Extending the MILF List Ch. 21


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"I want one of those for myself. I've dreamed of walking through a hotel lobby with a collar on my neck and a man who wanted to mount me holding my leash. Do you mind if I join you? I'm Doreen Fallgate." She looked at me. She understood perfectly. I didn't know how but she did. She wanted to be included in whatever madhatter party I was planning and she wasn't going to take 'later' for an answer. Telling her 'no' would have been just plain crazy. The Universe and all.

It took me a couple moments to realize everyone was waiting for me. Hell, what was I going to say? I'd cupped her breast in public a moment ago, was I going to dismiss her now? Hardly.

"This is Jamie St. Vincent, Alissa Honeywell and her sister, Melissa Crawford." I said when I'd found my voice. "Come along then."

"No. I want a collar. I want to be led out of here on a leash."

"She can have mine." Melissa said. "I haven't really earned mine yet."

I didn't understand that sentiment but watched dumbly while Melissa fiddled with her collar and removed it. She extended it to me. Doreen gathered up her auburn hair and exposed her neck.

"The King's Bollocks!" Jamie muttered under his breath. His British accent fit the phrase like the collar fit Doreen's throat.

I fixed the collar around Doreen's neck. She moaned as the warm metal, cooked by Melissa's black body problem, closed around her throat.

"Oh god." Doreen whispered. "Oh god, what have I done."

"It's not what you've done, girl, its what your going to do." Melissa said. She looked at me. "I don't mind sharing." I knew what she meant but Alissa looked confused. The blissed out mist in Alissa's eyes was finally beginning to lift. She blinked and looked at me.

"What now? You going to lay her?"

I think that was when everyone realized they only had partial knowledge of what came next. I grinned.

"Let's go for a ride." I said.

We walked out into the bracing cold. Alissa got into the front seat like the queen she was, not even looking around to see who else had a claim to make to riding shotgun. Jamie sat between Melissa and Doreen in the back. I watched the distribution like God as the lifeguard at the gene pool with my hand on the door handle of my car and paused. It was cold but I stopped. No one seemed to notice. I bent down and peered in the glass. Alissa was staring off into space and Melissa and Doreen were chattering with Jamie like long lost friends or cannibals back for seconds, I couldn't tell which. I took out my phone turned my back on them and leaned against the car and yelped, the fucker was cold on my poor ass.


"Dude, where are you?"

"Ellen and Dad and I are taking a break, refueling." Sammy sounded all bright and cheery. "Where's mom?"

I noted he didn't ask after dear Aunt Melissa. I wasn't sure what that meant. I left it alone, not wanting to get all Freudian on the poor boy. I went literal as literal is far easier to keep track of, as opposed to literary which is an entirely different thing, confusingly enough.

"She's in the car. Hey, listen, I think I'd like to introduce your sexy mother to the situation directly."

"Directly? You speaking in code? What do you mean? Are you going to have her sign a contract or something? I, the undersigned duly agree to watch husband and son fuck sister Melissa who will be double fucked, will suck and fuck the undersigned et cetera et cetera..." Sammy horse laughed like he was being funny.

"You've been around Ellen too much."

"I keep telling her that but the bitch won't leave me alone. Ow. Goddammit Ellen, I tell keep telling you I bruise easily! Fuck off, seeing is not believing when it comes to believing. You want me to turn blue? I'm black, that's half right. Quit hitting me, can't you just insult me like everyone else does?" He laughed hard then. "She says I cannot be insulted. What does that mean, do you suppose?"

"Sammy, focus. I am getting in the car and driving to The Dominion. I should be there in say ten minutes or so. I want you to Oreo Ellen before I get there. I want to present Alissa with the Sam-Sammy sandwich as the introduction. She doesn't have a heart condition, does she?"

"Jesus on a teeter totter, Sonny, she will when you finish with her. Do you think that's wise?"

I shrugged, caught myself and used up more of my limited vocabulary.

"I've been thinking about it every since this situation presented itself. There is just no way to present it conveniently. Hi, Mrs. Honeywell, its time to fuck your husband and son but wait a tick, your sister gets to go first after the little redhead is finished. That is a bit of nasty with no handle. I think I have fashioned a way to mold her into the situation that will make it..." I searched for the right word. Fuck. There wasn't one. "...all right." I paused, knowing that was an outright lie but then again, my job in this was to make the "too big" fit into the "too small". My main relief was that pussies stretch around cocks and that's what this was all about, right? Cocks in pussies? Well, and asses, and mouths. Too be technically correct, yes, but still, the main issue is to fit Alissa between husband and son when she was pissed at her husband and had decided that if he fucked around, she'd fuck around and beside that, fit her sister in between husband and son, too. I kept coming back to that...god, there simply was no convenient way to manage that. None. Still, I thought I had a way to get past no man's land to the winery so at least when we got blown to shit, we'd be drunk on our asses.

Sammy had been silent, against his nature, waiting for me to circle around back to the current conversation. I admired his rare and fine capacity to accommodate that when it happened to me. He lost patience though and prodded me for input.

"So? What's what, Sonny?"

"Can you get Ellen double fucked in ten minutes, Sammy?"

"Jesus in shoes, Sonny, can you be clearer?"


"Oh, well, ten minutes? Ellen, can you get cock in your ass in ten minutes? Ow. Dammit!"

"Try. Be in the right bedroom." I was about to hang up and Sammy sensed it.

"Wait. Wait! Right? Facing which way? Stage right or audience right?"

"Oh Christ in a bucket, Sammy, you're starting to sound like Chris."

"Chris never talks that way."

"No, but he could."

"What's he doing anyway?"

"Having an orgy. I introduced him to a sister-half-sister-niece-aunt combo who wanted a tour of his rail."


"Sonny, sometimes I want to ask you what the fuck you are talking about but I just don't. You know why?"

"No. Why?"

"Shit. I was hoping you could tell me." Sammy chortled. "Ten minutes. We'll have blondie spitted and mounted like a...ow! I know you're not blond! Dammit, Ellen, I'm delicate. Just for that, I get your ass and you're going to be walking funny for a week. Oh, wait, you already walk funny. Ow, ow, ow!" Sammy hung up.

I looked at my phone, amazed. Sammy's horizon held some pretty foreboding drama and he still was able to chirp like a sparrow at dawn, happy as a clam. Are clams happy because they can't help but smile or am I missing something? One thing seemed to have clicked into place rather well, Sammy and his father seemed to have taken to sharing Ellen with ease. I had to presume that Ellen had a lot to do with that. Ellen had a way that smoothed the way with people, mostly because she demanded attention and not because she thought a tube of lube was a social accessory. She just had a way about her that made people figure that if they made a social faux pas, no one would notice because compared to Ellen's casual flippancy, it must surely appear proletariat by comparison. That reality makes a body relax, like a social safety net under a naked trapeze.

I shook my head. I'd done the calculus. I'd projected the budget. I'd made my plan. Time to see what reality had in store for me. I got in the car and started her up. Jamie did most of the talking in the back seat. He'd try handing off the mic but Melissa or Doreen would ask some leading question and he'd have to go into a protracted explanation. It didn't take me long to figure out that the bitches just wanted to hear his British accent, the cunts. I suspected there was more cultural exchange than verbal accents going on but I had to drive. I wanted to watch them all but I had to drive so I watched no one. Alissa sat beside me staring out the windshield right up until I pulled into the garage at the Dominion. She glanced over at me.

"Subtle, Sonny." She smiled, then abruptly sobered. She glanced into the back seat.

I parked and the backseat didn't seem to notice we'd arrived or where. They three didn't know where we were. Alissa did. She'd been on her back here before. I looked at her and could see the questions in her eyes, wondering why Jamie was yet with us.

"You have an appointment here and then Jamie and I have to leave." I offered, a half explanation. Is a half truth a whole lie? Alissa didn't seem to mind the lack of substance to my commentary. Her eyes softened and she reached out a hand and stilled my swelling need to move.

"Thank you, Sonny. It was everything I imagined it to be. Having Melissa there actually made it better. I never would have believed it but it did. Seeing them coupled beside me made me gasp with astonishment. He made love to us both and it was like I was his focus the whole time, even when he was inside my little sister. When she came, when he was between her legs, it affected me. I felt her pleasure as though it was mine. It was my pleasure too. He enjoyed her so much so that when it was my turn, god, it was like I'd been primed for a week, no, a year for the climax when it came. I think I changed personalities. Sharing never seemed so erotic." She grinned brightly then, the sexual daze gone from her eyes. The light dimmed as she registered my expression.

I was nose to nose with what awaited her upstairs and despite my resolve to toss her into the deep cold pool of pubic surprise without preamble, I was tempted to tell her what or better, who awaited her. I literally bit my tongue. Having been somber and shit, I needed to offer some explanation or she'd carry my lump of coal to the coming Christmas with dread and that would make it ten times worse, if worse it was to be. I had hope to go with my dread but not in equal measure by any means.

"I told you there'd be a price. Time to pay up." I said. I expected Alissa to look worried but she just smiled slightly and nodded. She looked resolute but not in the screw yourself to the sticking place kind of resoluteness. It wasn't resignation. She looked like she was concentrating, like she just dived off a very high cliff and knew she needed to maintain focus before she hit the water. She knew this was no time for a belly flop.

I opened my door and waited for everyone to join me upright. I herded our little group into the lobby. The two doormen eyed me with a mixture of envy and irritation. No one likes a greedy fucker. I know that so I didn't hold their dark glares against them because in that company, I looked positively gluttonous.

We rode the elevator up to my floor. I led our little covey down to the door and I fished out the keycard and opened the door. We were greeted with a high piping wail of a woman in ecstasy. Doreen grinned, anticipation gleamed on her lips. Jamie looked clueless as to why he was here. Melissa had the mixture of dread and lusty anticipation etched on her face and Alissa had that delicious look of resigned arousal.

I led them into the apartment and veered to the right. Ellen's keening was a clear siren call, summoning me but I didn't know if it was onto the shoals or not. The door was ajar. I pushed it open and stepped back and let Alissa step past me. I'd offered no explanation as to what we were doing here, the obvious sexual nature of the venture was, well, obvious, but who and why was elided so everyone but Melissa was filling in blanks with their own imaginations.

Beyond the doorway, Ellen was pinned between Sammy, rooted firmly into her ass, and Sam beneath her. Sam's face was crushed against her chest, hiding him effectively. She was screaming, bucking as she orgasmed. I could not tell how much was Hollywood and how much was authentic. Sammy was pumping her from behind which pulsed her on the black man between her legs below. She was clearly penetrated in the ass and pussy and having a nice time of it. Alissa made a gentle sound in her throat. I moved up behind her, out of the doorway and lay a hand on the slope of her ass, just at the base of her spine, that creates curve of her ass that swells outward, flaring back to make her female in form and function. She started to speak when Ellen leaned back, looping an arm back to hook a hand around Sammy's neck, she tried to twist to kiss him, almost managing it. Doing so separated her torso from Sam's face and I saw his eyes flash.

I felt Alissa see him.

I say I "felt" her see him and that may seem like a curious word to use. My hand on her ass felt a ripple of tension run through her body, like a catalyst had been dropped into some chemical that turned it from liquid to solid in an instant and she went from sensuous fluid to solid fury in that thin instant. In the time it took her to turn her head, her face contorted into a mask of rage that made my asshole pucker like a guy placed face up in a guillotine, able to clearly see the humane blade approaching his neck at speed.

I was saved by my own fucking genius.

When I first opened the door, Alissa had stopped and we'd all bumped into each other like the three stooges only we were five. When she moved further into the room and I moved up to put my hand on her ass, Melissa, knowing what was coming flared off to the left flank with me between them as far from her sister as she could be and still not appear terrified of what might be coming. Doreen, clueless Doreen, as clueless as an inflatable sex doll, stood behind me and Jamie, delighted to see a well-formed Oreo flared out to my right but behind me and still to Alissa's left, so when Alissa turned from identifying her husband with Ellen mounted on his cock with rage in her heart, perhaps murder, for him or me, she spied her beloved Jamie right over my right shoulder, just like I'd planned it. Hell, better than I'd planned it.

When you want someone to love you for you, the last thing you want them to see is you wearing a homicidal rage. There are those who insist that they could never kill someone. I disbelieve that. I think, with proper motivation, anyone can murder the right person for the right reasons and feel perfectly justified in doing so. However, there are equally uncontrollable rages that we know in our tiny little Grinch hearts are unjustifiable and they shame us and we hide them and redecorate them and lie about them and deny them whenever they appear, as long and as often as we can. This, Alissa did.

Her face screwed up in a wild rage, ready to attack the innocent, me...who was guilty as hell in reality but only of...okay, I was guilty as hell. Then she saw Jamie and all those endorphins he'd poured into her one cock-full at at time last night and thankfully remained on the surface of her memory flooded her brain and she reverted back to the woman she wanted him to know her to be, to see her as and her face uncontorted and she got all smarmy.

"Sonny, may I see you in the other room, please, a moment, please, if you don't mind, please."

To that point, she and Doreen had been carrying their own leashes, an oversight on my part since I was distracted by anticipation of precisely this moment. I took the opportunity to pry the chain out of Alissa's hand and very deliberately led her out of the room, out of the sudden silence, since Ellen had stopped screaming and the whoosh and bang on the bed had come to a screeching halt, well, the screeching had stopped but Ellen was enjoying her Tantric session just fine.

"Sonny, what the hell is going on?" She said, her voice all twisted up on itself. "Did you do this?"

I nodded. What else was I going to do. I took up the slack on her chain and gave it a little jerk.

"Mrs. Honeywell, you can take off the collar any time you wish. You wanted Jamie and this is the price."

"What? Making me watch my husband and my son fuck Ellen Collier while my sister...!" Her mouth clamped closed like she'd caught a fly and didn't know whether to swallow it or let it go. "Oh my god." The crumpled look of fury returned. "This was her fucking doing! Goddamn her!" She started to go past me but I put a hand out and caught her by the shoulder.

"This is the price, Alissa. I told you, if you wanted me to give you away at your behest to this man, you'd have to do something you'd dislike."

"Well congrat-u-fucking-lations, Sonny, I dislike this a great deal." Alissa snarled. Her mouth clamped closed again. She looked away. Tears glistened in her eyes. "Whose idea was this really? Melissa's? Sam's? Yours?"

"No one backed away, except from fear of what you'd do and I told them I owned you and by god you'd do what I told you to do and you will fuck them or take off the collar and go back to your life the way it was before I owned you." I wanted to say more, desperately, so desperately the words burned my tongued, although, in truth, I didn't know what they were. I stopped though. I waited. Alissa glared at me and I kept my expression as bland as water and flour, like she'd asked me to pass her the salt.

"What are you telling me to do?"

"Obey my every instruction." I whispered. "I am going to use you as you have never been used before, Mrs. Honeywell."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"Because. Because. Because."

"Because why?"

A tear formed, swelled, broke and ran down her ebony cheek.

"Because I loved him once and he betrayed me."

"And you decided to balance things by fucking anyone you cared to fuck. Are things balanced?"

Alissa Honeywell bowed her head. Suddenly she looked up at me. Her eyes cleared and though they glistened, they didn't tear any more.

"I won't take off the collar. Being owned, as you own me, used as you use me, even allowing that you have...brought me to this moment, has been the most erotic experiences of my life. I won't surrender them."

"Your sister is going to have sex with your husband and your son. I am going to give you to them, to all three of them. You will watch them have sex together and then they will use you for their pleasure. You will do whatever they ask to the best of your ability. Do you understand?"

Alissa's eyes were down, showing me the eyeshadow on her eyelids, a blue-green with sparkles. She looked up.

"Yes Master." She said softly.

I grinned slightly.

"Sonny. I prefer, yes Sonny."

"Yes, Sonny."

I got the thrill running up my leg that made me want to do her against the wall. And I was about to give her away. It was the pleasure she would get that made me shiver. I wanted her to climax with her family. That made me shake inside and out.

"Mrs. Honeywell, you needed to deal with your husband at some point. It is a bad deal to leave this unresolved. It is difficult for him, for you and for Sammy but given your pending position with Sid, it makes you all vulnerable. You and Sam need to settle things, one way or another. I don't care how but this day, today, tonight, tomorrow, as long as it takes, until you are finished, until they are done using you, you will stay here and they will use you, for sex, in every way and any way they wish. Do you understand? I am giving you to your husband, to your son and to your sister to be used for sex until they hand you back to me. If they never do, then you are theirs from now on. That is what I am offering them. They have to agree, if they disagree, you're mine." I grunted. "I think you're safe, they will never agree to anything for long. I'll get you back but you keep the collar on till Monday if you don't take it off now. That's all I ask."