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Tessie is stalked by a demon.
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Author's Notes: This story started as something else but rapidly devolved into a story that seemed more rooted in Erotic Horror than the original Sci-Fi I planned.

Warning: Darkness ahead!


"I reckon I'll slip on over there and wet my whistle," Ethan announced, his eyes fixated on the saloon across the street.

Tishie stepped in front of him and crossed her arms angrily. "I reckon not! Ya promised me, Ethan! No more! It ain't wetting yer whistle; it's drinking and gambling till ya can't stand up no more. We ain't got enough money to pay the bills now, and the ranch needs things. We need things. I can't pay all the bills at Ike's store, never mind what we need today. He might turn us down, especially if he knows yer boozing in the saloon instead of paying him."

"Ya ain't my Ma, Tish. Besides, Ike's got a thing fer ya and won't turn ya down. I'm just going over to have one."

Tish followed him across the street, begging him not to go in.

"Ethan, don't ya dare," she yelled at him when he pushed through the batwing doors, ignoring her.

"ETHAN," she cried in a frustrated voice just as the doors swung outward and a man leaving almost knocked her down.

"Whoa, Ma'am." He whipped his hat off. "Sorry, I almost hit ya. Name's Albin, Ma'am."

"It's okay," she said, mindless of him. She stared at the doors listening to the drunken voices welcoming her husband.

"And yer name is...?" he asked.

Turning to face him, a niggling, ugly feeling enveloped her. "Tishie," she answered. Her voice trailed off, staring at the stranger.


It radiated off him in waves; she could feel it. His green eyes were flat and lifeless. She took in his low-slung gun belt and shivered. He was a remorseless killer; she knew it without a doubt.

He was a good-looking man. Tall, dark, muscular, maybe too handsome, she thought. Just being close to him made her feel dirty. Instinctively, she knew she needed to git away. Fast!

She watched a smirk play around his lips like he knew what she was thinking and was amused by it.

"Painting his nose with a little prairie dew?" he asked, thumbing toward the saloon Ethan had entered.

Despite her distasteful feelings toward him, her rage at her husband boiled over. "I can't keep him out of there. He drinks and gambles away every dollar we make at the ranch. We're gonna be foreclosed by the bank soon if he doesn't quit!"

His demeanour looked entertained, she thought, realizing she'd said too much. "I see my problems amuse ya, sir. If ya'll excuse me, I have errands to take care of. Good day."

Albin watched her go, then looked behind him. Nobody on the street either way. In two steps, he was on her.

Tish heard the loud clump of his boots coming from behind and, frightened, half-turned. One hand covered her mouth, the other quickly scooped her up. He ducked between two buildings, holding on tightly to a struggling Tishie.

Just past a jut-out on the saloon, he slammed her into a corner. Her terrified eyes took in the huge cobweb to her left. Disturbed, a massive, fat spider scrambled over the threads to git to safety in a crack in the clapboard. Albin reached over and plucked it off. Watching it struggle fer a moment, he held it in the air and dropped the poor creature into his open mouth. Biting down, she watched with horror while golden yellow guts and several legs squirted between his teeth.

Holding her off the ground, her assailant thrust himself between her legs, using his size and weight to pin her dangling against the building. She'd been with her man enough times to know what the prominent bulge tightly pressed against her cunny represented.

Holding her up like that, her eyes were level with his. She shuddered, gazing into what seemed like a bottomless pit of nothingness. Something evil roiled inside, swimming down into those depths. His breath reeked of alcohol and a tinge of something she couldn't quite figure. Then it hit her. It reminded her of striking a lucifer--the slight smell of burning sulphur.

Terrified, she knew this man was going to rape her. She doubted they could be seen from the street, and with the noise from the saloon, no one would hear her. With her honour sullied, there would be no recourse. Women were always the guilty party to blame fer leading a man on whenever rape was claimed.

He humped against her, driving that large protrusion up and down her slit, forcing her pantaloons inside and rubbing against her Devil's teat. Despite her fear, her breath exploded with a gasp of pleasure at the incredible feelings that shot through her. Feelings seemed to flow from his groin to hers; she could feel it sweeping through her body; unexpected pleasure, lust, and arousal raged.

Seeming to know what she was experiencing, he gave a sardonic chuckle. Anger surged inside her. She tried to slap his face, but her arm slowed like it was trying to move through mud until it settled on the back of his neck. Her fingers curled up into his hair and stroked his neck like a lover would. Then pulled him into her lips, her mouth opening hot and wet fer him, heedless of the remains of the spider.

His hand grasped the bottom of her dress, lifting it up between them, momentarily pulling back until it was waist-high. The other hand kept her pinned tight against the wall. With that accomplished, he tore her pantaloons off and tossed them away. Not that she was trying to escape. No, her fearful fingers were busy at his buttons, trying to git his pants open. She couldn't seem to control them.

Succeeding, her hand dipped in, finding something huge and leathery. Not at all like Ethan's soft pinkness but a dry leathery like a vest. It seemed to burst out of his pants on its own accord, the large head curving upward as if to look at her, giving the appearance of sniffing the air fer her scent.

He pushed forward again, and she moaned at the warm feeling of their naked groins coming together. They rubbed against each other till Tish's legs rose of their own accord and wrapped themselves around his waist, offering herself.

She groaned again, feeling the head of his cock part her needy, dripping lips. Lubricated, he thrust forward, gaining a door into her fertile womb. It felt like a large apple had penetrated her. Moaning, she thrust back against him, feeling that staff make its way inside till their naked groins were flush with each other. She gasped at the full feeling of him, her cunny lips distended further than Ethan had ever accomplished. He was bulging inside her!

Then he was pounding at her, and she was pounding right back, her cries of pleasure echoing off the buildings surrounding them.

She came once, twice, and on the third time, she felt him become impossibly hard inside her expanding even more. His first spurt set off another orgasm, and she used her cunt muscles like a hand to milk his seed flooding into her. Her mouth locked into his screaming her pleasure down his throat. Her seeding seemed to go on forever, her legs twitching like the rear legs of a swimming frog every time he pulsed till her belly seemed to bulge.

Without a word, he dropped her down and backed away, tucking himself in. Then strolled toward the boardwalk, completely ignoring her.

Discombobulated, terrified, and not wanting his dripping seed to soil her dress, she pulled the hem up behind her and collapsed her bare butt onto an old crate. Sitting there, she sobbed fer a few minutes, not understanding what just happened.

She felt something rustle under her skirt and pulled the hem back, freezing in surprise. His seed, blacker than sin, was dripping on a weed that had turned the colour of coal. A long stalk was growing up, and a flower was rapidly blooming at the top. She gawped at it in astonishment, watching the flower open and turn toward her. In a swift move, it struck, engulfing her cunny. Too stunned to react, she felt it start to suck and then watched in stupefaction as blobs of material made their way down its thin neck into the base. Something was licking her at the same time arousing her again, and she slumped back against the building, letting the plant have its way.

Dully, she stared at it, her mind unable to comprehend what was happening to her. Two red spots resembling eyes developed on the uppermost petal, and she watched the other petals meld together until they were seamless, it's mouth busy drinking. She'd never seen anything around here like it before. Its blackness glittered in the light while avidly catching the drips of HIS seed from her cunny.

As if warning her not to move, the impossible weed arched back and hissed at her, newly sprouted fangs dripping with liquid. She was paralyzed with fear. It leaned back in and drank deeply fer minutes, cold, heartless eyes boring into hers, it's wicked tongue catching the dripping excess. Finally appearing sated, it coiled between her feet and moved off like a snake, apparently freed from it's roots. A few feet away, it started to dissolve, little black spots floating up into the air and disappearing.

The rest of the scene dissolved, and she found herself standing in front of the saloon, still clutching one of the posts that held the porch roof up. She could feel her pantaloons still intact on her body.

Her defilement by that Devil Albin hadn't happened. None of it had been real! Was she going crazy?

A sardonic chuckle from Albin, now four or five stores down the street, floated through the air mocking her. How? What? She clutched at the post feeling weak, dizzy and disoriented.

"Are ya okay, Tish?" a voice asked her from behind.

Still clutching the post, she turned to see her friend Susan, the preacher's daughter. She shook her head no.

"Let's find ya a bench and sit, but not here!" Susan said, taking her by the arm and casting a jaundiced eye at the saloon.

She helped Tishie across the dusty street to a bench. They sat in the warm sunshine while Tish recovered.

"What happened?"

Tishie couldn't tell her the truth. "Don't know. I was yellin at Ethan not to go into the saloon the next thing I know, I was clutching onto that post."

"Well, yer face is pale, and ya look like ya seen a ghost. Ya just relax here until ya feel better. Or should I go find Doc?"

Tishie shook her head. Somehow she didn't think Doc would be much help. Leaning back in the sun, she was glad when Susan reached out and took her hand to comfort her.

"Thanks," she whispered.

The friendly pat on the back of her hand said everything. "Are ya maybe pregnant, Tish?"

That startled her after her vision. If Susan only knew. The thought of getting pregnant by that monster! She screwed her eyes up and tried to hold her tears back.


Susan gave a non-committal grunt.

She stirred a while later, feeling better. It had to be from something she ate, she told herself. Nothing like that could have been real. Albin couldn't a done any of those things.

She had errands to do, and daylight was burning.


Bardog Steve had seen a lot of men in his days serving likker. He'd fearlessly faced down countless men armed with guns or knives. Put an end to many fights with his bare fists. But the man in front of him scared him like no man before. One look in his eyes told him he needed to pay attention.

"Ya see that one over there." The stranger nodded his head in Ethan's direction.

Steve nodded.

"He's not to leave here fer the next week. He gits as much likker and food as he likes. At night he gits a room with a whore. But ya keep him drunk and here the entire time. Ya, understand me?"

"Who's paying? He ain't got that kind of money."

"How much?"

Steve did some figgering. "Fifty dollars fer a week," he announced.

The stranger tossed three twenty-dollar gold Eagles on the counter. "Extra ten dollars fer yer trouble," he said.

Steve nodded, "Thanks!" Scooping the money, he pocketed it feeling a whole lot better about the day.

"We understand each other?" queried the stranger.


"Good, 'cause I don't want to come back."

Steve fervently agreed with that thought.


"Tishie, what's wrong? Yer all pale. Ya feelin okay?" Ike looked genuinely concerned when Tish walked into his store.

"Something I et I think Ike. I'll be fine, thanks fer askin."

"Why don't ya sit yerself down here and rest a bit."

"I got ta git back to the ranch Ike. It's gittin on toward evening, and I don't want ta be travelling in the dark. Is our order ready?" She bit her lip, waiting fer him to bring up the money.

Ike shouted, "Johnny, git out here and take Tish's rig around the back and load it up!"

"Right away, Ike."

They both watched him hustle out to drive her wagon around to the back of the store. "He's a good boy, that one. Good hard worker!" Ike said.

"So Ike," Tish offered awkwardly, "about what we owes, ya."

"Ya don't owe a thing, Tish," he said, shocking her. "In fact, ya has a $40 credit on yer account if ya'd like a few treats or something special."

Tish's stunned face stared at him. "How is that possible, Ike?"

"Stranger came in here earlier and asked how much ya owed. I didn't want to tell him 'cause I didn't know him, and it was yer business he was asking about. He said he wanted to give ya a present and surprise ya. Well, who was I to stand in the way of a present fer a lovely young lady like yerself? I allowed that maybe sixty dollars wouldn't pass unnoticed on yer account, so he up and dropped five twenty-dollar gold pieces on the counter right there." He thumped the counter to make the point. "He told me to put the extra as credit on yer account and to tell ya ta buy yerself something special. Kin I git ya anything extra?"

Tish was at a loss fer words. Her account paid. Extra money. Who was this stranger?

She described Albin.

"Yep, that was him. Nice feller. If he's sweet on ya, maybe he'd make a better husband than that drunk ya got," he hinted slyly. "Or there are other good men around town that would look right favourably on ya as a wife."

"Ike!" she said sharply, shocked by what he said about Ethan. She knew without asking that he was one of those other men.

Ike was unapologetic. "I seen too many families ripped apart by men that can't control their thirst fer likker, Tish. I don't want to see ya head down the same rabbit hole. Ya'll be working in the saloon by the time he's pulled everything down around him. Yer too good fer that."

Tish couldn't stay mad at him. Ike had carried them, really her, far longer than any smart businessman would have. He was just expressing something she was already feeling.

To his astonishment, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks, Ike. Thanks fer everything. Yer a good man! And if something ever happens ta Ethan, I'd be right pleased if ya turned out ta be one of those good men."

His face blushed.

It occurred to her that if she didn't need to pay Ike, there was something else she could do with the money in her purse she'd hidden from Ethan.

"Can I slip out fer a few minutes ta do an errand Ike and pick my wagon up when I git back?"

"Absolutely. Ya shore ya don't want something special added ta yer order?"

"No, I'm fine, Ike. I'll be back shortly."

She hurried over to the bank, wanting to catch it 'fore it closed. Inside she asked fer the manager. She could use the money she hidden from Ethan to catch up on a couple of payments on their mortgage.

She was shown into his office.

"Tish, I weren't expecting ya. Yer messenger arrived earlier with the funds ta payout yer mortgage. I was told there are new instructions for the new deed at the lawyers. The paperwork won't be finished till the lawyer registers the new deed at the land registry office. It'll be a couple of days. Congratulations on being mortgage-free. I was gittin worried about ya. I'm happy ta see ya worked it out."

Tish collapsed into a chair in front of his desk with a thump. Mortgage? Paid out? She didn't have to ask who the messenger was. Could the day git any stranger?

"Are ya okay, Tish? Ya looks a little pale."

"I think something I et ain't agreein with me Monty. Can I open an account in just my name?"

"Ya got yer husband's permission fer that Tish?"

She smiled at him, internally seething at the eternal 'women need their husband's supervision' attitude. "I'm saving fer a special present fer him. I can't tell him about the money, and neither can ya. Otherwise, I'll have to bury it in a jar on the property."

"Well, why didn't ya say so. I'll open an account and mark it so no one will give yer secret away. What are ya gitting him?"

"A new hunting rifle Monty. Something better than the one he has."

Riding home, the reigns soft in her hands, trusting the animals to find their own way, she ran the day's strange doings over in her mind. What was this Albin up to? Why would he pay out all her debts? Did he expect her to sleep with him out of gratitude? Not a chance. She was grateful, but she hadn't asked him to do that and didn't feel obligated in any way.

He and the things that happened around him scared her more than anything she'd seen in life. And that included a face-to-face confrontation with an angry grizzly sow a few years back. The bear had huffed and torn at the ground, gittin ready to charge when her cub had started yammering someplace to the rear of her. In a flash, the bear had turned, disappearing into the bush. It had been close, leaving her heart pounding like a sledgehammer afterward. She'd skedaddled out of there like the Hounds of Hell were on her trail.

Back home, she took care of the animals, then ate a piece of leftover beef from last night's dinner. Tired after the stunning events of the day, she barred the door and took herself ta bed. She knew Ethan wouldn't be home. As far as she was concerned, it was best if he never showed his face around there again. Before she snuggled down, she made sure the rifle was loaded and a box of shells was close at hand.

She was up at daylight the next morning and got her bread ready. Firing up the oven to bake it raised the temperature, so she cracked the cabin door open to cool it down. She was hanging a pot back up on its peg when...!


She whirled quickly, already knowing who it was. HIM!

How had he snuck up? She hadn't heard a horse, and why wasn't the dog on him? She looked out the window. There was the panicked dog racing away on the prairie, tail tucked between his legs, looking back frequently at the ranch as if he feared being chased. What the hell happened.

She'd seen that dog face down wolves, coyotes, cougars and bears without fear. Nobody could git within five hundred feet of the ranch without the dog baying his head off. Yet Albin scared the dog so bad he took off without warning?

Her eyes wandered to the rifle parked in the corner. No way could she reach it before he was on her.

"Tishie!" he repeated.

Terrified, she backed further into the cabin, away from him.

"What are ya doing here, Albin? And what did ya do ta my dog?"

"Thought I might visit fer a bit."

"Why? Do ya expect me to sleep with ya in gratitude fer everything ya did yesterday? I ain't doing that. Ya shouldn't have interfered in my business."

"Ya needed the help, and I gave it. I'm happy about that. I'm not often that generous."

He walked over to the rifle and picked it up. Tish retreated further away from him. To her surprise, he held it out to her stock first.

"Take it if it makes ya feel safer," he offered.

She snatched it quickly, levered in a round and pointed it at him.

"Ya gonna shoot me, Tish?" he seemed amused.

After yesterday, she didn't even hesitate, despite the fact he was unarmed.