Freshmen Floor: First Fellatio

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A female freshmen’s first foray into oral sex.
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Spoiler Alert: The following is a work of pornographic fiction. It is shallow on story and steep on sex. It contains graphic, dirty oral sex between consenting individuals over the age of 18. It does not contain deep characterization, long narratives, or a complicated plot. It is recommended that the reader decide what they are in the mood for before proceeding.

Henthorn College. Fall 1993.

They say Gemini's like all things oral, that they love anything to do with their mouth, lips, or tongue. It is said a Gemini can spend all day making out and oral sex is an ultimate turn-on. Brandi was a Gemini and in the first semester of her freshman year, she put that saying to the test.

Brandi grew up in a rural and sparsely populated area. There weren't many guys to choose from and none that were interested in her plain-Jane look or nerdy glasses. This, however, didn't stop her from being interested in men and sex. She wanted a boyfriend and found the idea of being sexually active exciting.

Brandi thought about sex a lot. She wondered what it was like to be naked with a man, to hold his cock and make it hard. Sometimes all it would take was a mere glimpse of a guy to trigger a sexy daydream. Her lustful imagination always included performing oral sex.

There was something about the dirty intimacy of sucking a man's dick that always turned her on. The strange body positions and constant movement of intercourse just didn't have the same appeal as a firm cock filling her mouth. The thought of being able to look up and see a guy's reactions or getting him to cum with just her mouth always got her hot.

Brandi chose to go to Henthorn College in part because of its large on-campus student body. She figured the odds were good that she could find some like-minded guys willing to scratch her horny itch.

She was assigned to a Co-Ed floor consisting of mostly freshmen. As luck would have it, there were two other Applied Science majors living there as well. Matt and Eric were longtime friends that had requested to be roommates.

It didn't take long for the three to become close. Being the same age, having the same classes, and living on the same floor meant they had identical schedules. Whether it was meal time, study time, or free time, they were always together.

Brandi found both guys attractive. Eric was smart and had a great sense of humor. Matt was tall with cute features but more reserved. His constant eye contact made her wonder if he was interested in being more than friends. Neither guy had a significant other. In fact, they didn't even have stories of one. This led Brandi to believe that they were both as sexually inexperienced as she was.

Weeks passed and Brandi became curious about her male friends. She started having sexual thoughts about them. She pondered if they were good kissers, what they might look like naked and what their cocks would feel like in her mouth. On a few occasions, she noticed a bulge in their pants and wondered if she might be the cause.

Eventually, her thoughts became fantasies. During one lecture, she watched Eric taking notes and imagined he was writing her a letter confessing how desperately he wanted her to give him a blow job. Another time she caught Matt staring at her. She hoped he was daydreaming about her wrapping her lips around his cock.

Her fantasies drove her to frequent masturbation. She would wake up so horny thinking about the two guys that she had to jill-off in the shower. Some days she would excuse herself to her room for the sole purpose of orgasm. Once, when they were in a three-hour lab, Eric made a threesome joke that got her so worked up she went to the bathroom to give herself release.

As her hormone-enriched desires went on she yearned for actual sexual contact. Both Eric and Matt seemed interested but neither made a move. She hoped this was due to the fact they were as new to this as she was.

Because all three were intimidated by the idea of frat parties and there were no over/under bars in town, they established weekend movie nights. Eric was a film aficionado and had rigged a VCR into an old VGA computer monitor and a small stereo receiver. This gave them better sound and picture than a standard television. It became a Friday night ritual to have dinner and then watch movies till all hours.

The third weekend of October was a long one. There were no classes scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, so many students, including Brandi's roommate, went home. Neither Brandi, Eric nor Matt had easy access to travel so they stayed in the dorm and stuck to their routine. They rented Poison Ivy starring Drew Barrymore from a local video store.

The movie started with fun banter and lively commentary from the group. When the first sexually charged scene came on, however, everyone froze. Their eyes stayed forward and no one made a sound in fear of drawing attention to themselves. The silence made the moment seem much longer than it was. The scene ended and the movie shifted back to the central plot, but the mood in the room had changed. There was a tension that wasn't usually there.

Before long the film came to another racy scene. Drew Barrymore was encouraging Tom Skerritt's sexual attention by rubbing her foot along his groin. The foreplay escalated, eventually leading to cunnilingus. The awkward group paralysis became stronger. Eric made a vain attempt to break the mood by saying, "I'm sure they use body doubles. The real actors didn't do that."

Matt mumbled in agreement, Brandi, however, didn't respond, she was lost in fascination. The on-screen depiction of oral sex had gotten her juices flowing. She started aching for carnal contact. She looked over at Matt and found him looking at her. Their eyes met and they exchanged a grin before returning their attention to the movie.

The penultimate sex scene was Drew and Tom fucking on the hood of a car in the rain. These images pushed the last of Brandi's buttons. She side-eyed the guys and found them fixated on the titillating on-screen action. They were as charged as she was, she knew it. The tension hung in the room until the movie ended. Matt tried to ground things by saying, "Not exactly a cinematic masterpiece."

"No, but it had some enjoyable parts," Brandi replied, trying desperately to appear more composed than she felt.

Eric stopped the player, hit the rewind button, and asked, "We have time for more. Anyone up for another?"

"Sure," Matt responded and went to the bookshelf that held Eric's personal collection.

Brandi bent over next to him. She used the pretense of browsing the selection to be inside Matt's personal space. She hoped he realized that they were kissing distance apart and make a move. She also knew Eric was getting a great view of her ass.

One of the cassettes was unlabeled. She pulled it off the shelf and asked, "What's this?"

She slid it from its sleeve to find the words 'Robin Head' on a handwritten label. She glanced up to find the guys looking nervous and embarrassed.

"Uh you don't want to watch that one," Eric responded.


There was a pause before Matt said, "It's a guy's movie."

"Like a porno?" Brandi countered, staring Matt directly in the face.

With an uneasy look, he gave her an acknowledging nod.

'Ok,' she thought. 'Is this for real? If these guys are into porn then maybe I can get them into me.' Covering her excitement with fake innocence she asked coyly, "What's it about?"

Matt looked at Eric letting him know that it was his tape and thus his responsibility to answer. Accepting that responsibility Eric looked up at the ceiling before saying, "It's about a guy that convinces rich girls to give blow jobs to guys with no money."

Brandi puckered and made a "Hmm" noise.

"You don't honestly want us to watch that do you?" Matt asked.

"Why not? It can't be any racier than what we just watched," Brandi countered.

The guys looked at each other not knowing how to answer. Eric whistled, "Oookay..." as he took the tape from Brandi and put it in the player.

Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it in her ears. Her excitement came from a combination of the unfolding situation as well as how easily she was able to get both guys to agree with her.

Everyone settled back into their viewing position and began the movie. It wasn't long before the first sex scene started. It was way different than the movie they had just watched, it left nothing to the imagination.

Brandi watched as the woman on the screen licked, stroked, and sucked the male actor's large, erect cock. Brandi was amazed by the graphic detail and enthusiasm of the actress. She imagined that it was her sucking the cock and how good it must feel.

She looked around the room. Everyone was quiet, Eric stared at the screen while Matt adjusted his position in an attempt to relieve the pressure in his pants. Brandi stared at his crotch wondering what his boner might look like. Was it as big as the one on the screen? What would it feel like in her mouth? He shifted again, this time he caught her staring.

Brandi turned back to the screen but it wasn't the movie that she saw. Her imagination had taken over and all she could see was Matt standing naked in front of her. His penis was fully erect and inches from her face. She was breathing heavily and felt warm. She blinked a few times and looked around the room.

Again she didn't see reality. She didn't see her guy friends sitting in a dorm room watching corny pornography. She saw herself nude, on her knees, with Matt to her left and Eric to her right. They were also naked and she held each of their hard cocks in her hands.

Brandi's breathing was almost labored. The excitement was an intense, throbbing urge for sexual contact.

"Well, she's gotta hate that," Matt said, his comment snapping Brandi back to reality.

Her eyes moved to the screen and saw the actress had cum all over her face. The sexual tension in the room was off the charts.

"Yeah," Eric agreed in a quiet tone.

Brandi desperately wanted more from this situation. She didn't want to watch sex, she wanted sex. The next voice she heard was Matt's, "Is this too much for you?"

Her head twisted to look at him. He had a protective, almost embarrassed look on his face. His eyes, however, were full of lust. The same lust he must surely see in her eyes. That was when she realized that maybe all she needed to do was give them some confirmation that she wanted more.

Brandi's stomach flipped as she replied, "No not at all." Her face began to redden when she added, "I mean if she's into it, she's probably having fun."

The unexpected answer caused the guys to look at each other in shocked amazement. Eric asked tepidly, "Are you saying women like that?"

Brandi's heart was racing and she felt flush but continued out on the limb. "No, not all women but I'm sure some do."

For a long moment, all three were silent. The only sound in the room was the cheesy soundtrack of the X-rated movie they'd stopped watching. This time it was Matt that broke the silence. With pure quizzical curiosity, he asked, "Are you saying that you are one of those women?"

"Sure. I mean yeah. I'd be willing to try. If the right person asked and if the moment was right." She tried her best to put on a show of calm confidence, but inside she was exploding with nervous excitement.

"WILL YOU SUCK MY DICK!?!" Eric blurted out a split second later.

Matt and Brandi turned and looked at him, shocked at his boldness.

"Uh I mean, uh if you're into it, you could try on me. Um if you want," Eric restated.

Matt looked back at Brandi and watched as she stared into Eric's eyes for what seemed like forever.

"Come with me," she said, motioning him to follow her out of the room. Eric wordlessly obeyed.

Seconds later the two inexperienced freshmen were in her dorm room. Brandi's heart was palpitating, she was finally going to act on the urges she'd felt for so long. They walked to her bed and sat down next to each other. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his. They began moving tentatively, neither was too assertive.

Brandi had never kissed before and was pretty sure Eric hadn't either. His lips were soft and moist creating a sensation that she enjoyed. Slowly they opened their mouths and started using their tongues. This was a different feeling. The slick quick movements made the kiss hotter.

She didn't know a kiss could be like this. She had thought kisses were nice displays of affection, but now she realized that they could be sexy and stimulating. Wanting more she began running her hands over him, eventually, coming to the bulge in his pants. When she squeezed it he moaned and pulled out of the kiss.

"Wow, that was amazing," he said with a grin.

"Yeah, it was. But I want more," she said in a breathy voice, trying to sound sexy. "I want to find out if I like giving blow jobs."

Brandi slid to the floor and knelt between his legs. She moved her hands up his thighs to his zipper. The metal felt hard and rough against her fingertips as she pulled it open. Eric unfastened the top button and lifted his hips off the bed. She could hear his heavy breathing as she reached up and pulled his pants and underwear to his ankles.

Brandi's mouth hung open at the sight before her. For so long she'd wanted to see a real cock, to touch one and experience the pleasure it could give. Now she finally had one. It was at full erection, the tip shining with pre-cum. Below it hung his ball sac, swollen and heavy. Her excitement was disorienting. She could feel her muscles tightening and her nipples getting hard.

She turned her gaze to Eric's face. He looked gobsmacked with pure lust in his eyes. Lust for her and what she was about to do to him. She liked that look, it made her feel wanted and powerful.

Brandi reached out and slowly wrapped her hand around his penis. It was warm, with a strange softness to the surface but firmness underneath. It was straight but leaned left. She tightened her grip just enough to pull the skin slowly up and over the head, then down and back into place. Eric groaned loudly.

She stuck out her tongue and flicked the tip of his cock. She licked the shiny fluid and discovered that she kind of liked the salty taste. Brandi then took a deep breath and wrapped her lips around the spongy head. She began moving her tongue around, exploring the texture of his manhood. She found the feel of his erection in her mouth to be deeply satisfying.

Brandi slid down the length of his penis and when she got to a point where she felt full but not uncomfortable, she stopped and savored the sensation. Thoughts exploded in her head, 'I finally have a cock to play with.' 'I'm giving my first blow job.' 'This is fucking fantastic.'

She caressed his hard-on with her tongue as she began moving her head up and down. She experimented with the stroke length, sometimes going down to the point of gagging, sometimes coming up so far he almost popped out. Eric was moaning and moving his hips around.

Realizing how good she was making him feel fueled her desire. She wrapped one hand around his shaft and cupped his sack with her other. She could feel the football-shaped testicles under the wrinkled skin and pubic hair. She moved them around without squeezing them. Eric jumped and made a whimpering noise. She took this as a sign he was close. She sucked as much of his cock into her mouth as she could, lashing it with her tongue. She pumped with one hand and squeezed slightly with the other.

"Oh oh oh wait wait wait," He gasped.

She pulled her mouth off him and began stroking his wet, firm flesh. His eyes were closed tight and his upper torso was rolled up. She wanted this so badly. She was finally going to make a guy orgasm, see cum shoot out of his hard cock. She couldn't wait to see how much would come out, how far it would go, and what it felt like on her skin. Fuck this was even better than she imagined.

Eric made a guttural sound and began to convulse. Brandi was breathing heavily and could hear a ringing in her ears. At the peak of anticipation, his cock erupted like a pressurized pipe cracking open.

Brandi watched in awe as stream after stream of thick ejaculate shot from his erection. It didn't just come out, it flew everywhere. The first few squirts became airborne and fell somewhere on the bed. The next few roped up his shirt as far as his collar. One hit her face with such force it made a splat sound, and another landed in her hair. Squirt after squirt, it just kept coming.

Eventually, the stream slowed to a trickle. The slick substance drooled out of his penial opening and sensually rolled down her hand. Its warmth and texture felt good oozing between her fingers. Brandi stared at the image, finding it the most erotic thing she'd ever seen.

She looked up at Eric to see him grinning from ear to ear. She responded with a similar smile.

"That was incredible!" he exclaimed quietly.

"Yeah for me too," she responded, removing her hand and rubbing the cum around in her palm. "I never knew a guy could cum so much."

"Well, you were really really good."

"Thanks," she said, not taking her attention off her hand.

"You, you have some on your face," he said, reaching out and rubbing it off her cheek. "Did. Did you want me to do something for you?"

Brandi knew he was talking about reciprocating the oral action, but that wasn't what she wanted. Giving a blow job was as great as she had always hoped it would be and she wanted more. She wanted to do it again, do it again immediately. She suspected that from this point on she would always want to do it. She looked up at him and bit her lower lip before saying, "It's probably only fair to give Matt a turn."

"Oh yeah, Matt," Eric said as if he had forgotten his friend existed.

"How about you tell him he can come over if he wants."

"Um, yeah, ok, sure," Eric said, confused but still high from his first blow job.

He stood and pulled up his pants. "Ah, thanks. That was awesome," he gushed as he walked out with a dumb grin on his face and wet cum on his shirt.

Alone in her room, Brandi tasted the fluid in her hand. It was much milder than she expected. She smiled and felt horny sex twitches all over her body. Her longing had finally become reality and it was glorious.

There was a quiet knock on the door. "Come in," she said, hoping her excitement wasn't too obvious.

Matt stepped in looking timid and nervous, like someone who was about to sing in front of an audience for the first time.

"Hey," She grinned.


"I'm glad you came," she reassured.

Brandi could see his struggle to come up with an appropriate answer before finally going with, "Yeah me too."

She removed her glasses and motioned him to her bed. "Do you like kissing?" she asked hoping she sounded more seductive than silly.

He sat on the bed next to her, "I've not done it that much, but yeah I like it."

"I'd like to kiss you," she said with anticipation.

"Um ok," Matt replied before leaning in and kissing her gently.

Brandi purred as she felt the space between her legs getting wet. Matt opened his mouth just enough for their tongues to touch. They explored each other for a few seconds before he stopped.

Matt had a nervous look that morphed into a smile when Brandi said, "You're pretty good for not having done it much."

He leaned in again, this time with more confidence, and kissed her deep on the lips. Feeling his tongue slipping into her mouth sent thrills through her body. Brandi responded in kind and started moving her lips. Matt matched her movements and within seconds their sexy kiss had her insides melting.

When he stopped to take a breath, Brandi took the initiative and pulled his shirt over his head then pushed him back on the bed. Without hesitation, she unbuckled his belt and opened the front of his jeans. Matt shifted allowing her to easily pull his pants and boxers down and off, leaving her face only inches from his exposed erection.