Everything Happens for a Reason


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To this day, I still don't know, well, actually I do, what possessed me to do what I did next. I wiped the tears from her eyes and leaned in and softly kissed her lips, lingering momentarily then breaking away, leaving Laurie with her eyes still closed and her lips poised in a gentle smile. From behind and to the right of me, I heard Emma say "Ooo, Girl!" followed by the sound of Deirdre's laughter. As I stood back up, I could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up the back of my neck. I turned around to see two very beautiful women smiling at me with bright shining faces. Emma, followed by Deirdre, walked over to where we were standing, and looking at Laurie, said, "You need to find a way to keep him here. I wished that you could see what I see when I look at you two."

"Why doesn't anything like this ever happen to me?" whined Deirdre.

"Because you're a bitch!" said Laurie and Emma, simultaneously and giggling.

I couldn't help but laugh, causing Deirdre to reach over and playfully smack my arm and reply, "Don't laugh at them, Tommy. It only makes them worse," and then she began to giggle too.

Laurie seemed back to normal over the fracas that had just occurred, and suddenly she turned to me, and with a combination of suspicion and silly written across her face, said, "So, tell us Tommy?"

"Tell you what?" I asked, curiously.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Laurie inquired, genuinely. The sudden discomfort I felt from talking about such things must've been evident in my facial expressions because Laurie gently put her palm to my face and said, "Tommy? Are you alright, sweetie?" Before I could say anything, she added, "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay." Then, totally changing the subject as well as totally catching me off-guard, she turned to Emma and Deirdre and said, "Let's go to that new club that opened up last month. You know which one I'm talking about, so let's go."

This time Laurie drove as I didn't know my way around the city and before long; we were pulling up in front of a neon sign that read: "Barleycorn's" Although I grew up in Texas, I was never a big fan of country music and this was definitely a country music club. However; I remembered Mike's word about 'spending the evening with the three prettiest girls in Yellowstone County' and all my reservations immediately faded. With Laurie clinging closely to my right side; Emma and Deirdre both came up to my left side and shared holding my hand. As we walked into the club, there was a bar to the immediate right and to the left sat several tables with people gathered around all but a few. Straight ahead and just beyond was the dance floor with a five-piece band on a stage at the other end. Emma found us a table next to the dance floor, and soon a waitress was there to take our drink order. We sat and talked for a few moments, but it was mostly Laurie, Emma and Deirdre doing the talking. I sat back and listened to the band.

As I watched them play, the band as a whole was good but their lead guitar player, who's playing really sucked, seemed to be flirting with every girl that danced by him. It would've been one thing if the guy could play, but in my opinion, he looked like an idiot. I've been playing guitar since right after Laurie and her family moved away from our ranch when we were young, and in the time since, became a very good player. I was told by more than one record producer when I was stationed out in California that I was pro quality. I was even invited to 'sit-it' and play on some studio sessions as well. So, I knew a good guitar player when I heard one. Having the ability to play well and having an attitude is, to a certain extent, tolerated. However, the guy I was watching made me want to laugh openly, but I'm not like that. Laurie didn't know anything about my musical abilities and I felt no need to mention it, until........

The band began to play a favorite song of Laurie's and she immediately stood up and made her way to the dance floor, dragging me by the hand behind her. The moment I took her into my arms, I knew that she was meant to be there. We flowed all over the dance floor, our eyes never once leaving each other's, locked into one another's gaze. I couldn't explain it at the time, but with Laurie in my arms, I felt that everything was as it should be, almost complete somehow and I felt her silently responding to me. All too soon, the song ended and the band took a break and I happily escorted Laurie back to the table. Once we reached the table, I really needed to use the restroom so I excused myself, but not before Laurie quickly but tenderly kissed my lips and said, "Thank you for the dance, handsome." I just smiled and then walked away.

When I got back to the table I saw three guys from the band talking to the girls. The lead guitar player was sitting in my chair next to Laurie, openly flirting with her. The minute she saw me, her face lit up, and turning to the guitar player, said, "Would you get up? My boyfriend is back and you're sitting in his chair."

He looked over to me and then back to her, and nonchalantly said, "Aw, come on baby, your boyfriend can wait. Besides, haven't you ever heard that guitar players do it sweeter?" This time I did laugh openly and loud too. He looked at me and said, "What are you laughing at, dude?"

"Is that what you call yourself, a guitar player, I mean?" I smirked, winking at Laurie.

"What do you mean by that, man?" he asked, angered and now standing.

"I've heard pigs fart sweeter notes than what you're playing, dude," I replied, followed by the laughter of not only the girls, but the other two band members as well.

"You think you can do any better then, asshole?" challenged the guitar player, hatefully.

"I'll bet you your guitar that I can!" I answered, arrogantly.

After a moment's thought, he said, "Okay, you're on but, what do I get when I win?"

Before I could respond, Laurie jumped up, and winking at me, stood between us and said, "If you win, you get me!"

"Get ready to have the night of your life when this is over, baby," he said to Laurie, as he summoned the rest of the band members back to the stage. When they were back on the stage, he stepped up to the microphone and announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a challenge tonight. Now, all of you around here know me and have been hearing me play for years. Can I get a Hell Yeah?" The audience responded accordingly and then he continued, "We've got a guitar player here tonight that says he can out-play me. So me and the band are gonna do a song and then we're gonna get him up here and see what he can do, okay?" The audience cheered as the band broke out with their rendition of Chuck Berry's, Johnny Be Good. He was all over the stage playing nothing more than a bunch of power chords enhanced by electronic pedal effects. When the band finished the song, the audience clapped loudly, whistling and cheering. Then looking at me from the stage, he stepped back up to the microphone, and cockily sneered, "Your turn now, ace!"

I walked onto the stage amidst whispers and murmurs of the audience. When he handed me his guitar, I looked down at his pedal board then back to him and, sarcastically, said, "Turn off all that shit! I'll show you how a real guitar player does it, boy."

"It's your funeral. Besides, this crowd is gonna tear you a new ass and I'm gonna take your bitch home with me tonight," he replied, laughing.

I laughed and said, "We'll see. Now get your no-playing ass of the fucking stage, because it's time to take you to school, you little punk," I replied, then turned back to the band and asked, "Do you guys know Eric Clapton's version of Crossroads?" At the sound of their laughter I asked, "What?"

The bass guitar player laughed and said, "Damon..." referring to the lead guitar player, "...never would let us play it!"

I laughed and said, "Oh yeah? Well, that's because his dumb ass can't play it so, fuck him! You're playing with me right now and it's time to put this boy out of my misery." I heard the guys in the band agree and away we went. I even sang the verses of the song as I looked out at Laurie who was, by this time, absolutely beside herself and beaming proudly at me. When it was time to play the lead, I gave it everything I had and then some.

The band was supposed to go to the next verse but the bass player looked me and said, "Keep going, man! You rock your ass off!" We ended up extending the song for an additional two minutes. When we were done, the bass player stepped up to the microphone and said, "Now, can we get a Hell Yeah?"

The cheers and applause were deafening as every single person in the club was on their feet, cheering and yelling at the top of their lungs. Some were even standing in their chairs but none were cheering more loudly than my sweet Laurie. As I looked across the dance floor at our table, I could see her grinning and applauding wildly with tears running down both sides of her face. And with his face cast downward, knowing he'd been beaten, Damon walked onto the stage and stepped up to the microphone. Looking at me as I set his guitar back on its stand, he nodded and then turned back to the audience and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here tonight in awe of what I just heard. In my own arrogance, I bet this man my guitar against his girlfriend that he couldn't out-play me." Then he reached down and disconnected his guitar and sadly handing it to me, said, "You win."

Then I handed Damon back his guitar and then stepped up to the microphone and replied, "You keep it, brother. I'm not about to take a man's guitar away from him," then I giggled, and pointing to Laurie, added, "Besides; I'd much rather have the girl instead."

A look of relief washed across his face as a wave of humility swept into his heart and he looked at me and said, "Thanks, man. I really mean it, brother."

I just smiled and with a wink, said, "I know you do and it's all good." and then turned to walk off the stage,

The audience had witnessed the whole thing, and before anyone could react; Damon stepped back up to the microphone, and harshly shouted, "Wait a minute there, ace!" I turned around ready for God knows what; then I saw Damon's stern look melt into a smile as he added, "Come, honor us by playing with us, please?" Before I could reply, he turned to the audience and said, "What do you think, ladies and gentlemen?" Needless to say, the crowd went nuts, and as Damon strapped on his guitar, he nodded with his head for me come to the stage and stand beside him. Then he reached behind him and pulled out a 1972, Gibson Les Paul, Custom™, electric guitar out of its case and handed it to me grinning. As he got me connected up, Damon leaned in and said, "Here's a real guitar for a real guitar player."

I grinned and said, "In that case, you lead and I'll follow...ace!" We played everything that anyone in the band could remember and even took requests from the crowd, pulling off every single song without a hitch.

I played with them for about an hour or so and then we took a break. As we were coming off the stage, I saw Laurie waiting with Emma and Deirdre at the bottom of the steps. As soon as I was within reach, Laurie leapt into my arms and threw hers tightly around my neck. "Well, hello to you, too." I said, moving us clear of the steps so the rest of the band could get by.

"You never cease to amaze me, cutie, I didn't know you played guitar," said Laurie, leaning back, grinning.

I laughed, and teasing her, asked, "Then why did you volunteer yourself as part of the wager so quickly?"

Without warning, she dropped the queen mother of all bombs on me when she replied, "I just knew it was going to be okay. I could feel you in my heart, Tommy. You've always been there." When I looked into those damn beautiful blue eyes, I knew then that I would never be able to live without her now and that I loved her with every fiber of my entire being. I dared not speak, lest I break the magical spell Laurie had me under. Instead I chose to hold this beautiful angel as close to me as was humanly possible.

It was Emma's voice I heard next saying, "Uh, Romeo and Juliet, I hate to break this up, but, it's beginning to get really late and I think that maybe we should all head home."

"I agree," laughed Deirdre.

When we parted the hug, I felt Laurie peering into my soul as she gazed into my eyes. With a loving smile, she kissed me one last time on the lips and said, "I think its time for us to go home, how about you?"

I laughed and said, "Yeah, I think I've had about all the excitement I can take for one night. Let's go home." Laurie took my hand and led me out of the club.

Once we were out in the parking lot, and after we'd said our 'Good Night's' to Emma and Deirdre, Laurie leaned against her car, and pulling me up against her, breathed, "Now, I want a kiss, and I mean a real kiss." How could I refuse an offer like that? I slowly leaned into her, and gently taking her into my arms, I lowered my face to hers until our lips softly touched. As the kiss became more passionate, the world around us no longer existed as we slowly but sensually began to melt into one another. I saw and heard nothing. The only thing that existed for me was Laurie and for her, me. I could actually feel her heart beating against my chest as I held her close. All good things must come to an end as did the kiss. We separated, silently gazing into one another's eyes for a moment, each knowing the eventuality waiting in store for the two us, but still wanting to hold off for the right time in order for it to not only be truly special, but also to be the defining moment in our lives. As I drove us home that night, Laurie layed her head on my shoulder gripping my arm closely to her the whole way home not letting go until I pulled into the driveway. We went inside, locked the doors behind us and together climbed the stairs hand in hand. When we came to our respective bedroom doors, Laurie turned to me and said, "I can't remember when I had a better time than I did tonight." Then, after leaning over and softly kissing my lips, she smiled and dreamily said, "Good night, Tommy. I hope you have sweet dreams, handsome," and then she disappeared behind her bedroom door.

Chapter Six

I awoke from a nightmare to discover it was still dark outside. Turning to look at the clock on the bedside table, I saw it was only 5:00 am. I knew from past experience that I would in no way be able to go back to sleep so, I reached over and turned on the lamp beside me. After getting dressed and making my bed, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean up a little bit. Then I went down stairs and into the kitchen, only turning on the light over the sink so as not to wake anyone else up. I opened the refrigerator door and retrieved the orange juice. I poured myself a glass full and returned the juice to the fridge. Then I went out the back door and onto the deck, sitting in one of the chairs around a covered table there. As I drank my juice and my mind began to get fully awake, I cringed remembering the incident in the tavern the previous night, but then was warmed all over at the memory of Laurie in my arms. I no longer had any doubts as to how I felt about her. I knew that she cared deeply about me, but was she ready to take the next step? I'm not sure I was ready either. But either way I was going to remain true to what was now beating strongly in my heart, stirring my very soul. I thought about what the future had in store for us, and I began to grow a little unsure as the reality of the situation hit me. Hell, this is only my third day here. How can I possibly feel the way I do, and so quickly too? Besides; I live and work in Texas and she lives and works here in Montana. There was already an obstacle and we hadn't truly been given a chance yet. Suddenly I was confused and a little upset inside, maybe even afraid. For the first time in my life, I was afraid, afraid of losing Laurie, who wasn't really mine to begin with, and afraid of never again being able to feel all the wonderful sensations I experienced just being near her. "What the hell am I gonna do now?" I said aloud.

"What're you gonna do about what, sweet boy?" rang out from behind me, followed by Julia, dressed in a long robe that reached the ground.

"Oh, I was just thinking out loud," I replied, unconvincingly.

Taking a seat in the chair closest to me, Julia patted my knee and said, "You wanna talk about it?" and then she let out a light chuckle and added, "Tommy, I might just understand a lot more than you think I do."

I looked at Julia and there was enough light outside now that I could plainly tell that she somehow knew what I was feeling so, I said, "Alright then, this is about......"

"Laurie!" replied Julia, interrupting me and laughing at the look of shock that I knew was on my face. Before I could respond, Julia took my hand and continued, "When the two of you were just babies. Laurie would cry and wouldn't stop until she was near you. And when you would cry, the only person who could make you stop was Laurie. You see sweetie, the two of you have been bound to one another since before you both were born."

"I'm not really sure I understand," I replied, bewildered.

Julia leaned back and, almost as if she was staring into space, began, "When your father was still alive, he and your mother used to go deep into Oaxaca, Mexico to a place that your mother says is enchanted. It's a little strip of beach about fives miles southwest of San Pedro Pochutla, along the Pacific coast. She told me that it was where you were conceived."

"What do you mean?" I replied, now totally confused.

Julia laughed and said, "After your brother was born, the doctor told your parents that your mother would never be able to bear anymore children. Then, nine months before you were born, they went to Mexico on vacation. Amidst the ruins of where the Teotl Indians of ancient Mexico built a temple to Xipe Totec, the goddess of fertility is where you were miraculously conceived and the rest is history."

"So what does that have to do with Laurie?" I asked.

Julia smiled sadly and replied, "As soon as Michael and I got married, we began trying to have children immediately. We tried everything we could think of and still no luck. Finally I went to the doctor and he told me that I was barren and would never be able to have children. We were both devastated but we managed to pick up the pieces and move forward together. Then, a year after Mike went to work for your Dad, something very wonderful happened. You had only been home from the hospital for a week when your mother and I were talking one day. She told me about how your family considered you to be a 'miracle baby' because of your mother's medical condition. I told your mother what the doctor had told my husband and I. She smiled, and taking hold of my hand, told me of the place I just described to you. Mike and I took our vacation that summer and went to that place and when we came back; I was pregnant with Laurie. So you see, sweet boy? The two of you are symbiotically bound to one another. You're destined to be together." I sat there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say but Julia took care of that for me, and standing up, added, "I know it's a lot to think about so I'm gonna go back inside and make some coffee. Besides; Mike and Laurie will be up soon." Then right before she went back into the house, she leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, and hugging me tightly, said, "I've loved you your whole life, just like you were my own. Everything is gonna be alright, sweet boy. Just you wait and see." Then she turned and went inside, leaving me alone to my thoughts and to the morning light as it began to peek over the mountaintops.