Generative Change

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Brainwashing with AI generated content has really advanced.
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Chapter 1 - Arrival

Alison Greene walked into the nondescript office of Titus and Associates with a frown on her face. Not because she was disappointed in the appearance of the office, no, she had been expecting it to be as much before she arrived.

Instead, it was the annoying nit that was trying to burrow its way under her skin that was named Ian Sommers, which was the reason she was here, that caused her to frown.

Ian was a long-time rival in business, if you could call the last two years since she'd assumed the CEO role of her family business at the age of 28, a long time. Either way, he was a constant annoyance that seemed to appear at every step or turn she made.

Alison brushed a few stray strands of brown hair over her ear as she walked up to the counter, behind which a very professional woman sat. The blonde looked up and pushed her glasses up her nose and smiled, "Hello, welcome to Titus and Associates, do you have an appointment?"

Alison forced a half smile onto her face, "Yes, I have a two o'clock with Mr. Danby."

The woman sat up just a little bit straighter and started typing without breaking eye contact with Alison, "Oh, we've been expecting you Ms. Greene. Mr. Danby will be right out to collect you."

Alison nodded and then looked past the woman at the desk to the large double glass doors that were to the left of her. The glass was frosted and betrayed nothing that was going on behind them.

Much like the entire building, to be honest. A simple two-story grey building in the middle of a nondescript business park, a simple sign out front indicating the company name, and a half-full parking lot. She could tell there were loading docks farther back, probably at the rear of the building, but she didn't see any trucks when she'd driven into the parking lot.

Her thoughts were brought back to the moment as she heard one of the glass doors release and then swing into the lobby. A smiling gentleman, in a well-tailored grey suit, was opening it and looking toward her.

"Ms. Greene, welcome, I'm Wendell Danby, please come in." he said in a very proper English accent.

"Thank you." she replied and stepped over to the door and past him. She took a closer look at his attire and smiled a little, not as expensive as her own designer blue business suit, but still well above what even the most well-healed VP could afford.

He let the door swing closed and extended his hand, she shook it and recognized the well-practiced event for what it was.

"Please come with me, we have a meeting room set up for our discussion." Wendell said and guided her over to a mid-sized glass room, similarly frosted to ensure privacy. He offered her a drink or a snack but she demurred and thanked him as was appropriate for the occasion.

"So Ms. Greene, let's get down to business, shall we? What can Titus and Associates do for you?"

She grinned a little, at least he wasn't going to beat around the bush too much, "I'm told you can help with certain... problems, in a very unique way. I have such a problem and am looking for a solution."

Wendell looked a little uncomfortable, "Well, we are a very specialized, and expensive, service. However, you wouldn't be here without an existing client reference as well as our own due diligence of your... qualities, that would qualify you for our services."

"Yes, Howard was a little vague on the details, but assured me that you would be able to help with my problem."

Howard had been a family friend, well, forever as far as she knew. He'd been like an uncle to her growing up and had been a godsend when her parents had been killed in the plane crash. He was one of the only people who actually knew her true net worth.

Most people, even those in the financial industry, knew she was rich, as any CEO of a Fortune 500 company would be. They even knew she had some ownership stake at the company, but few had ever detangled the financial labyrinth her family had set up to ensure their near total ownership of a hundred billion dollar empire that spanned the globe.

If it was public knowledge, she would have been called the richest woman in the world.

Instead, she was known for leading a successful company, donating to charity, and championing women's rights once in a while. A semi-public figure that didn't seek the spotlight, but didn't turn away from it either. The only thing that brought her any notoriety was her young age and good looks for a CEO.

The last two things were the source of her problem with Ian Sommers.

He'd pounced on the, what he had assumed at the time, inexperienced CEO and tried to outmanoeuvre her time and again, even attempting to foment a revolt within her own company and perform a hostile takeover.

She put it down quickly, those that were unloyal to her were quickly learning the folly of their ways and found themselves blacklisted across the industry.

She could even have moved past Ian's disrespect of her business acumen, but there were two things that she couldn't get over. The first was the constant delays he was causing to her progress, making counter-offers to every company she was working with or trying to acquire. It was completely unacceptable.

But even that wouldn't have driven her to Titus and Associates. No, that was the second thing that she couldn't move past... his behaviour at the board meeting during his hostile takeover attempt.

They'd been at the meeting three weeks ago, him and his few traitors trying to convince her handpicked board members to betray her. Even *that* should she could look past... but when he stood beside her, in one final attempt to sway the board, and gave her ass a loud slap that they could all hear and said "You don't want this young slut telling you what to do for the rest of your lives do you?", she'd almost lost it and scratched out his eyes right then and there.

It was in that moment that she'd decided that just ruining Ian wasn't going to be enough. She needed something more.

"Perhaps then I can fill in some of the details Howard left out then..." Wendell said, a little more confidence in his voice.

"You see, we here at Titus and Associates specialize in personality reconditioning. Our clients range from government agencies to large corporations, to wealthy individuals, like yourself, that have a need to change something, about someone, discreetly."

Alison nodded with a smile forming on her lips, she had suspected as much.

"A government might want to turn a foreign agent into a double agent. A company might want to retain, or gain, a critically talented individual. An individual might want loyalty from someone who would not normally give it... or something a little more extreme."

"Oh, I'm most definitely interested in something a little more extreme Wendell." she said with a wicked grin on her lips.

Wendell nodded and then opened a portfolio that had been on the table since they came into the room, he pulled out a single 8x10 photo and slipped it over to her, "Can I assume we're talking about this subject? From the incident in the board meeting?" he asked.

She looked at the photo of Ian and frowned, unlike herself, he didn't take care of himself, he was overweight, balding, with terrible skin.

"You may. I see you've done your research. I thought I'd killed that gossip before it had spread." she replied, half annoyed that Wendell seemed to know more than he should.

"Yes, well, we do pride ourselves in our detailed research. As soon as your name came up we directed our research division to start building a dossier on you so we could anticipate your needs."

She nodded, "Good. I don't like to be kept waiting. So, how exactly does the process work? How... extreme can I go with him?"

"Both very good questions. The process is a three-phase program, but explaining it is easier if I can show it to you." he replied and stood up, gesturing for her to do the same.

"Follow me and I'll take you to a subject currently in phase one of the program." he continued and then walked out of the meeting room and down a hallway to the back of the office and away from the administrative area.

Chapter 2 - Phase One

Wendell led Alison into a small room, along the left wall was a large window that looked into the adjoining room, below the window was a long desk that ran the length of the window with several monitors and computers on it. At the desk were two empty chairs, the rest of the room was mostly empty with the exception of a small fridge in the back corner.

Wendell pulled one of the chairs out and offered it to her. She smiled and sat down, pulling herself in and getting a good look at the room on the other side of the window.

In the middle of the other room was a single reclined chair, with a semi-clothed woman seated in it. She was wearing enough to cover all the important bits, but not much else. On her head was a small VR headset, along with a pair of earphones. Alison could see an IV drip to the side of her that was attached to her arm.

Wendell took the other chair and turned one of the monitors towards her, "So, in phase one, we focus on general compliance for the subject." he said, pointing to several graphs that were running across the screen.

She didn't know what they meant, but Wendell didn't really give her a chance to ask any questions either.

"The client in this case is looking for some... more traditional changes to the subject." he said and then tapped the keyboard and the image on the monitor changed to a video.

The video was of a blonde woman smiling, standing beside a man whom she assumed was the client, as he was talking to another man. Then he turned to the blonde woman and said something, the blonde nodded her head and replied, the smile never leaving her face.

She was about to ask what was being said when a light bulb went off in her head, "Is that Renee Sanderson?" she asked in shock.

"A very keen eye you have Ms. Greene. It is, in fact, Renee Sanderson in the chair, wife of the Texas oil baron Jack Sanderson, and well-known socialite. However, the image on the monitor is not Renee Sanderson, but instead, an AI-generated video and audio construct of her."

Alison leaned in to get a better look at the image and suddenly the sound came on;

"...don't you agree dear?" the man said.

"Oh yes dear, most certainly. You always know best after all." The image of Renee replied in a sugary sweet voice.

Alison watched and heard the conversation repeat several times, she'd met and talked to Renee at several charity events, and other than the out-of-character inflection in her voice, she couldn't tell the difference.

"Quite convincing isn't it?" Wendell said, interrupting her listening.

"Very." she replied, sitting back in her chair once more.

"We're using the latest in generative AI content creation, for both video and audio. With a subject like Renee we collect as much existing public information as we can to train the AI on, which is quite a bit for a socialite like herself. Once we have her here at the facility, we can also get all of her private information from her devices as well. Once it's trained it can create pretty much any scenario we want from just a few paragraphs of prompts." he said, turning the sound off once more.

"Anything?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, "Then why something so banal as agreeing with her husband?"

Wendell smiled, "Well, this is phase one, as I said it focuses on general compliance. Being agreeable with her husband, even when he's clearly in the wrong is a good way to re-enforce the desired behaviour. Renee is several days into phase one, which usually lasts a week or so, her original set of scenarios would have been even tamer than this.

A common one we use is at a coffee shop, where the subject places an order and they make a mistake. Most of the subjects that come through here would have chewed out the barista, but in our generated video, they just accept the mistake and thank the barista.

Of course, none of this fancy AI-generated content would be particularly effective without that..." Wendell said and pointed through the window at the IV drip.

"What's in that?" Alison asked.

"A cocktail of drugs, honed over the years, to open up the mind and make it much more receptive to the artificial reality that it is watching." he said with almost a pang of regret in his voice.

"You know..." he continued, "I almost miss the bad old days when we had to do this all by hand. Find an actress that looked close enough to the subject, write scripts, record the video... it just had a more real feeling to it somehow."

Alison nodded, recognizing a man that was proud of his work, even if that felt a little wrong somehow to her.

"Anyway, the new technology lets us do so much more than we could before. And has far fewer downsides. In the past there was more than one of the actresses that eventually became one of the subjects when she learned a little too much." he said with a little knowing chuckle at the end.

"When you say you can do so much more with it, what do you mean?"

"Oh, well, as you can imagine, the AI generator we are using can create specific, unique scenarios for each subject. It can even create hundreds or thousands of variations of them. The more scenarios you have, the better the outcome will be. We used to get what we called a 'glitch' sometimes after the process was complete in the subjects. They'd encounter a situation that they weren't sure how to respond to, and as they tried to reconcile it with the scenarios we'd programmed into them, they'd freeze. Just for a split second, it looked a little weird, but that was all.

With the vast ability of the generated AI content, glitching is a thing of the past. There is always a scenario that they've been programmed with that will match whatever they may encounter!" Wendell replied with pride.

"And what is the end result going to be for Renee, if I may ask?"

"Of course, of course. Mr. Sanderson has been stepping out on his wife for years now, but she has only just recently discovered his indiscretions. She's planning on divorcing him, and as they married so young with no prenup, Mr. Sanderson is looking to avoid a large settlement and the embarrassment of a public divorce. As such, he's asked us to recondition her personality into someone more accepting of his indiscretions. Someone who will stand by her man, no matter what."

Alison nodded and smiled, she could only imagine the size of the divorce settlement that would result, and that expense of Titus and Associates would be a deal in comparison.

"If you have no other questions, let's move on to a subject in phase 2..." Wendell said and stood up, gesturing towards the door.

Chapter 3 - Phase Two

Alison followed Wendell down the hallway, passing several doors, until he came to one that he opened with his security card. Inside was the exact same layout as the last one, just flipped left to right.

As soon as they entered, Alison looked through the window to see another woman sitting in a similar chair, a VR headset and headphones attached to her, as well as the IV.

There were a few differences this time though, most obvious was the nakedness of the woman, but a close second was the devices and wires that ran from her body to a computer on a stand beside the chair.

Alison sat down in one of the chairs and Wendell did the same as he once more turned a monitor towards her and then flipped over to the feed that was being displayed on the VR headset.

"Phase two focuses on more advanced compliance. In particular, sexual compliance." Wendell said as she watched a loop of AI-generated video play on the display.

In it was a young woman, no more than 21 years old, with bright pink hair, olive skin, and obvious Asian features. She was straddling a man, riding him cowgirl style, her hands up by her head as she formed two peace signs with them.

"Is phase two always sexual compliance? What about your government agencies, surely they don't need sexual compliance in their double agents?" Alison asked.

"You'd be surprised about that, but it is true that not all of our clients need sexual compliance, however it is also true that without sexual compliance, the overall reconditioning can degrade over time. Resulting in the original personality re-emerging."

Alison raised an eyebrow, "That would definitely not be good!"

"Exactly. We pride ourselves on having a 100% success rate, and a 0% recidivism rate."

Alison nodded and turned back to the monitor, "And what's going on here?" she asked.

"Ah, yes, Miss Tanaka is currently in phase two. You might recognize her from her hit single 'Korean Dance Party'."

"Of course, that was huge in the summer, she was all over the place. Is some super-fan your client?"

"Oh no, not anything like that. Miss Tanaka is here under the auspices of her label."

"Wait... wasn't that song by someone called Ji-yoo or something?"

"A very good memory Ms. Greene. Yes, it turns out that Miss Tanaka is a very talented Japanese performer, focusing on traditional folk songs from the countryside. She was tired of being turned down by all the major labels that were focusing on pop stars, especially the highly popular Korean ones. So, as a way to prove her talents, she created Ji-yoo and 'Korean Dance Party' as a way show the hypocrisy of the labels."

Alison nodded and looked up over the monitor as the woman's body spasmed, she looked back at the monitor just in time to see a man spraying a load of cum over her face and the woman in the video orgasming.

"Anyway, she figured she'd keep up the pretense until after she'd been signed to a label, but things spiralled a little out of control when the label placed performance goals in her contract and she had to keep up the facade for longer than she expected. By the time it was number one on the charts pretty much all over the world, she had little choice but to ride it out.

Of course, as it faded from the spotlight, she revealed to the label her intent to go public if they didn't give her a proper contract for her traditional songs as well. The label played along just long enough to reach out to us to take care of the problem for them."

Alison nodded, she could understand the label's position. They had a hot commodity and had to strike while it was hot. They couldn't afford to indulge the girl's silly ideas of folk music for the masses.

"And she'll still be able to write hit songs?" Alison asked.

"Who knows. Hit songs are unicorns, she may only have ever had one in her in the first place. Or she may go on to write a dozen more. Either way, the label will take care of all those details, bringing in writers if needed, or anything else to ensure her future success."

Alison didn't know much about the music business, but what she did know was that it tended to burn through young singers quickly. She could only imagine the benefits of having a singer that could be moulded into whatever was popular at the time.

Alison looked at the monitor once more, the woman was now tied up on her back, a man fucking her pussy, another fucking her mouth. Alison wondered how popular a singer could become who could fuck fans, managers, producers, or anyone else like that.

Alison noticed the young woman orgasming again in the chair at the same time as the AI-generated version of herself did as well.

"How are you synchronizing the orgasms?" she asked.

Wendell smiled in pride, "Oh, that's the best part of the AI-generated content for phase two! It's not prerecorded, it's real-time! There are a series of sensors on her body, along with actuators, that monitor and stimulate her in accordance with what is going on in the generated content. It's a beautiful feedback loop, and combined with a pretty significant aphrodisiac that is introduced in the IV, a powerful one as well.