Eye in the Sky


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The crowd laughed and Mike shifted uncomfortably.

"The reason she took that name is that she was hiding. She was hiding from me, and people who worked for me. They don't work for me anymore. They're in jail. You know the reason she was hiding from me. I didn't even know about her at the time, but let me tell you about the kinds of people you have here in Flagstaff. I like to believe that there are people all across the United States like that. I do believe that. Flagstaff is a special place. You have the Grand Canyon, you have the mountains and you had one very special man that you all know very well. His company is the largest employer in your city. His name was Rawlins Sloan. Lawson picked Sawyer up in a grocery store parking lot and took her home with him. In spite of the grave danger it placed them in, they decided to hide her. They changed her name and her hair and she went to school and found out for the first time what a normal life was like. They all fell in love with Sawyer. Rawlins loved her so much that he gave his life to protect her. You don't know how he died. We haven't told anyone.

"He died protecting Sawyer from those people that used to work for me. He was gunned down in Cuba by an agent of the United States Government. That agent died in the attack, as well. The Sloans were in Cuba because they didn't feel safe in their own country. They were right. They weren't even safe in Cuba, because people who worked for your government, for my government, tried to kill them. Do you know why they were in danger?

"They were in danger because people in our government had tortured Sawyer for 15 years. You've seen in the papers how that happened. Those people in our government were about to be exposed and they wanted to cover their tracks and the way they tried to do that was by killing Sawyer and the Sloans. Sawyer and Lawson lived, but Rawlins gave his life to protect her. He leaped off a second story balcony onto a man that was holding a gun to Sawyer's head. He broke his leg in that attack and fell down a flight of stairs where he was shot three times by one of the agents. He died from those wounds in his children's arms. Rawlins was a hero equal in bravery to the greatest man you can call to mind. The section of Interstate 40 through Arizona is going to become the Rawlins Sloan Memorial Highway. We're in the process of changing the signs now, I'm told.

"That's just a small gesture. The primary effect of his life isn't his company or his wealth or his bravery. It's in the son he raised; you all know Lawson Sloan. He's a hell of a football player and I'm looking forward to following his career. It's in Sawyer, who he adopted and protected. It's in the friends he left behind. It's in the example he left for all of us that no matter the sacrifice we make for the people we love, it's our responsibility to make that sacrifice. Lawson and Sawyer tell me that he died with no regrets. That's the kind of people you are in Flagstaff. People who help other people; brave people and people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for what they believe in and the people they love. I'm proud to be in Flagstaff; I'm proud to be an American and most of all I would be proud if Sawyer Raleigh would call me her friend."

Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he finished his speech. He turned to face Lawson, Sawyer and his family. Sawyer took a hesitant step forward and brushed back her hair with one hand. Then she rushed to him and threw her arms around him, sobbing into his chest. He turned to the crowd and raised his fist into the air. The crowd erupted and flashes from cameras blinded them. The Secret Service detail surrounded them and hurried them into the waiting motorcade. The motorcade made its way through the streets to Lawson's house and pulled into the driveway.

The President and his family went with Mike and Lawson to the Grand Canyon on Friday and Sawyer went to school. She found herself at the center of a mob everywhere she went. The Principal was forced to take stern measures to restore a semblance of order. Even Lane lost her attitude and became very friendly.

Amber and Brook found celebrity intoxicating and as Sawyer's best friends, they were lionized, as well. "I just can't believe you have the President wrapped around your finger like that." Amber was in awe. "He's actually staying at your house. Sawyer, can we please meet him and his family?"

"We're having a party at Uncle Mike's tonight," Sawyer told her. "All our friends are invited. The President will be there. Just don't embarrass me. He's just a guy, Amber."

"He's the President of the United States," Amber squealed. "I can't believe you told him you despised him and he still likes you."

"Of course he does," Brook told her. "Everyone likes Sawyer, Lawson, too. I never met anyone that didn't like them, well, except for that bitch, Lane. I can't believe you were so brave, Jack, I mean, Sawyer. You were running for your life, hiding here and we never suspected a thing. Rawlins was a hero but so are you, Sawyer."

"It was Lawson that was the hero," Sawyer told her. "If it wasn't for him I'd either be dead or back in that torture chamber and I would never have had a chance to know you guys."

After the party, Sawyer took Lawson by the hand and led him to her house. "I hate this, Lawson," she told him. "I never have any time to spend with you."

"Well, I'm not as important as the President," he laughed.

"You are to me," she told him. "You're the most important person in the world to me, Lawson. Don't ever forget that. Come with me and I'll show you."

She led him up the stairs to her bed and pushed him down onto his back. She stripped off his clothes and made love to him.

"Now do you feel important?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not convinced," he told her. "Come here, Venus, and I think one more time will make up my mind."

She laughed and allowed him to pull her close. He rolled over her and she gasped as he claimed her again. "Let me be on top, Lawson," she whispered. "I want to be able to watch you."

The President and his family attended church with Mike, Lawson and Sawyer on Sunday. They all sat in the same pew and the Pastor preached on redemption. He used Sawyer's story as an illustration and there wasn't a dry eye in the house when he finished.

Chapter 20

Sawyer had the window rolled down on the GSX and her long golden hair streamed behind her in the wind. She was rolling down West 34th street away from the USC campus and Lawson was waiting. She pulled into her parking spot, rolled up her windows and locked the doors. She climbed the stairs to their apartment and unlocked the door. Lawson was sitting on the couch with his feet up, playing a video game. She sank down beside him and kissed his cheek. He paused the game and found her lips."

"Hello, gorgeous, you out of class?"

"Yep," she nuzzled her cheek into his chest.

"Got plans for the weekend?"

"Yes I do," she said. "I am going to take off my clothes and spend the weekend naked in bed with you."

He reached over and cupped one breast and kissed her. "When do we start?"

"After I get the mail." She went down to the box and checked out the letters inside. Something rang an alarm bell in her mind and she turned around quickly. A young man with flaming red hair hanging to his shoulders leaned against the wall 10 feet away.

"Hello, sister," he said. "I've been looking for you for three years."

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OldmantruckerOldmantrucker27 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I’m lost what happened to agent calston

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Excellent reading

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Philosophy in an erotic story site! The two great recurring evils of civilization: Samuel Johnson touched on one, Socrates, the other. The siren songs of religion and nationalism ave caused more deaths and misery than every other evil to befall mankind, yet, the Eye in the Sky is just another form of coercion, albeit in this iteration a supposedly redemptive one. Is anarchy the best we can do, as the author suggests? No, because the vermin are an existential reality and for the sake of the weak and defenceless, we must endeavour to forge societies to mitigate the effects of evil. Yes, they all fail! That is the reality of the nature of mankind; power corrupts, whether it be secular or religious. If “God” created the universe and mankind in it, one would suspect that this creator would have restarted with something less nihilistic. This story asks good questions to which at this juncture mankind has been singularly unwilling to answer. Thank you.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter6 months ago

I posted a comment as Anonymous because I forgot to log in until after I wrote the post. I’m not sure if it will be accepted, but if it is it begins: “Philosophy on an erotic story site…” I will check be in a day or two to follow up. I think this is a remarkable story for the questions it poses.

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