Game Changer

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They wanted to spice up their marriage...
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Jessica was lying back on the bed, the bed she had shared with her husband for coming up on ten years now, while a stranger was eating her pussy. He was pretty good at it. He was moaning, clearly enjoying himself, the moans creating little vibrations as he sucked and licked, and grabbed at her tight little ass. He sucked her clit up into his mouth and tongued it, and her hips rose up off the bed in pleasure, and when he slid one long finger into her pussy she came hard, her body vibrating with the joy of it.

He lifted his head from her, pleased with himself, wiped her cum from his lips, and started to slide back up her slick, sweaty body. Too soon, Jessica thought. I came much too soon.

"Baby..." she murmured. "You're so fucking good at that. Could you give me another?" He stared at her for a beat, stroking his eager cock, then acquiesced.

"Of course," he said, only a little disappointed, "but then I'm going to fuck your brains out with this."

"Oh yes," she moaned, lying back down on to the bed. That's what you think, she thought, but then she thought nothing, was back in the throes of pleasure from his wet tongue on her sensitive nub. "Gentle, gentle," she gasped. Just a little longer...

The stranger lifted his head. "Did you hear that?" he asked, a look of concern on his face. "Were those footsteps?" And indeed, the rattle of keys at the door.

"Fuck!" Jessica hissed. "My husband!" It was too late, of course. The door swung open and Jake stood there, his eyes wide in shock at the sight of his beautiful wife, spread eagled and naked, another man nestled between her thighs.

"Who the FUCK are you?" Jake bellowed. He could be a little intimidating, with his height and broad shoulders, though anyone that knew him would laugh at the thought of him getting into any sort of scrap - mild mannered English professor and all.

The stranger leapt up, frantically gathered his discarded clothing. "Dude, I didn't know - she didn't tell me - we didn't fuck - " of course, he did know, Jessica had mentioned her husband early in the evening when the stranger first sidled over at the bar and asked if he could buy her a drink, that was part of it, part of the game, the thrill.

"Get out. Get out of my house." The stranger didn't even bother to dress, just rolled his clothes into a ball, slid into his shoes, and hurried out the door and down the stairs. There was a pause, as Jessica and Jake stared one another down.

"And you." Jake said, in that low voice that made his wife's pussy clench with anticipation. "I'm going to give you what you deserve." He yanked off his shoes, his pants, his cock already rock hard. Jessica squealed in delight, rolled over onto her belly, and cried out as his palm hit her bottom, once, twice, three times. He grabbed her hips and yanked them upwards, so that she was on her knees with her ass high in the air, ready for him.

"Did he get your pussy good and wet, you little slut," Jake growled into her ear.

"So wet and ready for you, my love," she purred. Without another word he shoved his cock deep inside her, and then there was nothing but the wet squelchy sounds of their fucking, the smack of his hand on her ass, her moans as he pressed her shoulders down into the bed.

After he came they lay together, chests heaving, Jessica playing idly with his balls.

"That was a good one," she said at last.

"Better than the last?" he asked.

"Oh yes," she said. "The last one was terrible at eating my pussy. You remember. Not a single orgasm. I had to finish myself off when you finally fucked me."

"My little slut," he said, tenderly, his hands in her hair. They drifted off to sleep this way, content.


It all started when Jake caught his wife flirting at a bar. He was late, stuck at the office grading papers, and she was sitting at the bar, antsy, all dolled up. Their sex life had cooled, of late - 10 years of the same shit, even when it's good shit, can get boring - and they'd decided to try spicing it up with a little role play. The week before they'd tried a hooker/john scenario that had just made them both crack up laughing, so that week they were going for "tinder date" instead.

While waiting for a "stranger," her husband, an actual stranger started chatting her up, and, frustrated with Jake's lateness and feeling particularly sexy, with a short, tight dress showing off her figure and a bright red lip that was unusual for her and brought out the fullness of her mouth, Jessica flirted back. When at last Jake appeared she turned rosy with embarrassment, but after the stranger had moved on, irritated, what Jake said next surprised her.

"That was hot."

"What? That guy flirting with me?"

"And you flirting back."

"Oh really?"

"Really. You should do that more often." And that night, while they fucked, Jake called her a slut, and they both came harder than they had in years.

How did it progress from a flirtation in a bar to a stranger's tongue in her pussy? The way these things do. In stages. First Jake encouraged her to flirt, while he watched from across the room. Then he suggested she invite one of these men back to her place, with Jessica's understanding Jake would be close behind.

She wasn't sure what it was about it that turned him on, but she had her guesses. He was proud of his hot wife, that someone so desirable belonged to him and him alone; he felt like a big strong man, bursting into the room, sending another man packing, sheepish, clutching his clothes to his chest. At first Jessica wasn't allowed to do anything but kiss, then fondle, and now at last, she could come in a stranger's mouth. Nothing more than that.

Jessica liked it. Jake had become lax in his oral attention these days, and regular orgasms from men eager to get her off in the expectation of sex soon to follow kept a bounce in her step. Her coworker at the law firm asked if she was using a new moisturizer...her skin had a happy glow lately. But no sex. Never sex. Only Jake's cock inside her.

But there were days when these strangers disrobed and their hard dicks sprang out of their pants and Jessica longed to feel them inside her. What a waste, she would think. What a slut.


"Is your wife flirting with another guy?" Jessica and Jake didn't want to play the game too often at the same bar, or places where they might run into people they knew, so they'd started going to bars further and further into the suburbs. The last person Jake expected to see in this particular cocktail lounge was his buddy Seth.

"What are you doing here?" Jake said in response.

"My grandma lives out here. I just had dinner with her and thought I'd get a drink before heading home." He gave Jake a long look. "What are you doing here?"

Seth and Jake went way back. They lived on the same street as kids, had a little snow shoveling business in the neighborhood as teenagers. After a long Saturday of shoveling they would huddle together in Jake's parents' garage, smoking pot and shivering with cold and laughing over nothing. But Jake went to college out of state, and married Jessica soon after, and though the couple returned to Chicago eventually, while Seth never left, the friendship waned. They'd grab a beer together once in a while, but this run-in was the first time they'd seen each other in at least a year.

There was something about Seth that Jake found...threatening. Maybe that wasn't the right word. But he was direct. He said what he wanted, and he took it. It worked for him in the banking industry, where he was known to be a straight shooter. But there was a look in Seth's eyes that made Jake feel a little small. He was looking into those eyes right now, and he started to stammer excuses, but then stopped, stood up a little straighter, and said - "watching my wife flirt with another guy."


"It's a game we've been playing. I get off on watching her."

"I could understand that. Look at that face. That mouth. Those long legs." Jake didn't respond. "Does she go home with these guys?" Jake hesitated, but decided to stick with his decision to be honest. What did he have to be ashamed of?

"She does. But I come home before it goes too far. And then we fuck, and it's fantastic."

"So it does go somewhere?"

"I let them warm her up for me," Jake said. He realized saying this out loud was making him hard. "I give them some time with her before I take her back."

"Then you barge in, play the part of the betrayed husband, and kick them out." The words weren't quite as sexy coming out of his friend's mouth.

"Well, yes."

"Interesting," Seth said. "That must make you feel...powerful. But not very nice for the men."

"They know that she's married. They've already transgressed."

"So they deserve it." As Jake began to protest, Seth held up his hands. "I'm not judging buddy, I just want to understand."

Jessica, sitting at the bar across the room, was losing her target. The stranger couldn't hold her attention. Her eyes were instead on her husband, deep in conversation with Seth. Seth, who they hadn't seen in what was it, a year? What was he doing here? Seth, who always seemed a little dangerous in a way that made her panties damp. Nothing he'd said or done could ever be held up in a court of law, here is the evidence that this man is trouble, but it was little things over the ten years, an arm brushed against hers, a hug held a little too long, a stare. And those little things over the ten years had added up, until he crept into her masturbatory fantasies, until she started to wonder about that huge bulge in his swim trunks and what it looked like at full mast. And now here he was, talking to her husband, who had a defiant look in his eyes.

Now both their gazes slid to hers. The stranger had given up and moved on and she sat there alone. She saw Seth ask a question, saw Jake start in surprise, watched them talk together a while as she sipped her drink, alone. She watched Jake at last nod, a little in defeat, a little in anticipation, she thought. And then Seth walked towards her. She watched his slow progression through the crowd from her perch at the barstool, and her heart began to hammer in her chest.

"Hey Jessica," said Seth. His face was serious. "Is this seat taken?" She made a small gesture as he sat, got the attention of the bartender with ease, ordered a beer.

"Seth," Jessica said. "How...are you? It's been a while."

"Let's cut to the chase." Seth said. "I know all about your little game with Jake."

"Oh god," Jessica said. "You must think - "

"I think you're a slut," he said, without an ounce of vitriol in his voice. It was simply a statement of fact. "I've always thought it might be true and now I know. And I'm going to flirt with you here at this bar, while my buddy Jake watches..." he leaned in close, cupped the back of her neck with his hand, and whispered into her ear, "...and then I'm going home with you to finally do the things I've wanted to do for ten years."

"Is Jake - " her voice came out breathless, unexpectedly high and girlish, so Jessica coughed a little, and started again. "Is Jake okay with this?"

"Of course. Look at him." They both looked across the room to Jake, who raised his beer and smiled. Jessica let out a sound, something between a sigh and a giggle.

"I'd ask how you feel about this," Jake said. "But in this game you're playing that doesn't seem to matter. This is all about Jake, isn't it." It was a statement, not a question.

"I get something out of it too," Jessica said, wounded. "I get a lot more orgasms. And Jake's much more interested in sex these days. Sex after ten years of marriage is tough. You'll understand that someday."

"I'll tell you what's tough," said Seth. "Spending ten years wanting to fuck your buddy's wife and knowing she wants to fuck you too." Jessica gasped, both at his bold words and at his bold hand, which was on her knee and sliding up her thigh. Helplessly, she looked over at her husband, who didn't seem to notice.

"Uncross your legs," Jake said. "And turn towards the bar."

"No," Jessica said.

"Yes," said Seth, his breath still hot in her ear. He licked her earlobe and she moaned softly. "You'll uncross your legs and I'll give you your first orgasm right here in this crowded bar, because that is what you want. You want to come and come and come until your pussy is soaked and achy and your mouth is dry from screaming and you know I can give that to you, you've always known, and this is what you want, not what Jake wants, and it's here right now in front of you and you've even got Jake's permission, that little perv, so you're going to open your fucking legs right now."

She did.

His long, callused fingers slid from her outer thigh to her inner thigh and brushed the soft shaven mound between her legs.

"No panties, and already soaking," he said. "Just as I thought." At first his touch was featherlight, playing over her pussy lips, and she struggled to remain still. But then he pressed his thumb against her clit. Jessica gasped, her eyes traveling wildly around the room. Two fingers pressed between her pussy lips and pushed deep inside her, and she clutched the bartop.

"No one is going to see you," he whispered. "You're going to come like a slut right on my hand and no one will even notice." She whimpered. "Don't make a sound," he said. "And don't move." He picked up his beer, swallowed the last few swigs, set it down on the table, gestured for the bartender, ordered another, drank it nonchalantly, and all the while he fingered her. She was glad for the noise of the crowded bar around them, which surely hid the wet sounds of his fingers sliding in and out, faster and faster. She was glad for all the people who shoved in around them, shouting for drinks, since the crush of people surely hid what was happening under her skirt. And she was glad for Seth, who whispered dirty things into her ear, everything he'd always wanted from her, as he pulled her orgasm from her with his thumb and fingers and she struggled to remain still and calm as her body rippled with delight.

"I'll get the check," Seth said, casually pulling his hand from her pussy as she took deep breaths to still the blood pounding in her veins. She watched as he licked his fingers, one after the other, then said, "Let's go."


Seth kept his promise. In the cab on the way home he gave her orgasm after orgasm, alternating his dirty whispers with admonitions to be still, to be quiet, but the cab driver was surely suspicious, and by the time they reached the house, she could barely walk up the stairs, her legs shaking, her body throbbing.

Seth flung open the door to the bedroom and immediately began to disrobe. "Clothes off." he told her. "Right now. No time to waste." Jessica would have done anything he asked at that point, humming with sexual energy.

"Your body is incredible," he said. "Those tits. Fuck." He pulled off his boxers and Jessica let out a little cry of shock.

"I know," Seth said. "It's the biggest one you've ever seen, right? It's too big?" He closed the gap between them as she nodded. He pushed her firmly onto her back on the bed. "I've been making you come for an hour now. Your pussy can handle this." She felt the tip of that thick cock pressing against her. Things were spiraling wildly out of control.

"Wait," she gasped. "You have to go down on me first. You can't - "

"That's the game, right?" Seth replied. "You send me down there and you don't let me back up until your husband bursts through the door. Well we're playing a different game now - " she yelped as he pushed the head of his cock between her pussy lips - "and I am going to fuck your wet little pussy so fucking hard."

"No, wait, please, you can't - " Jessica tossed her head desperately from side to side, her small hands pulling uselessly at his shoulders, but at the same time she knew her pussy wanted nothing so much in the world as to be filled up by Seth's enormous dick.

"If you tell me right now, "Seth, take your cock out of me and leave, I will." Seth said. "I'll wait."

"Seth, take..." she couldn't do it. She couldn't do that to her poor pussy, leave it cold and empty and bereft of what she'd wanted, masturbated to, longed for for ten years. He watched her, bemused, as at last she gave in, lifting her hips towards him, and, satisfied, he shoved all the way in.

"It's too much, it's too much," she gasped, every nerve ending on fire. In response he reached down and began to stroke her to orgasm again, his cock buried deep inside her.

Neither of them heard the footsteps, neither of them heard the door open, but both heard Jake shout, with disbelief and fury,

"What the FUCK is this!?" Jessica was so close to orgasm she couldn't do anything but moan "I'm sorry - I'm sorry - " as her hips bucked mercilessly upwards.

"I'll tell you what this is," Seth said, his hard eyes staring into Jake's. "I'm fucking your wife, and I'm making her cum with my fingers and my cock, and you're going to watch." 

Jake sputtered in outrage but stayed rooted to the spot, unable to look away, as his wife tumbled over the edge, her "I'm sorry's" dissolving into wordless screams of pleasure, and his friend pumped his hips harder and faster and came, his friend's hands pulling at his wife's hair and tits as he filled her pussy with cum.

When he had finished, Seth pulled his wilting cock neatly from Jessica's body and took his time putting his clothes back on. He walked right past Jake, turning to blow Jessica a kiss and say "till next time, you dirty little slut," and sauntered right on down the stairs.

For a long time nothing happened. Jessica lay in sheets damp with sweat and cum, her hair matted to her neck, her pussy soaked and achy and dripping, her mouth dry from screaming.

At last Jake sat at the end of the bed and reached out to stroke her quivering thigh.

"That was hot," he said. "You should do that more often."

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creampies4evercreampies4everover 4 years ago
Well Done

Loved the way the story ensued. How the wife went from a sexy flirt to enjoying the touch of other men and eventually letting them bring her to orgasm with their mouths. The final scene was the best when her husbands friend changed the rules and openly played with her in the bar and gave her her first orgasm in the cab. Public play is always hot. Then he proceeded to fuck her right in front of her husband and had her screaming in ecstasy. A slut is born. Let the games begin.

oldmooseoldmooseabout 6 years ago

Love it! Well written and very erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Negative comments by masturbating basement dwellers.

Most of these can be avoided by clicking to not accept anon. comments or messages. Most of these clowns have never written a story and live in their mom's basement. Their only sex has been with their mother or the family pet.

I do enjoy that you take the time to write a story. If it makes a difference to you it is easy to remove negative comments from yours stories by clicking on the comment in you control panel and checking the remove box.

gordo12gordo12over 6 years ago
That was well done

Good buildup and well written. 4*

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

let the games begin. TK U MLJ LV NV

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