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"Sure, that sounds good," she responded.

Maryanne came up to the counter as she watched Austin empty the big punch bowl into the three plastic cups.

"You guys drank all that punch?" she asked. Her eyes were wide. That would have been a lot of alcohol.

"Oh, no," Austin chuckled, "I poured the rest into a big pitcher. It's in the fridge."

He handed his mother her cup, and she nodded as she took another big sip. Austin could see that her body was covered in a sheen of sweat. She had really been fucking herself hard, he thought. He was glad she was on the other side of the counter as his cock rose at that thought.

At the end of the first quarter, Austin got the pitcher of mixed drink out of the refrigerator and refilled his mother's cup. He left the pitcher on the coffee table. That proved to be a little too convenient for Maryanne. She wasn't really paying close attention to how much of the sweet liquid she consumed over the course of the game.

Austin and Connie took turns going to the kitchen for soda and snacks. Each time, they would turn and flash their sibling from behind their mother's back. The sun set before that game ended, and Connie turned on some lights after her brother had sneakily fingered her to another orgasm.

Maryanne got up to use the restroom again, but this time she really lurched. Austin leapt to catch her. She would have crashed to the coffee table if he hadn't been so quick. Her head was spinning. All three of them looked down and realized that the gallon pitcher was now almost empty. Maryanne had been the only one drinking from it.

"Oh, boy," Austin breathed. "Mom, are you alright?"

"Yesh," she slurred. She shook her head to clear it, but that caused her to lose her balance again. Austin wrapped his arm around her, holding her steady. He was taking a lot of her weight just to keep her from falling down. Maryanne cleared her throat and said, "I mean, yesh, I'm jusht fine. Dammit!" She looked at her son, trying to focus her eyes. "I guessh I may be a leettle bit drunk."

"It's okay Mom," Austin smiled at her, "I've got you."

Connie paused the television. She wasn't sure if she should help. She gave her brother a questioning gaze.

"Go ahead and watch the game," he said to her, "I should be right back."

"Okay," she replied, pressing play. The game looked to be fiercely contested right to the end. She got so caught up in watching the game that she didn't realize how long her brother was gone.

Austin was worried about his mother. It wasn't the first time she had been drunk around them, but it had been a while since he had seen her this inebriated. Holding her close like this, Austin had a clear view down his mother's loose-fitting blouse. He could see her big breasts in all their glory, bouncing around with every step. He could not help but get hard at that sight.

He carefully guided her into her dark bedroom and over to the bed. In her drunken state, Maryanne had trouble focusing on what she was doing. Her mouth was dry, so she licked her lips. She loved how those strong arms held her. She looked over at her son, but his face was just a dark silhouette. Her mind returned to her earlier fantasy. Here was that faceless stranger again, come to have his way with her!

"Oh, no! What are you doing?" she asked as her hand reached down for his hard cock.

Austin had his hands on her upper arms. It was taking a considerable effort to keep her from falling over. She had been leaning really hard to one side and then the other the entire way here. He was shocked to feel her grab his dick. He tried to push her away onto her bed. She pulled him after her by her firm grip around the base of his shaft.

Maryanne was impossibly aroused, still caught up in her dark fantasy. The stranger pushed her roughly down on her bed. Clearly, he had watched her lubricate her asshole earlier. Now he was coming to take it! Her own hand eagerly guided the thick cockhead into contact with her wet, horny little sphincter. She groaned out loud as she felt his hands seize her hips and force his cock up her ass.

Austin had lost his balance when his mother yanked him to her. He reached out and his hands closed on her hips. He gasped in disbelief when he felt a hot, tight hole swallowing his dick. There wasn't enough light for him to see, but her voice shook him.

"Oh, no!" she slurred as she pushed her hips back into him. "I can't believe you're fucking my ass! How did you know I was horny for a good ass fucking?"

There is something about fucking your own mother in her tight, willing asshole that fundamentally changes the nature of that relationship forever. While Austin had fantasized about having sex with his mother, he probably never would have actually done it. Now that he was actually fucking her, though, there was no way in hell he could stop.

Maryanne's ass clutched at her son's cock, welcoming it into her tight embrace. She reached down and stroked her clit as her fantasy stranger really started to give her the vigorous fucking her horny asshole needed. Oh, this was so much better than earlier! She moaned into the bed, and then she began grunting in time with the hard thrusts she was receiving. His large balls slapped her empty pussy with every stroke. She was delirious as she came, soaking the stranger's balls with her juices. Then she felt him swell and get even harder in her ass. Oh, he was going to come!

"Fuck!" Austin hissed as he felt his balls clenching up. This whole experience felt unreal to him as well. He could not believe he was actually fucking his own mother—and in her gorgeous ass, no less! He gritted his teeth and his head shook involuntarily as his cock spewed its load deep in his mother's hungry bottom. He collapsed onto her back before he was finished, and his hot breath on her neck and shoulder just made her gasp into the covers.

Austin finally caught his breath and made his way over to the bathroom sink, rinsing off the lubricant and cum that coated his dick.

"Wow!" he thought to himself, "I can not believe that just happened."

He only took a couple of minutes to rinse his cock and balls clean, but by the time he made his way back through his mother's darkened bedroom he could hear her snoring. There was just enough dim light coming in through the open door for him to tuck her gently beneath her covers. She smiled softly in her sleep. Austin could only shake his head in wonder as he closed the bedroom door behind him.

He jumped a little when his sister shouted, "NO! Dammit!"

The team she was rooting for had just thrown an interception.

Austin watched the replay. The game was basically over; there wasn't enough time left for anything short of a miracle at this point. He walked over and kissed Connie on top of her head.

"Sorry, Connie, that sucks," he said. "Hey, I'm going to take a quick shower. Mom is out cold in there."

Connie was clutching her throw pillow tightly, clearly still caught up in the game and hoping for that miracle. She nodded without even turning her head. Austin made his way into the bathroom and started the water before stripping off his clothes. He showered quickly, and was dry and leaving the bathroom before the game had ended. He picked up his sweaty shorts and shirt and took them to the laundry room. He remembered then that he needed to move his wet clothes to the dryer. He did that, and then chucked his sweaty clothes into the washer.

He was wrapped in his bath towel. He sat next to Connie as she sighed. The clock was running down to zero, and her team had lost. She looked over at him then, surprised to see him in that towel. She leaned over and hugged him.

"You smell good," she mumbled to him. "Is Mom alright?"

Austin smiled, realizing she had not heard a word he said earlier.

"She's asleep," he answered. "I invited you to join me for a shower after I tucked her in."

"You did?"

"Yep. You told me to fuck off."

"No I didn't!" She shoved his shoulder playfully.

His eyes got a dangerous, familiar glint then.

"Don't do it!" she said as she jumped up from the couch.

She squealed and ran away as his tickling fingers sought her vulnerable ribcage. He chased her down the hallway and managed to get inside her bedroom door before she could close it. She danced from side to side, giving him an eyeful of wonderfully bouncy breasts. He closed in and tickled her, forcing her to turn and dive into her bed. He leapt after her, straddling her hips and tickling her mercilessly. She wiggled and struggled as she laughed helplessly.

The game changed, then. Connie's little skirt had risen up enough to expose her sexy bottom. The wonderful thing about being nineteen (remember?) was that Austin's dick was rock-hard at the sexy sight, even though he had just come ten minutes earlier. His fingers ceased their assault and softly caressed her sides as his thick cock pressed against her moist opening. His hands slid down to her hips as he entered her.

Connie looked over her shoulder at her brother. She had managed to stop laughing, but was still breathing heavily. "He looks so fucking sexy," she thought. She moaned as he once again helped himself to her eager pussy. He was gentle as he took her this time, smiling lovingly at her as he filled her up thoroughly.

Since he had been drained of semen so recently, there was no urgency for him. He was in control, taking cues from her facial responses as his cock pleasured her soaked pussy. He was able to change the angle of his penetration so that he was stroking her g-spot just right every time. His lips nibbled the nape of her neck and he whispered to her, describing in lurid detail just how marvelous her snug pussy felt around his dick, how sexy her ass looked, how firm it felt in his hands.

Connie shook and gasped as he took her. Her breasts were pressed into the mattress, crushing and stimulating her sensitive nipples every time his thrusting cock drove her forward. She hadn't been a virgin before her brother took her, but she had never been made love to like this. His magnificent dick kept finding new and astonishing ways to drive her pussy wild. She was bucking and babbling incoherently as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her body.

Eventually it was too much. She became very sensitive, and his thick shaft was actually hurting her swollen and tender pussy lips. He saw that in her expression and withdrew. He turned her gently onto her back and lay between her legs, placing soft kisses on her nipples through the thin blouse. His mouth worked its way down her belly, and then he was torturing her pussy with more of those soft kisses.

"Please," she finally managed to gasp out, "you need to stop! It feels amazing, but I am so sensitive right now it hurts."

Austin stopped and slid up beside her on the bed. "How about here?" he asked, kissing her neck.

"Mmm. That is nice," she softly replied.

Austin held his sister in his arms and softly kissed her for another hour before gently disengaging.

"I would love to stay here and sleep with you, but Mom will probably wake up before we do," he said. He kissed her once more on her lips. "Sweet dreams, Connie."

"Mmm. You too, Austin."

In the bright light of the morning, Maryanne awoke to her second consecutive hangover. Her head throbbed painfully and the light hurt her eyes. When she groggily sat up, her bottom felt a little sore as well. Her eyes came to rest on her biggest dildo, still lying on her headboard. She vaguely recalled fucking her ass with it to some dark fantasy, but the details eluded her. She got out of bed and stripped off her clothes, making her way into the shower.

The warm water helped, as did the darker bathroom. She was blissfully unaware as her son's semen trickled out of her ass and was washed down the drain. After her shower, she dried her body and wrapped a towel around her hair. She put on her soft bathrobe and made her way out to the kitchen. Her head still pounded, and her mouth was dry. She had some cool water, but it wasn't as efficacious as whatever her son had given her yesterday morning. She groaned and went to his bedroom door.

She tapped lightly on the door, but there was no response. She opened the door and softly called out, "Austin?" She heard his slow, heavy breathing. His room was really dark with his curtains drawn. She could barely make out where his bed was in that room. Normally, she would have let him sleep, but her throbbing temples demanded relief. She walked over to her son's bedside and gently shook his shoulder.

"Austin," she repeated, "Please wake up."

"Hmm, Mom?" he finally spoke.

He was really nervous as he saw her leaning over his bed. His eyes shot open fully and he was instantly on full alert. She never came into his room to wake him up. Immediately, he thought she was aware of what had happened last night, and was there to confront him about it. That fear evaporated when she spoke.

"I am so sorry to bother you, son, but my head is absolutely killing me. Would you be a sweetheart and fix me another glass of whatever it was you gave me yesterday? Pretty please?"

In the dim light, he could just make out her wince as she got all that out. He could only imagine how hung over she must be this morning after all the booze she had put away yesterday.

"Sure thing, Mom," he said, turning and sitting up in the bed. He had slept in boxers, and often walked around in those in the morning. He rubbed his mother's shoulder gently and walked ahead of her to the kitchen. He pulled the box of the cold medicine tablets from the cabinet and showed it to her before tearing open one of the packets and dropping two tablets into her glass of water.

"Give that about two minutes to dissolve before you drink it," he said softly. "I have to go to the bathroom, but I'll be right back."

After relieving his bladder, Austin washed his hands and looked at his reflection. Damn, he thought, he really hadn't taken even a moment to consider the fallout from what he had done the previous night. Oh, sure, she was the one who made it happen, but she had been really drunk. The enormity of it set in then. He had fucked his own mother in her ass. His dick hardened instantly at the thought.

He shook his head, but he just couldn't find any of that disgust that ought to be there. He couldn't say he regretted it in the least. Well...there was one thing. He hadn't been able to watch. He could only imagine how insanely erotic that would have looked. That thought only made him harder.

He dried his hands and returned to the kitchen. His mother was slowly draining the glass he had prepared for her. He cleared his throat softly before sliding up behind her, so that he wouldn't startle her. His hands started slowly and gently massaging her shoulders and neck.

"I'm sorry about last night, Mom," he said softly, "I really wasn't paying attention. I had no idea you had that much to drink."

Maryanne finished draining the glass and set it on the counter. She sighed and relaxed back against him as his magical hands relaxed her muscles.

"That feels really nice," she whispered. She was astonished at how quickly her headache was improving.

Austin almost had to bite his lip, standing behind her. That bathrobe was not thick, and she was pressing her shapely bottom right into his hard dick. He worried that his erection might pop right out of the hole in the front of those boxers. He wrapped his arms around her midsection in a soft hug, trying to force his hips back from her in the process.

"I love you, Mom," he said softly. He planned to add "I'm going to go get dressed now" but she turned and hugged him tightly to her.

"I love you too, son," she said. She released him and rose up on her tiptoes to give him a motherly peck on the lips. "My head feels a lot better already," she said, "Thank you so much for that."

She couldn't help but admire her son's muscled chest, torso, and shoulders as he stood in front of her clad only in his boxers. He was such a strapping young man, she thought.

"Glad to hear it," he replied.

"Would you mind fixing some coffee while I go get dressed?" she asked.

"Sure thing, Mom."

He got the pot out and put in a filter. He filled it with the aromatic coffee grounds and filled the carafe with water. He poured the water into the percolator and started it brewing. Satisfied to hear the familiar gurgling sound of coffee brewing, he walked around the corner to the laundry room and snagged a clean t-shirt from the dryer. He pulled it on over his head and then contemplated going back to bed. It was still awfully early to be up on a Sunday morning.

He was trying to figure out if he was still tired enough that he would fall back asleep when he rounded the corner back into the kitchen. He watched his sexy mother emerge from her bedroom. She was once again wearing a short skirt. Her sleeveless blouse was snug around her body, emphasizing her huge breasts. The plunging neckline displayed her creamy cleavage. The sheer material made her thick, hard nipples stand out noticeably. Austin adjusted his hardening cock in his boxers without really thinking about it.

She came over to him and wrapped her arms around him again. It was so nice for her to rest her head on his chest and just hold her son while she listened to the coffee brewing. Maryanne's head felt so much better already.

"Where did you learn to use cold medicine as a hangover cure?" she asked her son.

"Oh, Tommy Reynolds told me about it," he murmured into her hair. "He pointed out that all the symptoms it was designed to treat were the same as the symptoms for a hangover. It works really quickly, too."

"It sure does," she responded softly, "I feel like I could actually do something already."

He chuckled into her hair, "You mean, after you've had your coffee?"

She smiled up at him. "Of course."

They each got a mug of coffee. Austin had not been drinking coffee that long; he still added a ton of cream and sugar to his to make it more palatable. He followed his mother's swaying bottom into the living room and sat next to her on the loveseat. They sat together and talked quietly. Maryanne really enjoyed listening to her son talk about his college classes.

He did mention that his girlfriend had broken up with him that week. It was the first she had heard of it.

"I'm so sorry, Austin," she said.

He just shrugged it off. "It wasn't that serious a relationship, Mom. We were really just together for the sex, and we may still do that. She just didn't think I was trying hard enough at anything." He sipped his coffee before finishing the thought. "She was right, you know. I have never really tried as hard as I could at anything."

Maryanne tried not to overreact, but her mind kept replaying "We were really just together for the sex." That shook her a bit. In turn, she was bothered that his casual statement shook her as much as it did. She knew that her son was an attractive young man now, but she just had never thought about him having sex. As much as she enjoyed having sex, she shouldn't have been surprised at all that her son did too. She sipped her coffee and tried to let go of that thought.

Austin asked her about some of the parents from the neighborhood whom he had seen at the party. He had not seen some of them in a while. Maryanne happily shared some of the neighborhood gossip, catching him up on what they were doing these days. Austin always marveled at their neighbors. His mother had seduced at least a dozen young men within two blocks of their home, and yet none of their parents ever seemed to have caught on. His mother's reputation in the neighborhood was always solid.

It was true, though, that outside of the younger men she enjoyed seducing, Maryanne was an excellent neighbor. She was generous with her time, and was friendly and outgoing. Because she had time available, she was always happy to lend a hand to housewives in the neighborhood, or a sympathetic ear. Occasionally, she was a shoulder to cry on when that was needed. She never seduced any married men, except for the occasional young delivery man from outside the neighborhood.