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I heard some commotion behind me, and when I turned around; I saw Sara holding one hand over her mouth and the other on her stomach, and she was doubled over with laughter. I smiled and said, "Are you laughing me?"

She shook her head and squeaked, "No," then continued laughing. Laughter must be contagious because pretty soon I began laughing right along with her.

Once we both started to regain our composure; Sara's eye's and mine locked and I suddenly felt, for lack of a better description, warm and content, or something a little more as I watched her beautiful lips curl gently around the ends of her mouth. I'd always enjoyed looking at a woman's lips and hers were most certainly no exception. However, when I looked into Sara's eyes, I found myself a captive prisoner in a warm sea of deep blue. It was obvious that Sara had felt it too, because both our eyes went wide at the same time. But just as quickly as the intensity of that sudden feeling appeared, it drifted away while still leaving a permanent imprint in both of our hearts, an imprint that would forever remain. "Well I guess Grouper's not on the menu tonight" I said, trying to break the emotional, as well as the physical tension I was feeling.

Sara began to giggle and teasing me, said, "Are you always this silly, Tom, or did you do it on purpose just for me?"

"Hell, I guess I'm a natural ignorant silly ass," I laughed. Sara just kept giggling and nodded her head.

"I'll tell you what, Tom."


Sara got this familiarly devilish look in her eyes and said, "Let me take you to dinner tonight."

"Aw that's nice," I replied, intending to take us both out myself, "But, you don't have to do that."

A delightful smirk spread across her face, and then she nodded to the sodden grill and matter-of-factly, said, "Well, if we have to wait on you to cook it we'll either be burned to death or starved to death," and then broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter again. Looking back, although I wouldn't have admitted it to myself then; it was at that moment I fell in love with Sara.


We wound up at Crabby Dick's, where eventually it became what we now refer to as just plain old 'Dick's'. We hadn't been there for more than ten minutes when Molly Stone, John's wife, came out to see us once we were seated. Up until now, I hadn't yet had the opportunity to meet her, and I was excited to meet the wife of a man who is now one of the dearest and wisest friends I have. When she came to the table, Sara smiled and chirped, "Hi, Aunt Molly."

"Hi Baby," Molly replied smiling, and then looking at me, she grinned and said, "And I'll bet that you're Tom."

Sara suddenly seemed a bit uncomfortable when Molly said, "Hi, I'm Molly Stone, Tom; it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you lately."

By this time Sara's face had blatantly turned a bright crimson so, to make her feel a little more at ease, I acted like I didn't notice and simply replied, "It's nice to meet you, too, Molly."

As we shook hands; I witnessed a pleasant familiarity when a devilish gleam suddenly appeared in Molly's eyes when she looked at Sara and said, "Ooo, Honey, you were right. He really is a gorgeous hunk," Molly and I both broke out into laughter.

Obviously and thoroughly embarrassed, Sara finally just grinned and then rolled her eyes and said, "Thanks Aunt Molly, I really appreciate it." I could tell that Sara and I were becoming more comfortable around one another. Because now, there was no question about how we each felt about one another, well, no question to me anyway. I still hadn't yet given a solid indication to Sara about what I felt for her, nor had I received any indication from her.


That night when I took Sara home, I wasn't invited in and I didn't ask. We simply sat in my Jeep and talked for a few minutes. "I had a really good time this evening Tom, thank you," she softly told me.

"I really enjoyed it, too, in spite of the fact that I burned what I was going to feed you," I replied, starting to laugh. Sara leaned over and quickly put her right index finger to my lips, and once I'd stopped laughing; she tenderly but firmly replaced her finger with her lips while gently holding the back of my head with her left hand. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the onslaught of emotions that began surging through my body at an astounding rate. But yet, I was still able to maintain control of them....for now.

When she ended the kiss, I felt like I had been suddenly snatched from a beautifully warm place, only to be swiftly and abruptly put out in the cold. She smiled and then got out of the Jeep, waving at me as my eyes followed her to her front door, and then until she was safely inside. I drove home that night with a smile on my face and with the beginning of a fire in my heart.


The following morning; I awoke feeling better than I'd felt in a very long time, and it was then that I decided to start my old running regimen that I used to follow when I was in the Navy.

I chose to run the entire length of the Key West, which is four miles, take a short break, and then turn around and run back. It was 6:15 when I opened my eyes that morning, and once I was up and wide awake, only fifteen minutes had passed. So, by 6:30, I was out the door with my feet on the road.


Two and a half hours later; I was taking a shower to refresh myself from what I would call a very good run. I wanted to finish stocking Theia because I was still planning on spending two, maybe three days at the Dry Tortugas. I saw to it that she would not be lacking of anything, and equipped with all the comforts of home made readily available. As I loaded her hold and stocked the cold foods in the refrigerator as well as dishes in the galley cupboards; I had a brilliant idea.

I was going to invite Sara to go with me. Theia was certainly big enough to provide her with her own private space and her own bathroom. But most importantly; she would not have to worry about feeling pressured to do anything she didn't want to. Besides; I was going to need a dive buddy if I was planning on going SCUBA diving. The same feeling that I'd experienced the night before was beginning to show itself again bringing a smile to my face. However; I was going to have to go through John to okay the time off from work that Sara was going to need in order to be able to make the trip with me. Once I was finished getting Theia fully stocked; I was going to need to meet with John near Mallory Square, get him help me convince Sara to go with me, and then have her meet me at the Oceanside Marina where I was taking Theia to the to top off her fuel tanks.

After packing five days worth of clothes into my old sea bag; I threw it over my shoulder and left the house, locking it on my way out. My house sits up about fifty yards from the ocean but you still had to walk down a path before you could see the dock or the boat. Once I saw the dock, there lay Theia beautifully reflecting the sun that was, by now, high in the sky. I climbed aboard her, took the short flight to the bridge and just stood there for a moment to thank the good Lord for all of the blessings that I'd received lately. Then I started her engines and after the nanosecond it took for the engines to synchronize; Theia began to sing a steady song, her vibrations fulfilling me.

The engines needed to warm up for a few minutes so, while waited; I went below deck to the forward staterooms. I opened both doors and what I saw looked as if pages of an interior design magazine were coming to life. The Starboard stateroom had a powder blue interior with furnishings accentuated to suit its color. The Port stateroom room was just as fine wrought as the other only in dusky tan color. The bathroom or head, as it is called aboard ship, had the standard toilet and sink package but was also equipped with a shower. After making sure that all was right with the forward part of the boat, I went through the galley aft.

Both of the aft staterooms were nice as those forward and both had the very same motif only the Port was an olive color and the Starboard was eggshell and crème color . The aft head had only the standard sink and toilet packages. I must have timed it just right because just I came up on deck; the pitch in Theia's engines slowed down to a gentle hum signaling that she was warm, willing and able. I climbed down onto the dock and cast off both my forward and aft lines. When I got back aboard and on the bridge; I turned on my GPS navigator, turned on both the radar and sonar setting them in passive mode. Once I had backed her away from the dock; I put Theia in forward gear and slowly pushed forward on her throttle. Her engines came to life and gently pushed us forward.

Theia had come equipped with her own cellular telephone and Phil Hogue had been kind enough to set my account up and have the service turned on for me. I reached down and took the receiver off its cradle and then dialed John's office number. As soon as he answered; I told John that I needed him and that it was very important and then I asked him if he would meet me at Mallory Square. He readily agreed without hesitation so, now it was all up to me.


I had only been tied up at the pier for barely a few minutes when John appeared with a smile on his face and said, "Hey Tom, wow, what a beautiful boat!"

"Thanks John, I really appreciate it," I replied. And not wanting to waste any more time than necessary, I looked directly at him and said, "John, I'll get right to the point as to why I called you here. I'm beginning to have some strong feelings for Sara, and I feel like she's having the same feelings I am. I want to talk her into coming with me to the Dry Tortugas for a few days, in the hope that we can sort these feelings out, but I'm gonna need your help."

With a huge smile and a throaty laugh; John replied, "Well, it's about damn time boy!"


Chapter Five

I was docked at Oceanside Marina and Theia was in the process of receiving fuel, when I heard a familiar voice behind me say, "Good afternoon, Silly Boy!"

Laughing at what she said, I turned around and replied, "Why are you calling me silly?" There was Sara, wearing a pair of boy's Union Bay cargo shorts and a "Crabby Dick's" tee shirt tied up between her breasts just below her bust line

Sara stood there with her hands on her slender hips and said, "You didn't have to get Uncle John to order me to take time off and go with you. You could've just asked me yourself ya know." Her tanned brown taut smooth stomach that was exposed to my eyes had the same effect on me as it did the day she showed up at my house wearing just a modest bikini top and a pair off cut off denim shorts.

Thank God the marina attendant finished fueling the boat right then. Because as he soon as he said, "Will there be anything else sir?" My attention was distracted from Sara right as my hands began to sweat. I paid him for the fuel and when I turned back around; Sara was looking at Theia.

She turned to me with a look on her face, which I can only describe as tender, and said, "Is this your new boat?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"Oh Tom, I think it's beautiful," she breathed.

"Her name is Theia," I said, "She was the Greek goddess of divine inspiration!"

"That makes sense," Sara replied grinning.

"Oh Yeah, and how is that?"

With a smirk on her face, Sara stepped in closer to me and replied, "It's not like you couldn't use all the divine inspiration you can get, ya know?"

I laughed and said, "Get on board before I throw you to the sharks, girlie!" She emitted that girlish giggle that drives me crazy, and then grabbing the canvas bag at her feet, climbed aboard.


After we were past the break waters of the harbor; I set the GPS navigator to 24.38 degrees south by 82.55 degrees east, then set the RPM's on Theia's engines and turned on the autopilot. After switching the sonar and radar from passive to active, I took Sara to the forward Starboard stateroom. When I opened the door; she gasped and said, "I've seen hotel rooms that weren't this nice. This is beautiful, Tom."

"Well, a beautiful lady deserves a beautiful place to lay her head, don't you think?" I smiled.

She turned in the passageway then leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the cheek and said, "You're a very special man, Tom," and then with that devilish grin that I'd seen in her's, Molly's, and John's faces, she added, "And one of these days you're going to make someone a wonderful wife!" With that, she giggled again then swatted me on the butt with her hand as she disappeared into the stateroom, closing the door behind her.

I just shook my head smiling then went to the galley and retrieved a couple of beers from the refrigerator. After climbing up on deck then up to bridge, I sat in the pilot chair behind the helm and enjoyed the open ocean breeze in my face. It wasn't long before Sara appeared on deck wearing that same blue bikini top as before only this time she had a wrap the same color tied around her waist. Coming to stand beside me at the helm, she put her arm around me and said, "Are one of those beers for me?"

I opened it and right before I handed it to her; I grinned and replied, "Now, I don't want you getting sea sick and throwing up all over the place so, take it easy on the beer."

While taking the beer from me; she lightly thumped my ear, and laughing, said, "Are you always such a smart ass?"

"Only when I'm burning grouper on the grill," I laughed, and of course this elicited a cacophony of laughter between the two of us.

I had set the engines speed for roughly 8 to 10 knots so that we could enjoy a smooth, leisurely trip to the Dry Tortugas and not be in any hurry. Because of the size of the chair, I was able, and therefore scooted over, to give Sara room to sit next to me at the helm. As she sat down beside me, she snuggled in close and then looked up at me and said, "Tom, can I ask you a really personal question?"

With my arm around her shoulders; I gave her a gentle squeeze and replied, "I already told you that you can ask me anything you want!"

She looked me in the eye, and then with a serious but kind and caring tone of voice, Sara said, "When Uncle John told me what you did for the Navy, he also said that you were fearless. Is that true?"

I laughed nervously and replied, "John talks too much."

Sara looked a little frustrated at my answer, but I believe somehow, and to this day I still don't know how, she knew that I was still dealing with demons that I'd not yet faced and/or made peace with. Changing the subject, she smiled warmly, and while placing her arm around my waist, said, "Uncle John told me that he was your father's wing man in Vietnam. He said that they flew together for five years. He also told me that he knew you when you were just a baby boy."

"It's true that he flew with my Dad," I replied, "But I was so young that I don't remember him"

"I'll bet you were a cutie then," she giggled.

I tried, in a futile attempt, to give her a serious look and said, "I'm going to have to have a talk with John and tell him that he shouldn't tell you everything he knows."

Sara laughed openly this time and replied, "What's the matter Tom? Am I making you nervous?"

"Yeah, right," I laughed.

After the laughter died down, I felt Sara snuggle into me, while hearing a content little sigh escape her lips at the same time. Then both her arms wrapped firmly around my waist and leaning her head up to mine she breathed "I'm glad that you wanted me to come with you, thank you sweetie," into my ear, followed by a kiss on the side of my neck that was so slight and tender; I felt wave after wave of chills run down my back making me shiver slightly. Sara felt it and, with a knowing smile and in a childish voice, said, "Are you cold Tommy Boy?"

Before I could move she smothered my mouth with hers, hungrily but gently sliding her tongue past my lips in search of mine. I accepted her willingly, anxiously and passionately all at once. The kiss grew deeply more intense as the moments passed while Theia gently continued on course, holding us in her arms as we made or way across the open sea locked in the arms of one another. It was at that single moment in time we both knew that we were bound together and would forever remain so as we savored the closeness, the feel, and the taste of one another's souls.

After the factored time had passed, the alarm in Theia's navigational system sounded, indicating that we were nearing our destination. Sara and I broke our embrace but still remained closely together as we sat up and looked ahead. I looked at GPS display and turned off the autopilot. After throttling Theia's engines down to a slower speed I brought the ship to a slow halt and dropped anchor. "What're we doing here?" Sara asked, with a pensive look on her face, "Fort Jefferson is barely on the horizon and I thought that we were going to the Dry Tortugas,"

I smiled at her and asked "Do you trust me?"

"I suppose so," replied Sara, with uncertainty in her voice. I began to snicker making Sara smile and ask, "What?"

With Sara following closely, I went to the stern of the boat and said, "I thought you were an underwater archeologist."

"I am," she stated flatly, putting her hands on her hips.

As I reached into one of the deck compartments with a smile on my face, I retrieved a fishing pole and said, "Well if you want me to get us our lunch then we're gonna have to stay well beyond the boundaries of the national fish sanctuary, don't you think?"

When I stood up; Sara came to me, wrapping her arms snugly around my waist and kissed me briefly, then leaned back smiling and said, "Have I ever told you what a smart ass I think you are?"

I just grinned and gently touched her face with the palm of my hand and replied, "Have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are?"

"You sweet, sweet man" she breathed, and then slapped me on the butt, "Now, go catch our lunch," then giggled and pranced away, taking off her wrap.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw Sara in full view. Her bikini was not cut to be overtly sexy but it showed just enough skin in all the right places. Her grapefruit sized breasts sloped gently down while jutting out proudly on her chest defining her smooth, flat, tan stomach. As she turned around I felt my heart stop at the sight at the most perfect ass I've ever seen on a woman. She didn't have a bubble butt per se, but she did have a figure that curved where it was supposed to, stuck out where it was supposed to and sleek and firm where it was supposed to be. She saw me practically salivating over her body but said nothing about it. Instead; she chose to make things harder, or should I say tougher, on me by throwing the towel she'd brought along with her out onto the deck. Then she sat down on it and began applying lotion all over the front of her body.

This time she said something to me about what I was doing. "Not that I mind sweetie if you want to watch me, but I recall you saying something about catching our lunch." I snapped to then turned and reached into a bait compartment that I'd filled when I was fueling at Oceanside Marina. I managed to get my line baited and out into the water. Be fore long I had a bite. I enjoyed the fight of the red snapper that had decided to bite my hook and after a few minutes; I had it on deck, weighed, measured and in the live well. Then I re-baited my hook and threw it out. It sat for a while giving me a chance to talk to Sara.

Before I could say anything Sara spoke up first and said, "Tom I want to tell you something but I don't want to scare you off."

"You won't ever have to worry about that," came out of my mouth before I had the chance to think about what I was saying.