Gamer Goddess Ch. 03


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"Who is it? I'll kill the bastard," I growled, taking her in my arms and swinging her around.

She kissed me, blushing. "Do you really love me?" she asked.

"More than words can say. With all my heart, Angel."

"Devil," she reminded me.

"Only in the bed," I told her. "Speaking of, you really are a pretty wild thing, aren't you?"

She giggled, walking around me, her hand dragging across my skin. "Only for you, lover."

"And Sandy," I teased.

"Alright, only for the ones I love. You're first now, you understand? Think you can handle that?"

"Patience. That's all I ask. I had no idea what I was getting myself into."

She giggled, her arms around my neck. "All I ask is the same. You've been so patient with me all this time, in game and out. Think you can put up with me a little longer?"

"I don't know," I teased. "I guess I'll give you another 70, 80 years. But that's all. If you don't come around by then, I'm gonna start looking."

She stepped on my toes. "You do, and I'll take my toys and go play somewhere else. Including Sandy."

"Alright, damn it. Ninety. Ninety years, that's my final offer."

She hugged me. "No. Forever or nothing."

I picked her up, hugging her tight. "Fine. But I get to choose which side of the bed is mine."

"Of course! It's always the other side next to me."

"Damn it, girl. Leave me some pride. Do I get to at least name our kids?"

She looked up at me, her eyes wide. " you really want to have children with me?"

"If at all possible. A house full."

"Really?" she asked nervously.

I drew her over to the chair, and sat her on my lap. "Of course. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Raise a family together. Is something wrong?"

"I, I don't know if I can have kids. There was some concern after it happened." She looked on the verge of tears.

I hugged her. "Whatever we can do. If you can, great. If you can't and there's anything medical that can be done, we can afford it. If you can't carry, but your eggs are good, we can have a surrogate. If not, we can adopt. Whatever. Even if we can't have kids, you're mine, Sheri, no matter what."

She nodded, hugging me. "I haven't thought about it much. I don't know why. I guess it never occurred to me I'd ever be with a man again. Be part of a real, normal family. Not for real."

"No hurry. You're young. One step at a time, Ok?"

"One step at a time," she answered softly.

Sheri gave me a hug, and looked up grinning. "Middle name."


"The middle name of our third child. You can choose that name."

"Are you always so rotten?"

"Absolutely. Completely spoiled. Not my fault. You're going to have to get used to it. Blame Dad if you must."

We returned to the hotel late, and retired to the bedroom. No gaming at all for once. We got in bed together, and our kissing and cuddling evolved into a wonderful evening of oral sex. She was cautious, and nervous, but by midway through my second erection, she was playful and teasing. She gave me a hard time about my own skills, telling me that she'd have to get Sandy to give me lessons. I guess she saw that hurt a little, and she swarmed over me, begging forgiveness, and telling me she was teasing.

"No you're not, I saw what Sandy does to you," I told her.

She blushed. "She knows me. She's been with me for years. It's different. I love what you do for me, I swear. Don't be angry or jealous, please! It would kill me. I'm sorry, I was just teasing."

"I'm not angry. Maybe a little jealous. Not of her, but of what she has with you. How well she knows you."

She kissed me softly. "I know. Believe me. You don't think I'm not a little jealous over your posse? Your complete and total faith and trust in them? The way they hovered over you? Even their damn women are in love with you. They've had you all their lives. How do I compete with that?"

I gave her a squeeze. "No competition. I love them. I'm in love with you. You are number one in my life."

She nodded. "Ditto. I love Sandy. I probably always will. She and I are wonderful together. But my heart is yours. Totally. What I feel for her is a faint echo of my love for you. We have everything but the sex, and by the time I'm done with you, we'll be magical together. I know it."

She kissed me long and deep. "I love you. You love me," she whispered. "Truce on our others?"

"Truce. Hell, what am I saying? It's not truce, I accept her in your life without limits. Whatever you want, Ok? But no way I'm bringing Jaime into our bed."

She laughed. "Spoil sport. Did you see the size of his hands? Do you think it's true..."

"Rotten girl. I'm telling you, Maria would eat you alive, and spit out the bones."

She sighed dramatically. "Alright. This bed's too small for four anyway, and Sandy would kill me if I brought in any boy-toys and she wasn't invited."

She sat up and straddled me, leaning down and kissing my nose. "You know I'm teasing, right? I don't want any man but you. Ever. The only man I'd even think of inviting into our bed would be Robert, and that would be for Sandy. So he could see me and her together. I know that turns him on something crazy. I'd never let him have me. I'm yours, bub. Only yours. Get used to it."

"Good. 'Cause I'm yours, too. Nobody else."

"Except Sandy," she reminded me.

"No. She's yours. Not mine. You want her with us, I'm happy to do it for you. But that's it."

She giggled. "I know you like her. You can't fool me."

"I think she's great. I love her, like I love my own. For what she's done for you, and how she is with you. She's a beautiful, wonderful woman with a heart of gold. Sexy as hell. Wild in bed. As God is my witness, as long as I have you, she's an afterthought."

"She grows on you," Sheri teased.

I laughed. "What do you want from me? I love her, and love being with her. I'll never kick her out of our bed. But, damn it Sheri, I'd be happy with only you beside me for the rest of my life."

She wiggled on me, kissing my face. "You haven't even had her ass yet. She's a wild fuck. You can tie her up and use her hard."

"Evil. You know you're absolutely evil. She's our toy. I get it. You're the love of my life. Keep it up, and I'll be tanning that cute little bottom of yours."

"Mmm, she pinks up so nicely. You can get her to come just by paddling her."


She laughed, hugging me. "God, you're so easy to tease. She's going to be married in a few months anyway. I don't think Robert will let her play nearly as much after. So you best get your fill. In a while you're going to be stuck with just me."

"That's all I could ever ask for."

She cuddled up to me, kissing my chest. "You know what's funny, Steve?"

"What?" I asked sleepily.

"I believe you. Jeez, I'm going to have you so whipped. Worse than Jaime."

I chuckled, and swatted her rear. "Tell me about it."

* * *

I had a morning checkup at the hospital, and was given a passing grade, and reminded not to overdo it. Sheri and I took a long walk in the park, walking hand in hand like the new lovers we were, even if we weren't quite completely lovers.

Dan stopped by after lunch, and Sheri made herself scarce for a couple of hours while we did the work thing, including a conference call with the others. Too early to know much about our latest venture, but he was getting antsy and wanted me to get going and start researching new opportunities. He'd never been that pushy. I wondered if it was an effort to get me out of the game, and back in the real world.

I told him I needed a few more days, and within the week I'd start looking around, reviewing some of the proposals we'd been receiving, and start the networking up again. He seemed alright with that.

"No gaming yesterday?" he noted.

"No, a few hours this afternoon maybe."

"You and Sheri good?" he asked.

"Perfect. Or almost. We're working out some things. I think this time it's for good. Third time's a charm, and all that."

Jaime cut in. "Maria says if you let this one go, she's going to kick both our asses. You know how I hate when she does that."

I laughed. "Yeah. I imagine there'd be a line she'd have to get in when it came to kicking mine."

Dan jumped in. "No shit. I call first dibs. Make me go through that beating for nothing. Hell, I'd get back in line twice. Steel-toed boots."

"Alright, tell me how you really feel," I laughed.

"Ok, I will," Dan said. "Jump on that now. Claim her, and don't let anyone else even get their nose in the door. You're so hung up over her, if you lose her, it'll be 10 years of gaming before we ever get you out in public again. And the way she is over you? Fuck, dude, no way you're ever going to top that. I get to be best man, by the way."

The other guys all started yelling. "Asshole!" "Douche-bag, we talked about that!"

That was the end of the useful part of our meeting, and we got back to talking about important things, like soloing Diablo hardcore, and the new WoW expansion pack.

Dan left when the others bowed out, but invited himself over for dinner. Said he had some business to attend to. I told Sheri about the plans when she came home, during a little hardcore farming. She let me know that she'd already made plans with Sandy and Robert that we'd meet with them again. That spurred a short conversation about letting each other know what was going on, and ended in a cuddle-fest. I suggested Peter Luger's, craving their porterhouse. We went to Lombardi's, the renovated home of New York's first pizza. Truth be told, I liked several of the simple walk up pizzeria's better, blasphemy or not.

I was feeling a little nervous about seeing Robert, but he was the same charming bastard. When the girls took off for the ladies room, he leaned over to me. "It's cool. Really. I don't want you to feel weird about this. Whatever she needs right now. We're good?"

Kind of surprised he'd even ask. "That woman of yours is the best, you know. Damn, you're a lucky man. Heart of gold, easy to see why Sheri loves her so much."

He laughed. "Ditto. Breaks my heart what Sheri went through. Believe me, I've heard endless hours of what she was before, what she went through, and how she was after. I was starting to think I'd never actually get to meet her in person. What you did for her, you deserve a fucking medal. I've never seen Sandy so happy. That makes me happy. I know you don't have a thing for her, it's obvious when they're both around. When Sheri's around, the rest of us are practically invisible. Makes it easy."

Dan spoke up. "Alright, if the love-fest is over with, you guys want to tell me what the hell is going on?"

I laughed. "Shut the fuck up, Dan. This has nothing to do with you, alright?"

He put on a mask of disappointment. "Hey! I fought for her too!"

Robert and I looked at each other and laughed. "That you did," I told him. "You're golden in her book. Now leave it."

I turned back to Robert. "You could help me with something. We're still looking for some good investments. Tech and Energy companies preferably. Maybe Medical. We prefer second round venture buy ins, not seed money. Don't need the risk/reward that entails. You catch wind of anything worthwhile, I'd love to hear about it. I could even use a good legal team to work with, if you know of one." I gave him a grin.

"Robertson, Samuels not working for you? They're good."

"I'd prefer something local. I'm thinking of sticking around here. Making it home base. Plus I'd prefer working with someone I actually liked."

"Damn, that narrows it down, doesn't it? Rumor is you can't stand lawyers," he said with a chuckle.

"Almost always true. I think I'm learning to make some exceptions."

"I'll keep my eye open. Finder's fee?"

"For the right opportunity."

"What kind of numbers we talking?"

"Between 10 and 40 preferably. We could go higher for the right deal."

Sandy leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "What kind of deals are you boys working out? Nothing illegal or immoral I hope."

He grinned, while Sheri settled in between me and Dan. "Maybe a little bit of both. You remember I am a lawyer, right?"

"Oh, business? I was thinking something more along personal lines," she said. "How droll. Talking about business, with two lovely ladies present."

He laughed. "They weren't present, and the subject is benched. What would you lovely ladies like to talk about?"

"Vacations. Cruise, all-inclusive, something lazy and decadent, with lots of down-time."

I glance over at Sheri, who was trying to look innocent.

"Vacation?" Robert chuckled. "You've got a honeymoon in less than three months."

"That's a wonderful start!" she said. "I'm thinking summer, sunbathing, and as little clothing as possible."

It was a fun chat, and had me thinking about whether Sheri and I would be married by then. I wondered how much time she's need for a wedding. Damn, she was right. I was pussy-whipped already, and hadn't even gotten any of the pussy.

We split up after dinner, Dan and Robert going their own ways, and Sandy going home with us. She was laughing. "You guys have to be gentle with me. I'm serious. I'm so sore now I can barely walk. Between you two the other night, and then how Robert was when I gave him all the details, I haven't been pounded like that, since, hell, since ever!"

She stopped, and grabbed Sheri by the hands. "Please? I'm serious. A little gentle, tonight?"

Sheri hugged her. "I think I'd like to make tonight about me. I'm going to need your help."

Sandy hugged her, "It'll be perfect. It will. I know it. This is going to be ab-fab."

I was seriously wondering what it cost to live like I was full-time. Doors opened. The elevator man knowing us, taking us straight to our floor. Limo service for the asking. The room immaculate. Anything we needed a phone call away. We were living large, and it was something I could get used to.

I'd been thinking hard about the Sheri problem. I had an idea, that I thought we might fall back on if necessary. I wanted to see if we could make things work naturally first. I took Sandy to the side and told her my thoughts, and she seemed to like it. As a fall-back solution.

We went to our bedroom, and got undressed. It was so natural, to watch both girls strip down to nothing, and climb into my bed. Fucking amazing bodies, one small and curvy, the other long and slender. Both sexy as hell. Shit, I was a lucky guy.

We started out with the cuddling and kissing, this time with Sheri in the middle. We moved on to some sensual touching and I grinned as I shared her tits with Sandy, lifting my head for a kiss from her, before we went back after Sheri's perky little nipples. Sandy leaned over and playfully competed for a nipple, our tongues tangling. She lifted her eyes to mine, and the joy and happiness I saw there was heart-warming. "You're the best," I whispered.

She looked a little surprised, then grabbed my head and kissed me hard. "God, you're so damn lovable," she sighed.

We both went down on Sheri, and I demanded Sandy teach me some of her magic. She laughed, kissing me again. "You're not jealous of me, are you?"

"Damn skippy I am! And you're going to share your secrets, or any promises made about being gentle with you are out the door. I will tie you up and fuck the living daylights out of you if you don't share."

She giggled. "That's a threat?"

I shrugged. "Best I can come up with at the moment. I am in bed with two gorgeous naked women. My brain is only capable of so many thoughts right now."

"How about this? I teach you all I know about her, and next time we're together, you do exactly what you said, and then some."

"You've got a deal."

"Good. First thing, get out of this bed, go in the bathroom and give yourself the closest shave possible, then use her skin lotion. Your face is like sandpaper." She gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Take your time, I'll only warm her up a little."

Back in the bed, she made me open my mouth, and popped in a wintergreen lifesaver. "Now this is cheating a little," she teased, giving me a little kiss on the lips. "Mmmm, fresh. She'll notice. Not as much as those Altoids, but still a little advantage."

The rest was an education. I learned. I was taught little things, like indirect stimulation, inner vs. outer lips, fingering essentials, top and bottom, variety, pressure, teasing, blowing, sucking, licking. They were both getting into my training, and I had to take a turn on each of them, with the other giving me added guidance. I was worn out by the time I'd given them each two 'adequate' orgasms. Then they teased me by giving each other one, showing me what it could be like with practice and a little more tutelage.

Fuck. I had a ton of ground to makeup. They played each other like maestros. They must have read my mind, and mobbed me, hugs and kisses galore. "It's not a competition baby," Sandy teased. "You're wonderful, and there's things that you can do that leave us completely out."

Sheri nodded. "Your strength, for one. Feeling your big hands holding me so firmly. The direct way you attack. All good."

I was rewarded for my efforts by another dual blow-job. I really could get used to those. The visuals alone were mind-blowing. Sandy had nothing but praise for the progress that Sheri had made in only one evening. I delivered my praise physically, filling Sandy's mouth, with a little taste for Sheri at the end.

Afterward, Sheri sat on my face, while Sandy put her talented mouth back to work, getting me ready for phase two. I put my newly learned skills to practice, warming up Sheri.

When I was hard as steel, and I had Sheri moaning sweetly, Sandy decided it was time to put her to the test. I remained on my back, and Sheri nervously straddled me. She looked over at Sandy, "Patience, Ok?"

Sandy gave her a hug. "I'm an observer. I won't even get involved. You'll be fine."

She wasn't. I didn't understand it, everything else was going to well, but I felt bad for her. I knew she wanted to, but as she pressed the head of my cock against her opening she started shaking, and I saw the tears in her eyes. I put my hands on her thighs, gently, for support, and she practically jumped off of me.

She sat quietly, curled up in a ball. "I'm sorry. I know I can do this." She looked up at me. "I love you. I do. I swear to God I do."

I didn't reach for her, worried that I might upset her some way. "I know, baby. There's no hurry. Whatever you are Ok with."

She sniffled. "What if I'm never Ok?" she whimpered. "What if I'm broken?"

Sandy went to her, hugging and rocking her. "No, you're not broken. Look at how far you've come. That blow-job was amazing. We can do this. I know it. If not tonight, soon. Nobody's giving up here!"

Sheri nodded. "How about we try with me on the bottom?"

"You want to try again? Now?" Sandy asked.

She wiped her eyes and nodded.

Sandy fluffed the pillows, and laid my gamer girl back on the bed. We took a couple of minutes pampering and cuddling her, then Sandy moved between her legs. A couple of minutes later Sheri was obviously excited, and I took Sandy's place. I rubbed my cock up and down Sheri's slit, parting her lips, and she jerked back away from me for a second, then settled down.

"You Ok?" I asked.

"Go ahead," she whispered anxiously.

I pressed my cockhead into her opening, and felt her trembling. I was tempted to stop, and let her settle down, but thought maybe once I was in, she'd get over the worst of it. I pressed into her, feeling her tight opening give, watching the first couple of inches slide in.

"Stop," Sandy said, her hand pushing me away gently.

I looked up, and saw the tears rolling down Sheri's face, her eyes clenched shut, teeth gritted.

I pulled out, and climbed up the bed. Sheri's legs snapped shut behind me. "I can do this," she whispered. "I can."