Evil Bitch Ch. 09


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The tour went off without a hitch and there were a lot of pats on the back and well wishing from everyone on the line. But it wasn't until we reached the back of the plant that I was informed we had an R&D Department. I looked at Hastings and he just nodded.

"Well he is our deep dark secret actually," he said with a grin. "We don't pay him much but the guy is absolutely brilliant. Mind the mess though he is not the most orderly of our employees."

Orderly, did that even exist in his vocabulary? The warehouse space allocated to this guy was a complete wreck with shit scattered all over the place. That was my first impression until we got to his work area then suddenly there was impeccable precise order. It was like a snapshot into this guy's head. What he was working on was meticulously accounted for but once it left that haven who knew where it would end up. The man was ancient by anyone's standards with a face lined with joy, sorrow and more experience than a New York City roadmap.

"MIKE," Hastings shouted. "He's a little deaf. MIKE you got company!"

"I am not deaf just very selective to who I listen to," the old man responded casually.

"Hi Mike I'm Jon it's nice to meet you," I said sticking out my hand.

He shook it and had a grip like a vice.

"Got a decent handshake there young man," Mike commented. "Glad you're no pussy like Hastings here shakes hands like a girl."

"So what are you working on Mike," I ask.

"You the new boss man," Mike asked and I nodded. "Good, I just got back from a meteorite dig in Scotland. I found a real beauty a few weeks back. Come over here and take a look."

His second work table was a bit more cluttered but still under control. He showed us one half of the meteorite he had found.

"This is what's left of it after I've played around with the first part with some amazing results. See that black iron looking core; it's not iron hell I don't know what it is. I've named it of course but that doesn't tell me what it is now does it?"

We moved on to the next step of his experiment. There were two ingots of metal one as black as pitch and non-reflective the other a silvery blue and almost opalescent.

"Now believe it or not these two come from that black shit at the core of the meteorite. But getting them was a real pain in the ass. I took the first half to a buddy of mine who owns a blast furnace and is used to melting stuff down for me. But guess what this stuff won't melt no matter how hot you get it."

"Liquid Nitrogen," I muttered.

"Exactly, we got a keeper here Hastings! Once the ore was exposed to extremely low temperatures it separated into these two materials. The black stuff I call Absorbium and the blue stuff is Odnium. I'll show you why. See that sledge hammer over there give that black stuff a good whack."

I picked up the hammer and without hesitation brought it squarely down on the ingot of black alloy. Not only did it not smoosh but not a single sound came from it. I set the hammer down and fought the urge to look at the ring on my left hand.

"See it absorbs all the kinetic energy from the hammer," Mike explained.

"Can I hazard another guess Mike? How does it fare with say a laser or scanner?"

"Funny you should ask that's why I can't figure out what it's made of. It just sucks up all the energy around it."

"Have you tried boiling water," I asked.

"No but I did use an acetylene torch with no affect. Hot water... that might be worth a shot just to see how it works... now the Odnium is even stranger believe it or not. It's what I call Psycho-sensitive."

"Okay you got me on that one Mike," I told him.

"Let me demonstrate, pick up the Odnium Jon." Mike said and I did so. "Okay, now think of any color or quality you want it to change to. Just imagine that it's red and clear."

I looked at it and thought of a huge ruby in my hand and before everyone's eyes it changed color and transparency to that of a ruby.

"Holy shit," Hastings cursed. "That's fucking amazing!"

"I've never been able to get it change so completely, you have a gift young man," Mike told me. "Now to the last stage of my experiment, follow me."

I set down the ingot of Odnium and the moment it left my hand it reverted to its original color and transparency. We walked to the end of the table where he had two cigar boxes. He lifted the lids of both boxes and extracted a small cube of Absorbium from one and Odnium from the other.

"Watch this," Mike said and set the Odnium cube down then placed the Absorbium one on top of it.

The black cube seemed to melt as it flowed downward and the two merged into a new colored material taking up the same amount of space. The new gunmetal gray alloy looked all too familiar to me. The ring was made of both Absorbium and Odnium.

"See how the new cube hasn't doubled in size... and pick it up Jon. Now try to change the color again."

I picked up the cube and the moment I thought about the ruby not only did the color and transparency change but the shape of the material shifted into a cabochon.

"Amazing," I muttered.

"Yes it is, now set it down and see what happens."

I placed the ruby on the table and it slowly reverted back to its gunmetal gray block.

"So to maintain the change it requires a constant mental link," I said.

"That appears to be the case. But you noticed how much easier it was with the gray cube than even the pure Odnium. There is a synergetic relationship between the two that originates with the unworked material."

"Do you have some of the gray alloy I could work with," I asked. "I'll return it when I'm done."

"Technically this was all paid for by the company so sure what the hell!"

He produced a cube of the gunmetal alloy that was about three inches on a side.

"Will that be enough," Mike asked.

"Oh that's plenty for now. I'll share my results with you when I'm done."

"Sweet, I'll keep this all hush-hush until I hear otherwise."

Blow by Blow:

I thanked him and slipped the cube into my jacket pocket to keep it from prying eyes. What a day this turned out to be. Not only did I learn what my ring was made of but that I could change it too. So the fact that a local source of what did he call it again, star metal, makes it likely that the ring was crafted here in Great Britain. How the hell they managed to get it cold enough to separate it was beyond me unless they had a dragon breathe on it. I thought about it for a long moment and immediately discounted it. I could wrap my head around a rare extraterrestrial element falling to earth and primitive people believing it's magical. But the existence of real live dragons that was way outside the box.

I spent the rest of the day getting to know the new board of directors for Numenor Technology London. Well that and playing around with the cube of AO Alloy as I was calling it. Until Mike came up with a better name it fit the bill. In between meetings I could hold it and have it take on all sorts of crazy shapes, colors and consistencies. Then I tried to affect it from a distance. It could be done but required my complete undivided attention. But I found myself getting a headache after more than five minutes of staring unblinking at the cube. Tomorrow I would better my time with it by one minute I told myself.

As I sat in my chair pinching the bridge of my nose after a five minute bout with 'the cube' there came a knock on my door.


"Oh mister General Manager," purred Melody as she strolled into my office closing the door behind her. "I still owe you a little stress reliever."

"Oh boy," I said looking up at her as she slunk closer.

She kept the glasses on but soon her hair was free and falling in ringlets down her back. Her jacket was gone and her blouse unbuttoned half way. She moved between me and my desk and sat down her skirt at eye level. Melody slowly lifted up her skirt revealing her naked pussy beneath.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM Mister General Manager my pussy is so wet and I have this uncontrollable urge to suck cock. Whatever should I do?"

"I think..."

Suddenly there came another knock on the door.

"Shit!" she cursed and dove under my desk and I moved closer to hide her.

"Um come in," I said even as Melody's hands worked on my zipper and freed my cock. "Have a seat Hastings or do you prefer William?" I asked feeling warm wet lips wrap around me.

"Oh either will do," he replied as he sat down.

"So what can I do for you," I asked as Melody's head began to move up and down on me.

"Just checking up and seeing how you are handling your first day on the job."

"Now that I can sit down and relax," I said as her tongue began to swirl around the tip of my cock. "I think I'll survive and you?"

"I will chalk it up to one of the most rewarding days in a very long time. By the way some of us are going to a local pub after work if you'd like to join us for a pint or two."

"You know what," I said as Melody deepthroated me. "I'd like that."

"Excellent we call all walk down together it's not far from here!"

"Yeah just swing on by and I'll head out with you."

"If you see Melody tell her she's invited too," Hastings said as he rose and left.

"I'll do that."

The door closed and I looked down at the eager cock sucker as she worked on making me cum. She pulled back until my cock came out from between her lips with a loud 'pop'.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM are you going to fuck me or just let me suck you off?"

"Shut up and suck me you crazy bitch," I said.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM yes Sir Mr. Manager Sir."

Melody returned to making love to my cock and I watched intently loving the near miss and her desire to please me. Like my mom earlier today I had my fingers in her hair but now I was pulling Melody's head down until her lips brushed the base of my cock and held it there for a ten count before letting her up. I repeated this several times before I felt that wonderful tingling that always started in my toes.

"Mr. Manager Sir... your cock is starting to swell are you getting closer?"

"Yes I am cock slut," I moaned.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM do I have permission to swallow Mr. Manager Sir?"

"Yes you do," I growled as I let go of her hair.

"Thank you Mr. Manager Sir, you won't regret it."

I didn't regret a single second as she began to jack me off with her fist as she licked and sucked the tip with complete abandon. I felt that bubbling sensation as my geyser was ready to go off.

"MMMMMMMMMMM so damn close," I hissed.

"Give it to me," Melody begged.

"Just a little more..."

"MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM," she moaned as she sucked hard and stroked harder.

"Shit!" I cried out and ended up biting my lip as I came.

Melody swallowed every last drop and licked my cock clean. Then without missing a beat she kissed me fiercely and I felt her tongue wipe the blood from my lip. That was just before it invaded my mouth and we kissed deep and fierce. She tucked my semi hard cock back into my pants and zipped me up before she broke the kiss.

"Almost quitting time," she warned as she buttoned up her blouse and put her hair back up.

"What about your panties," I asked.

"Oh I never wore any today, just in case..." she purred in my ear.

We gave each other the once over and besides the freshly fucked or I guess it would be freshly sucked glow we were perfect. I decided to give my mom a call and see what she was doing. I invited her to the pub and sent the car around to pick her up. Hastings arrived precisely at five and waved the two of us on.

"You are going to love this place; it's got live music and great beer..."

"I hope you don't mind I invited someone to join us," I told Hastings.

"Oh hell the more the merrier, who'd you invite?"

"My mom, she's just in from the states and needs some cheering up."

"Divorce," Hastings asked and I nodded. "The more I get to know you the better I like you Jon. We'll have her singing and dancing in no time."

One pint turned into two and then into several. True to his word mom was singing and dancing before we left. It seemed like most of the day shift showed up for the impromptu event. I bought a few rounds and man did that get me in good with my staff and workers. A few hours later I knew it was time to head on home. I was feeling pretty good but Mom and Melody were both lit to the gills. It was like herding cats I swear. I would get mom in the car and then turn to get Melody and while I wrestled her into the back seat mom would slip out. This bit of insanity lasted a few minutes until I had each woman by the wrist and all three of us piled into together. I could hear the driver chuckle as the car headed on home.

"Well how was your first day at work," Mom asked.

"Let's see I fired most of the board of directors and filled most of their positions, got a tour of the plant and um... did I miss anything?"

"Don't forget the blowjob," Melody blurted out drunkenly. "That amazing toe curling blowjob I gave you."

"Oh hell," I cursed.

"Jon did this pretty young thing give you head in your office," Mom asked licking her lips.

"Um... yeah..." I said afraid of how this was going to end.

"Yep just like this," Melody said as she dropped her head and started trying to free my cock.

"Whoa wait a second," I tried but failed to stop her and once her lips were around me I was useless. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM damn it."

"Not bad for a beginner..." Mom slurred and I flinched.

"Not bad... not bad... I had him shooting down my throat in no time lady."

"Let me show you how it's done kiddo," Mom said snatching my cock from Melody.

"UNNNNNNNNNNNNN," I cried out as Mom deepthroated me easily.

Melody watched as my dear loving mother's head bobbed up and down on my slick cock. The young gal not to be outdone was unbuttoning her blouse and freeing her tits. When mom came up for air Melody wrapped her tits around my cock and began to pleasure me with them and her tongue. Mom's eyes narrowed as she licked her lips and mirrored Melody and freed her tits waiting for her chance to show her technique. The escalation continued after mom had titty fucked me Melody straddled me and rode my cock until she came. Mom not to be outdone did the same but eased me into her tight little ass and won the argument hands down. Melody watched in stunned silence as my cock slid in and out of mom's ass until we both came together in the back of the car. They both licked me clean and once they were dressed we stepped out and entered the house. I tipped the driver heavily and he just gave me a look of how the fuck did that just happen and I shrugged.

"Doesn't that hurt like hell," Melody was asking my mom as they held hands and walked in together.

"At first but I'll tell you this some of my most intense orgasms happened with a cock in my ass."

"Really," Melody replied. "HMMM."

"I'm starved," I said as we entered the manor house.

"MMMMMM me too," Melody and Mom said together.

"Worked up a bit of an appetite," Melody said.

"I did too," Mom added.


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Aussie1951Aussie19519 months ago
In addition to

I forgot to mention martial arts who better to protect him when the time arises..

Aussie1951Aussie19519 months ago
I think you lost the plot buddy

You’ve got so many characters floating around in your head in this story you’ve lost the plot I think. Who in their right mind would put Melody on the board of directors fucking REALLY. By her own admission, she knows nothing about the company or the product. She speaks a shitload of languages, a qualified commercial pilot, and she’s gonna do a job that she’s not qualified to do. Come on now.What a waste of talent wouldn’t you say..Out of all your characters she was perfect for him as a personal assistant or whatever.. I know this story is a fiction but please put a some reality into it. Also what about the letter on the silver tray. When are you gonna get around to telling us what was in it? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 1 year ago

I will have to start reading more scifi. So far, average 4.5 stars.

PokingdemonPokingdemonover 4 years ago

What happened to the hand written letter from Ch. 08? It fell on the floor and it's been forgotten? Not really worried about it as a plot hole. Just wondering.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This has to be one of the most interesting and well thought out erotic story out there. Well done!

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