Discovery of the Moment Ch. 04


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I didn't quite know how to take that. I mean, I knew that my wife wasn't suggesting anything even remotely sexual- she was referring to the innocent care of a father and daughter, not the illicit affair of an incestuous couple. But the unbidden images of me and Kelly fucking wildly in the bed that my wife and I had shared for almost twenty years felt like a cattle-prod to my psyche. I was, at once, both frightened and excited by the unforseen permission my wife had just given me. "I'll mention it to her," I said to my wife, careful to be as evasive as possible.

The smile on Sarah's face was one of such sincere relief that I almost felt guilty enough to spill the beans about everything, but I kept myself in check as she nodded, looking significantly more tired all of the sudden. "Good," she said with finality. "That's one load off my mind. Now, the other thing is the matter of time. Doctor Washburn came up to visit a short while ago. He said that my recovery might take a week, perhaps longer. While I'm stuck here, you'll undoubtedly be stuck at home, dealing with lawyers and cops and doctors and insurance creeps. I'll understand if you can't make it here to see me every day, but you had damn well better call me once a day, no matter what. And, honey?"


"Call work and tell them you're taking the week off. All of that shit will be hard enough without having to juggle your work schedule, too. I'm sure they can live without you for a week."

I smiled at that. Yes, the radio station could definitely live without me for a week. I'd already spoken with the station director while I was on the way to visit with Sarah. "That's already been seen to, actually," I told her. "Dave told me to take the week, two if I need them. He can't cover the hours I'll lose, but I've got some money socked away for emergencies like this." Sarah arched her eyebrows in surprise, ready to inquire about that. I held up a silencing hand. "Believe me, honey, you don't want to know. And knowing will only give rise to more questions. Just trust me on this: money's good for as long as we need it, medical expenses included. Let's just say that I've managed to scare up a few bucks here and there without getting us into a bind. We're good on that front."

Sarah looked at me for a long, quiet moment before she decided to just let it go and trust me. "You've never let us down before," she said tiredly. "Now you go home and give our daughter the love I know she probably needs right now. I love you both. God, I can't wait to get out of this damn place."

At that I had to smile. That's the Sarah I knew all too well- she never did like being caged up like an animal, a trait that our daughter had definitely inherited from her. "You just focus on getting better, honey," I told my wife. "I love you and I'll see you soon." I closed the door behind me and closed my eyes for a moment. Somehow, even while stuck in a hospital bed, Sarah managed to be the rock I've always needed in my life. I gave a silent prayer of hope that she would mend quickly and come home.


When I got home, I found a note that Kelly had left for me on the kitchen countertop. I picked it up and read it:


You said that if I could think of solutions to all the problems related to my Request that you'd try it. Well, I've given it a lot of thought and I know that I've gotten everything done right. I had to use the credit card you gave me and got some supplies for you. I hope you don't mind. Here's the list:

1) Hygiene: I bought you an electric razor that uses batteries. I also bought a 36-pack of batteries to go along with it. That should easily last a few weeks. It has a beard trimmer, too. And we can cut your hair when you get back to Normal Time. I've filled your bathtub with water, so you can use a washcloth to clean yourself and dip a toothbrush in there if you need to brush your teeth. Deoderant is a no-brainer, too. Remember, Dad, that even though liquids don't flow when you're Between, they still retain their basic properties- that's what you told me.

2) Food: I bought lots of yogurt, protein bars, MRE's from the local army surplus store, a dozen packs of peanuts and if you need something to drink you can always grab a bottle of Propel and do a micro-second flip to bring it with you Between. I know for a fact that a 32 oz. bottle of Propel can last a full day if you use it properly. Mountain climbers go for months on less.

3) Bathroom breaks: We have three bathrooms in the house. Just use them in sequence, between flips. You can take a leak anywhere outside the house- who's going to see you while you're Between?

4) Entertainment: I realize that you'll be Between for a long time and I know how lonely that can get. I got you LOTS of books by your favorite authors. All the books are ones that we don't have, I've checked. But if that's not enough, I bought a really good laptop that has a DVD player and I've loaded it with all of your favorite MP3's. I've also loaded it with all of my favorite videos and stories. But I warn you, Dad, it's not the kind of stuff you'd want Mom to see! The laptop is really cool, too. It runs on its own power, with a hand-crank. Each charge is good for 8 hours of continuous use. Those Japanese guys built some really cool shit!

I've got the razor, batteries, laptop, two bottles of Propel and MRE's packed in a backpack for you. It's at your feet. The food you can eat while you're Between. It should be all right. While we were at the hospital last night I found a candy bar that we didn't bring with us and ate it. It went down just fine, even if it did taste a little odd. I guess we can metabolize food even if it's still in Normal Time. Dad, you're good to go!

Now. While you're reading this I'm getting ready for you in the living room. I am completely naked and already in position. All I need is you, Dad!

I love you!

Your evil little daughter, Kelly

I looked down at my feet and there was the backpack Kelly had mentioned in her note. I just couldn't believe it. I'd left at two o'clock and it was now just past five o'clock. In three short hours my daughter had managed to acquire all of these "supplies" so that I could fullfill one of her sordid fantasies. She wanted me to fill her pussy to overflowing with my cum. I'd told her that such a task would take days of me being Between, possibly even weeks, and that I wasn't sure it was a safe thing for me to do. But every necessity I'd need in the effort to make this twisted desire a reality had been provided to me by her and, surprisingly, I couldn't think of any real reason why it couldn't be done. I looked at the note, read it carefully again and put it down on the countertop with a deep sigh. I couldn't weasel out of this. I had made a deal with her and she'd made good on her part of it.

Holy hell, I couldn't say no to my little girl, no matter how depraved this idea was. I picked up the backpack, slung it over my shoulder and walked down the hallway connecting the kitchen to the living room. Even though her note told me how I'd find her, I still was unsure about what I would find when I got into the living room. When I got to the living room entrance, I slowly peeked around the corner and was amazed at what I saw. My daughter was once again completely naked, waiting for me in the most peculiar position. She was laying partially on the floor, with her head and shoulders taking most of her weight, while her back and hips were tilted upwards and resting against the front of the sofa. Her legs, well-toned and wonderfully free of clothing, were spread wide with her knees hanging almost directly over her head. The sight of her beautiful breasts absolutely sent me over the moon- instead of laying flat the way gravity would demand, her youthful, rounded tits were high and firm as they rose from her chest. What a fantastic sight! My wonderful, amazing daughter had transformed herself into the perfect and willing recepticle for my cum. While I read her note I had started to develop an erection, but when my eyes feasted upon this glorious, tawdry sight, I found myself at full mast and ready to rut like a horny bull.

Kelly heard me walk into the living room and tilted her head at an awkward angle to smile at me. "Hiya, Dad!" she said cheerfully and glanced at the backpack on my shoulder. "I see you got my note. Are you ready?"

I let the backpack slide off my shoulder to the ground. "I guess I am," I said as I started to unbutton my shirt and kicked off my shoes. "Were you waiting for me like that long?" I asked as I yanked off the undershirt and tossed it on the floor beside me. I then started to unbuckle the belt on my pants.

"Nope," she answered. "I got here about twenty minutes ago and waited until I heard you pull into the garage. When I heard the door close, I got into position, though. So I've only been like this for about a minute or so." By that time I'd gotten both my pants and underwear completely off. "Whoa, Dad!" Kelly said appreciatively as she eyed my hardened cock, "It looks like you ARE ready!"

I bent down to take off my socks. When I stood back up, I grabbed the backpack and walked towards her. When I stopped, I was standing directly over her head, my fully erect penis standing to attention as I looked down at her. "So how do you want to do this?" I asked.

From her awkward position, Kelly shrugged. "The first time you do it I want it to be in Normal Time, please. Just come on around and stand over me. The rest should be pretty self-explanatory," she said with a smirk.

I walked around her so that now I was standing over the sofa cushions and facing her. Looking downward I had a bird's-eye view of my daughter's perfect little pussy. I could see the wetness on her pussy lips as they glistened in the light and my eyes traveled further down her body, over her cleanly shaven mound, past her breasts, and stopped at her eyes. "Are you absolutely, one-hundred percent certain that you want to do this?" I asked. "Because once I start, I won't stop. For me it'll take a long time, but for you it'll only be about half-an-hour, maybe longer."

Kelly frowned in confusion. "What? Why so long? Can't you just do it all while you're in Between?"

I shook my head as I pushed the head of my cock at my daughter's tiny little entrance. I didn't insert myself into her young body yet, though, and just let it rest there, enjoying the heat rising up from her and the sensual contact of our genitals touching. "Nope. Think about it, honey. If I do that, you'll end up with almost a month's worth of cum inside you, which probably isn't healthy and cum has a nasty way of drying up pretty quick. But if I flip over to Normal Time just before I cum, you'll be getting a fresh load every time, which will take a minute or two with each load. Then I can go back Between to recoup for the next one. Also, you'll eventually get filled up to the point where I can't put it in anymore but there'll still be room left over, so you'll have to hold yourself open for me. And then I've got to factor in a few seconds here and there for things like flushing the toilet and getting fresh water or food. All of that will take seconds in Normal Time, but it'll add up." I started to lower myself down and the crown of my cock barely touched my daughter's pussy lips.

"Wait a sec!" Kelly blurted.

I stopped myself right at her entrance and looked at her quizzically. Could SHE be having second thoughts, I wondered? "What's wrong, sweetheart? Don't you want this?"

Kelly smiled sweetly. "Of course I do, Daddy. You have no idea. But before we do, I wanted to ask how Mom is. I mean, I wanna know, but I think asking you while you're fucking me would be a little... weird."

I graced my daughter with a loving, fatherly smile and stood back up, pulling my cockhead away from her pussy. "Your mother is fine," I said. "She's eating well and already has some mobility of her shoulder, but not much. They have her on Vicadin to ease the pain, but mostly she just complains about how the wound itches a lot. We talked about a few things, mostly stuff that deals with the business of lawyers and money. But we talked about us, as a family, too. She said that she wants you to take her place in bed while she's gone." Kelly's eyes went wide with shock and surprise, but I continued before she could get a word out. "She didn't mean that in a sexual way. She's just worried that you might not feel safe after the robbery so she wants you to stay with me in the meantime."

Kelly's face softened with genuine affection. "Oh, that's so sweet of her!" My daughter gushed. For a brief second I thought it absolutely absurd that we were talking about something so touching as her mother looking after her emotional wellfare while I stood over her naked body, ready to literally fill her pussy with her father's cum. It was easily the most perveted sexual act I had ever performed on anyone, let alone my daughter. "So what did you say?" she asked.

I smiled ruefully. "I told her that I'd mention it to you."

"And that's all?" Kelly asked. "Like the decision is mine?"

I shrugged. "Well, you DO have your mother's permission and, frankly, I wouldn't mind it so much. As long as we don't have sex in that particular bed, I'm okay with it."

Kelly didn't hesitate with her decision. "Done!" she said eagerly. Then she kicked up her heels in excitement. "Now, let's do this! I've been waiting for this all day!" I laughed quietly at my daughter's exuberance and once again started to push my cock into her small body. But, again, Kelly stopped me. This time I gave her a look of mild annoyance, but said nothing. "I just wanna know, Dad... why are you doing this?"

I blinked at my daughter owlishly. "Uhm... because you asked me to?"

Kelly's eyebrows arched slightly and I think I detected a slight bit of disappointment in her face. "And that's it?"

"Honey, I love you. Probably as much as I love Sarah, but I think you need to understand that I'm not IN LOVE with you. I will always be your father, whether we fuck like bunnies or continue having a normal father/daughter relationship. No matter what, I will always try to make you happy and give you the things you want and need." I didn't wait for a response, nor did I allow myself to be stopped any further. I slowly lowered my cock until the head slipped past her lips and my shaft started to sink into her warm, wet, velvety depths. "Yes, it helps that you're hot as hell," I said as I short-thrusted my cock into my daughter's body, sinking another inch into her on the down-thrust, which elicited a small gasp from her. "Yes, the whole taboo aspect of incest is one helluva turn-on," another inch short-thrusted in. "And, yes, I absolutely DO like having sex with you. But, at the end of the day, I'd give it all up just to be your normal, loving father, if you ever decide that's what you want." With that I slid the full length of my cock into Kelly's pussy and left it there, relishing the forbidden contact of her vaginal walls as they gently squeezed my shaft.

Kelly let out a hearty yell of exclamation. "Oh, fuck! Yes!"

"You liked that?" I asked her coyly.

Kelly's arms were splayed out on the floor on either side of her, but that didn't stop her from gripping the shag carpeting as I slowly withdrew my cock, leaving just the head inside her entrance. "Oh, Dad, you have NO fucking idea how long I've wanted this! Fucking hell, I'm ten times more turned on than I've ever been and you haven't even cum inside me yet!" As though to underscore her claim, I felt her pussy walls clamp down tight around my shaft as I slowly inserted it again. "Ooooh, fuck that feels good, Dad. Don't EVER stop!"

I then decided to just set a steady pace as I enjoyed watching my daughter squirm underneath me. "Stop? Babygirl, I'm only getting started." I grabbed her ankles to keep my balance and said, "Now, honey, I need to concentrate here, okay? Enough conversation and, as The King once said, a little more action is what's needed here. Let Dad do his work or we'll never get this done." I flashed a smile at her as my thrusts became steadily faster and deeper. At that point, Kelly just fixed her eyes on mine and made frequent mewling sounds when she wasn't moaning provocatively. I watched her as I fucked myself into her pussy for several moments and noted that her eyes kept drifting to the place where we were so lewdly joined. "You like watching your daddy fuck you, little girl?" I asked brazenly. Kelly could only nod her head awkwardly as I continued to pile-drive my member repeatedly downward into her core. "And you're sure you want me to cum inside you?"

"Uh-huh," Kelly replied and bucked her hips. "I want you to cum inside me, Daddy. As deep as you can."

I slipped my cock out of her, which caused her to groan with anguish, and playfully slapped the head against her exposed clitoris. I didn't even bother with being gentle as I slipped myself back inside her and resumed my steady thrusting. I followed her gaze and watched myself go in and out of my young daughter's cunt with complete awe. Never had I fucked a woman in this position. It was so patently domineering and clearly geared to make the woman as helpless as possible, exposing her most private of holes (both of them). I was mildly impressed to see that my daughter's asshole, just puckered up as tight as can be, was as devoid of hair as her pussy. I've never been much for anal. I tried it a few times with Sarah and while I can agree that it felt exceedingly good, there were some mental hang-ups I had about anal sex that simply made it impossible for me to truly enjoy it. A man's cock was made to be inserted into a woman's vagina. That's what The Design clearly indicated, right? Why go mucking about with Nature's plan? I understand that others enjoy it, some even more than vaginal sex, but I'm just not one of them. But I had vowed early in life to not knock something unless I tried it first- so I am speaking from personal experience when I say that, for me, anal sex just doesn't trip my trigger. All that said, I AM glad to see that my daughter's denuding of her pubic hair wasn't limited to just one place- that shows care and consideration.

As though she was reading my mind, Kelly said, "Don't even think about going there, Dad. I've tried it once and it hurt like hell- and the guy who did it was a hell of a lot smaller than you are. I want you to bring me- AH!- pleasure, not- Mmmm!- not pain. You're getting deeper, aren't you?" she asked me.

I merely nodded and let the sound of my balls slapping against her ass fill the room for a few seconds. "You don't have to worry about me taking you down there," I told her finally. "It's not my bag."

"Co- oooo! Cool," Kelly replied. "So- ah! Yes- are you, uhm... are you getting close, Dad? Are you getting close to cumming inside my pussy?"

I smiled at her and nodded as I picked up my pace. Between heavy breaths, I said, "I'm almost there, honey. Just hold on for a few seconds more, okay?"

"Do it, Daddy. Cum inside me. Cum inside your daughter's pussy. It feels soooo good inside me. Fucking fill me with your cum, Daddy!"

"I'm gonna- nng! Oh, fuck, here it comes, honey! I'm gonna cum any second now!"

Kelly smiled sweetly at that and just watched with rapt attention as my penis flew in and out of her wet folds. As she watched, her breathing became ragged and I could both feel and hear the beginnings of her own impending orgasm. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." her voice started quietly and got progressively louder as the seconds passed. "Mmmmmmmmmm-m-m-my fucking GOD!" She screamed as her orgasm finally gripped her body and threw her into a wild abandon.

When her orgasm hit, I couldn't hold back any longer. With a hard grunt, I shoved my cock as deep into my daughter's pussy as it would go and just let myself cum. I felt my body shake and buck with each ejaculation of my sperm into Kelly's body and fought to keep myself perfectly still. My penis felt like it was expanding well past its maximum point, reaching critical mass as it released the contents of my balls as far inside my teenaged daughter's pussy as possible.