Extending the MILF List Ch. 17


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"Cock." My sister growled. "Cock. Put it in me!" Her voice vibrated with sexual tension. "Oh god, Sonny, fuck me!"

When I rose up, she lifted her feet and levered herself up the bed, crabbing up until her head nestled against the berm of pillows. I stood up and shucked off the robe. I was naked before the two unfamiliar women. Miriam stared unabashedly at my very hard cock that had been peeking out of the robe for some time. Imogen let Tawny settle in her new position and then bent over her and sucked at the near breast. Tawny groaned.

Miriam glanced at me and then mimicked her mother. The Travers women sucked my sisters tits at the same time. Tawny cupped the back of their heads, holding them even as she sighed and panted under their genteel ministrations. Abruptly, Imogen backed away, staring at her daughter kissing the woman's tits. Miriam, unaware or indifferent to her mother's departure persisted in kissing Tawny's nipple and licking around the crown of it. Tawny arched her back, pressing her tit into the woman's mouth. I moved onto the bed.

Tawny's legs knew I was there and parted, opening to grant me access. I moved up between Tawny's legs. She pushed Miriam away.

"Cock." Tawny whispered. "God, Sonny, put it in me. I want it. I want you to fuck me. Mount me. Enter me. Penetrate me. Oh god, Sonny, do it. Do it now!"

I dared not resist but in fairness had no will to do so. I bent my cock down to her pussy, pressed the head shallowly between her plush lips, found the entrance and pushed the head of my cock out of sight into her body. She quivered. I rose over her, keeping my cock hooked inside her. When I was positioned over her, her head straightened and she opened her eyes. She offered a spare smile.

"Fuck me, Sonny."

I could see it rifling through her brain. She wanted to mention our relationship, to state out loud that she was requesting that her brother fuck her, asking for me to plunge my cock into her body and penetrate her. I imagined those words, that thought inflated her, making her eyes bulge. I pushed deep into her. Tawny groaned. Her head jerked to the side. She lifted her hips, resting her weight on her shoulder blades. I released more weight to settle between her legs. Her hips bucked once. Tawny cried out, her wondrous body accepted me, enveloped me and consumed me. She dropped her hips and then rocked up onto the back of her head. Her torso strained under me, bridging on the bed, even as her breathing began to race, a staccato pant that made her eyelids flutter with the effort.

My cock rooted down into Tawny's body, thrusting into her. The sensations flashed through me.

"Fuck me, Sonny, oh god, please fuck me!" Her voice clanged with lurid urgency. I raised my hips, pulling my cock slowly out of her yawning well. I reversed and slammed down into her, pinning her to the bed. Tawny grunted.

"Yes. Yes. Fuck me. Fuck me hard!" She cried out.

I cantered into a full rhythm. Up and down, I hammered my sister while the two women watched. I tried to look at them but couldn't bend my head far enough to see more than their waists. I collapsed onto Tawny's full tits, feeling them nuzzle against me. I let my weight settle between her legs and onto her chest. I pushed my hands down her body, grasping her by the ass. Then I fucked her and fucked her and fucked her.

For several minutes, I maintained a steady canter, pulsing down into my sister while I clamped both hands on her her ass, clinching it as I thrust into her and pulling down as I withdrew. I felt her muscles tense and relax in a rhythm, a rhythm I tried to match with my profound penetrations. Tawny began to pant. Her body curled up under me and then snapped back straight, curled and snapped back. Each action rocked us on the bed. Minutes passed, with only the sound of our copulation throbbing in the room.

Finally, Tawny passed a critical point. Her body began to jerk and jump. Her hands found my shoulders and gripped me. She bucked the first time, planted her feet beside us and arched under me, taking my cock another millimeter deeper.

Her ass dropped to the bed and her legs waggled to the side and then locked around me. I kept the metronome motion, up and down, piercing her and withdrawing, piercing her and withdrawing. Time stretched. I came awake enough to wonder if I had no orgasm left in me, that the day had wrung me dry. But then, my lovely, sexy, willing, lusty sister did something deep in her pussy. I felt it on the back of my neck and folded around my cock. Whatever she did, it was like my senses recovered and the orgasm bloomed in me. Tawny was coming continuously now. Her body pulsed under me.

My climax popped, arriving like a cracking thunder clap or a snapping tree trunk as the incredible pleasure fell onto me. I groaned as it sprang forth. I ran a river into my sister, pouring my cum into her for what seemed like a epoch of pleasure. She moaned, finally humming as she sensed my orgasm erupting and flooding into her. Her legs relaxed. She panted under me, her body quivered. I released her ass, rose up and found her lips. She kissed me ravenously. The kiss tore through me, shredding me with its intensity and intimidating me with the sure knowledge that I had nothing but feathers left to offer. I ground between her legs and Tawny twitched below me.

I lifted up, releasing her lips. She gasped, her eyes open, glistening and glinting in the dull light of the bedroom. The room returned from its solipsistic oblivion. I struggled to lift off of Tawny, getting to my knees and sitting between her splayed legs. I desperately wanted to flop over and go to sleep but knew if I did that, Tawny wouldn't get home and the binding of the Travers women would be incomplete. I got off the bed, my cock dripping with our cum.

"Holy cow." Miriam whispered. "I have never seen that before."

I grinned, pleased.

"You never saw people have sex before?"

Miriam finally, after all this time, looked at me.

"No. Never. I've never watched anyone have sex like that before." Suddenly, she changed, like a ripple in time passing between us. She looked over at her mother. "Have you?" She asked.

Imogen's eyes lifted from Tawny's gorgeous body to look at her daughter. She slowly shook her head.

"Never." She breathed. "I've never really seen anyone having sex before." She closed her eyes. "Oh god."

"What?" Miriam asked, concern in her tone.

"I want that." Imogen whispered. "I want to feel it again. I mean, oh god." When she looked up at me, she was fingering the copper collar. Her eyes were wide, unblinking. "I want it. I want you to...do whatever you want with me. I do." Her hand extended, holding the copper collar.

I ignored her for the moment. I got off the bed and when Tawny opened her eyes, I offered her a hand. She took it and I pulled her to the end of the bed, with her help. She sat there, eyes even with my drooping cock. She finally looked up.

I fully expected her to speak but she didn't. She just regarded me with her dreamy eyes, and that vaporous smile.

"Get dressed. You need to go."

She did. Tawny stood, wobbled, looked around for clothing and found her bra. She fastened it into place, her movements were fluid like she was moving underwater. She eshewed the pantyhose and put the dress on. She sat to fasten her shoes on, stood and walked out of the room. A moment later we heard the door slam shut. She was gone.

This time, when Imogen extended the collar, I took it. She immediately gathered up her hair and exposed her neck.

"Mother? Are you sure?" Miriam looked at me. "She's a lesbian."

I smiled. The words came as naturally to me as the sound of raindrops to spring.

"Do you want to help her or should I bring someone else tomorrow? A woman more amenable to the ways of lesbians?"

Imogen stared at me uncomprehendingly. Miriam didn't speak.

I shrugged. I moved over to Imogen who had retained her pose, exposing her neck. I fastened the copper weave around it. It had a simple, inelegant buckle and tongue. The chain remained fixed to it. I trailed it through my hands until I found the end. I put it into Imogen's hand. She held it dully, limply like she was still half-asleep. I looked at Miriam.

"How about you?"

She was staring at her mother.

"Are you really going to let him fuck you?" She asked.

I cleared my throat.

"Why don't you girls work that out yourselves. Come with me." I didn't mean it like that. I was blowing ashes by now. I picked up my robe and shrugged it on. I walked out to the other room to my coat and found the envelop with the gift cards in it. I emptied them into my hand and held out one to each woman.

"Here. Compliments of Hassum. The galleria is just down the road, a short walk. Go shopping tomorrow. We'll reconvene at seven. If you come to a decision, call me. Otherwise, Imogen, you and I will fuck tomorrow and your daughter can watch. Perhaps she will make up her mind then."

The Travers women nodded, groaning deep in their chests, in perfect harmony. It was sweet.

They left the room then and a few minutes later I left it as well. It felt unnaturally rich to leave the room unused. I found Tawny washed up on a bench near the elevator. I got her to her feet and then took her by the chain and led her to the valet's desk. The guy goggled at us but dashed off to get the car. I'd tipped the same guy earlier twenty bucks and did so again this time. I got Tawny into her coat while we waited and then bundled her into the passenger seat and drove away.

The drive home was a blur. I felt like I was glass frozen in ice, fluid but not so's you could tell. As I turned onto our street, Tawny roused and sat up. She looked over at me.

"Just locusts and judges." She breathed. "That was unbelievable. I couldn't believe my dream was coming true like that. I don't think I have ever been that turned on. Ever!" She looked over at me and smile, suddenly wide awake. "Sonny, little brother, can I sleep with you tonight?"

"If you promise to let me sleep. You wouldn't believe the day I've had. I bet if I came again, I'd be blowing dust."

She made a face at me. I adjourned to my room and lay down. Shit, I needed to call Sammy.

I got my phone and found Sammy's number.

"Hello, Sonny." Ellen said. "You haven't fucked me lately."

"Ellen Collier, how would you like to...I mean, how good are you at keeping secrets?"

"Secrets? My right hand doesn't know what my left hand is doing most times. I am compartmentalized as a psychotic." She cackled. "Or a blonde. What do you mean, how would I like to? How would I like to what?"

"Fuck a father and son?" I put it out there.

"What? No, I heard you. Did I hear you right? Did you say fuck a father and son?"

"Uh huh." I grunted.

"What sort of fucked up skirt do you think I am? I'm with my lover Sammy here and you dare tempt me with...oh shit, you can't be serious!"

"Maybe, maybe not."

She sounded like she'd read my mind.

"Really? I mean really!" Her voice wavered a little.

"You scared or excited, I can't tell if you're blushing over the phone."

"Get Facetime, you won't have that problem."

I noticed she didn't clarify anything. I waited.

"Excitement." She finally whispered.

"It's a secret, at least for now. I have to see how things line up but I thought you might appreciate the chance to do it."

"I might." Her cool was cool again. "You offering?"

"Is Sammy there?"

"Fuck you, Sonny. You offering. I need to know!"

Yep. Excitement. Now I believed her. I could hear it in her tremulous voice.

"Let me talk to Sammy."

"No. He's in the crapper. Oh wait, he's back. God, he's white. Can a guy really crap the black off him? What? No. Sonny. Yes, on your phone. Hey, what! No, goddammit it, Sammy...!"

"Sonny, dude, what you got going on now? What crazy shit have you been into or are you getting into now, I should say?" He hesitated but went right on talking. "Chris told me what you did. Handing Mrs. Wills back to her husband, to Mr. Wills I mean."

I grinned.

"Does he get to keep her, the, what was her name?"

"Maria?" I offered.

"Right, Maria. Does he get to keep her? He seemed to think...well, when I talked to him I don't think he knew what to think."

"I suppose not." I muttered. "Listen, tomorrow, I mean Thursday Messy Melissa is coming back to town." I got it out without chortling. I felt so proud.

"Oh, really?" Sammy sounded so cool. "About time. You said as much Sunday at the orgy and I've been on pins and needles waiting for the formal announcement."

"I thought maybe you could bring Ellen over to that apartment, from before, and we'd give her the ol' what for, before Melissa got here. She's arriving late. I'm picking her up."

"God, Sonny, you know how to rattle a guy. Really? You want me to...what you said? Ow. No, this is a private conversation, go fuck yourself with a rolling pin. So. I can go fuck plenty of other pussy. Yes, including my own fucking mother. Well, not really but...oh fuck off. What time, Sonny."

"Will she do it?" I asked.

"I think so." Sammy muttered. "I bet I can arrange it. What time?"

"Say five or six, let's say five, just for good measure."

"Yeah, lets say five. Ow. See you then, Sonny. I gotta fuck this woman before she hurts somebody, namely me!" Sammy disconnected.

I stared at my phone. For a moment I thought about Tawny and her performance, I couldn't call it anything else. She'd been perfect. I had a twinge, thinking I should go snuggle up with her but then realized I was dog tired and Mr. Cock would want to pay Tawny the ultimate compliment. The next couple days could prove trying so finally, I just showered and went to bed. I thought of Tawny though.

We slept in our own beds that night and for my part, they were dreamless, full of darkness and forgetfulness.

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Zeke503Zeke503over 7 years ago
Please continue

You asked if we'd prefer longer or shorter chapters... It doesn't matter much to me... Just keep adding chapters until you get to the end of the story!

I have read, and re-read the MILF series and I like your Investment series also. I just couldn't get into the "My Rape" series as I just don't like the combining of sex and violence that seems too prevalent in today's porn and erotica. I tried to read it, but the title kept intruding and I couldn't get past the first several paragraphs. Yes, I know that both the MILF stories and especially Investment contains some forceful moments, but it still seems that if the woman says No in either of them, the result would be a stopping of activity.

So, I guess what I am trying to say is, Keep posting on the MILF and Investment stories and I will keep coming back to read them ! ! ! ! ! ! !

prop69prop69over 7 years ago
Sex w Tawney was BEST EVER

I have always had the hots for Tawney. I would give anything for a Tawney.

ishtatishtatover 7 years ago

It says "click here if you want to leave a comment on this submission." But that doesn't really cut it with this saga. 'Making' was a fairly normal story in that it had an overriding arc, a beginning, a middle and an end, which reached a conclusion when the Milfs and Annie were broken to saddle. But it was soon evident and more so in 'Sharing' that there were to be interlopers and diversions to the story. 'Extending' thus far does not have, or has not yet entirely revealed where it is going, We know that Ahmay is gunna achieve her ambition at some point and presumably, so will Annie's niece, Dalia and DD. The Interview process is to start soon and I thought at one point that C might split it off as a new sub- series. To what purpose the elder Hamiltons and the new character, the 2nd Mrs Romelingame will be put I haven't a clue but doubtless all will be revealed in due course.

At this point considering the nature of some of the characters and their contributions is more interesting. Ultimately Sonny is a good guy and in (Aussie) terms is an ordinary guy and a good mate to his friends who ultimately never lets them down.

Sonny has one sublime talent , the getting and nailing of women, he makes mistakes, endures cock ups, (hmm mebbe wrong expression) but usually finds a way through. Chris has developed a lot, Sammy not so much but noticably, Brent the smartest, is still victim to his own insecurities despite his physical and mental advantages. Landon is substantialy unchanged/unchangable?

Sonny's friends produce some of the best humour .particularly oneliners throughout the series and the dialogue between them is superbly written. Thinking about it I also include Sonny's sisters in the friends/mates category. The back and forth dialogue between them is typical of best mates and whilst there is obviously a sexual aspect, the fact that they really get on well shines through.

The character of Sonny has obviously developed a lot, his Mom, Alyssa and Annie being the greatest influences. All the Milfs made a sexual commitment but these three have a significant emotional connection as well. Alyssa's momentary taking on of the Mom role in the last chapter was telling and Ann/Annie has made it clear that she want sex , but wants something more from Sonny. What that is, is not known yet but I suspect there is a lot more of Annie's story to be revealed.

One character I really like is Hassum and I like even more the fact that Sonny is a bit scared of him. Sonny is not Superman and away from women he is a pretty grounded individual. Someone else suggested he needed a mansion and fast cars - no, no, no - he would not be Sonny if that happened. Sonny is at his best getting into scrapes and then out again.

This is a very well written story. One can bitch about its complexity but that's just a good excuse to read it twice, Dialogue and unforced humour are C's greatest strengths, plus an ability to keep innumerable sub-plots in play simultaneously. Great entertainment by a writer who obviously enjoys writing.

ramjet86ramjet86over 7 years ago
Keeps Getting Better

You just keep adding great subplots to this series. You are truly talented and love when I see a new chapter in the day's listing of stories. Keep up the great work! 5 stars only because it won't allow me to give more than that.

AchromicbethelAchromicbethelover 7 years ago

Not many authors have the facility to craft such an intricate universe like the one surrounding Sonny. Those that can, allow the reader to be drawn into and captivated by what they find. I have read and re-read these series and anxiously wait for new chapters to be added. My fear is that none may appear and that I have to be content with the story so far.

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