sex, I was only a normal man who saw an unexpected great opportunity to fuck that sexy bitch so, after a slight internal debate, I accepted her suggestion.

To my great surprise I rather soon found out that Alexandra, best known as a party girl, had many unexpected qualities. After two weeks she had taken over the kitchen, kept it much cleaner and in better order than my ex ever did. Then she organized a co-operation for our breakfast and some other cooking. At first I liked her very much but I must agree that it didn't take a long time before I began to fall in love with her.

Our relationship grew in a positive way so I suggested dinner on a Saturday evening. She accepted and we had a very romantic dinner. Rather soon after that we got in my bed and as both of us wanted the equal thing to happen, we did it. We began with a tender fuck in the missionary position. Alexandra had been without sex since she had been dumped and now she proceeded to have two intensive orgasms. After another great fuck on Sunday morning, she moved her belongings to my bedroom and from that moment we were a happy couple.

We went out rather often to party with our friends until about one year later. Alexandra told me that she was fed up with that kind of life and wanted a family. Due to her debts to the bailiff it wasn't a good idea for us to get married yet but I promised her a great wedding as soon as she and her ex had cleared up their old business. She had no objections about that because our legal system regards a common-law marriage equal to real marriage in several legal matters.

After some doubt I agreed to have a family and a period of intensive lovemaking resulted in her first pregnancy and the birth of a lovely baby daughter. We were a family, a happy family indeed, though several of my friends had warned me about getting too involved with a party girl who was used to short relationships. Of course I ignored all such warnings.

When, our little daughter Lina was six months old Alexandra began talking about wanting one more child and the advantages of having the second child rather soon after the first. A few days before Lina's first birthday Alexandra told me that the tests were positive. Once again we had a daughter and agreed to name her Nelly. Two small children needed much care but we were able to do it without any quarrels. My business grew and I could afford to buy a nice house. Alexandra stayed at home until Nelly was two years old. She went back to her old job and everything was fine.

I was both proud and happy that almost everything went our way the next two years. Alexandra had began thinking about our big wedding and had a new idea almost every month. She did well in her job and got promoted, which meant some traveling but I don't think that she ever got involved in anything nasty during her business and conference trips.

Everything was still above board when the Bench was hired to the steel company as PR and marketing man and some kind of "door opener" during customer entertaining events, usually inviting important customers to soccer matches with our national team. At the beginning of their rather limited co-working, Alexandra had the same opinion about him than most others both at the company and in our small town. She used to tell me what a bragging zero he really was and it was a shame that his only qualification for getting his well-paid top job had been running after a leather ball on a lawn.