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I decided on Friday evening I would play. Kaye would be home and she had a rare Saturday off so she and Judy could go out and do something. I would enter a 10/20 hold em game. The ten and twenty denotes the blinds, or forced bets by the two players in front of the dealer. Since the deal rotated every hand all the players would eventually be subjected to the blinds.

I went into the casino as rested and relaxed as I could be. My usual escort followed me to the poker table and observed as I notified the employee responsible for seating players. My request caused a conversation transaction by my security guy and he was soon joined by another security guy. I watched them hoping Kaye was right that the casino wouldn't bother me playing poker unless I was caught cheating.

I was soon seated at a table, bought in my chips, and watched as the first hand was dealt. I took note of my fellow players. I was reminded of the old adage, If you don't spot the sucker at the poker table, then you are the sucker. I wondered who would turn out to be the sucker.

Saturday afternoon I stumbled back into the apartment. Kaye and Judy were watching a Pixar movie. Kaye looked at me with concern and said, "Well?" I didn't respond, I just pulled out the envelope and tossed it to her. She whooped as she saw the stack of Benjamin Franklins. She jumped up and ran over and hugged me. Judy followed likewise. When Kaye kissed me, we both guiltily looked down at Judy but she hadn't noticed our little public display of affection.I told Judy we were going out for supper and she could pick the restaurant.

I was soon regretting that decision as we sat at Chuck E Cheese. After we placed our order Judy ran off to play the games and Kaye sitting beside me threaded her arm around mine and asked me about my game.

"It was all mundane Kaye. You had prepared me so well that I could see the game unfolding like a chess match. I wasn't the big winner. That went to one of the pros I had seen before. He seemed to recognize my ability and we stayed out of each other way. And we both cleaned up on the other players. I kept alternating playing loose and tight at random. I performed some false tell traps that to the chagrin of one player fell for. But, I kept grinding away until I was ready to leave. But the best part was that security didn't hassle me. I cashed in my chips, minus what Uncle Sam took and here I am."

We continued to watch Judy as Kaye nuzzled up to me. "There is one last thing Kaye. Half the money in the envelope is yours. I know we never agreed to it, but, you went above and beyond teaching me how to survive. As far as I am concerned we are partners. Whatever I have is yours for the taking." Kaye teared up and was about to say something when the food and Judy arrived at the table. I tried not to react as I felt her slip her shoe off and slid her foot slowly up and down my leg.

To keep my gambling from being too disruptive, Kaye and I established some ground rules. I could only play when Judy was occupied or tended to by Kaye. Never would she be unattended. I would only buy in a designated amount of chips. If I hit a bad streak I would not go chasing money. Any profit made would go into a joint bank account. At least once a week, we would commit to a family activity for the three of us.

A byproduct of my success was that our petting sessions were getting more and more serious even though both of us had qualms going too far with Judy in the small apartment. But God, just to hold that body against me and kiss those lips sent me flying. I kept wondering when we would get to the next level.

It didn't take long to find out. I signed up for a satellite tournament and after the chaos of the weekend I left the winner. I had a payout of $25,000 and a entry ticket to the World Series of Poker. The World Series was a televised event on ESPN. It was a marathon unlimited Texas Hold'Em event that enticed tens of thousands of gamblers to make the pilgrimage to Vegas for the chance to be acclaimed the best in the world and to win millions of dollars.

We celebrated once again by going out to eat. This time I wisely allowed Kaye to select. After a perfect Italian meal we got back to the apartment and Judy went to bed. Kaye and I began our usual physical gymnastics on the couch when she announced that she wanted to play poker.

"Kaye, you've got to be kidding me! You've got me all revved up and now you want to play cards?" I looked at her incredulously.

She lingered kissing me and her teeth tugged on my bottom lip as she got up to walk over to the kitchen table and got the deck of cards. As she began shuffling that nagging little thought came back to me. She noticed, "What's wrong James?"

"There is something bugging the hell of me everytime I see you shuffle a deck of cards and I can't figure out what it is."

"Well, this will keep your mind off that. We're going to play strip poker." She said in a matter of fact voice.

She just kept looking at me as she mechanically continued to shuffle the deck the only noise was the riffling of the shuffle. Automatically she dealt out the cards and announced she was all in, I told her I called her bet and showed her the deuce and trey she dealt me. One of the worst hand you could start with. She stood up and said I won and she slowly stripped before me.

I eagerly waited each inch of flesh exposed until she was naked before me. How could I adequately describe that voluptuous body. Her long hair spilling across the top of her breasts. The light pink areolas with nipples jutting out. Her torso accented by her ribcage and flat abdomen. The waist expanding to her hip connecting her long muscular legs. The small tuft of pubic hair above her vagina.

The main thing that attracted me was her eyes. Those wonderful eyes were looking at me with anticipation and vulnerability as I returned the favor and undressed before her. Whatever description you want of my body you'll have to ask her. All I know is that she appeared satisfied with what she saw. I walked over to her and gave her a light kiss, which was followed by another...and another...and another. Then we went to my bedroom and I carefully placed my prize on top. Then I slowly descended down her body to view her pussy and I carefully and softly began to lick it like a kitten.

My efforts were being rewarded by gasps and moans of satisfaction and occasionally a spasm as a particular nerve was gratified. "Oh God, James, this is wonderful", she crooned as her hands held my hair tight to ensure that I wouldn't stop.

There was little danger of that as I continued to tease her to a climax. I would build her to a crescendo and then lightly back off. I did that several time until she had my head captured by her muscular thighs begging me for relief.

"Please, baby, you got to let me come!" She exclaimed in a voice loud enough to wake Judy. Realizing that she stuffed a pillow across her face and her muffled screams continued as I finally allowed her to come.

As we relaxed I lightly ran my fingers over the lips of her vagina. Soft, warm , moist, pink lips as I paid homage to her. For close to half an hour I continued to play with her as she recovered. Finally she shifted around until my erect cock was close to her face.

"James, forgive me if I don't do this right. The only person I ever did this with was Charlie. With that her soft lips encased the bulb of my cock and she slowly devoured my dick. How could I tell her that I wasn't what you called overly accustomed to beautiful women giving me blow jobs. Whatever you call her technique I was soon on the verge of coming and I warned her so she could remove my cock before the climax. Instead she gripped my thighs and held on as she swallowed load after load from me. I was gasping for breath as she cuddle up to me for a kiss.

We continued to caress one another and miracle of miracle I had another erection. This time she climbed on top of me and rode me cowgirl style. We were both connecting with the right spots as we amazed each other.

"Baby, I need you to come with me!" she cried. I needed no prompting as we both exploded into heaven. I was in bliss, that was the only way to describe it and I thought what a poor substitute the escort had been on Christmas compared to this woman. We cuddled and engaged in some postplay and I was ready to go again, but, Kaye said she need to go to bed with Judy since it would soon be time to wake up.

I had a sense of frustration seeing her leave, but, knowing this was only the beginning of our relationship. How incredible it would become as we became familiar to each other wants and desires.

Sure enough, morning came way too early, but, the smiles we gave each other made it all worthwhile. Each evening became a wonder lab of sexual discovery as we explored each other. The level of our compatibility was astounding and needless to say I seldom went to sleep frustrated in any way.

We still thought we were keeping the secret from Judy and we continued to talk about how best to broach the subject with her. That worry went away one night we had a bad thunderstorm. We were just settling down in bed when my door opened and Judy in a scared voice asked if she could join us. I told her to come on to bed with us and I thanked God we were still in our clothes.

Judy carefully crawled between us and Kaye and I took turns whispering words of comfort to her as I reached around to hold my family to me. Morning found us in the same posture as I protected my family. As we gingerly addressed the issue at the breakfast table, Judy blithely told us that she had known for weeks that we were sleeping together. The only thing she couldn't understand was why her mom couldn't stay in one bed for a whole night. The incongruous comment was enough to set me and Kaye off in peals of laughter. Judy just looked at us with a look saying that adults were weird people.

I was preparing for the World Series and I was nervous. ESPN was notorious for wanting to give back stories on various players. I didn't want to be in the spotlight and expose any of my history to Kaye and Judy. More importantly, I didn't want them exposed in the harsh media scrutiny.

Luckily, I dodged the bullet as I wasn't approached beforehand by an associate producer with a film crew. They were more interested in the established poker stars. So when I sat down at my first table I was a stranger among strangers.

It was unbelievable on the first hand I flopped pocket aces. My pulse raced as I screamed not to signal a tell. I decided to merely call the bet in an effort to solicit more money in the pot. It was like everyone was wanting to mark their territory with a win on the first hand. Person after person called the bet and an aggressive player reraised. Then came the flop. The remaining two aces and the king of clubs. I had four of a kind, the only way I could be beaten was by a straight flush.

To my surprise the first bettor went all in. Then the second bettor did as well. Holy crap, twenty thousand dollars on the table and we hadn't even gotten around the table. Third and fourth bettor quickly folded. Fifth bettor continued to weigh his options and the reluctantly followed suit and went all in. Then all eyes were on me as I considered what the hell was going on. I decided the first two bettors were trying to run a bluff and steal the first pot. Number five had a hand that was too good to lay down but not bullet proof. All I had to worry was that no face cards showed on fourth street and the river to complete a straight flush. I had to go in so I also pushed my chips in the middle of the table.

The hoopla from all of four of us going all in drew the attention of the cameras. Great, first hand and I was already on public view. I sat there stoic as the remaining players folded. Then we were told to show our hands. As I thought the first bettor had nothing, second bettor had a pair of eights, the dead man hand, how appropriate. Fourth bettor was green around the gills. He had a pair of kings, a full house, kings over aces. A good hand, but, not good enough. The two remaining cards dealt was anti climatic as I received false congratulations from my fellow players. In the very first hand I quadrupled my stake and I was in a position of power to dictate play at the table. And I kept my foot on everybody's neck as I took pot after pot with everyone folding to keep from risking their remaining chips. I continued to overbet to insure that only players with a very strong hand would call. I got burned a couple of times but by the end of the day I was ranked among the chip leaders.

I was exhausted when I got to the apartment, Kaye was excited by my news and had me fed, massaged and in bed before I knew it. As I returned for my second day of action, I was transferred to another table. I was still clearly in the lead among this table and I started throw my weight around. I could sense frustration among them, especially after I stole the blinds with a seven and jack off suit and showed the cards to my fellow players.

That encouraged them to call me on strong hands and my stacks continued to grow. Finally, we got the signal for the end of another day. I heard veiled curses and threats muttered my way as I left. Day after day continued as I steamrollered over people. By now I drew attraction and an associate producer told me during a break that they wanted me for an interview after the conclusion of the day. I ignored the request and went back to playing.

Next morning I was taken aside and reminded that I was contractually required to cooperate with the TV crews. I would be giving an interview that evening if I survived. My irritation was evident that day as I stepped up my bets and took pots. When I arrived at the booth they had set up they put makeup on me and began what had to be the most painful interview ever aired on ESPN.

I was aloof, abrupt and laconic with my answers. The interviewer was quickly on the defensive and I wasn't giving her an inch of hope salvaging anything out of the interview. Finally, they gave up on the ordeal and I stepped away from the camera. I heard one producer telling a staffer to find out what my problem was.

I got to the apartment and warned Kaye that the shit might be hitting the fan. She told me not to worry and just concentrate on my cards. That was what I did for the next two days and then the report came out.

A former professor accused of sexual harassment and plagiarizing a colleague's work was leading the World Series of Poker. They took no prisoners as I was discussed across the nation for my poor character. This was worse than the first time since mostly only the world of academia was affected then. Now I was a national referendum as debate waged whether I should resign from the competition.

They tracked down Laura and she gave a no comment. Jason Feder, on the other hand was happy to oblige telling any and all of my shortcomings and failings. I tried to compartmentalize the events so I could continue on. Now everyday I was subjected to snide comments by players trying to get me upset and tilt me. I countered as best I could by continuing winning.

Then came the low blow where a news crew ambushed Kaye and Judy as they stepped out to get Judy to school. The male reporter threw innuendo after innuendo at Kaye and Judy cried as Kaye finally took her back into the apartment. The doorbell ranged incessantly as the reporter demanded answers. It was probably a good thing I had already left that morning or I would have killed the cocksucker. That day we continued playing until an announcement came on and said we had reached the magic number. Here on out every player would be entitled to a cash award based on their ranking.

I was excited when I got home and told them the news. I didn't know at the time, but, they made a pact not to tell me about the events that morning. I could tell they were under stress, hell, we all were, but the end was approaching and hopefully things would resume to normal.

Kaye was called into her boss office and questioned whether a conflict existed due to our relationship. They would have to let legal sort it out to see if Kaye could keep her job. Judy was subjected to the taunts and jokes from her classmates. God, if only I had known what they went through to protect me. But, I was involved in quietly and ruthlessly climbing the ladder.

Word got around that I wasn't outwardly affected by the jibs and most laid off me and we continued to dwindle down. Four tables, then three, then two, and I blinked as the news came that we fortunate few comprised of the final table.

The tournament would take a short hiatus as the TV regrouped to get into even more background on everyone. When a associate producer had the audacity to ask if I would cooperate at first I thought why the hell should I. But then I told him I would cooperate by giving a statement. An all encompassing statement that would delve into the controversies. I wouldn't answer questions, take it or leave it.

They hurriedly agreed and I found myself in front of a camera as I started from the beginning and tracked the history of my life. I told it factual, warts and all. Then I apologized for my earlier interview and I explained that I only wanted to protect Kaye and Judy. I started choking up then and tears were coursing down my face as I ended my statement with the simple request to leave Kaye and Judy alone.

I went back to the apartment where we all began decompressing from the stress. The days passed and we all seemed to recover with the knowledge that the payday would be a substantial one. Meanwhile, my interview had grown a life of its own. TV station after TV station passed it among themselves. An enterprising reporter tracked down Teri Stevens who corroborated my entire story.

Then the search was on to track down my three accusers of sexual harassment. But I wouldn't find out about that till later. All I wanted to do was spend time with Kaye and Judy. The end of the hiatus was upon us when I suggested that we took a trip to the Grand Canyon.

We packed a picnic and spent the day observing God's wonder. All was well as we approached the apartment. Judy ran up and went inside first as Kaye and I gathered the things out of the car. Instinctively I sensed something out of the ordinary. How did Judy get in the house? Before it could fully register, I heard Judy screaming inside.

Kaye was just a few feet away from the door when Judy screamed. Like a mama bear protecting her cub she rushed inside and I immediately heard her raised voice added to the cacophony erupting inside.

I had dropped everything I was carrying and sprinted toward the apartment. I hardly had time to register the broken door jamb as I hurried inside. There a tall scrawny unkempt man was struggling to keep Judy from escaping his grasp, he was handicapped in his efforts due to the large hunting knife he held in his hand. Also complicating things, was Kaye screaming and struggling with him to release Judy.

"GODDAMMIT BITCH, I'LL KILL HER IF YOU DON'T GET OFF ME!" he roared. Hearing the threat, Kaye immediately retreated and begged for her child's life.

"Please Charlie, please don't hurt Judy!" She sobbed making her plea to the uncaring father who held Judy's fate in his hand.

"I want the money your boyfriend won at the tournament! You give me all the money and you and this little shit will live! I'm still gonna mark you, but, you will live, you fucking whore!"

Kaye desperately tried to explain that the huge stacks of millions of dollars of chips were just for show. No one had gotten them yet. It wasn't registering in the meth addled brain of Charlie. All he knew was he had finally made parole, found that Kaye and Judy had disappeared and escaped his vengeance. Then he saw them on TV and went to hunt them down. He broken into the apartment ransacking it in his quest for the money. And out of nowhere, that cunt showed up with her kid. Oh yeah, somebody was going to pay!