Getting Over Edie Ch. 04


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"What the fuck, dude?" The loud exclamation made both Arden and Grady look up.

It was Stevie, standing at the front entrance.

She looked positively pissed off. Arden caught his eye and nodded towards the door. Excusing himself, he joined with Arden as she made her way to Stevie, who was still fuming.

"Stevie what's wrong?"

Stevie gestured towards the doorway, where Dylan was currently leaning awkwardly. He looked hammered. Stevie rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Come on man. Are you fucking kidding me right now? Look at you!"

Dylan glanced at his bandmate, the drunken and drugged haze making it hard for him to concentrate. "What is your problem?" he asked, his voice gruff. "Why are you yelling?"

Stevie gritted her teeth. "We're supposed to be mingling with these people. They're trying to promote our music, and here you are, hours late and fucked up beyond belief. What the fuck did you expect me to say?"

Dylan waved her explanation away, before slipping his black Wayfarer sunglasses over his eyes.

Stevie looked ready to snatch him up by the scruff of his collar, but luckily Dax got there first. "Chill girl," Dax said calmly, his light green eyes settling on Stevie. "I got this." Ever the peacemaker, Dax shifted Dylan so that the bulk of his wiry frame was resting on him.

"I'll take him outside to get some air." He casually walked Dylan across the room, ignoring the curious stares of the party guests to the balcony on the opposite wall.

Stevie whipped around to face Arden, her dark features scrunched in a scowl. "This is fucking bullshit. We're supposed to be making a good impression on these people and he's ass wasted."

"Pretty sure he's also coked out of his mind too," Arden said offhandedly.

"Not helping," Stevie said.

"Come on pumpkin. I'm sure no one even noticed how fucked up he was. Look, no one's even paying attention now."

She was right; As Grady scanned the room he noticed people were back to their original positions, talking and behaving as if Dylan's immature ass didn't make a damn scene.

Stevie sighed. "I guess so. I just don't need this shit right now." She pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. "He's so fucking stupid. I mean he always was, but now that he's dating that twit..." The rest of her sentence died on her lips as Edie sauntered into Tony's apartment.

Grady felt his heart quicken at the sight of her.

It wasn't how he expected; he thought when he'd see her again that his stomach would lurch and he would feel like he was going to throw up. But this, this wasn't dramatic at all. She did look pretty good, albeit a little drunk and maybe a little more than that, but no worse for wear.

She was wearing a bright green and silver cocktail dress with matching shoes. Her caramel colored skin was tan and shimmering, and her dark hair was tousled carelessly in loose beach waves.

Stevie rolled her eyes, barely concealing her dislike. "Of course. Of fucking course. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to support my boyfriend and his artistic creativity," Edie replied snidely.

Arden gulped audibly as Stevie's looks morphed murderously. "Come again? His 'artistic creativity'? That motherfucker can barely string two complete sentences together and suddenly he's the fucking genius behind this whole thing? Get the fuck OUT of here with that bullshit. Whatever shit you snorted in the cab must be really fucking good if you think that piece of shit has any creativeness in him."

Edie shooed away her comments with an impatient wave of her hand, which only seemed to enrage Stevie more. "I don't have time for this," she snapped, her accent thickening. "Where is Dylan?"

Arden pointed in the direction of the balcony. "He's outside getting some air, although I'm hoping Dax was smart and just pushed him over the edge. I doubt anyone but you would miss him."

Edie pretended to ignore that as well, starting for the balcony when Grady suddenly spoke. "So you're going to pretend like you don't see me here."

She eyed him warily. "What?"

The look on his face was incredulous. "What? Really? That's all you have to say is 'what'?"

Edie rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't speak to the press without my publicist present. Excuse me, I have to go find my boyfriend." With an expert turn on her heel, she sauntered past them, leaving Grady positively shocked.

Stevie was the first to speak. "What the fuck did you see in that hellbeast? Does her pussy shoot out gold bars?"

Grady should have been pissed; her brush-off was ignorant and ridiculous. Shaking his head, he turned his gaze to Arden. "I have to get the fuck out of here."

Arden nodded understandingly. "It's cool. I need to leave too. I've got an early rehearsal tomorrow. Can we walk out together?"

He shrugged casually. "Whatever. I just know if I stay here any longer I'm gonna wind up saying some ignorant shit and I don't want to cause another scene."

"I hear you." Arden glanced at Stevie. "Are you going to be okay to get home?"

"Yeah," Stevie replied. "I'll leave with Gemma. If she's staying with Tony though, I'm sure Dax wouldn't mind giving me a ride home. I'll see you later." She gave Arden a quick hug.

Arden turned back to Grady. "Are you ready to go?"

"Fuck yes. I'll tell Tony goodbye some other time." He headed out the door, with Arden close on his heels. They were silent as they rode the elevator down. It was only when they were outside did Grady finally speak.

"What the fuck was that?"

Arden shook her head. "I honestly don't know." She stretched out her arm, hailing a cab from the busy street. "Wanna share? We don't live too far from one another."

Grady nodded, opening the car door and stepping aside so she could get in. He slid in after her, shutting the door with a forcefully. He listened as Arden gave the driver her address, but his mind was still reeling. So this is how she wanted to play the game, he thought irritably. "Fuck her," he cursed aloud.

"Don't worry about it, Grady" Arden replied. "Who knows what she was fucked up on."

He shook his head. "I'd liked to say that was the result of a really good coke high, but sadly I'm pretty sure that's just naturally Edie."

"You think maybe she's seen your stuff?"

Grady scoffed. "I have no doubt she did, given her shitty reaction." He was quiet for a moment.

He couldn't really fault her for being upset; after all, this was her story too. And he knew from the moment he told Nell to run the first article that Edie's reaction wouldn't be in favor of the idea. Well he didn't give two shits. It was thrilling and completely satisfactory to piss her off.

So why didn't he feel like celebrating?

He felt the tips of Arden's fingers brush the top of his hand. When he glanced down he realized she was just picking up her gold metallic clutch. His heartbeat, which jumped slightly, returned to normal. Well that was odd, he thought.

"Are you okay?" He looked up. She was gazing at him, unsure how to read him.

He shrugged. "It's whatever. I guess I'm still trying to process what exactly happened."

"I hear you. I should probably text Stevie and see if things are alright." She opened her clutch, shifting some stuff around before exclaiming loudly. "Fuck! I think I left my phone."

"Where, at Tony's?"

She shook her head. " least I don't think so. Oh wait. I think it's at the dance studio. I changed over there before going to Tony's. It must still be in my classrooom."

"Well do you want me to come with you to get it?"

"No you don't have to do that."

"I don't mind. Besides, it's late as shit and you shouldn't be walking these streets alone at this hour. Especially with the way you look."

She smiled, her wide grin lighting up her face.

"Oh yeah? And how do I look?"

"Like an expensive escort." His grin was sly as she slapped him playfully on the arm.

"I look fucking awesome. Admit it. Go on and say it. Say 'Arden, you look fucking sexy'."

Grady rolled his eyes dramatically but complied.

"Arden, you look fucking sexy."

She grinned. "Now was that so hard?"

His eyes lowered as the tip of her pink tongue peeked out from between her full lips, wetting them slightly.

He shifted. When the hell did the simple act of licking one's lips become soft-core? Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the fact that he was in close proximity with an actual, warm-bodied female but he was definitely feeling some kind of way. He tried to play it cool as Arden informed the driver that they were headed for a different location.

It took them another ten full minutes of a silent cab ride before they reached Madam Dauphin's Dance Studio. Arden took out a jumble of keys from her clutch, shifting through a few before finding the right one for the lock. She opened the door and stepped inside, with Grady right behind.

"It's just down the hall here, my classroom" she said reassuringly. They walked brusquely down the darkened corridor before turning sharply to the left. Arden unlocked another door, this time a large wooden one.

Grady looked around. The dark room was large, with a panel of giant windows on the wall facing the door. The bright moonlight shone through, illuminating the room slightly. On the adjacent wall a broad mirror spanned the expanse, with a wood ballet barre in front.

A wall of cubbyholes faced the mirror on the opposite wall. Arden flitted over to the cubbyholes, searching quickly until she remarked "Aha!" and held up her phone triumphantly. "Thank god!" she exclaimed. "I'd feel totally lost without my baby."

"I hear you."

She stepped out of her heels, placing them in the cubbyhole and taking out a pair of simple black ballet shoes. "I'm sorry, but my feet were killing me. I love heels, but I'm definitely more comfortable wearing flats."

He smiled. "You look great in heels."

She returned the smile. "Thanks. But I could never do this in heels." Turning her feet out into first position, she balanced gracefully onto her toes before completing a small waltz step.

Grady whistled. "Very nice." He clapped dramatically, which made her grin. "Show me more of what you got, Finch."

"I don't give it away for free. That's what the show tomorrow is for."

"Well give me a preview."

She curtsied, her feet still en pointe. "As you wish." She began a series of dance steps. Grady watched intently, his eyes never leaving her body. She twisted, flexing taut muscles. Her limbs and her movement was strong, yet she maintained a feminine grace and fluidity that was nothing short of sexy.

Yes, sexy. When she executed a series of pirouettes her clip flew from her hair, releasing her ponytail. She became a whirl of purple and tangled curls.

He was fascinated. She oozed confidence but it wasn't her normal cocky demeanor. This was smoldering. He felt inexplicably drawn. Grady could feel something stirring deep down, something he never thought he'd feel again.

Grady Kade was turned on.

Arden ended her demonstration with a large leap, coming to stand a few steps in front of him. She panted slightly, a large grin on her face. Her limbs glistened with the result of her impromptu exercise. She felt the rush and excitement of her performance. "Well, what did you think?"

She noticed something was slightly off in his gaze. His vividly blue eyes were positively glowing in the dim light of the room. She couldn't read his look. It hovered between uncomfortable and something she couldn't place.

Arden stepped forward. "Are you okay?" she asked, wondering silently why she sounded so timid.

" You're fucking amazing," he finally said.

"Aww, thanks. It was nothing, really."

Grady shook his head, the same dazed look on his face. "No it was definitely something. The way you''re beautiful."

It was as if he were really seeing her for the first time. And to be honest, it probably was a first. He supposed he never really paid too much attention because after all, she was probably the most obnoxious person he'd ever met.

But here, in the dim light of a room that still carried a faint aroma of sweat and shoe leather, she fucking radiated beauty.

The bitter dark chocolate skin glowed from a fine sheen of sweat now covering her body. Her chest was heaving slightly, her chestnut hair sitting wildly about her shoulders. She glanced up at him with those wide brown eyes and something inside him snapped.

Grady went in for the kill, closing the gap between them. His hand reached out, snaking around her waist and pulled her close. She was tall; he liked that, the top of her head brushing his chin. He tilted her chin, forcing her to look at him. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, but he could see the dim flame of want in her eyes.

That was all the go-ahead he needed.

His lips connected with hers, so lightly it almost didn't feel real. She sighed softly, the warmth of her breath urging him forward. He brought her closer, pinning her body between his arms. The kiss deepened. It was as if he was no longer in control. He thought he would have been rusty, but soon discovered his body knew exactly what to do.

Arden was eager too. At first caught off guard, she quickly regained her wits. Grady felt her sink deeper into the kiss, her lips and body relaxing and allowing him entrance, which he eagerly took advantage off. He nibbled her plump bottom lip and she moaned, pulling him closer.

Her hands sought the cornsilk softness of his curls, her fingers weaving a path before tightening almost painfully in his locks.

Grady was on overload. He couldn't think. All his body could process was more. More tongue, more touch, more skin, more of her. Something was brewing inside him. His head filled with naughty visions of all the things he wanted to do, none of them involving clothes, but all them involving at least two full hours of exploration time.

He kissed her frantically, their tongues battling one another. She gave as much as he did, and that excited him. He was scared where this may lead but part of him was begging for the opportunity to go, to taste what lay beneath that cocky Arden demeanor. She would be a wild ride, for sure. Almost as wild as...


That thought stopped him cold, as if a deep frost had fallen on the moment. Gently, he detached himself from her and tried to ignore the look of confusion tinged with hurt on her face.

What was there to say? He was afraid to look at her; the chemistry between them was too palpable to ignore. It pulsed loudly in the darkness of the dance studio, ringing loudly in their ears.

They both wanted more than was offered, but the uncertainty of the after proved too much to handle.

Grady ran a hand through his hair and was surprised to see that he was shaking. He dared to sneak a peek at her and saw the torment on her face. She was torn, just as he was. The whole situation was confusing. He needed to get the hell out of there, before he did something he desperately wanted but would regret.

"I should go," he rasped as he finally found his voice.

Arden nodded vigorously. "Yeah." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

As he turned to leave, she tried to speak again but he stopped her. "Let's not, okay. Just...let me go."

He slinked out the door, practically ran down the corridor and out onto the sidewalk. He took a long deep breath and tried to stop his mind from overheating.

What the fuck just happened?


Don't you just love when life throws a monkey wrench into your plans? Dear Readers, something has happened that is bound to have serious consequences.

I didn't see this coming, not at all. And now I'm stuck here, in this giant fork in the road, wondering what my next course of action will be. Should I continue down my original path, trudging along and enjoying my stroll down Ignorance Lane or do I Man Up and take the road few would dare to travel?

That road is downright terrifying and will undoubtedly keep me on my toes but there's a possibility it will lead me somewhere I did not want to be. Or maybe, just maybe it will turn out to be the right road all along.

Decisions, decisions...

I have really landed myself in the shit this time.

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6King6Kingabout 1 year ago


silverstar88silverstar88about 5 years ago

So that's how you spell 'ginormous'? 😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Aww man! I was REALLY hoping they'd go for it, but as this is the third page of this chapter, I guess I knew they wouldn't. As for that bitch, Edie, the only comeuppance for that uppity piece of shit would be for the drugs to ruin her career, for Dylan to dump her on her ass, she goes crawling back to Grady, and Grady looks at her with complete disinterest before walking away smugly with Arden on his arm. Leaving Edie completely ashamed with a deflated ego, and a complete mess! But I guess we all have our own perfect Happy Endings, huh?

lisaisaleftylisaisaleftyabout 12 years ago
great story

I love the depth to your characters, although Edie's a real twatwaffle. Arden and Grady have chemistry that jumps from the page. Loving this story...

dylan_Jdylan_Jover 12 years ago
i can relate

i can so relate to the way grady feels. this story really hits home. and ironically enough, i met my arden. so its like im living as you write. i'm very afraid of where the road will take me, but i rather not regret not pushing forward because of fear, so i push on. i do hope grady and the you do as well...

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