Ginny and Katy Pt. 14

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Katy goes to work, I stay home.
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Part 14 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012, Ginny spends a day at home

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I did sleep well, and had terrific dreams. I've never chased a cat. There had never been an opportunity. But there was a cat that came around to harass the birds that lived in my back yard trees. And I'd been out with Katy, and she had as much as suggested that I should while she was at work. And, finally, with the way Katy had taught me to run, it might be fun now. I had no expectation I'd catch the cat, but it seemed like it would be fun.

As was usual, I was up well before Katy. I spent a few minutes stretching to work out bit of stiffness from sleeping in an unfamiliar bed. Ginny slept on the the carpet here quite often with no ill effects. The folded blanket was more comfortable, but my body hadn't learned to sleep on it yet.

I got the kinks out then I rose up on my knees, putting my paws on the bed, and looked at Katy. Not exactly a vision of beauty. Her face was cute, of course. She can't help that. But her hair was all over the place, with some of it in her face. I wondered how she could sleep like that. Hair in my face always wakes me up. Her mouth was slightly open and she was snoring very quietly.

I used the bathroom, washed and reinserted my tail, then went exploring. No matter how often I do this, the house always looks different as Ginny. And with a real person in the house, things felt yet more different too. She might show up at any moment while I was doing anything at all.

I went downstairs and to the kitchen to see if Katy had provided for me. A new puppy bowl mat was near the refrigerator with both of my bowls on it. One filled with breakfast cereal, the other with water. I drank a little, ate a bit of cereal, then drank again.

I sent to sit at the kitchen's picture window, which looked out over the back yard, watching the shadows creep across the lawn as the sun rose. I often did this as Ginny, taking some time to think about life, mostly mine, past, present and future. Much of my thought was on the future this morning.

Any description I give of what I spend most of my time doing when I'm Ginny, while not interacting with someone, is going to sound boring. Maybe it is. But so much of life is boring, isn't it? If boring, it was very happy boring.

The joy here isn't so much about doing things as Ginny as simply being Ginny. I felt totally at peace and totally free at the same time. I get a similar feelings from being submissive to Katy. But this is like the dial was turned up a couple of notches.

Presently, I noticed it getting much lighter out, looked up to the clock and saw that I'd been sitting there, watching the yard and thinking, for almost an hour. I shook myself, looked down my back, wagged my tail, then went up to my bedroom. Katy would be getting up soon.

On my way through the living room I picked up the chewed panties Katy had given me. When I got upstairs I dropped them on my blanket and went across the hall to her room. Knocking down her laundry hamper I rooted around until I found her bra and shirt from last night. I brought them back to my blanket too, got into "down," and waited. In a few minutes I heard her sliding her body across the sheets.

She said, "Oh! My panties!" A pause. "Funny, Ginny. The ones I had on last night were white. Well, I'm totally awake now. My bra and shirt too. I'm going to have to pick up in my bathroom, right?"


She reached down to play with my hair, petting me, ruffling it, scratching behind my ears. I turned and licked her hand. She took it away, gently, then rolled out of bed and stood. I licked her feet, working my way up her legs. She smiled down at me, but put her hands on my head to stop me from going near her sex.

"Ginny, go play. Before that, take by bra and shirt back into my room."

I did as she said and returned. The shower was running when I peaked into the room. I ran over, got the panties, ran back out, and went down to the living room to waited for her.

She came into the living room with the box of chocolates under her arm, unwrapping one with her hands, pushed open the kitchen door and paused. I was disappointed to see she was fully dressed. I'd been hoping to be able to lick her off before she left.

"Can you catch?"


"You don't know. Well, I think we'll find out soon. Here."

She held out half a chocolate to me. I went over and took it from her fingers. She put the other half in her mouth. I followed her into the kitchen.

She started coffee and prepared a bagel while I followed her around or sat by her when she stopped. She patted me several times. I whined and sniffed at her crotch.

"Not today, baby. We're going to see how you handle yourself alone, it wouldn't do to leave you with my scent in your nose all day, would it?"

I'm thinking, "Well, yes it would!" but the question was obviously rhetorical.

I sighed and rubbed my face against her leg.

"Good girl."

I laid on the floor by my bowls while she had breakfast. She finished and put her cup in the sink, bringing her to stand right by me.

She said, "You probably know this better than I do, but I'll say it anyway. You don't have any hands so you can't play with yourself. You can use the couch, of course. Remember to clean up if you do.

If you want to go outside you can use your hand to open and close the door. Answer the phone if you need to. You already keep a dress in front closet in case someone comes while you're nude. Remember to remove your collar and tail before you answer the door.

Eventually she seemed ready to go, crouched down to kiss me, with some passion, leaving me aroused but not too badly so. Off she went.

I'm not going to say a lot about what went on during the day. I did come once in the morning, humping myself on the arm of the couch. Then licked it clean as I'd been told. Cleaning up my crotch and thighs was more of a challenge. I used my paws wiping my myself and then licking them clean. It took quite a few minutes, but I was well satisfied with myself when I was done.

I played and napped, went out and walked around the yard and a little way into the woods. I had to use the arm of the couch again in the afternoon. I'd often gone days without doing this when I'd been on my own. But I was just too worked up thinking about Katy at work thinking about me here like this.

I was in the back yard, watching the fish, when I heard the garage door go up. I ran into the house, positioned my self near the door to the garage and went into "sit." The door opened, Katy stepped in, and I went into my best "excited puppy" routine. Jumping around, pawing her legs and belly, rubbing my body against her, whining and yapping. She seemed delighted, giggling, laughing and stroking me.

"Now that's a greeting. Down, Ginny. Sit."

I did, panting and not quite sitting still. It wasn't all acting, or role playing, either. I really was excited to see her. The puppy mind set is very persuasive. And I was deeply horny as well. She walked to the island, put her briefcase down, sat down at the table and took her shoes off. I broke "sit," moved over by her, then sat again, making sure I was in easy reach. She didn't disappoint me, patting me and cooing at me.

She asked, "Did you have a good day Ginny?"

Bark, bark, bark!

"You did. And did you have to hump the couch today?"

I looked down, a bit of shame from somewhere adding spice to the moment.


"Me too. Well, not the couch. My own hand in the ladies room."

I looked up to her smiling at me.

"I'm going to need my puppy to use her so talented tongue for me after dinner."

And I thought, "God, do we have to wait that long." But all I said was...


She prepared a quick dinner for us both, steak, potatoes and gravy. Dumped the cereal I hadn't eaten and filling my bowl. I stood looking into it, knowing that this meal I would certainly end up with some food on my face.

"Eat up, Ginny."

So be it. I started. She'd been careful with the temperature. Warm enough to be good, but not hot enough to hurt my face or nose. I was almost done before it dawned on me that on my knees, with my chest lowered almost to the floor so I could get my face in the bowls, I was pretty much displaying my sex to her sitting at the table.

I'd been wagging my tail from time to time, just from the joy if it all, while I ate. But the thought of what she must be seeing caused me to wag harder. I looked over my shoulder. She watching me and smiled when I looked at her.

I spread my legs a bit more and curved my back to push my ass even nigher up, exposing myself even more. I could feel myself swelling and, in a moment, my clitoris starting to slide out of it's hood. I continued to eat, but I was no longer thinking about the food.

When I finished I turned and saw Katy had finished and was just watching me. She'd taken her t-shirt and bra off and was idly playing with one of her nipples.

"Come here, baby."

I walked over, sat, and she cleaned my face off with her napkin, then stood to remove her pants and panties. I promptly jammed my face in her crotch and started to lick her.

"Oops! Not yet! Sit!"

She pushed me back and I whined up at her.

She cleared the table, and washed and put away everything.

I felt a twinge of guilt that I wasn't helping, and thought that if we did this long term we'd have to settle the issue of house work. Feeling guilty about not doing my share would diminish the joy of being Ginny.

But for tonight I just enjoyed following her around, licking her legs and behind and being a minor nuisance. I was having fun and she seemed to be as well.

She closed the last cabinet and turned to face me. Put her behind up against he edge of the counter, planted her feet far apart, and gripped the edge of the marble top with both hands.

"Now, puppy. You know what mama needs."

She froze looked at me round eyed.

"Um, that is..."

She was wondered if that "mama" was going to trigger me into a flash back. I was aware that it probably should have, but it didn't. I was a little surprised. Like the "mama spank" comment before, it was an unintentional exact quote from my mother. I decided I'd have to think about why it didn't some other time.

I ran forward, in two quick jumps, and dove into her, pushing my face in so hard she went up on her toes, then backed off to let her put her feet flat on the floor. I moved my face back an inch, extended my tongue, and started feather light touches of her outer lips. She shuddered and put her hands gently on my head. Not directing me at all, just touching me.

I had my paws on the front of her hips. I briefly wished for my hands, and considered calling time out, but decided not to. We were trying to convince her, and to some extent myself as well, that this could work long term. And the desire to meet challenge of doing this without hands was strong.

So I let myself immerse even more fully into Ginny. I started licking her more firmly. Working around her outer lips and mound then moving between, reaching into her inner lips. I watched her swell as she became more and more turned on.

Saw her clitoris, much smaller than mine, pop out of it's hiding place. I rubbed it with my nose while I licked her further down, putting my tongue as far into her as I could reach. She again went up on her toes and I could hear her whimpering.

As I varied my attentions between her clit and her opening she moved up and down on her toes. I felt her hands leave my head and heard the slap as they grabbed the counter. She was twisting slowly from side to side and started humping my face. I took her over the edge. She groaned and nearly fell down, holding herself up with the counter and by leaning on my face. Her groan continued, becoming deeper, more guttural, more animal as the orgasm spread through her body.

She pushed me away and slipped down to sit on the floor, one hand going to her sex as she pushed herself to another orgasm. Her body relaxed completely as she passed the crest.

She slid sideways against the cabinets and came to rest on her side, one hand caught between her tightly closed legs, which she'd pulled up to her chest. I peaked around and saw, from behind, her fingers gently rubbing herself. Her breathing slowing back towards normal. I went into my laying down pose and watched her. I was not feeling patient and could feel myself dripping on the tiles.

Her eyes flickered open, hunted around for a few seconds, then focused on me.

"You are such a good puppy, Ginny."

I growled at her.

"You need some attention yourself?"

I crawled forward, in "down" pose, got close and licked her knee and whined.

"Man, you're so good at this. If I closed my eyes I'd think you were a real puppy."


"Sorry, '...I'd think you were a canine puppy.' Is that right?"


"Right. I understand."

She flopped over on her back.

I got up, moved over her leg and started rubbing myself on her thigh.

She said, "Ginny, stop. I'm going to let you, but stop for a minute."

She knew that humping her leg was my favorite. I sat there with my open pussy pressed against her thigh. Resisting, mostly, moving on her. She got up on her elbows to look into my face.

"Baby, this time let's do it exactly the way you want. Virginia told me ways you like it. Let's find out what you want right now."

Oh, I was going to love this.


"I know you like it when I sit and you climb me. Do that?"


"No. We tried doing it while I was standing and it didn't quite work. But... try that again?"


"That was quick. Here?"


"I didn't think so. The tiles would be hard on your knees. But no, that can't be it. You'll be on your toes most of the time. Somewhere soft?"


She tried living room, bedroom, and bed. I yipped to all of them.

I jumped off of her, ran over to the back door and scratched.



She got up.

"Do you want me dressed?"


"Oh, that will be fun, huh?"


She started getting dressed as she quizzing me.

"Do I try to stop you?"


"Tell me how hard I try, one bark for not much, five for really hard."

Bark, bark.

She was dressed.

"Sneakers too?"


She put her sneakers on then surprised me by putting my leash on me.

"Let's go for a walk, Ginny."

I looked up and she winked at me. Ah, we were playing at Ginny starting on her. We went out and walked around the yard a little. I rubbed her leg with my face and rubbed my body up against her. She stopped to look at me. I came up to her and whined.

"What is it girl? What's wrong?"

If she'd call me "Lassie" or inquired about Timmy and the well I would not have been surprised.

I walked my front paws up her body and put my nose in her crotch, sniffed, as puppy play, but then caught her scent and really inhaled deeply. I started slowly rubbing my crotch against her shin.

She said, "Stop that!" and pulled on my leash.

She actually pulled me off. I jumped back on, wrapped my front legs around her leg and tried the same with my back legs. This was where we'd failed before. When I got my legs around hers I couldn't thrust. I kept falling, literally, on my tail. So I'd looked up some videos online.

This time pulled myself way up one her leg, so I was crouching with my arms wrapped tightly around her upper thigh, my right arm right in her crotch. I curved my spine to force my pussy against the denim on her leg. And it worked. It worked pretty damn fast too.

She pulled on my leash, told me to stop, pulled my head back by my hair so I could see her telling me to stop and threatening to punish me, telling me I was a bad puppy, a disobedient bitch, and so on. It all went straight to my pussy.

I started to jerk up and down rather than sliding. Sudden, hard, very stimulating movements. I was gasping, whining, whimpering, and growling. She saw how close I was, and that her treatment of me was working. She grabbed my collar directly and pulled me up, not away.

She said, "Alright, you've done it. I'm going to have to wash these pants now. STOP, dammit, Ginny!"

I was right there, right on the edge. She leaned down close to my face, I was expecting another blast of simulated anger. But God did she know me.

She almost whispered. "Come now!"

Our eyes locked on each others, and I did. Hard. I kept rubbing on her leg in spasms, howling like a werewolf seeing the new moon.

A door bang open next door and someone yelled, "Shut up that damn dog!"

Katy giggled, but I just came again, and howled again, then started to slid down her leg. She caught me under my arms and gently lowered me to the ground.

She dropped down beside me, petting my head and rubbing my back from my neck down to my tail. I had my legs pulled up to my chest, my arms folded over my breasts. My pussy was fully exposed from behind. She rubbed me there gently. I jumped and gasped.

"Can you come again, Ginny?"

My bark wasn't very loud, but she heard. She rubbed a bit harder, putting two fingers inside me.

I said, "Oh."

She smiled, "Oh?"

I growled then whimpered.

"There's my Ginny."

She took her time about it, bringing me to a gentle and even relaxing climax. I was crying, joyfully so, when she picked me up and carried me into the house. She bathed me again, puppy style, then put me on the foot of the bed where I curled up and went happily to sleep.

The last thing I heard was, "I love you, Ginny."

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Mymantoy999Mymantoy999over 7 years ago
This absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

As I said, having experience with puppy play, this is just an outstanding story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

One of the best pet play stories I have read. Love the detail and look forward to megan and penny if you are continuing that one

VirginiaMarieAndrewsVirginiaMarieAndrewsover 9 years agoAuthor
Puns memes

On "chasing pussy"... There is an incident in a future part where Virginia describes her encounter with the cat to Katy. It's kind of funny, so I could see her using this phrase.

On "I taut I saw a puddy tat?," it won't really fit in G&K, but is is something that, under the right circumstances, Mehan (Penny and Megan) might say. I'll see if it fits. It would be cute, and show another side of her.

Thanks for the suggestions.

And thanks, both you and DreamCloud, for the nice comments. I kind of have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for this installment.

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
VMA, i hope... get the opportunity to to use the pun "chasing pussy". Or even the meme "I taut I saw a puddy tat?"

DreamCloudDreamCloudover 9 years ago

The kinky romance continues. The romp in the back yard was delightful, as was the agreement of love at the end. It is sweet honey mixed with hard crunchy nuts.

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