Emily Untethered Ch. 03


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"Sweetie..." he began.

"Crap," she thought.

"Dad..." she warned.

"I'm just concerned about you," he said, defensively. "I just want you to know that if you need to talk to me about California again, I'll be okay to listen."

"Ugh, he just wants to get all turned on and horny again," she thought, but immediately berated herself for such an idea. "Your dad is a good and decent man, he wouldn't do that just to get horny. Stop being a bitch!"

Instead, she sighed and moved over to hug him, lowering her head into his shoulder as he began to rub against her back. He pulled her close to him but she winced in pain as her freshly sore nipples pressed into his shoulder and chest.

"Ow," she whispered, and pulled back slightly, hoping he hadn't noticed.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he asked, pulling back. The movement had pulled his shoulder back and across her breast again, taking her breath away and causing her to wince and cover it with her hand. "Sweetie!" he said, "what's the matter?"

She sighed. "It's nothing, just a long story about a girl that keeps screwing things up in her life." She looked up at him, her face a mask of frustration.

"I...uh... I'm afraid I don't... understand," he stammered. "Did something in California..." he trailed off.

"I know you know about the email that Shawn sent me, and the pictures within."

He sighed and was quiet for a minute. Then slowly, he ran a hand through his hair and looked up at her. "I didn't know what to do, or if you even knew about him taking the pictures. I only told you that it was corrupt because I knew you were in pain and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, Baby."

She smiled, feeling momentarily better. "I was hoping it was something like that."

He nodded. "I have a copy of it on my computer, in case you deleted the other one."

She looked at him doubtfully.

"Honestly, Honey. I haven't looked at but a few, and that was only when I initially saw them."

She sat back on the couch then, keeping him at arm's reach. "So you're not jerking off to them?"

"What?" he asked loudly. "What the... why...?" he sputtered. "No!" he said loudly. "Why would I ever?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Methinks thou dost protest too much," she said.

He raised a finger and shook his head in response. "That's not fair. How else would you like me to respond? Look at me, Emily," he said, turning her face towards his with a finger on her chin. "I might occasionally glance at you when you bounce through the house wearing panties and a tiny shirt, but that's nowhere near jerking off to pictures of you. You're my daughter!"

She began to tear up a little then. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I just don't know why I keep screwing things up. You're all I have left and I don't want that to be torn apart!"

He sighed and gingerly squeezed a shoulder. "Honey, I'm not going anywhere, and I'd never do anything to jeopardize our relationship."

Emily nodded and sat back.

"So why are you sore in your chest... area?" he asked, still sounding a little too stern. His face softened when she looked at him.

"Dakota," she said, as if that explained everything.

"I'm sorry, I don't..." he started.

"I got help from the computer help desk to find out if you'd copied the files to your computer, after I'd put together that you'd misled me about the download being corrupt."

"Lied, Sweetheart," he corrected. "I lied, and I'm sorry that I did. I panicked."

"That's beside the point, Daddy," she said. "Just listen."

He nodded and put his hands in his lap.

"I found the folder, so thank you for telling me that you'd done that. It would have been much worse for me if you'd continued to try to lie. Anyways... I was upset and needed to get out of the house, so I went to see Dakota. She's one of the few people in Texas that know the full story of what went on in California, and she's been trying to help me through it. I went over to her house and we sat on the bed and talked about the possible reasons that you would have for hiding the pictures. Dakota was on your side, but I was still torn. She asked to see the photos, and so I pulled out the laptop and showed her."

John nodded and continued to sit quietly, listening.

"So then we get to some really hardcore photos of me, a girl and Shawn, and..." she paused, looking over. He had a weird look on his face again, almost pained.

"Sorry, Daddy," she said, starting to stand. She winced though, and fell back to the couch.

"It's fine, it's fine," he said, waving his hands dismissively. "I told you before, ignore my facial expressions."

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "We were sitting on her bed and she just looked at me with an odd expression, I couldn't help it and I kissed her."

He looked at her, one eyebrow cocked. "That's all?"

Emily shook her head. "Well, no... we ended up making love."

His eyes widened, but he looked like he didn't know what to say. Finally, he settled on, "I see."

"After, we took a shower and fooled around again, and she talked me into going with her to get..." she stopped, sensing she might be giving him more than he could handle.

He wasn't budging though, and continued to look at her.

"To get our nipples pierced," Emily said.

John nodded again. Emily thought he looked like his brain had seized up.

A long, awkward silence fell over the two of them.

"Aren't you going to get mad at me?" she asked finally.

"Sweetheart, I think that getting your..." he stopped

"Nipples pierced," she finished for him.

"Yes, thank you. Getting that done is a personal choice. Your mom would have flipped her shit..."

"Language," Emily warned.

"But I don't have a problem with it." He smirked for a second and she could tell he was going to try and be funny, "I just hope you don't need help taking care of them, because I don't think I'm ready for that."

Emily rolled her eyes. "No, Daddy," she said. "I think I can reach my own breasts."

He laughed quietly but didn't say anything else.

"And about Dakota and I?" she asked.

"Sweetie, you say you had this kind of sex in California, and that there was more than one girl..."

"Yes, many more," she said.

"Too much info," he said, wincing. "The point is, I know you've had sex with women. Again, your mom would be angry, but I'm not your mom. Why would I get angry at something you spent what...10 months doing? Besides, Dakota is..."

"Dad..." Emily warned.

"... a pretty girl..."

"Dad!" she said loudly with a playful laugh. The glum air of the room seemed to have broken then, though Emily still looked a little down.

"Sweetheart, everything I want for you in this life is to be happy. That's it. That's all I can hope for as your father."

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He patted her on the shoulder before she sat back and silence enveloped them again.

"So are you bisexual?"

She was struck with surprise then. She actually hadn't thought of that yet. She'd asked Dakota of course, but hadn't thought to label herself.

"I... I dunno. I really like having sex with women. I like having sex with men too, though, so I'm not lesbian. I guess so..." she said, turning to look at him as she finished.

The look on his face made her laugh then. "You should probably run your questions for me through a filter," she admonished. The laughter made her feel a little better, however, and she found that a smile came easier to her face.

"Thank you, Daddy," she said, moving over to him. She moved to her knees and straddled him again as he flattened himself into the couch, unsure of what she was doing.

"Take it easy," he said, unwilling to touch her for fear of causing her any more physical pain.

"I know," she said. "Don't worry, I'm just looking for one of your full body hugs, just don't squeeze too hard. My nipples are sore but they aren't fragile or anything."

He chuckled and held his arms out then as she gingerly leaned forwards, careful to stay up on her knees this time so that she would have less of a chance of coming into contact with his manhood.

She eased herself into him and inhaled deeply as he wrapped his strong arms around her. She smiled and nuzzled against his neck as he gently stroked her back for a few long moments.

"God, that feels good," she whispered.

Then... she felt it. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Daddy..." she whispered.

He had his eyes squinted closed. "I know, I tried to think of other things but it just happened."

She snickered quietly. "This is actually kinda funny," she mused. He'd gotten erect again, and she could feel the tip just caressing her thigh.

"Daddy..." she continued, louder this time. "I've been hugging you like this since I was a little girl. It's dumb for us to be all conflicted about it. It's just a natural reaction to being in close proximity to a feminine form. It just never happened when I was younger."

He nodded, still squinting. She relaxed her legs in mild irritation at him and plopped down in his lap. "Daddy!" she said sharply. The effect of her dropping down in his lap caused his dick to slide up the front of her panties again. She'd started to admonish him further, but then her words caught in her throat and she sighed softly.

A long moment of silence passed between them and then he opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Daddy, this is silly. Look at me," she said. She looked like she'd come to terms with something, though he was still holding very still.

"Whatever you say, Sweetheart, I'm not moving." His hands had stopped rubbing her back, and he was holding them up as if he was afraid he'd hurt her.

"Daddy... can I please have a real hug?" she asked. "It's just an erection."

He opened his eyes then, as if he was suddenly aware of the silliness of it and tried to smile at her.

"God, it feels like he's got a big dick," she thought, and immediately began to silently berate herself for it. She'd only been against it for a few seconds the first time, and she'd never seen him in the shower or changing, and of course he'd never been erect around her before California. The bulge in his pants didn't do him any favors when he was just walking around either, but the size of his erection was something to talk about.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" she asked herself, and squeezed his neck one more time before hopping off.

"There, see, that wasn't so... difficult," she said, choosing her words carefully.

He sighed. "I'm glad we can laugh about it, Sweetheart. Let me know if you need anything else."

She smiled and headed upstairs with a quick wave.


John grabbed the pillow and screamed into it. "It's just an erection?"he thought. He didn't just hear that from his own daughter. He sighed deeply and tried to process it all. There was so much to think about though! Every time he saw her, it was some new revelation.

"Nipple piercings?" he asked himself. There was a time that he would have been upset at her, but with all she'd been through, it would be like if she stole a car and killed three people and then him getting mad at her for getting blood on the paint job, not that he was equating what she'd been through with something bad.

Sleeping with Dakota though, that was a different matter. He didn't have a problem that she was bisexual, but Dakota was wild. He didn't know how she'd react. Plus, what if her dad, found out.

He chuckled at the thought. "Charles knows his own daughter. Being bisexual is something he probably already knows about her and is the least of his worries." He involuntarily pictured how incredible her ass looked when she was bending over the previous Saturday, and then thought of her perfect body laying out on his pool deck.

He shook the rancid thoughts away. "That's a girl half your age, pervert," he said, to no one in particular. He sighed and tried to focus on the TV, but was unable to. His brain kept shifting back to that particular softness that he'd just felt.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back into the couch, facing the ceiling.

"It's just an erection, Daddy!"

She'd smelled so good, leaning in to him. It was something he'd recently noticed about his daughter. She'd stopped smelling like he'd remembered as a young woman, and now smelled different. Not bad, of course. A new perfume perhaps. Maybe it was something that had been there all along and he hadn't noticed.

"God, she felt soft," he thought. Her long hair had fallen on him and across his nose and face. He'd inhaled deeply and the scent was still lingering on him, intoxicatingly. Her breasts had felt soft pressing tenderly into him, and they were much bigger than he remembered. He tried to shake the thoughts away, but they weren't leaving. Rubbing his eyes, he forced his thoughts to something else, but still they drifted back to that one overpowering memory.

When she'd finally slid down and sat down on him, his painfully erect prick had slid gently up between her soft folds, pushing across her pussy lips and upwards, nudging gently against her clitoris before it slid further upwards and she came to rest on his lap. His dick had ended up firmly wedged up against her young pussy and its dampness was apparent even through his boxer-briefs and pajama bottoms. All of these thoughts were things he figured he could handle and work through. The smell, the softness, the little moan that she'd let free; he could get past all that. What he couldn't get past in that moment, was how much he'd wanted to grab her hips and force her against him. It had been an almost overpowering urge.


Emily closed the door to her room and lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She felt her cell phone vibrate and pulled it out to check it. It was a new message from Dakota.

"I want to come over tomorrow and swim. Would that be okay?" she asked.

Emily smiled at the thought of seeing her again and quickly shot back a reply. "Of course! You know you're welcome here any time."

Dakota replied with a happy face and Emily set her phone back down on the bed beside her. Troubled thoughts came knocking for her though, and she thought back to her time on the couch with her dad.

"God, his cock is big?" she asked herself in disbelief. "Why would you think something like that?"Something was definitely wrong with her. Maybe there was something in the water. First her dad was ogling her like she was a playboy model, and she now was thinking about his erection.

"I belong in an asylum," she told the ceiling. She sighed, and moved over to the head of her bed to do some studying.

Several hours later, she glanced up and saw that it was after eleven. She yawned and got up to run to the bathroom. She relieved herself and then quietly opened the door. Peering out, she crept down the hall to check on her dad. His door was slightly open, but she could hear him rustling about.

"I'm only doing this to check on him," she told herself, again and again.

Tiptoeing quietly in, she moved over to the empty side of the bed as he restlessly tossed in the sheets. Quietly, she stripped down to her panties, slipped off her bra and grabbed an old t-shirt of his that was laying on the dresser. Smelling it briefly, she decided it was clean enough and gingerly slid it on. Then silently, she lifted the sheet and comforter to slide in next to him.

Immediately he turned over and she felt his hands touch her side.

"Mnmm," he muttered. "Christine?"

"Emily," she whispered. "Just had a bad dream," she lied. "Go to sleep, Daddy."

He muttered something about squirrels and snored lightly. Giggling, she turned to face him and let her eyes adjust to the dark. She watched him quietly for a few minutes before sleep claimed her.

The dawn had just begun to peek over the horizon, brightening her father's room a little when Emily awoke. She felt her father close up behind her, his body warmth soaking into her comfortingly. His arm was up under her pillow, the other wrapped around her body and tucked up under her ribs. He'd pulled her tight up against him in the night, and it actually felt really good.

The erection poking her in the butt was unexpected, of course. She opened her eyes wide then and immediately began to formulate a plan to remove herself from the situation.

"God, it feels so fucking hard!" she screamed at herself. She fought the sudden urge to slide her panties to the side and wriggle him in, the image immediately horrifying her.

She slid his arm gently off of her, and then began to slide out when he grumbled and pulled her tightly up against him. His wrist was pressed against one of her fresh piercings though, and she winced in pain.

"Emily?" he asked.

"Morning, Daddy," she said, sliding out from his grasp as he loosened it. "I just had a bad dream last night, so I hope you don't mind that I crawled in bed with you," she said, fully aware at how lame and "porno sceney" it sounded.

"Oh..." he stammered, "Yeah... of course...any... uh... anytime."

She smiled and then realized that he was having trouble not looking at her. She glanced down and saw that her pussy was apparently trying to eat her panties, and you could see her lips clearly defined.

He cleared his throat and began to stand, then must have realized the state he was in and yanked the covers back up.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"It's natural, Daddy," she said. "Just flex your thigh muscles together. That will draw the blood from your... situation... to your thighs.

"Really?" he asked, a look of surprise on his face.

"Yep, learned it out in Cali."

He smiled and she could see the sheets begin to move slightly as he followed her advice. "Hrm," he said, mildly amused. "Where were you in my High School days?"

She snickered and moved to leave the room. As she got to the door, she turned and caught his eyes looking at her butt. She smirked at him and shook her head.

"Dirty old man," she said with a wink, before heading off to her shower.

"You were the one in my bed," he called after her.

She peeked back around the corner and shot him a look of mild disbelief.

"Yeah, I know, I didn't think before I said that," he confirmed with a shrug.

After she showered and then cleaned her new piercings, she headed downstairs to the smell of bacon. Rounding the corner she saw him preparing to cook up some makings for breakfast burritos.

"Mornin' Sunshine," he said, smiling.

Emily came forwards and smiled, pretending not to notice when his eyes danced over her curves. She was wearing a new pair of panties and a sports bra. The thought of him noticing her was beginning to turn her on, she realized. She grew a little irritated at herself for the thought and shook it away, and then leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, just a heads up," she began as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Dakota will be coming over sometime today. She wants to swim and lay out in the sun."

John nodded in response. "You can always tell her to come over now for breakfast burritos, I'm still getting started."

Emily nodded and went upstairs for her phone to shoot a quick text message off to her and reappeared shortly after.

"She's on her way," Emily said. "I'm gonna go put on some clothes."

"Okay," her dad replied.

Maybe it was the way he said it, but Emily stopped and turned. "You sounded disappointed just then.

He chuckled. "Sweetheart, you don't have to change on my account. As I said before, I'll have to learn to accept or adjust. You shouldn't have to change your habits just because your old man is a dirty perv."

She giggled, thoroughly happy that he wasn't feeling nearly as guilty as he had been. She bounced over to him and gave him a hug.