February Sucks - Luck

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Different direction from George Anderson's original story.
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Thought I would also try a different take on George Anderson's story 'February Sucks'. One change to the premise is that Jim and Linda, the main married couple, have been married longer. My story starts after Marc LaValliere has left with Linda. I have included five paragraphs to help transition from George's story.


"I wanted to dance with my wife, but thanks to you and her and Asshole, that doesn't seem to be an option, now does it?" I turned my back on Dee and stalked back to our table.

The talk at the table stopped abruptly when I appeared. The averted eyes told the tale: all of our friends now knew that my wife and Asshole were at that very moment making a cuckold of me.

"Uh, Jim, are you going to be okay?" Dave asked hesitantly after he seated Dee. I wanted to tell him what Dee had said and ask if he would be okay, but I couldn't force the words past my throat. I guess I hadn't gotten over being the good guy yet. I would have to work on that.

"It depends on what you mean by okay." There were a couple of nervous giggles.

"I mean, yeah, that was a shitty thing to do, but you two are going to make it, aren't you? You're not going to divorce Linda over this, are you?"


I sat back, surveyed the room and wondered. So many beautiful women in the room. Why did Marc LaValliere pick my wife? Why did she say yes? Why did she throw me away? Our kids were getting older and more self-sufficient. They would be out of the house soon and Linda and I had already been discussing what we wanted to do when the kids were out of the house. Many months ago, a small part of my mind had considered what the relationship between Linda and I would become. Of course, I assumed we would get to spend more quality time together, becoming closer. Then it hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks, Linda's future plans may not include me. I felt like I was a fool. The thought evaporated all my sorrow and disappointment leaving me with only my anger.

By the worried looks around the table I realized the expression on my face was giving them the impression that my head was going to explode, or I was going to do something really, really stupid.

Dee asked nervously, "Are you alright Jim?"

There were four beautiful young women sitting in a booth across the dance floor. I could see them just over Dee's shoulder. Why hadn't Marc LaValliere picked one of them? I watched the four ladies for a moment. Then, I started laughing. Very loudly. Everyone at the table looked frightened by my laughter. I was laughing so hard people were looking at our table. I had tears running down my face, I was laughing so hard. As my laughter finally died, I wiped the tears from my face and gave everyone a big smile.

I realized my life had just dramatically changed. I was no longer in a monogamous relationship. I no longer had to worry about my wife's feelings, because my wife no longer worried about mine.

Everyone was staring at me. I smiled at Dee, slid my wedding ring off my finger and handed it to an astonished Dee. "Give that to Linda when you see her. I have things to do."

I stood up and dropped a ten on the table. "That will pay for my drink. Since you encouraged Linda's cheating so much, you can pay for it." As I walked away from the table, my ex-friends called out my name. As I walked out of the club, I wondered what I would say to them if they tried to follow me. The only thing I was sure of, if any of the husbands followed and didn't heed my warning, I was going to break their nose.

As I walked back, my mind was racing. Linda was going out to selfishly have her fun, I would selfishly have mine. Arriving at the hotel I asked the young woman behind the desk if they had any full-sized suites available. She told me no, but if I was looking for a larger room, the bridal suite was available. She listed off many of the amenities available in the room. "I'll take it."

"We will not be able to upgrade the room you are currently in, since it is so late in the night."

"I want both rooms. My wife will be staying in the original room, and I will be staying in the suite." The young women gave me a momentary odd look which said, 'I thought you were doing something special for your wife?' After she gave me the key card to my new room and directions to reach it, I told her "If my wife requests a key to my room, do not give her one. In fact, can you please leave specific instructions that no one is to tell my wife that I am still in the hotel, if she asks."

The young girl had a curious look along with a smile on her face. "I will make sure the hotel staff is informed of your request."

I went up to my old room and gathered my clothing, leaving all of Linda's clothing and personal items in the trash cans. I took the elevator up to the top floor. The Bridal suite was huge and even had a Jacuzzi on a large balcony overlooking the city. I had brought an expensive dinner jacket, just in case we decided to get late night drinks in one of the more upscale restaurants nearby. I put on the jacket and headed back to the club, stopping by the ATM machine to withdraw cash.

When I got back to the club there was a long line to get in. I walked up to the doorman like I owned the place. He asked if he could help me. I smiled at him and gave him a hundred-dollar bill. He smiled back and opened the door and let me in.

My ex-friends were still at the table when I walked in. I scanned the club hoping to still see what I had seen earlier. The table on the side of the dance floor with four beautiful young women sitting at it. There were no men sitting with them, so it must be some type of girl's night out. Perfect for me.

I made my way across the club. Dee spotted me as I was passing nearby the table and tried to wave at me and call my name. I couldn't hear her, but I saw everyone at the table turn to look at me. I didn't acknowledge them as I crossed the floor and casually walked up to the table with the four ladies.

"What's the occasion for four beautiful ladies to be sitting unaccompanied?"

The four ladies all smiled at me. The taller brunette laughed loudly and said, "Our girl here, stupid boyfriend, dumped her for some skank, and we are cheering her up." The brunette was definitely tipsy.

"Well, if you ladies don't mind, I would love to dance with your friend and a chance to cheer her up."

Four pairs of eyes turned towards the petite redhead. She smiled and held out her hand for me to help her from the booth.

As we began dancing, I asked her name.


"My name is Jim. How could you date such a moron that he could let such a beautiful woman go?"

"Because he is an asshole."

I laughed and smiled at her. We talked a bit during the dance. She was going to college to become a nurse and she grew up nearby. The song ended and a slower song started. We continued to dance.

With the music not as loud, Samantha asked, "Are you married Jim?"


"Was that your wife dancing with Marc LaValliere earlier? I noticed that she disappeared after that dance."

"You noticed that huh?"

"Everyone in the club noticed that, Jim."

I smiled my best smile at Samantha. "I guess you found out I was separated the same moment that I found out."

Samantha gave me warm smile and we both danced very close the rest of the song. We were both recently hurt by someone we cared for, and it felt nice holding each other.

When the song ended, we went back to Samantha's table. Samantha told the others at the table, "I know we said no men were to sit with us, but I want Jim to stay with us."

The brunette, obviously trying to play with me and Samantha. "I don't know, we agreed no guys."

"How about I buy a couple bottles of Champagne to make up for it?"

"I don't know, a deal is a deal."

Samantha smiled at all three and said, "Marc LaValliere left with his wife earlier."

Three voiced yelled out, "No shit!" at the same time. The three ladies slid around the booth to make room for Samantha and me.

Before I could get any names, the blonde next to Samantha asked. "Do you guys have an open marriage?"

"Absolutely not."

The other blonde then asked, "What did she tell you?"

"She didn't, she told me she was going to the bathroom and snuck out the back of the club with Marc."

The brunette then yelled, "That cheating skank!"

I pointed my thumb over my shoulder without turning. "And all my asshole EX-friends covered for her."

At that point the waitress came up. I asked if everyone liked champagne, and everyone smiled. "Two bottles of your most expensive champagne." The girls cheered. Before they could ask me another question, I introduced myself. Their names were Kim, Christie and Suzan. They were all studying to become nurses with Samantha.

After the Champagne arrived and everyone had a full glass, Christie (the brunette), asked me what I was going to do about my wife.

"As far as I am concerned, we became separated the moment she walked out the door."

"Do you have any kids?"

"Unfortunately, yes, a boy and a girl, fifteen and thirteen. But in a few more years, they will be on their own and I am looking to trade up in the wife department."

Samantha put her arm through mine and loudly said, "To hell with her, you are with me tonight!"

We all clinked glasses and drank our champagne.

I told the girls some jokes. They told me some jokes. We laughed and drank. They danced with some guys and with each other. Samantha stayed sitting with me the rest of the night, with her arm looped through mine.

Near the end of the night, Christie got a mean look in her eye and jumped up from the table and took off. We all turned to look at where she was going. It looked like Dee had decided to come talk to me, but Christie headed her off near my ex-friend's table. We couldn't hear what was being said, but we could see them talking to each other loudly. It ended after Christie began poking Dee in the chest several times, yelling straight into Dee's face. Dee started crying and sat back down. Christie then unloaded on everyone at the table. All the tables around them were laughing at my ex-friend's embarrassment. When Christie got back, Kim and Suzan high fived her.

Christie drank her champagne, smiled at me and said, "None of those assholes will be coming anywhere near this table the rest of the night."

I turned around and looked at their table. They were all getting up to leave. Jane and Dee were both crying. None of them would look in our direction.

"What did you say Christie?"

"I saw THAT woman getting up the nerve to come talk to you. So, I headed her off and let them know what I thought about people who enable cheaters."

"You made quite an impact. They obviously wanted me to forgive Linda, to ease their consciouses. I owe you a kiss for that."

Samantha grabbed my head and said, "Oh no you don't", and gave me a huge kiss on the mouth while the other three girls cheered her on.

After finishing her kiss, Samantha smiled at me sweetly.

Kim said, "Get a room you two!"

"Well actually," I said, "I have a suite in the hotel down the block and you ladies look like you are in no condition to drive. If we hurry, we can still order more champagne at the hotel."

After I paid the bar tab, we all four headed to the hotel. Samantha hung on to my arm with the other three hanging on to us for support. At the front desk I ordered four bottles of champagne for the room. When I told the clerk my room was the bridal suite, all the ladies started giggling. On the way up the elevator the three ladies began singing the wedding march. Samantha turned beet red but held on to me even tighter. When we got to the door of the room, the ladies started laughing, saying that I had to carry my bride across the threshold.

Samantha looked up at me with her big, beautiful eyes and said, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

I pushed open the door, swept Samantha into my arms and carried her into the room. As I stepped into the room, Samantha put her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss. The ladies thought it was hilarious. They stopped teasing us when Christie spotted the jacuzzi on the balcony. Before I could put Samantha down, all three had stripped down to their bra and panties and were sitting in the jacuzzi.

I set Samantha down. She kept holding my hand and smiling up at me.

There was a knock on the door. It was room service with the champagne. We took the champagne out to the ladies. They were making jokes and giggling. Suzan told me I was over dressed and needed to take it all off. I laughed and told them I was keeping Samantha company. They yelled for Samantha to get in, but she just smiled and pulled me back into the suite. We crossed the suite to the Bridal room with her friends singing the bridal march from the balcony, while laughing hysterically.

I woke up in the morning with Samantha wrapped around me and three other naked ladies laying across the king size bed. They must have climbed in after Samantha, and I went to sleep.

I slid out of the bed. Samantha was watching me. I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"Did you have fun Jim?"

"Yes. The best night of my life."

"Any regrets?"

"Absolutely none."

"Come, take a shower with me." Samantha slid out of the bed and pulled me into the bathroom. "I want you again this morning in the shower."

Wanting to do something I had never done with Linda, once we were in the shower, I picked up Samantha and set her on my dick while standing. I then pinned her against the wall while she wrapped her legs around my waist. The standing position was exhausting, but I had one of the best orgasms of my life. Samantha came very loudly twice before me.

When Samantha and I got out of the shower we found our loud love making had woken up the ladies. They were hung over but happy eating away on room service and drinking Mimosas. Christie said, "I can't wait to get into that shower. You two made it sound like the best shower ever made." All three girls burst out laughing when me and Samantha smiled at each other.

After each of them took a shower they all left. Except for Samantha who had asked if I would give her a ride home.

While driving her home, she snuggled up to me.

"Jim, I know what your wife did last night was terrible, but you still may get back together with her. If you don't, I would love it if we could see each other again." Samantha smiled hopefully up at me.

"I would love that, Samantha. At this point, I have no intention of remaining with my wife."

"I really had fun with you. Your what I need right now, so call me if you think we can be together."

I kissed Samantha at her door. When she opened it, Christie was sitting on the couch. Christie gave me a smile and a wave. As I left, I realized I had put off making a decision about what I was going to do about Linda. Going back to the club had been a knee jerk reaction to Linda's infidelity. It hadn't solved my problem with Linda, but it did make me feel a whole lot better about myself.

After I got home, I took a break and slumped into my living room chair. I didn't bother to turn on any lights, as I thought of a way to end my trashed marriage with the least harm to my children. After a while, I have no idea how long, I heard a car in the driveway, then a key in the lock.

"Jim? Jim, I'm home." She sounded just like she always did when she came home from running errands. She closed the front door and turned on a light. I turned to look at her.

She looked exactly the same. The blue dress still did everything for her that it had done the night before. Her dark hair fell down her back the same way; the poise of her head, the set of her shoulders, her face, the rings on her finger, were all exactly the same as they had been the night before. As if nothing had changed at all. As if she hadn't spent all night and all morning betraying me with an asshole. That shouldn't be possible, I thought. There should be some visible difference, something to indicate what she had done, at least some shame on her face. There wasn't.

"It's still just me, the same old me as always," she said with a tender smile. Of course, she knew what I was thinking. "There's nothing different; nothing has changed. My love for you is just the same as it was yesterday."

"I wish I could say the same thing." Hearing myself, I realized how emotionless I sounded.


With a dead pan look, I stared at Linda while I pointed towards our bedroom. "Don't start. Go take a shower." After trying to say a few words while I continued to point at our bedroom, Linda finally went.

After her shower she came back down. "Jim, where are my clothes from last night?"

"I guess still in the hotel room where you left them."

"You didn't bring my clothes home?"

"Nope, why was there anything important you left behind?"

Linda looked as if she were going to say something when she realized her next statement was going to be something about how inconsiderate I was being. Instead, she sat silent when she realized how incredibly stupid that would sound.

"Why did you do it Linda".

Linda sighed. "It was Marc LaValliere. He's rich and famous and can have any woman he desires. I felt like the most popular girl in the room last night when he asked me to dance. He made me feel special."

Linda still was glowing about last night. As she said it, I could see her disconnect from our conversation, as she fondly remembered the moments from last night.

This was the moment. The moment I knew it was truly over. Linda would always cherish her time with Marc Lavalliere more than any moment with me. I was only an afterthought.

"Do you love him now?"

"No, I don't love him. It was only sex. I love you, Jim."

"Me and you have a completely different understanding of how you treat the person you love."

By the surprised look on Linda's face, I could tell she still felt justified. I was just being a crybaby because my ego got hurt. Which was sad because she crushed my ego, solely to feed hers. "I came back to you Jim, because I love you."

"If he asked you to stay, to be his girlfriend or wife, would you be here now?"

Linda hesitated then saw me watching. "Of course not, I love you Jim."

"You hesitated Linda. I know what that look means. You would still be there if he had asked."

"It was just one night! It was just sex!"

"Discussion is over. I have a lot to think about. Pack some bags for you and the kids and stay with them at your parents. You are going to stay there with the kids this week."

"But Jim..."

"Discussion is over. If you really want to push the issue right now, with the way I am feeling, you will not get the results you are hoping for." This time there was anger in my voice and in the look in my eyes.

Linda packed a bag and left. As soon as she was out of sight, I began my plan. I had an epiphany when I saw Linda standing in the entry way, in her blue dress, looking completely unchanged. I knew something had to change, if I was going to be able to move past this. I called my boss and told him I needed two weeks off. I then went and rented a moving truck and bought some supplies from the hardware store: wood, sheetrock, paint and 2 external doors.

Once home, I grabbed my crowbar and began to work. First, I removed the front door and the windows surrounding the door. Cutting a larger empty space, I installed two front doors. I put the old front door on the right side and a new front door on the left. I then framed a wall straight down the main entry way in the middle of the house and put-up sheetrock. I now owned a duplex.

I installed a new back door on the left side, where the new kitchen would be. The new kitchen would overlook the living room, just like the other side. The office became the third bedroom on the left side, my side. The dining room became the third bedroom on the right side - Linda's side. When I was done each side of the duplex almost matched exactly, except for the detached garage on Linda's side. I would build another garage on my side later. I changed the lock on the garage and garage door code so only I would have access. I also put up a fence in the back yard, cutting the back yard exactly in half. I now owned a duplex.