Freja and Jeanie Ch. 01


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"Huh. Weird flex for a fan, but okay, I'll run with it," Jeanie said, still a little confused by her conversation partner. "You thought we could improve the show with this stuff? I think you're right, and we appreciate --"

"They're gifts, not props!" he cut in again, his voice harsh now, his eyes pained. "How'm I gonna prove I'm better than those other guys, hm? The ones that are always mogging me? The type girls like you like to fuck."

"'scuse me?" Jeanie asked, perhaps a tad indignant. "I'll admit, I'm on the easy side, but I'm no man's property, tyvm. I have a wife."

"That's right, the Stacys are always taken, aren't they?" he said as he slowly walked closer, his watery hazel eyes fixed on her. "You're cock carousels for as long as it takes, finding Mister Right Now, and it doesn't really matter who he actually is, does it? The meeks are as good as anyone, it's all about how wet he makes you."

"Hold on there, bucko," Jeanie said hotly, turning to face him now. "It's one thing to give a girl gifts, but that doesn't mean you can insult her ... usually. Um ... my point stands, you can't be rude just because you --"

"You fucking femoids are all the same!" he hissed, his eyes flashing with accusation. "So easy for you to get what you want, while the rest of us can just lay down and rot, never having known what it's like!"

"Y'might wanna start trying to get laid by not being such a creepazoid, dude ..." she said as she began to back away.


The coffee table had been hurriedly cleared of all objects, and the girls were now lying atop it, engaged in a trembling sixty-nine. Freja was lying on top of Brenda, slithering her tongue around the woman's clit while pushing two fingers in and out of her wet pussy. Brenda was panting and gasping as she worked her tongue up and down Freja's netherlips, using her fingers to pull her wide, eliciting a moan of delight from the Danish girl.

"Oh God, yes!" gasped Brenda as one of Freja's fingers found its way into her ass, even while other fingers were pinned inside her fluttering slit. She squirmed beneath her lover, legs almost shaking as she tried to control herself enough to continue pleasuring Freja. It'd been almost two years since she'd been with a girl. She'd missed it.

Freja sucked Brenda's clit into her mouth, causing the girl to stifle a cry. She rolled the throbbing bud with her tongue, massaging it expertly, and felt her lover beginning to shake uncontrollably. She wasn't worried about cumming herself, she just wanted Brenda to cum hard enough that she'd want more and be a willing partner for Jeanie and herself. You couldn't have too many playmates, after all.

Brenda's hips quaked and then she had her feet flat on the table and pushed up, straining with all her might. Her hips pushed up so far that Freja's spine flexed backward slightly. Brenda's mouth had left Freja's pussy and her teeth were clenched as she fought back a screech. Then she began bucking madly, and Freja latched her arms around the woman's ass, holding tight while she kept plunging her tongue into her pussy. Brenda came hard, bathing her lover's face in her essence until she collapsed on the table, trembling and breathing hard.

Freja sighed dreamily as a little orgasm pulsed through her, just enough to take the horny edge off. She turned her head to the side and nuzzled her cheek against Brenda's worn pussy. This had been nice. And Jeanie had been gone for a while, too. Maybe she was giving them some alone time? Or maybe she was getting some herself?

Freja finally sat up and stretched her arms over her head. Her pert, toned ass cheeks were over Brenda's face, and she giggled and then squirmed appreciatively as the woman kissed and lapped at her pussy gently. Freja reached down and petted Brenda's womanhood, as if for a job well done. She finally turned herself around, settling her hips down so her pussy squished against Brenda's. They smiled at one another before Freja lay down to share a soulful kiss for several seconds and then rolled off the table.

"So perhaps you would consider meeting with Jeanette and myself at some point?" she asked as she helped Brenda off the table. "I am thinking we would all have fun."

"Well, as long as I don't show up on your camgirl thingy," Brenda said, rubbing at her face and trying to recover. "Can't have that."

"It is against the rules of the website to have unregistered people on the camera anyway, so you must not worry," Freja said cheerfully, enjoying the dopamine dump in her system from the orgasm. She was reaching for her clothes now, thinking it was regrettably time to get dressed. She had managed to slip on her bra and panties when she noticed something on the wall. As Brenda was getting her underwear and pants back on, Freja went over to the hanging pegs mounted in the wall.

"Find something interesting?" Brenda asked, pulling on her shirt while watching Freja observe something.

"This jacket," Freja said, indicating a long black duster. "Do you know what these badges and patches are?"

Brenda shook her head. "No, can't say as I do. Not gamer stuff?"

"No, not at all," Freja replied, holding the coat up for her inspection. "I have seen them in a course at school. This one here? The one that looks like a black pill capsule? It indicates that the world is inherently messed up and the odds are never in your favour and never will be."

"Okay ..."

"And this badge that says 'AWALT'? It stands for 'All Women Are Like That,'" Freja continued.

"Damn, I thought it was just some gamer thing I didn't understand," Brenda muttered. "Sounds sexist."

"And this one?" Freja said, showing another badge that simply read 'ER,' with a gold crown above the letters "It means Elliot Rodger, the maniac who killed people in California some five years ago. He is called Saint Elliot by young men who claim they cannot get sex."

Freja lowered the coat and looked at Brenda. "Brenda, this coat, it is belonging to an incel. A bad one, at that."

"Well, that is a problem," Brenda said rather nervously.


"Because that coat belongs to Kenny ..."


"I said no, goddammit!" Jeanie hissed, perched atop one of the tall metal-frame storage racks in the center of the room now, looking irked as she scowled down at Kenny, who was waiting for her at the bottom. He seemed rather frustrated, because when he tried to climb up, she kept dropping the boxes from that top shelf on his head. It was really irritating. "Why is this such a difficult concept for you?"

"You can't deny me!" he shouted, looking at her angrily. "I bought you all this great stuff that was on your site! I didn't choose it for you, you chose it for me to get for you! You got your part of the deal, what about mine?"

"You did get yours, Einstein," she shot back, threatening him with a box. "You got to watch us do our thing together! That's what we offered. Never said anything about meeting up with and fucking some neomaxizoomdweebie fan who really needs a hug from his mommy!"

"You sluts are all the same!" he almost shouted, pointing a shaking finger at her. "You say you want a nice guy, but you give it away to the creeps! Maybe some of us don't want to live like shallow douchebags just to get some!"

"Well, you sound like a shallow douchebag, and you're not presenting any welcome alternative, buddy," she snapped, tired of perching like a vulture. "So this is just about getting laid? You're a virgin and pissy about it?"

"There's no chance for a guy like me," he spat, clearly disgusted by her very existence. "You girls can fuck so easy, anyone you want! You don't know what it's like to go without, for no one to want you, ever!"

"That's true, I don't," she answered, watching him warily as he came around the shelf, looking for another possible way to get near her. "But that's not my problem if this is how you think I want guys behaving toward me. Ever considered not being a douche?"

"Like it matters," he crabbed, dodging another box. "I can't compete; laying down and rotting is the only option!"

"Well, you're not off to a very successful start there either, dude," Jeanie said snidely, right before he tried to begin climbing again. "I swear, if you come up one more inch, I'll drop trou and piss all over your head, little man ..."

"Best a guy like me can hope for, isn't it?" he sneered, not deterred this time.

"What, so if I fucked you, you'd knock this bullshit off?" she asked, trying to calm him down. Why wasn't she better at this? "Because you can't possibly think this is how you romance women."

"There's no romancing women, you stupid cunt," Kenny growled, glaring at her. "There's just taking what you fucking can at whatever cost. And if women won't give you what they owe, then you just take it no matter what they have to say."

"Over my dead body, stringbean!" Jeanie hissed, holding up one of her last boxes threateningly in one hand.

"That's the idea!" Kenny snarled as he made to climb the metal shelf again.

The door of the room jostled almost frantically as someone tried to get in.

"Jeanette? Yndling!" Freja called through the door.

"About time, hero!" Jeanie groused, turning her head to scowl at the door for a moment. "What should've been a fun little excursion has turned into -- HEY!!" she shouted angrily as Kenny began trying to shake the shelf to dislodge her. Fortunately, his upper-body strength didn't seem equal to the task, and she remained a full twelve feet over his head. "Knock it off, Kenny, or I swear to Bob, I'll --"

There were several loud slams against the door before it finally broke off its hinges and toppled inward, followed by a wide-eyed Freja rushing in, trailed by the front counter supervisor. For whatever reason, Freja was wearing only her bra and panties.

"What is going on in here?!" the supervisor demanded, clearly aghast at the scene. At least she was wearing clothes, although she was looking at little dishevelled, and her face was suspiciously shiny and sticky.

"Oh, not much," Jeanie grumped from atop her narrow perch, gesturing with a hand and giving away her French-Canadian heritage. "Prince Igor down there bought us a whole bunch of really nifty shit from our website, but he thinks that because he did that, he's allowed to skin me like a deer and wear me as pajamas. He got upset when I said no."

"It wasn't like that at all, you lying bitch!" Kenny shouted, glaring at Jeanie again.

"Then why am I up here, ace?" she shot back. "And stay away from this shelf, I will piss on you."

"It is true, she will," Freja agreed, nodding. "Did you offer to fuck him?"

"Oh, of course I did!" Jeanie complained, rolling her eyes. "But that wasn't good enough, he has to kill me or some dumb thing. He keeps calling me Stacy on top of everything else! Why would I fuck a guy who can't even get my name right?"

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" Danny shouted.

"Ignore him," Jeanie said dismissively. "Hey, Fre, is this one an incel? Like you read about in that one Modern Psych course you're taking as an elective?"

"Very much so," Freja confirmed, watching the skinny, outraged man warily. He was still glaring at Jeanie. "He is almost a poster child for them, really."

"Well, could we wrap this up?" Jeanie asked, rubbing her ass. "I've been up here for a while now, and my tushie is getting kinda sore, and so are my legs."

"I am on it," Freja said, walking purposefully toward Kenny now, her eyes locked on him. "Brenda, please go and call the police."

"Thanks, Brenda!" Jeanie called out, waving to the woman as she scurried out of the room before returning her attention to her wife below.

"As for you, min herre, perhaps it is time for you to leave my wife alone," Freja growled, still advancing on Kenny. "If you stop now, I will -- AIYA!"

"Oh, yeah, watch out, he's kinda got a box cutter!" Jeanie called from the top of the shelf, making a sour face as Freja jumped back hastily from the slashing bade.

"You did not think to mention this earlier?!" Freja hissed, scowling up at her wife. "He nearly cut my left tit off!"

"Oh, nonono!" Jeanie said hastily, protesting the notion. "I love your left tit! I love 'em both! I love Penn and Teller!"

"You named my tits Penn and Teller?!" Freja gasped in outrage as she dodged back again from another clumsy swipe of the triangular blade while Kenny advanced on her. "Why would you do that?!"

"Oh, I don't know," Jeanie whined, looking upset and apologetic. "It just happened that way, okay? I promise to try and think of something else!"

"Maybe I should let this incel cut them off and keep them, ja?" Freja shot back. "At least then they would be owned by someone who appreciated them!"

Kenny shouted incoherently and charged her now, swiping madly with the box cutter. Freja was done backing up, though, and ducked, spinning around past Kenny and ending up behind him -- but not before giving him a jab in the ribs. He grunted and staggered for a moment before glaring at Freja, still hunched over and holding his side.

"I am not wanting to hurt you," Freja warned him, taking up one of her fighting poses. "But to protect my wife, I will hurt you very badly."

"Too late, bitch!" he yelled and charged in again, slamming the blade of the box cutter down in a clumsy overhead arc, trying to bury it in her cranium. She dodged to the inside and punched him in the nose, hard. There was a mushy crack, and Kenny staggered forward and collapsed to his hands and knees on the floor, moaning in pain, his nose broken and now oozing snotty blood. When he managed to get to his feet, his nose was easily twice its original size, and the area around his eyes was blackening quickly.

"I'll kill you ..." he burbled, glaring hatefully.

"This is your last chance," she said, suspecting that he had no intention whatsoever of heeding her warning. If he managed to harm or kill her, he'd done the movement a favour, ridding the world of a 'femoid.' If he got beaten, it just proved their stupid narrative that the world was stacked against them and they never had a chance to begin with.

Turning in to face her, he charged again, thrusting forward with his box cutter. Freja batted the arm holding the makeshift weapon to the outside, leaving Kenny wide open. She rammed her fist into his sternum, making him wheeze violently and she knocked the air out of him. Her knee rammed up into his jaw, snapping his head back, stunning him.

She ducked behind him again and grabbed him around the middle, lifting him up and them launching herself backward to slam him through the table. It shattered beneath the impact.

"Nooooooo!" Jeanie wailed, watching helplessly from above as the toys and outfits scattered everywhere, some of them looking damaged by the impact and the splintering debris. "Not the table! My toys! All my pretty new toys!"

Freja slowly pulled herself out of the wreckage of the table, sitting up and shaking her head to clear it. Next to her, Kenny was still lying in a crumpled heap, very unconscious. She noticed that one of the straps of her bra had been sliced in half, and now one of her breasts was exposed. She sighed forlornly. She'd really liked the lift this particular bra gave her.

"You can come down now, yndling," she said finally. "The bad boy is asleep."

"Well, as long as you're sure," Jeanie said warily, beginning the climb down. Once she was on the floor, she knelt in front of her wife and hugged her close.

"Thanks for saving me, Fre," she whispered into her lover's ear before giving her a loving kiss. They stayed like that for several moments before Jeanie stood and helped a weary Freja to her feet. She put her arm around her wife while they both gazed down at Kenny, still asleep on what was left of the table.

"There is never a dull moment with you around, my love," Freja said finally, shaking her head. "Are all the men you attract as debonair as this one?"

"Hardy-har-har," Jeanie said dryly, giving her wife a look. "Could've been you who came back here to retrieve the package, y'know."

"Things would have turned out differently, I am thinking." Freja mused, still looking down at him.

"You would have kicked his ass immediately?" Jeanie asked.

"No, I probably would have let him fuck me," answered the Danish girl. "Your standards are just too high ..."


Brenda had returned moments later, having called the police. She was relieved to see Freja and Jeanie were unharmed. She also brought Freja's clothes, thinking she should put them on before the constabulary arrived, to avoid awkward questions.

They also hastily recovered and packaged away all the toys and outfits from the ruined box, putting them in new boxes and setting them aside. Freja had immobilized Kenny's hands behind his back with zip-ties, and done with the same with his feet. She also duct-taped his mouth shut, since he began insulting them the moment he woke up. Mercifully, the police were there in short order.

They watched as the three cop cars pulled away, with Kenny inside, arrested on charges ranging from harassment and abduction all the way up to aggravated assault with a weapon. Jeanie asked for them to not charge him with attempted murder, because she didn't want to be tied up in court, or have to explain the where's and why's to her parents since sex toys and her career as a camgirl were involved.

"Bye, Kenny!" she called out, waving. "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!"

"You went easy on him, asking he not be charged with attempted murder," Freja mentioned as they went back inside the front office of the warehouse.

"I went easy on myself, tbh," Jeanie said, shrugging. "Besides, the charges against him are still a mile long. He's gonna spend the next few years as some fat, greasy tattooed bastard's buttery cornhole, so maybe that's punishment enough, right? Maybe get all that incel angst out of his system."

"I'm so sorry all this happened," Brenda said guiltily, walking alongside them. "I kinda feel responsible."

"You should not, my dear," Freja said, reaching out and giving her bicep a gentle squeeze. "You did not know he was such a person, after all. And he lured us here, like he had figured out we would be unable to resist the temptation to come and claim our prize."

"I hate it when guys know me that well," Jeanie grumbled.

"Maybe, but it still happened on my watch, and I feel responsible," Brenda pointed out. "I'll need to make it up to you. At the very least, your cab home is on me."

"I have already been on you, and I think a cab on you would be less fun," Freja quipped, winking at Brenda and making Jeanie giggle. "If you feel some need to make it up to us, just come and make love with us whenever you feel you can. I think we would all find this acceptable, ja?"

"Definitely," Brenda agreed.

"Ja," chimed in Jeanie.

Freja laughed and pulled the other two women in close to share a sensual, wet three-way kiss.


"Well, guys and girls, I hope you enjoyed this show," Jeanie said, lying on her stomach on the bed, her knees cocked and her legs kicking back and forth slowly behind her. Freja was nestled against her, lying in the same manner. They both looked sweaty and dishevelled from heavy sex. "And I mean that- I hope you enjoyed it, because we kinda have an announcement to make ..."

She paused and looked at her wife, who nodded and began speaking. "While we love performing for you all, and appreciate your donations, our lives have recently come under direct threat, when a crazed fan found us, and tried to assault my wife before attacking me. Do not worry, we are both fine, tee-why-vee-emm, but we have reached the conclusion that this is not the line of work for us to be in right now."