Extending the MILF List Ch. 12


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We got back and I sauntered into the dark show room. It was snowing harder outside. The spot was still on but Lydia was gone. I almost asked one of the guys with his shirttail out what became of her when I heard a muffled scream and I realized the Caravan was rocking. New cars don't squeak it seems, so I had to move away from the light to see that it was actually moving.

A moment later, Barry streaked out of the showroom, hopped in a car and fishtailed out of the parking lot. I looked around. Three guys were laughing their asses off. I walked over.

One guy, dressed in white overalls of a mechanic stopped laughing. "Dude you owe me. I just told him we were all chipping in a grand but you said if he'd let you fuck his wife, he could get into the redhead for free!" The guy bent over laughing. "What a dumb fuck!"

I didn't like that much. He wasn't much older than I was and I had no wish to force...what? His wife? Suddenly I had no idea what it meant. Then I got a cold chill up my back and thought it was because I worried the kid was ratting us out for some reason.

The guy must have seen the worry in my eyes. He clapped me on the back. "Don't worry, buddy, his wife is a cute little thing. I did you a favor. She's a tight little package and I bet she loves to fuck."

I shook my head and walked away.

In the van, I heard the muffled song of a woman in ecstasy, warbling as the vehicle rocked, as though the wavering sound moved it. I saw Morrison lounging by the coffee pot. I sauntered over to him.

"Want to draw up the papers? I mean, I like the 300. I want to agree on the cost back to the firm, though."

Seth regarded me, his hooded eyes glittered in the gloom, still lit with the glow of the spot light on the red car hood where I tongue-fucked Lydia Favors to orgasm.

"You said her name was Fellows?" The man asked.

I nodded, then spoke. "I did."

"That's not her name." He replied.

"Let's just get the paper work settled." I dissembled and had every right. I didn't want anyone looking her up on the Internet.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go to my office." He gestured. "Janey, come with us for a minute. You'll get your turn in the spot light."

I swiveled to look at her and caught the grimace of anticipation mixed with dread on the plain woman's face. We went into the office and proceeded to negotiate. It was curiously amiable and Morrison seemed perfectly willing to surrender all of his shenanigans in favor of being transparent. When I challenged him past the line where he could go, he shook his head. He sent Janey off to print out the details and we were discussing things like tax and license and the like when she returned. She handed the papers to me and looked like she had something on her mind.

Morrison fussed with the papers.

Janey regarded me with fear in her eyes.

Morrison looked up from the papers. "Oh, right. Buddy, you want to fuck her? She, she is scared she'd be a lesbian if your girl went down on her empty. A little cum might be just the thing."

The woman didn't even wait. She unsnapped the skirt and let it shimmy down her astonishing legs. What an ass! What legs.

"Front or back?" She said. Her voice quavered.

"Do her from behind." Morrison said, his voice tense.

I felt something going on with her but didn't argue. My earlier collision with Dori had lit my kiln and I was ready. I felt it, a tingling in me that said I wanted a nice, quick orgasm. I figured it wouldn't hurt and if I fucked her, she'd have to keep quiet about this exchange, right?

She'd bent over the desk, hands planted. She left her blouse in place. The office was a little chilly. I unbuckled my pants and pulled my cock free. Janey turned around then and stared down at it. She got right to her knees and kissed the end of it. Her lips were thin and tight. She sucked on the head of my cock and then took part of it into her mouth. She wanted to move but that was enough. I pulled her up and turned her around. She arched her back.

Morrison sat on the other side of the narrow desk from her.

I cuddled up behind her, laying my cock between the crease in her ass. Her hips were wide and perfectly shaped, firm to the touch. She moaned. I backed up and put a finger between her legs. She jerked but then moved her legs wider. I found her pussy and stroked up and down the lips for a moment. She got wet and then she got really wet. I fingered her till she was trembling. I shoved my finger into her. She clinched down on me like I was a treasured guest. I moved around inside of her and she shook. Her head bowed over her arms. Her hips bunched and relaxed, bunched and relaxed.

"Uh, god." She said, the sound of her voice in the still office seemed unduly loud.

I moved behind her and crouched. Her legs were shorter than mine so I had to get lower to enter her. I slid into her and she keened. I got half a cock into her before she clamped down. I pulled back and pushed into her again then back and in again. She flowered and I ran into her. It was like falling into a well. One minute I was poking at her and the next her ass was scrunched up between us. Janey moaned.

I was just beginning to pump her hard when someone knocked on the door.

The young guy peeked through the cracked door. "Can we come in?"

"Barry? Jesus, I thought you, we thought you left." Morrison said from the desk.

"Oh god, sorry. I didn't know. We're interrupting..."

"We? Sure. You got a mouse in your pocket?" Morrison said, laughter in his voice.

The door opened further and Barry moved to one side to reveal a woman, a head shorter than he and slight.

"Oh, oh fuck, hi Lynn." Morrison said, standing, everything about him nervous and suddenly skittish. "Barry, what the fuck?"

"It's okay, boss." Barry said in his high, piping voice. "That's him, Lynn." He gestured at me. The woman eased into the room. "Mr. Duncan, this is my wife, Lynn."

Oh shit, I thought. That asshole out there...! Now what are we going to do? We are fucking busted. I was looking at them from my vantage point mounted in Janey's pussy. The couple regarded us as if it was a common thing to see copulation on desk at work.

I resumed pumping into Janey. Not much else to do and they did not seem to want to interrupt. I was for that so I rammed into the woman. She flexed back. For a couple minuets, we fucked while everyone else watched. Somewhere in there Barry closed the door. This was becoming a habit, fucking for an audience. The orgasm assaulted Janey before she was ready and she screamed. The sound cut off and then she bucked and bucked. I rode her from behind, finally lifting her off her feet as I slammed into her. Her body clinched down on me and I erupted, pumping her full of cum. She shuddered and when I pulled out of her, she plucked up her skirt and tromped out of the office.

I casually put away my cock and fixed my clothes.

Barry looked around from Morrison to me. Finally he spoke. "I am here to trade. Lynn for, uh, for her, for a turn with the redhead...?"

"Lydia." I offered.

Barry nodded violently. "Christ yes, Lydia. Lydia! I can't believe I forgot her name."

"She's screaming in the van, that might have had something to do with it." The woman said, her voice soft and careful, like a cat padding through dewy grass. She opened the door and sure enough we could hear a woman's voice caterwauling through Aeolian scales that resembled nothing any modern vocalist would recognize. Lynn closed the door.

For few heartbeats, loud in my ears, no one said anything.

"So? Is it a deal? You fuck my wife, I get to fuck Lydia?" Barry said.

"Jesus, Barry, are you serious?" Morrison seemed genuinely shocked, a little ironic since...well, since Lydia was fucking the team for us at his instigation.

"Wally said..."

"Fuck what Wally said. What are you thinking bringing her here?" Morrison shook his head. "She's here though, so I guess she sort of has to participate. Can't have anyone skipping now." He looked at Lynn. "Sorry, Lynn but you have to fuck someone."

She did not react to him but met his gaze with a steady stare of her own.

Someone tapped on the door. It opened.

It was Janey. "Seth, Mr. Huntington is here. I thought you'd want to know."

Seth looked at Barry and then at me. "You stay here." He said. "I, I have to go handle this. I'll get your shit signed and we'll be fine but he'll want a go with red out there." Morrison squeezed between Barry and Lynn, beating a tactical retreat.

A moment after the door closed it opened again. The face that was apparently named Wally appeared.

"Jesus Christ, Barry, can't you take a joke! I didn't mean it but shit, since she's here, you're up next." The guy chortled. "Or in next, I suppose I should say. So? What do you say? Going to get a piece of that fine red haired pussy?" His eyes flicked to Lynn and back to Barry. The fucker was messing with the kid still. I say 'kid', he was older than me.

Barry looked at me and then with guilty wide eyes at his wife.

"Go." She said with a flit of a wrist and twinkling fingers. "Go on."

I couldn't believe it. A moment later the door closed and I was alone in the room with this woman.

"Hey, listen," I began, "you don't need to worry. I have no interest in making you do anything now. I, I..." I wanted to extract a promise not to rat us out but her lips tightened into a straight, thin line and her eyes flashed.

"You wait a minute. I have waited a year and a half for this moment and shit, Barry has been crazy to fuck a redhead since he got hair on his balls. No way you are going to cheat us out of this. I told him when he wanted to get me preggers that once I was, I wasn't fucking him till after I fucked some other guy and he agreed. Julia is six months next week and I am getting desperate. Thank god you came along. No way are you backing out now."

She turned around and locked the office door. She shrugged off the long black and white winter coat and then held it by one hand out beside her. She held it up for a few moments before letting it drop onto the floor. She stood there, her back to me.

I stared at her ass. What an ass!

My unease with my voracious redhead had softened my cock but now, realizing that this new MILF wanted me to fuck her aroused me all over. I stared so long I realized she was twisting around to look at me.

"Well?" She asked. "You going to stand there all night?"

"I, uh...?" I was tongue-tied, honest.

Lynn turned around and sat on the chair by the door. "What's wrong? Don't like me? I, god, I'll do anything you want. I'll suck you off first if you want even with her fresh coat of cum on you." She licked her lips. "I don't mind, though. Really. You really didn't come down here just to let red out there fuck these guys or did you?"

Lynn sat forward, her eyes blinking at me. I think she was trying to flirt. I think my hesitation bothered her and suddenly the whole idea was losing its steam. She stopped fluttered her eye lashes at me and her eyes changed. In that moment I realized I had to placate her or we were all likely in trouble, with whom I wasn't exactly sure but it did not seem like a good idea to leave her dangling.

"Stand up." I said and despite myself, my voice rasped like I was a man lost in the desert.

She fairly bloomed. She stood up. She pressed her arms to the contours of her body but flared her hands so she looked like she was a dancer posing. I got up from the chair next to the desk and took a step towards her. My mind ground.

Immediately Dori Hamilton shuttled into my brain and the feel of her tits on my lips flashed through me. Suddenly I was raucously aroused. I swept against the woman, looping an arm around her waist, pinning her arms against her waist as I lifted her up. Her head tipped back and I kissed her. She responded fully, mouth open, tongue tracing back and forth on my lips like a soldier on sentry duty till I parted mine and our tongues touched.

She groaned and her body shuddered in my grasp.

I released her mouth and lifted back, looking down at her closed eyes. She felt the caress of my gaze and her eyes opened.

"Yes?" She whispered. "Yes, I want it. Yes, my husband traded me to you for her, so he could have sex with your whore."

"She's not a whore. Prostitute." I growled but Lynn did not seem to notice I even spoke.

"I want you to taste me like you tasted her. He told me about that. Barry said she came with your mouth on her. Can you make me come like that? I am clean. I want you to fuck me, I want you to do whatever you want to me. God, it has been so long. My nipples are raw from breast feeding but you can kiss them if you like. I hope you like milk." She giggled and her breasts jiggled.

"Milk?" I breathed. I wasn't getting enough air so I kissed her again. That hardly helped the situation. My hand found her tight little ass. God, for a woman who just popped out a squeaker, she was in fine shape. Whatever baby fat she'd accumulated seemed to either have gone or gathered on her tits and made them swell.

She shook me loose from the kiss. "God, buster, you kiss good. My god, I think I am wet. Want to taste me? Barry says I taste like honey!" She tittered and she shook herself loose from my grasp.

"What's your name? I'm Lynn. Lay down Lynn, Barry used to call me before we got married. I fucked all his friends before getting around to him. He was last so we got married. Not true love, was it?"

I couldn't tell if she was asking. She grasped the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head, revealing her shapely tits. Dark splotches on both cups showed the leakage from them.

"Oh, look. I'm leaking. Need a drink?" Lynn laughed and her bra-clad breasts jiggled with her. She swung her shoulders back and forth, making her tits sway. She cupped her hands under each breast and moved them around.

The door knob moved and then someone jiggled it.

"Hey, hey what are you...oh." Morrison's voice carried through the door.

Lynn watched me, her eyes squinting. Neither of us moved.

"Hey. Hey, I need to get something. I'll just be a minute."

"I always wanted to blow him." Lynn whispered. "I bet he comes in ten seconds. I swallow." She smiled sweetly. "Barry has been feeding me cum for sixteen months. By now I am very accomplished at sucking cock. Mind if I blow Seth, I mean, since I'm here." She smiled again. "Its up to you."

Her lascivious whisper felt like a tongue laving up the length of my cock. Suddenly I was so horny I was ready to ram it to her against the door.

I shrugged at her question. "I ain't kissing you if you blow him. I got standards."

She regarded me with a funny half-smile, like she was trying to figure out of I was kidding or if I wasn't and if the kissing was more important than blowing Seth Morrison.

I moved over and unlocked the door. "Sorry." I said. "You need your office back?" I opened the door, pushing Lynn to the side.

Morrison stepped and glanced at her. "Jesus, what a rack!" He breathed. He shook his big head and moved over to the desk. "I, Mr. Huntington is fucking your girl now. He, he said if she was worth anything, he'd sign the papers and you can pick up the car tomorrow." He fussed in his desk and found what he wanted and turned around. His eyes fixed on Lynn. "Jesus, are you going to fuck him, Lynn? Wally Wallbanger was just fucking with Barry. Don't let them buffalo you."

Lynn crossed her arms under and around her tits, trying to hide the dark splotches on the bra cups. She shook her head. "I am tired of sucking Barry's cock. Want me to suck yours?" She blinked her eyes at the man. Her eyes flicked over to me and then back to the other man in the room.

Morrison hesitated.

I could see him sorting through his options. "Lynn, I don't think that's a good idea. Once you taste me, you'd want me to fuck you and then where would Barry be? He'd be Mr. Handheld forever. Once my Mr. Rogers rogers you, you'll be hooked. I couldn't do that to Barry. He's a nice kid, even if he is a little weird. He lasted with Lydia about six seconds I think." Morrison laughed deep in his chest. "Poor bastard. He has that at home and all you do is blow him."

"He told you?"

"No, you just said so. I can read between the lines." He grinned. "If you still want to fuck when your buddy is done, we'll see." He went to the door and then stopped. "Once you do Seth, you'll want me again. More, till cum is oozing out your ears." He left, closing the door behind him. He opened it again and stuck his head inside. "Lock it. These guys are all assholes." He closed it.

I'd glimpsed Janey on her knees sucking one guy and wanking another. I walked over and clicked the lock into place. I was still wondering what to do with this woman. I mean, I was looking for something special for her and for me. She'd asked for everything but the ass. I went over to her and kissed her again. I felt her tits surging against my chest. One of her hands stroked my hard cock.

When we broke the kiss, she looked down at her hand smoothing over my cock. "Oh, you are a healthy boy. So? What's it going to be? My mouth or yours? Can't sixty-nine in this place." She laughed. "I'm usually too short for that anyway."

"Ass?" I said softly.

"Hell yes, I love it in the ass!" Lynn grinned. "When I say I have been sucking but not fucking Barry, that is not entirely true." One hand rubbed her ass unconsciously. "My ass is the family parking garage." She grinned again, her eyes focusing from where she had gone. "I don't know if your dooley would fit though."

I shook my head. There was no way to thrill this girl. She seemed to have done it all. I took her in my arms and kissed her again, this time touching her lips gently with mine and then letting the kiss deepen, tongues and lips and panting together till the blood roared in my ears.

She started to speak but I touched a finger to her lips. "Be still. Let me thrill you if I can. Let me look at you."

She wore black stretch pants. I pulled them down her hips. She shivered. It wasn't the creeping cold, either. I slowly and carefully exposed her legs and took off the half boots and removed her slacks. I put the boots back on and maneuvered her over to the desk. She hissed as her ass connected with the cold surface. She settled onto it and opened her legs. She worn no panties.

I got between her knees and kissed up each thigh. She panted with excitement. She sat back, bracing herself on her hands. I smelled her arousal, tangy and sharp. When I tasted her, I was surprised to find Barry wasn't lying. She tasted sweet, just like honey. My mouth actually watered. My tongue slipped deep into her and she grunted with pleasure.

"Oh god. I know, be quiet. I will. Honest but god that feels so good. Oh, oh god!"

I continued licking her. She scooted around and rocked her hips forward, lifting her pussy up to meet my lips. I found the hard nub of her clit and when I sucked it, her hips jerked. I twanged it with my tongue and she groaned. I moved lower and penetrated her again with my tongue. She moaned and I felt her drop down, her head and shoulders dangled off the other side of the desk. I held onto her legs, keeping them spread wide.

I covered her pussy with my mouth and she groaned. Deep into her and out, I tongued her. Her pussy writhed around my tongue, dozens of ripping muscles and ridges all slick with her arousal surrounded my tongue. I touched her some special place and I felt her abdomen quake against my forehead.

"Oh god, Mister, Mister, uh, uh, uh Dunk, Dunk, Duncan!" Her voice went shrill and then disappeared into a high whine. "Uh, uh, uh!" She grunted in time with her pulsing hips as she banged her pussy up against my face. "Oh yes, god, yes, eat me!" Her ragged voice rattled as she humped my face. "God, please, now, now please I'll come if you put it in me. Please, please now."