Fetish Focus: His Daughter's Tits


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"My gawd," she whispered. "So much."

"I'm sorry," he gasped.

"Don't be," she said, squeezing his cock. "It's what I wanted."

He relaxed against the couch as his orgasm wound down, and for several long minutes afterwards she gently milked and massaged him, until his sticky cock was soft. She used her bra to wipe him dry, tucking him back into his pants as she stood up and leaned over him.

She kissed him softly on the forehead.

"Good night, Daddy," she whispered.

Without a word he watched her walk around the couch and go up the stairs.


In the morning she had coffee going when he came out of his room, embarrassed and quiet as she grinned at him.

"Good morning Daddy," she said.

"Morning," he said.

"Don't say a word Dad," she said, handing him a cup of coffee. "Last night was a one-time thing. I didn't plan it, but it didn't hurt either of us. You enjoyed it and I wanted to prove something to myself. Sort of breaking a spell so to speak. I hope you don't feel too used."

"I'll live," Robert said carefully. "But are you alright? Is there anything about you that I need to know? About you and Scott?"

"I'll tell you someday I promise," she said, coming over to kiss his cheek. "In the meantime, let's eat and enjoy the day."

They spent the day together, avoiding personal conversation as they hiked around the property, watched some deer through binoculars, and had an early dinner before Kelly headed back to the city.

Once again before going to bed Robert found his daughters bra in his bed, and just seeing it with his cum stains all over it made him rock hard.


Four months later Kelly arrived at the cabin late one evening, carrying a suitcase and grinning at him with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling her in for a hug. "What happened? Are you okay? Is Scott okay?"

She collapsed against him, and he held her.

"No one is hurt," she sniffled. "No accidents or anything like that."

They stood at the front door like that, until Robert eventually pulled her to the sofa where he'd been sitting in front of the television.

After several minutes she calmed down enough to tell him she'd talk about it the next day, if he could help her get some more of her things out of the car and let her take a shower and get some sleep.

"Of course," he said.

They piled her stuff in the front hallway, and she went upstairs with her overnight bag.

He heard the shower start and he poured her a glass of wine, and pushing open the door to the room at the top of the stairs he set it on the nightstand, before making up the bed for her.

He heard the shower turn off and he passed her in the hallway, pulling her close to kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you," he said. "There's wine on the nightstand. See you in the morning."


In the morning Kelly made her way down to the kitchen, where her father handed her a cup of coffee.

"Scott?" he asked.

She nodded, tears filling her eyes.

"The wedding?" he asked.

She shook her head and the tears started to run down her cheeks.

"How long are you here for?" he asked gently.

"I don't have to be back at work for three weeks," she said.

"Get yourself together," he told her. "We'll go out for breakfast and then do some shopping. We can spend the afternoon eating junk food and watching tv while we watch it snow on the lake."

They went into town and ate at a diner, before hitting the grocery store. After getting home and putting everything away Robert fired up the tv and put a fire going in the fireplace.

Without a word Kelly joined him on the sofa and they scrolled through the satellite feed before finding an old black and white mystery. They sat quietly in the darkening room, watching the movie and eating microwave popcorn.

As the movie ended, they saw an ad for an old tv show that they had enjoyed together years earlier, and without a word Robert clicked the remote and they sat through three episodes. As the fourth episode started Robert put the sound on mute and pulled her close and hugged her as she put her head on his shoulder.

"Just tell me one thing and then we don't have to talk about it anymore," he said softly.

"Okay," she answered in a whisper.

"Do I have to cut his nuts off, or should I just run him over with my truck?" he asked.

She burst out laughing and suddenly the energy in the room changed, and before long they were giggling together.

"He's a prick," she said with a smile. "But without enough nuts to worry about removing."

"Truck it is," said Robert with a grin.

"Just be careful or you'll hit the father of his girlfriend head-on," she laughed.

"Girlfriend?" asked Robert. "What a twat."

"You mean Scott or the girlfriend?" asked Kelly.

"Scott," said her father. "Although the girlfriend can't be a prize, sleeping with an engaged man."

"I don't think she knew he was engaged," said Kelly. "In fact, I think she was as surprised about me as I was about her."

"Are you taking a break?" Robert asked. "Or finished for good?"

"He's been fucking her for over two years," Kelly said. "He and I are through."

"What about all your stuff?" Robert asked.

"I had some guys from work help me move it all into a storage unit while he was out of town," she said. "I picked him up at the airport this morning and told him we were done. I then went to the office and finished up some stuff before heading here."

"Why don't you go in and take a bath while I get dinner ready?" he suggested. "We'll watch some more tv and get in bed early. Maybe in the morning we'll talk some more if you want."

"I'd like that," Kelly said.

She disappeared into the bathroom and Robert put together a salad and some sandwiches, and watched the end of an action movie until he heard the door to the master bedroom open.

He turned to ask Kelly when she'd like to eat, but froze before he could get a word out.

She was wearing a short robe, belted at the waist and barely covering her legs. As he stared two things were immediately obvious to him. The first was that she wasn't wearing panties, and the second was that the robe was too small to contain her enormous breasts.

They swayed back and forth with each step, unencumbered by a bra, both of them alternately threatening to come into view as she moved through the cabin to the couch.

"Stay right here," he said, getting up. "I'll bring dinner over."

"I can help," she said, but he waved her back to the couch, trying to disguise his interest and arousal.

Shortly they were eating again, the flickering light of the tv the only light in the cabin, except for the dying embers in the fire.

"I'm going to watch another movie if you don't care," Kelly said.

"Sounds good to me," Robert replied. "Unless you want to be alone."

"I'd prefer company," she told him. "Unless you're too tired."

She clicked around and found another movie, and then snuggled against him as the movie started. He had one arm around her shoulder and was stroking her hair in the dark room, comforting his daughter as she relaxed against him, both of them thinking back to the last movie they'd watched like this.

As the movie went on Robert couldn't help but be distracted by the heat of his daughter's body and the warm soapy smell of having her so close to him. Without intending to he got hard again, hoping she wouldn't notice. However, after several minutes she moved slightly, putting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Daddy," she whispered.

"For what?" he asked.

"For not telling you what was going on last time I was here," she answered, putting her hand on his thigh.

"I sort of guessed something was up," he said quietly.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked. "Do you think I'm a horrible person?"

"Not at all," he said. "It was unexpected, and probably pretty weird, but it didn't hurt anything. As long as you're not upset about it."

"I liked it," she said. "I needed it, I think. It helped me organize my thoughts."

"It did the opposite to me," he laughed. "It sort of made it hard to think about anything else."

"It wasn't sort of hard," she teased. "It was really fucking hard."

As she said that she moved her hand and touched the front of his pants, pressing her fingers against his erection.

"Just like now," she whispered with a grin.

"I'm sorry honey," he said. "I should have been more careful."

"Don't be sorry," she said. "It's sort of flattering. Besides I like it."

"You don't think it's wrong?" he asked softly.

She traced her fingers over the shape of his cock, loving how hard he was just from being near her.

"It's not wrong to make someone you love feel better," she said, unzipping his pants.

"What if you feel bad later?" he asked, touching her arm.

She looked at him as she undid his belt and unfastened his pants.

"And what if we don't feel bad later?" she asked. "We can feel good later and great right now."

She reached in and pulled his cock out, and lowered her head and took him into her mouth.

He clicked the tv off and closed his eyes, listening to the wind against the windows in the dark cabin. His daughter sucked on the tip of his cock while she tickled his balls, before pushing her hot mouth further down his shaft.

He put a hand on the back of her head as she shifted on the couch, and he felt her cup his balls as his cockhead poked against the back of her throat.

"Gawd," he gasped, feeling her swallow with him all the way in her mouth, her throat clenching around his cockhead.

She groaned with a mouthful of his cock, and it was the most erotic sound he'd ever heard. He pushed his hand along her back, feeling the heat of her bare skin as she sucked him harder.

Knowing that his orgasm was close he pulled her up, intending to give her another chance to change her mind about what they were doing.

But as she sat up she shook off her robe and pulled his pants down hard, and without thought he took his shirt off and kicked at his shoes. Then they were naked together and she leaned over and put her mouth on his.

His hands found her smooth hips and she moaned into his mouth, reaching over to take the blanket off the back of the couch. She grabbed her father's hand and spread the blanket out on the floor in front of the fireplace, and she pulled her father close as they stretched out on the soft fabric.

She felt his cock push against her thigh as he took her breasts in his hands, and she squealed with delight as he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking hard as his fingers stroked all along her sensitive tit-flesh.

She ran her fingers through his hair and pushed her tit against his mouth, and he kissed her stomach and then pushed between her thighs. She sat up as he pulled her cunt lips apart with his fingers, and she shuddered as his tongue began to push up into her.

"Oh Daddy," she groaned.

She felt him slide his hand up to grasp her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers as he bit at her clit, and she started to tremble as a twisting heat rolled through her belly and thighs.

"Daddy it's gonna happen," she cried out, surprised at the speed of her bodies response.

He hungrily attacked her clit with his mouth, his tongue moving over her wet heat as he grabbed her other breast, tweaking both nipples as she put her head back and gave into the explosive pressure that pushed through her.

"Now!!!!" she screamed.

Her hips came off the blanket as he wrapped his strong arms around her legs and lifted her, sucking and tonguing and lapping and tasting his own daughter as her orgasm thundered through her body like a tsunami.

Her clit was still tingling as he pushed against her and flattened her body against the blanket, kissing her throat and holding her breasts.

"Kiss me Daddy," she begged in the darkness.

His lips found hers and she pushed her tongue into his mouth as his cock made contact with the wetness between her legs. She grabbed his ass and pulled as he pushed himself into her, and they started to rock back and forth as her clenching cunt stretched around him.

He concentrated on how tight and wet she felt around his thrusting cock, trying to control his throbbing need to cum as she fucked up at him in the same greedy rhythm he was using to slide in and out of her.

She suddenly screamed again, raking her nails across his back as another orgasm pounded through her, triggered by the knowledge that it was her Daddy's cock rubbing her most sensitive place deep inside her cunt.

He pulled away from her and straddled her, and realizing what he wanted she grabbed her breasts and pushed them together as he pushed his cock between them.

"Fuck my tits Daddy," she urged him.

She realized that her teasing him about being a tit man had been correct, and she felt his balls bouncing against her stomach as he fucked her tits. He leaned down and kissed her again, and she grabbed his cock and squeezed.

"Where do you want to cum Daddy?" she whispered.

"How do you want it?" he groaned.

"Kiss me while you cum inside me," she said.

She spread her legs and he moved between them, sliding into her again as she wrapped her legs around him.

"I'm close," he whispered.

"Do it," she begged. "Fill me up."

He started to fuck her harder than he had before, and she moved beneath him as her cunt took thrust after thrust of his hard prick, until he groaned and she felt his arms tense up.

He kissed her then, and she felt his cock lurch as a sudden heat spread through her hole, his orgasm pulsing into her as she screamed against his mouth, her belly flipping with pleasure as her own father pumped her full of his cum.


A few hours later he stirred against her in the cold room and she woke up, and took his hand as he wordlessly led his naked daughter to his bed, both of them pressing their naked bodies together under the warm blankets, holding each other as they drifted back to sleep.


In the morning Robert woke up with Kelly sucking on his cock again, and he pulled her up for another kiss, grabbing her breasts as the morning sun lit up the room around the blinds.

She rolled him over and straddled him, pushing her needy cunt against his hard cock as he took her nipple into his mouth, and she fucked up and down on him in a slow steady rhythm while he sucked each of her nipples until she was shaking with need.

And then he suddenly roared underneath her and she felt herself start to orgasm just as he pumped another load up into her, his mouth sucking her nipple as her moans of pleasure joined his.

She collapsed on top of him, and they held each other for a while in the cool silence, before his soft cock finally slipped out of her entirely, and she rolled over and pressed against him.

He took one of her breasts in his hand and gently massaged it, looking down at his daughter, naked beside him with his cum dripping out of her.

"Are you okay?" he asked her in a gentle whisper.

"That depends," she answered with a smile.

"On what?" he asked.

"I have beard burn on my tits," she giggled. "Do you think you could kiss them and make them feel better?"


Thank you for reading all the way to the end.

I always remind people that if they have an idea they'd like me to turn into a story that I'd be happy to try, but don't forget that many of the folks who write here on Literotica (INCLUDING ME!!!!) started writing here so they could find the kind of stories they wanted to read.

Don't be afraid to try to write a story and submit it here.

Literotica has a lot of resources to help first time writers, and everyone starts somewhere.


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One of the best!!

Maximiliano123Maximiliano12310 days ago

Very,Very good indeed!!!

AmbulAmbul23 days ago

Very erotic, romantic, and smoothly written. I really liked the tit fetish, and 32E tits are very big, but definitely not “ridiculous.” Perhaps stripper or pornstar tits, and the daughter definitely was not fat. I would certainly enjoy a follow-up story to see where their relationship goes.

CoolboiyzCoolboiyz23 days ago

Hot as hell!!! 5 stars to your wonderfull narration. Yeah! I loved the 32E so big.


Well done really enjoyed it. 5 stars as with most of your stories I hope there are more chapters

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