GianCarlo Ch. 07

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The Girls TURN UP!
10.8k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/04/2012
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Author's Note: Hello everyone, here is the next installment. I received all of your emails and comments and I do appreciate all of them, they're my motivation to keep writing. I hope you enjoy this installment and haven't given up on me. Ciao Bellas


It was nights like these that Analise both loved and hated. She sat on the veranda of her studio painting. The night was breezy and the warm wet south Florida air was comforting. The moon was high in the sky and Analise looked up at it often as she contemplated where her life had brought her. She missed her son. His face floated around in her consciousness. It wasn't the beaten and bruised face that had plagued her mind for the longest. It was the image a sweet bright eyed boy with the gaze of his father and the quiet observance of his mother. She wanted him back, to hold him once more.

Analise looked down at the canvas before her and saw that face smiling back. She trusted her little boy to Durante and part of her still did but with that trust came a longing ache in her heart. The painting turned into the bloody face of her twenty three year old son in her mind's eye and she looked away. This was the same veranda that she stood from to watch Durante"punish" Gian.

Every bloody wet blow wretched at her heart but she'd convinced herself that this was for the best. Now, she couldn't convince herself of that any longer. She watched as Durante, splattered with Gian's blood, stalk angrily into the house and two of his men pick up his unconscious body and dragged him away. She regretted that night for it was the last time she saw Gian.

She heard a sound from the French doors and turned to see her mate standing at the door. She smiled sullenly at his appearance. He was normally dressed to the t but she loved to see him unbuttoned with his dark wavy hair a bit mussed and in his face. He didn't look like the tyrant he was known as.

"Dulcezza" He said addressing her in Italian.

"Amore mio," She answered as he made his way towards her.

"I miss him," She said in her native tongue, an older version of the Italian language, one that only her mate understood.

Durante nodded showing a measure of empathy. He held out his hand she took it without hesitation. He pulled her up and wrapped her in his arms.

"You've trusted me," He stated softly with a reverence that showed how much he knew of her emotions.

"Dulcezza Amore, My son, the one you've given me, I've taken care of for the past three years. Yes, I've been hard on him but it was to make him strong, to turn him into a man. I've afforded him the very best and I've gotten him help. I'm so pleased to tell you that he's doing so well. He's endeavored to make both me and you proud."

"Has he?" Analise asked dejectedly. How could she be sure of anything he said."I haven't spoken to him since he left. It's hard to even believe he's still alive."

Durante pulled away to look into his mate's eyes. He gave her a small wry smile that scared Analise for a moment."Ask me, Dulcezza; ask me for anything this moment and I'll give it to you."

His smile turned from sinister to infectious as she realized what he was offering."Amore mio vida, Can I speak with him? Can I see him?"

"Yes" He said pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Tonight?" She pushed.

He chuckled, kissing her again."Unfortunately not so soon but before the year is out"


Stefan watched Gian pace his bedroom for a while before he made himself known.

"Took your time there, didn't you?" Gian quipped as soon as he saw Stefan.

"Don't be a dick; I'm on your side." Stefan said as he made his way to the bathroom door.

He could tell Delia was in the bathroom pacing as Gian was.

Stefan knocked,"Delia, its Stefan"

After a few seconds the door slowly opened and Delia looked out. She let out a sigh of relief as she stepped back to let him in.

"You let him in but not me?! You barely know him!" Gian shouted in frustration when he saw her.

"I know he's not a monster or crazy person!" She shot back. Gian didn't seem hurt by that statement like Stefan thought he'd be, he seemed more provoked than anything.

"He's not a monster!? Guess what honey, he-"

"Shut up, Gian. Find a seat somewhere!" Stefan shouted cutting him off before slipping into the bathroom.

"What am I going to do?" Delia asked softly when Stefan shut the door behind him,"I gave up everything for him and now..."

"Now, what?" Stefan asked taking a seat on the toilet seat to watch Delia pace. She seemed a little on edge, maybe frustrated, and a little frightened but not hysteric as Stefan suspected.

"Now he's...crazy. Is he? I mean he thinks he is a vampire or maybe he is. He has fangs, Stefan! Did you know? Of course you knew, you tried to warn me but I was so...stupid."

"You know," Stefan said speaking calmly hoping she would do the same."He's been a vampire the whole time. From the day you met him until now."

Delia paused, thinking about what he said. She didn't look convinced.

"He's the same Gian you fell in love. You still do love him."

"I-I still can't wrap my mind around this whole vampire thing, like he could kill me."

"Calm down, Ms. Melodramatic, this isn't twilight. Gian would never hurt you. He was born a vampire and is in control of whatever he does, he's not some rabid beast only concerned with bloodlust."

"But he hunts humans. He drinks their blood. By his very nature he hurts people."

"The only way he hurts people is by being a dick to everyone."


"We are civilized we feed from bagged blood, donated blood from compensated donors. That's one of the businesses Gian's father deals in."

"We? Are you a vampire too?"

"Yes, I am but I was made into one, It saved my life. Yes, it's true sunlight burns us, yes we have fangs, but we are sentient beings as in control of our desires, like hunger, as much as any human is."

"This is crazy," Delia said leaning against the wall. Understanding was dawning on her.

Those twenty minutes felt like hours to Gian as he paced. He was so afraid he was losing her. He kept running it through his head, what would he do if she left with Stefan and never came back. He'd beg her to stay; he had no dignity, no pride when it came to Delia. The door slowly creaked open and Gian stopped in his tracks. The first person out was Stefan.

"You really need to work on communication if you're going to be in a relationship," he said rather gruffly before disappearing.

"Asshole," Gian muttered. Delia came out next. Her eyes darted around the room.

"Where'd Stefan go?" She asked.

"He left," Gian answered softly, he wasn't sure how to act after the fiasco. Delia's wary gaze told him she wasn't sure how to act either.

"I'm sorry," Gian said,"I should have told you but honestly how do you tell someone you're a vampire?"

"No, no, I get it. Shit, this is crazy." She said but made no move from the bathroom door.

"Are you still scared of me?" Gian ventured to ask after a few silent moments.

"No," She said quickly then back-tracked"Yes, a little but I know I shouldn't be. You're the same Gian I..." She paused, her gaze softening.

"You're still my Giancarlo." She said finally


Stefan phased into the hall in front of his apartment lest Denise had woken. Thinking about the mess between Gian and Dee, Stefan made a quick decision. He had to tell Denise. She just finished spilling her soul to him and he owed her the same. He opened the door with a strong resolve to only have it crumble when Denise mumbled"Hey, sexy" with her sleep soaked voice and half opened eyes.

He couldn't imagine losing her. Stefan soaked in that view of her body spread on his couch as she looked at him like he was the best thing on earth. He savored it, because he couldn't foretell how she'd react. He realized Gian was stronger than he'd given him credit for. Gian had to give up his mate twice, when Stefan couldn't imagine doing it even once.

"Hey, babe" Stefan said taking a seat next to Denise as she made room for him.

"What's up?" She asked,"Something wrong?"

"No, nothing. I just had to take care of something for Gian. Babe, I got to tell you something."

"What is it? Should I be scared?" She asked again sensing Stefan's distress. It wasn't like him to beat around the bush and it scared her that he was.

"No, calm down its nothing...I'm a vampire." Stefan rushed to say. Confusion was the first expression and he expected that.

"You said. . . you're a vampire?" She clarified. Stefan nodded letting her digest what he said.

"A vampire like how?" She asked,"I have a friend who's a"vampire" who feeds on"life forces" and energies and shit like that. Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

Denise never took Stefan to be someone who believed in stuff like that much less participates in it. She was okay with it if that's the case, but the way Stefan kept his gaze anywhere but on her face told her that it wasn't the case.

"No, not like that he said gently, taking the time to pronounce his words,"I'm a vampire in the more traditional meaning of the word."

"Like those people who drink blood. Like the guy that was on the Tyra Show that one time. I got to admit that's kind of weird but-but I'm okay with it."

Stefan sighed, this was getting him nowhere, and"I'm a literal vampire, an actual real life vampire."

Denise looked at him in confusion, then smiled,"You're fucking with me aren't you?"

Stefan simply shook his head.

"Hold up wait, I'm trying to figure out if I'm the crazy one or is it you."

"Let me explain." Stefan said. He spent the next thirty minutes calmly explaining everything to Denise. He even told her about how he was turned and showed her his fangs and the bagged blood in his fridge and the whole thing.

"Does Delia know Gian's a vampire?" She asked finally.

"Yeah, she just found out."

"Is she buying it?"

"Denise," Stefan said taking her by the hand; she seemed to have retreated inward as she listened. Her face was unreadable.

"Are you buying it? Do you believe me or do you think I'm crazy? I need to know."

"I think I do buy it, but damn if this isn't a mindfuck. I have so many questions."

"At least you're taking this way better than your sister."

"Yeah, well my freak out might be delayed so don't get your hopes up." She said then gave him a mischievous smile.

"So do you think about sucking my blood, since I'm your mate?" She asked.

Stefan chuckled,"Not exactly. As your mate I think of sucking other things."

"Ooh, Stefan you bad boy," Denise growled.

Happiness bloomed inside of Stefan. She accepted him regardless of whether she fully understood. Denise was first and foremost logical and if something walked, talked, and quaked like a duck she took it to mean it was a duck and Stefan loved that about her. Not only was Stefan ecstatic by Denise's acceptance it aroused him. He was completely wrapped around her finger and wanted nothing more than to make her moan his name.

Stefan leaned in for a kiss when Denise leaned out of his reach. Stefan's heart dropped,"Are you afraid of me?"

"No," She said,"I'm afraid of those fangs of yours spontaneously popping out with my tongue in your mouth."

"I've been a vampire for 20 years I have control of my fangs."

"20 years?" She asked taking time to do some calculations,"So you're like fifty eight!"

"Fifty seven," he corrected feeling his heart drop for the second time.

"Well," she said seeming to think it over,"Edward was a hundred and Bella was eighteen."

Stefan chuckled with relief before pulling his mate to his lips kissing her. It was as if her kisses were sweeter and her embrace warmer.

"I'm so happy," He whispered over and over against her lips.

"You thought I'd leave you?" She asked.

"I ...don't know what I'd do if you left me."

"Don't ever worry about that. You've been so good to me; I'm not ready to give you up. This whole vampire thing seems really fucking crazy but I know you. You don't talk to say words, you've always been sincere and I'm inclined to believe you. I'm not that easy to get rid of, unless you fuck and/or kill my sister and/or my mother, unless you had a good reason. In that case you're only allowed to kill them if there was a zombie apocalypse and they were infected AND a direct threat." She said

"Wow dark towards the end there."

"AND..." Denise said wanting to add one more, likely stipulation,"You can't drink their blood unless it's an extreme emergency and they're willing participants."

"I swear," Stefan said chuckling.

Denise quickly straddled Stefan's lap and placed his palms over her breast holding them there."You have to swear on my breast." She said giggling.

"I'm not sure that's something people do." Stefan said finding it hard not to cup her breasts and revel in their weight and softness. He was almost certain Denise could feel his semi-erect bulge.

"Do it! Swear!" She urged with a playful smile.

"I, Stefan, swear on these beautiful C-cups that..."

"They're at least a D-cup." Denise corrected.

"Hmm," Stefan said feigning seriousness. He kneaded them as if were considering there ripeness. This caused Denise to giggle."I'm sorry you're right. I swear upon these Delightful D-cups that I will never do the aforementioned fucking, killing, and drinking from you mother and sister unless in the dire circumstances previously described. Satisfied?" He asked.

"Yes," She answered sweetly with one of her genuine smiles that made Stefan's heart skip a beat. She leaned in to kiss him, a soft thing that picked up momentum. Stefan's hands still cupped Nise's breast and he could feel her nipples harden in the palm of his hand. Just that knowledge sent slivers of pleasure through his body. He couldn't contain himself.

His arms went around her waist pressing her into his mounting erection. She responded by rubbing herself against him, mewling into their kisses.

She moaned as she broke their kiss."Someone's going to get lucky," She sing-songed.

"Denise," Stefan said in that tone he used before a lecture about taking things slow.

She cut him off saying,"Whether they like it or not," causing Stefan to chuckle.

She leaned back in his lap pulling her white undershirt over her head, having long ago discarded her white oxford work shirt. She reached behind her and unfastened her bra all the while flashing Stefan a lascivious grin. When she dropped her black lacy bra to the ground, Stefan instinctually cupped her breast. They were so soft and plump, overfilling his hand with oaken flesh, He rolled her dark nipples between his fingers and reveled in the sweet hiss from Denise. He drew one her nipples in his mouth causing Denise to throw her head back in sweet ecstasy.

He wanted Denise so bad he couldn't contain it. His hands were all over her skin while she ran her fingernails through his scalp. Denise fisted the short hair at his nape pulling his head up to look at her.

"Someone's hungry for titties," She said on a laugh before kissing him, teasing his tongue with hers.

Denise pulled her pencil skirt up past her hips and Stefan's hands followed, groping handfuls of her dark thighs and fleshy ass. His fingers bypassed her panties finding smooth flesh underneath.

Denise loved how his hands explored her body it was as if he hadn't had a nice ass in his lap for a while. She smiled to herself. This debonair and mysterious man who had the power to make her melt somehow wasn't getting laid on the regular. Denise decided she needed to rectify it. She made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off his shoulders then pulling his undershirt over his head.

"My God! Please tell me you weren't hiding all this from me." Denise said running her hands down his chest. His body felt like smooth velvet over warm steel. His skin was a beautiful olive tone with little brown nipples and a sprinkling of dark hair down the center of his chest. His muscles were beautifully sculpted.

"I wanted to make sure you weren't with me for my body." He teased.

Denise laughed as her hands explored Stefan's bottom half, her fingers hooking into the band of his pants, unbuttoning them and sliding his zipper down. She reached inside palming his cock. His hiss of pleasure was all the assurance she needed. She trailed kisses down his neck as she gently ran her thumb over the head of his dick.

"Goddamn," He groaned softly. She slid out of his lap to her knees in front of him, pushing his legs open and running her nails up his thighs. Denise released his cock and smiled as it stood at attention. It was thick with a slight curve. In the next moment she'd covered the head with her mouth reveling in the hot hard flesh on her tongue and the salty sweet taste of his pre-cum.

Stefan moaned when Denise sucked on it then popped it out of her mouth audibly. Before he could think she was putting his cock back into her mouth. Denise was giving him the best head of his life, making the sexiest sloppiest noises as she did. The pleasure reverberated through his body. He buried his hands in her thick black hair, unable to help himself. From where he sat he could see her long fingers playing with her nipples while the other cupped his balls.

"Damn, girl, what are you doing to me," He groaned when he felt his balls tighten with his impending orgasm. He pulled her to her feet by her shoulders.

"Why'd you stop me, I wanted your cum in my mouth." She purred causing Stefan's cock to jump of its own volition. This girl had the ability to make him feel like a virgin. It was time he showed her he was a worthy lover.

Scooting to the edge of the seat he ripped away her panties with no effort causing Denise to gasp in delight. He threw one of her legs over his shoulder burying his face in her shaved pussy. She was already so wet and he reveled in the taste on his tongue. With a few flicks of his tongue he caused her to grip his shoulders for support. He found her clit hard and throbbing and sucked it into his mouth. Denise moaned a beautiful sound to Stefan. He alternated between licking and sucking until she was grinding against his mouth.

He inserted one of his fingers into her slick opening. She fucked his finger as his tongue continued to play with her clit. Her body froze as if time stopped then she was coming and mewling. Her pussy spasmed around his fingers and Stefan lapped at her sweet juices. When she came down off of the high of her orgasm she brought Stefan to her lips. Kissing him through the taste of her sex.

Denise crawled onto Stefan lap. Taking Stefan cock, still hot and hard, she slid it into her small wet opening with a satisfied gasp. She slowly began to ride him moaning his name softly. He could only sit back and regard this beautiful creature slowly riding his dick. He committed to memory her twisted expression of ecstasy, the gentle sway of her brown full breasts with its chocolate nipples, and the sight of his pale swollen cock pushing into her dark folds.

Her pussy walls gripped him so perfectly, he found himself thrusting his hips upward to meet her. Denise moaned from the force of it. She began to feel her body shudder so much so that she couldn't make a sound just titter on the edge of orgasm. Stefan wrapped strong arms around her pistoning his cock into her faster and harder until she was coming.

Stefan moaned loudly as her sopping pussy contracted around his dick. He couldn't hold on much longer. He came hard pumping his seed deep into his beautiful love as she held onto him, moaning his name between kisses she pressed to his neck and ears. He slumped back into the couch holding onto Denise as the last waves of their orgasm washed over them. It occurred to him he couldn't possibly deserve a gem like Denise. She was his perfect half built up for him; he only hoped he could be the same for see.