Extending the MILF List Ch. 01


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I arrived at Annie's house and found her dressed and ready to go. When I opened the back door to her house, she turned of the light and made her way toward me. I waited till she was close. I pulled her close and she melded with me. I kissed her and gripped her ass in both hands. She flowed against me, moaning into my mouth. I tasted the tooth paste on her lips. I broke free of her.

"Annie, darling, how are you this morning?"

"Horny, Sonny. Are you fucking me today?"

Her arms were around my neck so she felt me nod my head.

"Good. Chris, he not fuck me since his father come home. I hate holidays, everyone distracted."

I turned her in my arms and lifted the woolen skirt she wore. She looped her arms back over her head and around my neck, draping herself against me while I wadded her skirt into my hands as I pulled it up her legs. The Chinese woman shivered when I found the bare skin of her thighs above the thigh-highs she wore for warmth. I felt higher to her pussy and pulled down her panties, stroking a finger over the lips of her pussy. She was damp and shuddered at my touch. I put a finger into her body and she tensed. Her hips bucked once and then she ground her little ass up and back against my now very hard cock. I pressed my finger through the clinching folds of her body while she trembled against me.

"Ah Sonny, good, good." She hissed.

She hissed again when I pulled my finger out of her and wiped it on her skirt. I could smell her.

"Fuck me, Sonny." She grumbled. "I want you inside."

I was tempted. I looked at my phone, lighting her face while I checked the time. "We have to go." I said. Annie writhed against me, her little body pulsing with a kindled need. What a woman! She fucked us all whenever we wanted her and still could be demanding as a hyena.

I separated from her and with her hand in mine, walked through the hedge over to the Wills house.

The light was on in the kitchen. I saw Chris first and then the two blond Aunts. They stood in a little triangle sipping from coffee cups. I pulled Annie up the steps and knocked on the glass. Chris squinted in my direction and caught sight of us. His eyes widened a little. They sat down the cups and came out onto the back deck with us. I led them to the car and thence to the Main street mall. We were not alone. Chris introduce his Aunt Lizzy and Aunt Caren once we got to the car. They knew Annie already. The "Aunts" were young, late twenties or early thirties I guessed. They were bundled but what I could see looked good. Both wore black stretch pants. Their lithe legs disappeared under bulky coats that hid ass and tits so I could only guess at what they had underneath.

Neither seemed particularly talkative. That changed when they returned with their first set of bags. Chris and I stayed with the car and the three women streaked off into the dawning darkness. On their return, they chattered like sparrows in a lilac bush in the evening. I opened the trunk and stowed their bags. The two Aunts set off. Chris went with them this time, leaving Annie behind. She stood there, leaning against the car. I heard Chris explaining the arrangement.

"... having an affair. It is so embarrassing sometimes, how they carry on." Chris was saying.

Annie apparently heard because she stepped over to me and looped hear arms around my neck and presented her lips to me, her head cocked back. I kissed her passionately till she was breathless. I glimpsed Chris and Aunts disappearing around a corner. It was still dark. These women were pros when it came to shopping. They had packed themselves like Andes Lamas in less than two hours. The first light was just cracking the eastern sky. Annie's hands found my pants and began to rub herself into my cock, beyond what the kiss had begun. As I hardened, she unzipped my pants and tried to get my cock out. She knelt as soon as the chill air touched my cock head. She fit her lips over the head and plunged it into her mouth, licking and humming. I was immediately straining to push deeper down her throat but she pulled away, stood and left me dangling in more ways than one. My orgasm had galloped close only to veer away as she released me. She turned and walked jauntily away. A car approached, the headlights flashing over me. I turned my back and corrected my condition, somewhat painfully, tucking Mr. Happy away out of sight. When I turned around again, Annie was out of sight.

I got into the car and sipped cocoa from a thermos I had brought from home.

So far, I had not had much interaction with the two blonds. When they returned, however, they were wound up. Poor Chris was staggering. How three women could make that amount of purchases in so short a time, I could not imagine. I got out of the car and realized I had dozed. The day had arrived; it was light outside. I watched the four of them waddle towards me and checked the time. Nearly eight.

They filled the trunk. I mean, it was filled. Not packed like pate into a can, but with decorations and knickknacks that could not be crushed. I hoped I understood my timing right. I suggested we return to the Wills home to empty the trunk and all agreed. We were going to go get some breakfast after we dropped off the stuff they had already purchased and return for round two. My idea was to sit down and eat; their's was a McMuffin or a Cinnabon. I figured we'd negotiate that later.

It is funny when people get intoxicated, women by shopping in particular. They did not remark on the fact that I parked on the back of their block and we had to make it through the backyard into the Kingston's yard. I suggested we hit up Jordan and Blake to help us carry their haul inside so we walked up to the back door, carrying nothing. I told them the front was full of cars and we would be closer parking in the back and they accepted it. I led the way through the hedge and up to the steps. I did not go further. Our timing was perfect.

I felt one of the blonds, Elizabeth I think brush up against me and go completely still. The other blond was chattering and then went silent.

"Lizzy, what's wrong" She said and then I heard her gasp.

I moved back a step and then got behind Elizabeth. She was not moving, staring at the tableau before us.

Laura Wills was stark naked. Not a stitch on. One of her brothers was in front of her, the other was behind her, obviously looking down at her well-shaped and bare ass.

"What the hell is going on here?" Elizabeth asked no one in particular, her voice ran up the register on the way to becoming a mind-numbing screech. I grabbed her, looping an arm around her waist and clamping a hand over her mouth.

Caren began to speak but I overrode her.

"Grab her, Chris. Keep her quiet." I hissed. I felt rather than saw them struggle and then heard a woman squeak.

"Be still, Aunt Caren. Don't move." Chris spoke softly.

"Listen." I began, "I don't know what is happening in there but, but we cannot, should not interfere. I don't think." I wanted to put some logic behind the assertion but could find none. Elizabeth was struggling against me but her hands were ineffectual, holding onto my wrist. Then she stopped moving and I redirected my attention to the Wills house.

In the well-lit living room, Laura fumbled with the brother before her, with his pants, that is. He was dressed in Banana Republic chic and a long sleeve shirt. Laura got his belt and trousers open. They slunk down his legs. She got carefully to her knees, her bare breasts bobbing as she did so. She pulled his briefs down his legs, releasing a fine, very hard cock. She gripped it in one hand and pursed her lips, blowing on the tip. That brother lifted his chin, looking up at the ceiling. His hands found her shoulders, then one moved to the back of her head.

Behind me, I heard Caren squeak, a garbled protestation that barely escaped the hand over her mouth. That meant the brother Laura was about the blow must be Jordan.

Laura sucked the cock into her mouth. It disappeared past her lips, into her mouth and deep into her throat. Nude as she was, surely all of us saw the bump appear on the side of her neck. Just when I thought we were going to see her blow him good, she stood up, leaving his cock glistening in the air. He looked down in shock but relaxed when he saw his brother guiding Laura to the back of the chair. She bent over it and held still while he felt between her legs. Blake's trousers opened and dropped, he tore down his briefs. He positioned himself and thrust into her. We could only see his bare ass and the vague outline of the woman bent before him. He pumped against her.

As soon as the man entered Laura, I felt Elizabeth stiffen and then she groaned softly. Then she began to struggle against me. I held her tight till she ceased. Before us, Laura was being fucked from behind by her brother.

"Let's get them out of here." I hissed and slowly we backed out of the line of sight of the house, through the hedge into the Kingston's yard. Chris had released Caron. The blond stood there staring the way we had just come. I released Elizabeth. I expected both to jabber but neither spoke or indeed made even a sound.

I knew what I was going to do. "Come on. We need to get out of here." I said softly. The two women did not respond. I took hold of Elizabeth's hand and led her back the way we had come. She followed docilely enough. At the car, she got into the back seat immediately. Chris led Caron around to the other side and got into the middle, even though he did not fit there very well. I had to admire him, sitting between his Aunts was a wise move.

Annie rode shotgun. I drove. For a few minutes I thought about just riding around but then decided that no matter what, going back to my house was a good idea. For several minutes no one said anything. I give Annie lots of credit. She did not make a sound. She just rolled with it.

"Where are we going?" Caron asked.

"To my house. Do you really want to go someplace public?"

Silence, then she squeaked "no", like someone was pinching her ass.

A couple minutes later, Elizabeth finally exploded. "Jesus Christ, did you see that? My husband, my fucking husband...!"

"Their sister!" Caron finished. "Their, their, they were, were, they were... with their sister!" I saw her lean forward to look around Chris. "I saw that, right? I, I didn't imagine that did I?"

"She sucked Jordan and then Blake, Blake, he, he fucked her." Elizabeth said from behind me. "Jesus fucking Christ!" She growled. "I do not believe what I just saw!" She groaned. "Oh Chris, what you must be thinking! Seeing, seeing that! Oh, my poor boy! I am so, so sorry."

I almost laughed. Not because of the situation but because she was only a few years older then Chris, calling him "poor boy" like that! What bullshit. It made me laugh.

"Oh Chris, I am sorry you had to see that."

I tensed, waiting for Chris to speak.

Annie beat him too it. "Chris Mom is hot. She suck good. She want them to fuck her." Her accent seemed to take the edge off her words somehow.

Silence. "God, you're right. She did, she did seem to want it, didn't she?" Caron said, wonder in her voice.

I liked the way the conversation was going but we arrived at my house and it ended. I could see lights from inside which told me my blisters were home. "Shit" I thought, which shows what I know.

I got everyone out of the car and then led them into the house and right up stairs to Mom's room. I made no effort to introduce anyone. I led them upstairs. Mom's bedroom has a straight backed chair by her bathroom door, an easy chair in the opposite corner, a dresser and a little dressing table with lights around it like you see in the dressing rooms in the movies. The two blonds walked into the room, one went to one side of the bed and the other to the other. Chris took the easy chair and I leaned on the dresser. Annie settled the manner.

She had been last in our procession, which by the way, my sisters had watched from the kitchen table where they were having pie for breakfast, leftover from Thanksgiving. Strange, but true. I made no effort to introduce anyone. Annie was last into the room and she immediately closed the door. I glimpsed Tawny just at the head of the stairs as the door closed. Her eyes were wide.

The door closed, Annie turned to survey the room and then walked over to me. She put her arms around me and looked up at me, her mouth parted. When I did not move, she said, "Seeing Mrs. Vills like that make me horny, Sonny. You, you want me now? We have audience like you like. Bet two blonds never see someone fuck right in front of them." She giggled. "You fuck me, they see fine now." Then she kissed me, pressing her vibrating body against me as she did so. She was so excited! I could not help it, my eyes closed and I returned her kiss. My hands found her little butt and ground her against my leg. She moaned into my mouth.

Yeah, like I was the one who got off on having an audience... wait a tick, she might have something there, though I was sure she shared the thrill. Kissing her like that, prelude to a fuck, noisy and messy while her body pulsed against me, her hips clearly making the motion necessary to portray what she wanted, it fired me.

"My heavens." Caren said softly.

"No shit." Elizabeth added. "We need to go."

I broke the kiss and looked at her. Her face was flushed, her eyes dark and tight. "Where do you want to go?" I asked huskily. Annie moved her mouth to the side of my neck, and nuzzled and nipped at me there. My hands continued to massage her ass. Part of me wanted the blonds to go. "Chris, you can use my car. Take them back." I reached up to Annie's head and bent her back and kissed her. She growled as I covered her mouth with mine.

Chris spoke into the silence, letting his aunts watch Annie and I for a couple before saying anything. "They have been having an affair for several months. She, she comes over to my house and they do it. Mom, I think she knows but she has not said much about it." Chris said. "You can hardly blame them."

"I do blame them." Caren said. "They are shameless."

"Don't temp him, Aunt Caren. Mrs. Kingston," here Chris chuckled, "she likes to shock people. She'd do him in the middle of Main but Sonny, he likes to keep her reined in."

"Uh huh." Elizabeth said softly.

Annie broke the kiss. She was panting. Her body was tense and vibrant, the panting was real, the need was real, the desire was real. When she reached between us and began to stroke her lovely little hand up and down the ridge of my hard cock, I decided. She struggled free of my arms and then got to her knees.

"Oh my god, Lizzy, are you seeing this?" Caren asked.

I looked up at Elizabeth and held her fierce gaze while Annie unbuckled my belt, opened my pants and shucked them down my thighs. When Annie pulled the band of my briefs out over my hard cock and then down, both blonds gasped.

"We should leave." Elizabeth said. Neither woman moved.

My cock appeared but Annie engulfed me so quickly, the blonds likely go no more than a glimpse. I tried to stare intently at them but my eyes kept going shut as Annie worked my cock into first her mouth and then her throat. When her mouth was locked around the base of my cock, she snorted and then sucked on me hard. I thought I was going to blast right then. Her hand massaged my cock and balls and squeezed just right. My initial climax retreated and I felt wistful as it departed. Annie had me completely hard. She pulled off of my cock and stood up.

With a couple zips and buttons undone, she dropped her skirt. She went over to the bed, pushing Elizabeth toward the head of it and lay down. "Come fuck me, Sonny." She said clearly. She grasped her panties and quickly skimmed them down her hips and legs and off. She lay on the bed, nude at the crotch but with her thigh highs on. She lay back,her legs open, waiting.

I hesitated but no one else was moving. My cock bobbed before me in the silence, glinting with Annie's saliva. I kicked off my shoes and then stripped off my pants. My shirt followed and I was naked in front of Chris' two aunts. Neither moved or spoke. Elizabeth stared at my eyes, fierce and intense, Caren focused on my cock, following it all the way to the bed. Only when I stood in arm's length did Elizabeth break her gaze from mine and look down at my hard cock.

I got onto the bed. Annie parted her legs and I knee walked between them. She took eager hold of my cock and bent it down towards her pussy. She hunched up and touched the end to her bulging lips. I bent over her and the head of my cock penetrated her pussy. I pulled back, leaving her body and she mewled. I sank back onto my heels and grabbed Annie by the hips, pulling her up my thighs. Her hands found my cock once more and she fit it back into her pussy. I literally jammed her onto my cock, pulling her up my things. It was awkward but the position put pressure on the top of her insides and cinched my cock down so it would not move. I leaned over her canted body and began to unbutton her blouse. Her sheathed legs skated over my bare back. I could not reach her bra strap easily and when I gripped her hips and pulled her hard onto my cock and held her there, she reached behind her back and unsnapped her little bra. Her hands pushed it up off her breasts. I moved my hands to cover her breasts, mashing then squeezing them.

"They really are fucking, right here in front of us." Caren said wonderingly.

"I see that." Elizabeth said. "Caren, listen to me, you know as well as I do what we saw back there."

Annie squeaked when I twisted both nipples at the same time. Her hips bumped up but that released my cock. She slid down my legs. I released her tits and got to all fours over her, between her splayed legs. She grabbed my cock and directed it once more to her pussy. When it was well positioned, I let it sink down, piercing her as it descended.

Annie groaned and her hips popped up. She was not fully relaxed and she caught on my cock. When she fell back, she sighed and then moaned, her head wagging back and forth on the bed. "Fuck me, Sonny. Fuck me."

I stretched out my legs and lay down on her, sinking my cock deeply into the panting, gasping woman.

"Oh my eyes!" Caren muttered. "I, I cannot look away."

"Do, do you want to divorce him over this?" Elizabeth said. Her voice hovered over me and I imagined her eyes on me as I rose up and rammed my cock into Annie again. Annie lurched under me.

"Caren? I asked... "

"I know what you asked. Just shut up a minute. Have you ever...?"

"No. Never. Not like that. Not like this. Never. Oh god, never." Elizabeth's voice was taut.

"What do we do?" Caren asked.

I kept waiting for Chris to inject himself into this conversation but there was nothing from him. I rose up and hammered deep into Annie again and against she gasped and her hips punched up at me, grinding us together. A shiver ran through her and then she grunted as a small little orgasm teased her and danced out of reach. Her hips began to pound at me, pumping my cock in and out of her as fast as she could; which was pretty fast.

"She's going to come." Elizabeth said softly, a sort of sensuous awe in her voice.

I bent over Annie and sucked one breast hard into my mouth. I judged her condition correctly and I felt her tense and then she shrieked, thrashing under me. "Oh, oh, oh, yes, Sonny, Son, Son, Sonny fuh, fuh, fuck me!" I just held still while she rammed herself up and onto me. When I bit down on her nipple, she exploded, screaming with her whole body as the orgasm crashed through her.

"Holy Jesus." Caren said softly.

My orgasm found and pounced on me. I tried to keep bent over Annie's torso but as the flashing pleasure ran through me, I lost contact with her. I rose up on my hands and hammered Annie hard to the bed, cramming her full of cock over and over again till the tipping point arrived and I actually began to come. I dropped into her pussy and pumped into her over and over again, filling her with a full course of cum. Our intercourse was complete and satisfyingly so.