Dominant Species Ch. 41-43

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The Fog of War.
9.1k words

Part 11 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/11/2016
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Knowing what those men did to his mate from the scene was bad, but hearing her describe what happened was more than Donald could take. He leaped up with a furious growl and shifted, ripping the shorts and shirt as he turned into his tan and grey wolf. He looked at Silvia, then turned away and ran for the hills.

Silvia had screamed as she turned to run, but Abigail held on to her until she calmed down. Kelly came over as well, and in a minute they had her sitting at the table again. "What the hell was that?"

Calvin was about to answer when a howl echoed through the canyon. They all looked up, it was a howl filled with rage and sorrow and Silvia knew that it was Donald. "It's not you, he wasn't mad at you. Donald, he's head of our security, and even though you were attacked on the road it was on our Pack territory, and he takes that personally." He reached across and placed his hand over hers. "It's also because of what those men did. You see, Donald is fifty years old and he still dreams of his mate. He tries to hide it, but he can't hide the longing he feels to find that woman, to have a family, to have ones to love and protect. He gave up the search when he thought he was too old to find her, and he considers every female and child to be under his protection. It's one reason he is so dedicated to his job, but this... this pushed him over the edge." He closed his eyes for a moment. "He sends his apologies, he will return shortly."

"Can you tell us what happened after Marcus and Josi came to your rescue?" Kelly was still sitting next to her, encouraging and comforting her.

"We continued on to Salmon after he treated me," she started. Once she had them in town, she and Abigail together brought them up to date on what had happened in the Salmon Pack. An apologetic Donald had returned during the story, his Alpha had linked them in so he was up to date on what had happened while he was running off his anger. He had fresh clothes on and with a few other Pack members had brought plates of lunch over for the group. They ate as they talked.

You could see the shock and anger on the Alpha's faces as they heard about what Richard had ordered, it was nothing less than mass murder in their eyes. "And the Pack is going along with this?"

Abigail nodded. "We barely made it out of there in the morning, Rachel had to break her Pack bond so she is on her own with Marcus at the clinic. The warriors were already gathering for the attack when we left. We stopped to pick up Josi, but she wouldn't leave until she found out if Reggie would be able to challenge his father. Rachel decided to stay with Marcus, he stayed with the people at the clinic who are being turned. We agreed to wait at the north end of town; Rachel said that if an attack came, it meant Reggie lost and couldn't stop it. She told us to head for you. We heard gunshots and howls so we got the hell out of there."

"We had to protect our children," Silvia added. "We all know about werewolves now, and Autumn was bitten. If he was willing to kill them to keep the secret, we knew he wouldn't hesitate with us."

Calvin put his head in his hands, he couldn't believe things had gotten that bad that fast. "This changes everything. Donald, we must protect our southern border, we can't allow their warriors to come closer. We're too vulnerable right now with all the humans going through the change."

"I'll take care of it, Alpha. We'll get more eyes on the road and the mountains, and I've got a few ideas to slow them down if they come."

The table was quiet for a moment, when one of the servers came over. "Alpha, now that the meal is over you have the changing ceremony scheduled." She took the plates as the Alpha couple looked at each other. They got up and held hands.

Calvin looked at the ladies and smiled. "Two of Josi's friends have made the decision to become werewolves. Would you like to join us for the ceremony? It's over there by the river."

The two looked at each other then nodded. "We'll just get our children first, if that's all right."

Beta Candice handed them two room keys. "We've given you adjoining rooms in the motel, and your suitcases have already been moved in to them. If you want, we can put the kids to bed and have someone watch them."

Abigail shook her head. "No, it would be good for Autumn to see this. If she is going to be a werewolf, she needs to start learning about it." Silvia quickly agreed, and they walked over to the playground area where the kids were. Baby Michelle was in the lap of an older woman, who handed the rambunctious girl up to her Mom. Silvia pulled her blouse aside and let her latch on when she started pawing at them.

The two families followed everyone down towards the river where a platform had been set up. Almost all Pack members were there except the ones tending to the humans who were undergoing the change and were in the middle of their fevers. Alpha Calvin took the stage, pulling Kelly up with him, and faced his Pack.

"In the midst of tragedy we can find hope and new life if we choose to look for it," he said. "Tonight, we are honored to have that. We are gathered to celebrate the transformation of two young ladies who have come to us in crisis, but are choosing to become one of us in all ways. Cheyenne, Willow, please join us here."

The two girls were helped on the stage as the Pack cheered and howled for them. The Alphas stood behind them, each with a hand on their shoulder as he continued. "The solar event has changed a lot for us, including causing us to reveal our true nature to the humans. These two have lived with us, talked with us and have decided of their own free will that they want the bite that will make them Werewolves, that will make them our Pack. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, and so we have discussed it and allowed them to choose freely. I have accepted their request as I believe they will make fine additions to our Pack, and to our species."

He stepped back and shifted into his large wolf.

They turned the girls around and Kelly held Cheyenne's hands. "Do you, Cheyenne, accept the bite that will transform you permanently in a werewolf, of your own free will and desire?"

"I do, Alphas." With that, Calvin came forward and grasped her left forearm in his teeth. His eyes looked up at her one last time and she nodded, so he bit down just hard enough to break her dark skin. Her hand clenched Kelly's in pain, but as quickly as he bit he released her. His long tongue cleaned the blood from the punctures and in moments it was stopped. Kelly gave her a hug, then moved on to Willow.

When both were done, Kelly turned them around and raised their injured arms to the Pack. Calvin stepped forward and let out a powerful howl; most of the Pack members tossed their clothes aside and shifted, and the next howl they all joined them. When it stopped, the echoes off the canyon walls continued until the night was silent again.

The silence didn't last. There was a scream from the grass above, then the sound of bones popping. They sounded like rifle shots, but every wolf knew what it was. The first change was always slow and painful as the body reformed and adjusted, and Britney was screaming her agony as her forearm bent and twisted unnaturally. The Pack as one moved to surround and encourage their newest wolf as she endured it.

She was lying on the ground, clad only in a large T-shirt that belonged to her mate Eric. He was by her side, whispering in her ear, when another scream came forward, this time from Bethany. She reached for her twin's hand as her arm bent and bones moved and changed, with Derek by her side.

The twin girls had always done everything together, and this was no different. Over the next twenty minutes, each made the change for the first time into their wolf form. It was painful and heartbreaking for their mates to watch, but like childbirth, in the end the pain was all worth it. The pace of the change had picked up as it went, and what they were left with took their breath away.

"By Luna, you're beautiful!" Derek moved his hands through Bethany's light golden coat as she lay panting on her side. She was very pale in color, white mixed in with hairs the color of beach sand, it gave it a three dimensional quality that he found fascinating. He quickly shifted into his dark brown wolf with black patches, moving to her they all noticed how complimentary the colors were. Moments later Britney completed her change, her wolf was the same coloration and Eric was just as enraptured by it as his brother.

The pain quickly abated and with encouragement from their mates and their Pack, the girls rolled onto their stomachs and shakily made their way up on their feet. They stood there, looking about in wonder, as the boys rubbed their scent onto them and inspected their new bodies. When they were ready, both took tentative steps, their wolf part guiding them as they learned to share their new body.

The girls stood together with their mates on the outside as the Alphas approached in wolf form. It was the first time they had truly felt their Alpha power, and recognizing their dominance they all bowed their heads to them. Calvin sniffed them both, then licked their necks before placing his teeth around them and gently squeezing. By accepting his dominance, they joined the Pack officially. Calvin spoke inside their heads for the first time. "Britney, Bethany, as your Alphas we welcome you to the North Fork pack." When the new wolves joined the Pack link, there was celebration.

The four wolves stayed together as the rest of the Pack filed past, greeting the two and smelling their neck and butt to learn their unique scent. A few minutes later, it was over. "Love, we still have an hour until dinner, would you like to run with me?" Derek was nudging his mate, he had included both the girls and their wolf heads nodded.

"Just take it slow, this is trey weird," Britney replied.

"Freaky deak," said Bethany as they started to follow.

The boys led them to a trail that was well used and fairly flat, it ran along the river and through the forests. It didn't take long for the girls to become comfortable, so their pace continued to increase until the four were racing along.

The boys let their mates run ahead, which had predictable results for their wolf nature- they wanted to chase, dominate and procreate. They wanted to make the girl's first time special, though, and rutting on the riverbank in wolf form may be memorable but not what they wanted.

"Brother, it's time to get them home," said Eric.

"I know, I can barely hold my wolf back watching that bounce in front of me." They caught up and steered them back in a wide loop towards the town. There were yips and howls as they returned, the dinner feast was underway. The boys guided them to their house, where extra clothes had been left for them and they changed back together.

"Is this your room?" Britney looked around, it was a large basement room with queen beds on each side and desks in the middle. She had followed her nose to Eric's side and he followed her to the bed.

"Yes," Eric said, "We've always shared a room. The bond between litter mates is stronger than a normal family bond, stronger than anything except the mate bond we now feel. Just like with you, we always want to be together."

"We felt the same way," Bethany said as she cuddled with Derek. "We've always done everything together. I'm so glad our mates are the same way."

"Won't it be weird with us sharing a room? I mean, we're going to... you know..." Derek looked down at her.

"Fuck like bunnies," she replied.

"Oh yeah, I plan to ride him hard and put him away wet," said Britney.

"And we do things together, although I won't share my man. I don't mind what you do, Brit, but his body is for me only."

She shivered and quickly agreed. "So should we?" She batted her eyelashes at Eric, tossing her long blonde locks behind her shoulder.

"EAT! Great idea, baby." Eric jumped up and threw her over his shoulder as she squealed.

Derek followed suit. "Yeah, you don't want to miss dinner as a werewolf, and you two need the nutrition after the change. Don't worry, though, we'll bring you back."

Eric spanked her butt. "We'll make you ours."

Derek laughed. "And we'll love you until you beg us to stop, then a little bit more." They carried the girls out the door to the laughter of their Pack mates sitting at the tables.

Thirty minutes later, Derek kicked the door shut, the dawn was fast approaching and their wolves were impatient. The Pack dinner had been fun, the people had welcomed their new wolves to their midst and the food had been great, but their wolves weren't satisfied with mere food.

Britney and Bethany had an impish streak to them, they liked to skirt close to the line of pushing them too far without going over. It wasn't much; a glance here, a light brush of a hand there, or a mental communication; they had kept their men at a high state of arousal all evening, and they had finally had enough. The Alphas had laughed when Britney had backed up and wiggled her tight young butt on Eric's obvious arousal while they were in line for dessert, and when Bethany tried the same thing, Derek broke.

He bent down and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him as he spun around and put his shoulder into her stomach. He lifted her like she weighed nothing; her long legs kicked to no avail, and her long blond hair moved around as she struggled to loosen his hold.

"Sorry, Alphas, but it's time we finished this."

Eric had grabbed Britney the same way, and as he ran for home he broadcasted to the Pack. "Sorry if we keep you awake, but..."

"You know how new mates are." Derek finished.

The rest of the Pack was laughing as they ran for their home, their women bouncing on their broad shoulders as they carried them inside. Now, safe inside their bedroom, their wolves were forward in their minds and their eyes glowed with barely restrained lust. They set the girls down, they could smell both their arousal and their fear, and this fear is what pushed their wolves back.

"Eric, I... we've..." Britney started, but she blushed and looked at the ground.

"We're virgins." Bethany moved to her sister's side and they held hands as they looked down. "We need you to be gentle, I'm afraid it will hurt."

The boys rushed to their sides, both taking their mates in their arms. "We would never hurt you," Eric said. "We've talked to our parents and others, we know what will happen, but we've never either. Until we met you, we'd never had an erection, never had the kind of fantasy that we've had since we first smelled you."

Derek gently kissed Bethany. "And we will take as much time as you need to make sure you are comfortable. You are our mates, we want you to be happy more than anything."

They started to kiss deeply, their actions mirrored by their twins. Derek's hands moved down her side, then worked back up as he found the bottom of her shirt. He caught it with his fingers and moved it up slowly, his thumbs rubbing the sides of her breasts and flicking over her erect nipples along the way. He lifted until the shirt came between their faces, and he broke the kiss only long enough to toss it aside as she moaned in approval. Her hands were also busy, but she grabbed his T-shirt in her hands and tore it apart, then pushed it off his shoulders to the ground.

His hands were everywhere on her torso, but they made their way down to the basketball shorts she was wearing and found their way inside. He cupped her ass with his hands, then moved the shorts down until they fell to her feet. Bethany was busy as well, and his shorts followed. Naked now, she looked up at him after their kiss broke, then looked down between them. "You're kidding me, THAT is supposed to fit in me?" His erection was an iron bar between them, since he was taller the base was just below her belly button while the tip was poking the underside of her breasts.

"I don't know how," Britney said. She had gotten Eric naked and had pushed him back on the bed; she was standing between his legs, her hands wrapped around his staff. Her fingers couldn't surround the whole thing and her two hands together left the tip protruding from the top.

Bethany pushed Derek down next to her brother, then hugged her sister. "We'll have to take our time," she said.

"And make sure they are WELL lubricated," Britney giggled. "Now put your hands behind your heads, and leave them there. If you bring them out, we're going to stop."

The boys looked up at their mates in awe; moving their hands back, they interlocked their fingers and trembled in anticipation. The girls knelt down at the edge of the bed, bringing them up close and personal with their mate's equipment. Hands gently stroked the shafts and cupped their full ball sacks, causing the boys to tense and moan.

The girls looked at each other and giggled, then looked up into their eyes. "Whatever happens, you keep looking at us," Britney said.

"And don't move your hands. You got to see and touch us all those days we were out of it, and now it's our turn." Bethany leaned forward, grasping the base of Derek's cock with her left hand and pulling it towards her mouth. Her tongue extended out, softly licking the tip. She smiled as she sat back a little, the string of pre-cum stretching tight as she did so. "Tasty."

Britney swirled her tongue around his tip, then put her mouth over him and swirled her tongue around his head. He groaned in pleasure as she sucked gently, leaning back there was a soft pop as he came loose. "Oh yeah, I like this." She took him in her mouth again, this time going a little farther down until she felt him at the back of her throat. Gaining confidence, she bobbed up and down a few times on him before coming off and licking him from base to tip.

Derek's stomach muscles clenched as Bethany dropped her mouth around him, taking him into her mouth. The girls were taking advantage of their ability to communicate mentally, when one found something that worked the other girl gave it a shot. They tried stuff they had seen in movies, or read about in Cosmopolitan. As they enjoyed the control they had over their mates, their strong mates who were laying back and practically begging them to continue, they smiled at each other. They didn't have to worry about technique or experience, their men loved it and they loved making them squirm in pleasure. Attitude and enthusiasm, Bethany thought, really were more important to a good blowjob than anything else.

And enthusiasm they had.

Britney popped off Eric, and used her hands to slowly jack him off while her mouth sucked one of his nuts in and her tongue bathed it. "Oh fuck," Eric said, "don't stop. Don't ever stop." She increased the speed of her hand, and moved the other in a corkscrew motion over his helmet before attacking it with her mouth and tongue again.

Bethany had worked up a good rhythm, her hands moving up and down in concert with her mouth as she could only take about four inches before it hit the back of her throat. She could feel him swell inside her mouth. "Baby, don't stop, by Luna I'm going to explode!" She worked her hands even faster, then when she felt him clench up she pushed her head down as far as it would go and felt his hot come shoot directly to the back of her mouth. She pulled back slightly as spurt after spurt of his man gravy hit her tongue; it, like everything about him, had an addicting taste to her wolf senses. She swallowed once, then again and again until he was finally done.

Britney's cheeks were full like a chipmunk, Eric had yelled out as he released and her eyes showed her shock at just how much he had. Swallowing quickly, she recovered, then reached out her tongue and flicked it across his tip again. Eric's head fell back, he was breathing fast and sweating a little as his body tried to process the pleasure she had just given him. "Baby, that was amazing." He sat up, pulling her up his chest until he was kissing her deeply, tasting both her and his essence as their tongues battled. He finally pulled away. "Our turn now, right brother?"