Dirty Little Fucker!

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Anal antics in the family!
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You know how most men are captivated by female tits and legs?

Well, I'm not - I like arses, bums, asses or fannies to Americans, posteriors, bottoms or whatever!

There's just something about the way they wobble and clench and sway - cute little mounds of flesh that stick out so enticingly...and then of course there's the way they entice you to slide your cock between their halves...and into that warm tight little hole between them. Just the thought of doing that is enough to make me as hard as a bloody rock; my nine inch penis straining in my jeans; dribbling precum everywhere, stretching my clothes to breaking point.

As a youngster I don't remember all my likes and dislikes but I do remember that once I'd seen naked bodies; once I reached the age of majority that allowed me to view the internet freely; to browse porn magazines; to watch porn DVDs, I was hooked on girls rear ends.

All those plastic-filled mounds that the girls flaunted so energetically up front became boring.

"Too much of a good thing," my mate said and somehow I found myself agreeing and gravitating to the other end - to the girls' behinds.

Fine - their pussies were great fun and I slid my cock into many a hole, but there was something missing...or perhaps there were too many girls who didn't use their vaginal muscles properly. I seem to constantly come across sloppy wet loose holes that did absolutely nothing for me.

And perhaps my orientation was helped by having an older sister and a cute Mum - both of whom would instantly hide their fronts should I happen across them as they came out of the shower, but who would both leave their rear ends exposed. And catching them in the shower happened far too often for it to be chance; I'd lay in wait for them to shower, knowing full well I'd almost certainly get a good look at their delicious bottoms...!

It was my sister Sue who first confronted me - perhaps Mum was more understanding and just let me get on with my perving, but Sue rebelled.

Some five minutes after my latest foray had given me a damn good if brief look at her nether end, she stormed into my room without so much as knocking - the door slamming open and there she stood, arms akimbo, looking like a miniature thunder cloud.

"What the fuck is it with you?" she shouted, as she stood there in her dressing gown, "Are you fuckin' weird or something? Why don't you just fuck off while I'm in the shower?"

"I'm only looking," I said, not being able to come up with anything better, "Not doing any harm, am I?"

"That's not the point is it?" said Sue, hardly calming even slightly, "Can't I have a shower in peace without you barging in?"

"There's no lock on the door, is there?" I countered feebly, "So how am I to know you're in there?"

Sue marched towards me, her finger pointing.

"Cos you can fuckin' well hear the water, can't you," she said, her mouth tight, "And you can bloody well knock in future as well."

"I did knock," I replied, lying through my back teeth, "You didn't hear me because of the water."

"Hmmmph, likely bloody story," she growled menacingly, "Look, I've had about enough of it Chris."

I must have looked so contrite that she suddenly took pity on me, not that she actually looked any less annoyed.

"Oh for fuck's sake...let's get it over with. Come on; tell me, what is it you want to see? My tits, my pussy, my legs, come on, what is it?" she said somewhat less aggressively, "Just fuckin' tell me..."

"It's your...oh fuck...it's your arse; I just love your arse," I managed to say, "Sorry and all that."

"Is that all?" she said, suddenly softening and now coming to sit on the bed, "You just want to see my arse? Hah - makes a bloody change from all the other blokes anyway!"

And sis probably did have a point. She was well stacked; at a guess she would easily need a 36 bra with quite big cups, perhaps a C would be about right - no doubt every red-blooded male except me, wanted to ogle her tits, play with them and see them naked. And she had lovely long slim legs too. But now she started to actually take an interest in my 'perversion'.

"So what is it you like about my arse then?" she asked, "Come on - tell me, I won't bite."

"I just love arses," I said simply, "They just turn me on, just like that."

"So you get excited when you see my arse, do you?" she said and I found myself nodding, my cock beginning to fill out as the conversation became more personal.

"What do you imagine then?" she continued, "Do you think about holding it, or touching it or kissing it or what?"

"Oooooh fuck," I muttered, feeling my cock stiffen even more, "Just about everything!"

"What - including fucking my arse - is that what you think about?" she said, a strange look in her eyes and much as I'd like to have denied everything, my blushing cheeks gave me away.

"Look at you," she said, "You've gone bright red!"

God - I had too! I could only look down at my feet as shyness and a wave of heat overcame me, but Sue wasn't fazed.

"So what happens when you see my arse?" said Sue, keeping the pressure on, "Suppose you get all stiff then go away and have a wank, do you?"

I mmmmmed quietly, nodding my head minutely, embarrassed all through.

"Thought as much! Surprised you've got anything to wank with," she said, "You're not exactly built like Superman, are you?"

And that much was true; I was only five foot eight and clocked in at around ten and a half stone, so she should have been on the right lines, but the old saying "little jockey; big whip" was relevant in my case.

But I took umbrage at being accused of having nothing to wank with and stood up, facing Sue.

"That's not true!" I said loudly, then quieter..."I've got plenty to wank with, thank you!"

"I'll believe you, yeahhhhh, prove it!" said Sue, her eyes boring into my groin.

I could prove it alright and the proof was still stiffening, uncomfortably trapped in my underpants, so much so that I groaned with discomfort.

"What's up? Your pencil got stuck, has he?" she said disparagingly, "Got your four inches stuck in your fly?"

"Do you want me to show you?" I said angrily, "Just cos I'm small..."

"Yeah, go on then, bet you wouldn't dare!" she said sticking her chin out, "Hah - be worth seeing! Four inches of cock; what a laugh!"

"All right, you've asked for it!" I said as I undid my jeans and slid my zip down, "You ready then?"

"All ready to laugh!" she said as she sat there, her eyes still on my groin, some four or five feet from her, her face grinning widely.

'Fuck it - in for a penny - here goes,' I thought as I pushed my jeans and underpants down in one move.

"Jesus Christ!" moaned Sue as my nine inches of very hard stiff straining penis sprang into view, "How...what...where...wow! Fuckin' hell Chris!"

Her eyes were on stalks; her mouth was hanging open, practically drooling as she absorbed the sight of my cock for the very first time.

"Blimey Chris, that is SOME cock," she said, admiration in her voice for the first time, "Sorry I was rude about it."

"You didn't know, did you?" I said, "But you do now, so there!"

"Bloody right I do!" said Sue, her eyes still captivated, "And I'm impressed."

"Glad to hear it," I countered, feeling somewhat superior, "Can I put him away now, madam?"

"Ummmm Chris, could you leave it out for a bit; I wanted to ask you something," said Sue.

I stood there, my jeans around my ankles, my t-shirt only reaching my waist, my penis throbbing in front of me while my sister just stared and stared until eventually she shook her head.

"Incredible! But that doesn't explain why you like my arse, does it?" she said, "Come on Chris, I'll be nice, tell me the story..."

"There's no story," I said, still standing there with my erection still before me, "But you'll have to excuse me talking personally. All I can really say is that I've fucked loads of girls and they've left me cold. It's just boring banging away at a limp pussy, whereas an arsehole..."

"Ahhhhh," said Sue, "Young girls don't know how to use their cunts, do they! But they haven't offered you their arseholes, surely?"

"Did I say I've only banged young girls?" I countered, "I've had one woman who was nearly as old as Mum and she was lovely and tight!"

"You haven't have you?" asked Sue, her eyes wide open, "Really?"

But my mind wasn't really on what was being saying. I'd heard Sue swearing before but that was the first time I'd ever heard her use that 'c' word!

But she was absolutely right...and I nodded as she continued.

"Let's get back to your story...an arsehole is always tight, isn't it?" she said, causing me to look up sharply.

"Well it has to be, doesn't it? Stands to reason." she continued again, "It's really hard to get my vibrator in my - oh fuck - what am I saying!"

It was Sue's turn to blush, her whole face suffused with a deep red glow and she fanned her hand back and forwards.

"Gone all hot!" she said, "Shouldn't have said that!"

Her words had just added some starch to my cock which had started to droop a bit but now he rose to point at the ceiling once more and Sue's eyes returned to him, her tongue now licking her lips while a smile played on my face.

"What shall I do with him?" I asked, knowing that I now had the upper hand.

I made him jerk a few times and as I did so the action caused my foreskin to slide suddenly back from the crown while a small dribble of precum emerged and ran down his length.

"I wish you'd put him away," moaned Sue, her tongue still at work, "Making me go all funny inside!"

"You told me to leave him out!" I replied, "Make up your mind!"

Teasing her I moved a little closer, braver now and wanting some action of some kind.

"Don't you like looking?" I said, swaying my cock from side to side, "Would he fit in your arse instead of your vibrator?"

"Chris - how dare you!" Sue retorted quickly, "Don't be so bloody personal."

"Well, would he?" I continued, "How big's your vibrator?"

"Its eleven inches long but I don't put it all in," she said, still fanning herself with her hand, "Oh God - I don't know why I'm telling you all this!"

"Cos you're intelligent," I said, "We're discussing sex like two sensible people should."

"Yeah, but you've got a huge hard-on and I'm getting all hot, and, and..." blustered Sue, "And we're talking about putting things up my arse!"

"You don't want to try it, do you?" I said, hardly knowing what I was saying, "I'm always willing!"

'Phew - if that doesn't earn me a thoroughly good clout then nothing will,' I thought, but nothing happened except that Sue took on a strange look.

"What if I said yes?" she said, "Would you...? I mean, could we...?"

"Honest?" I said, hardly believing my ears, "Do you want to try him?"

I could see that Sue was squirming around and the conversation had obviously reached parts of her that a normal conversation wouldn't reach - and if I was to have any chance then I'd have to keep up the pressure...

I moved even closer, until Sue could easily reach my erection, if she felt so inclined.

"He's all ready for you," I suggested, jerking him up and down, "And I've got some KY gel; that'll help."

"Oooooh fuck," moaned Sue, "Shall we try?"

"It's all quiet, isn't it? We can lock the door and anyway Mum and Dad are out, aren't they?" I said as another tear of precum slid down my jerking shaft, "Don't chicken out!"

"I'm not a chicken!" said Sue defiantly, standing up, "Come on then, lets do it!"

With that she shrugged out of her dressing gown to reveal herself to be clad only in a tiny pair of lacy knickers and spite my preference for arses, there was no way I could ignore a damn good look at her lovely body.

"Bloody hell Sue, you look fucking hot!" I found myself saying, "Wow - where have you been hiding all that?"

Granted, I'd seen her in the shower, but firstly I'd usually seen her through the shower screen and secondly my visual target had always been her rear end so I hadn't paid a lot of attention to her other assets.

Her breasts were still young and still stood proudly, the merest sag attesting to their considerable weight. Her skin was smooth and lovely, her navel pierced by a blood red and gold stud, her pussy part shaven, leaving just a 'landing strip' above her clit. She was any man's dream girl, but all I dreamed about was her arse!

Nevertheless my cock thoroughly enjoyed the sight before him and jerked uncontrollably as Sue's eyes bored into him.

"Turn round Sue," I asked softly, "Let me see your arse then."

Sue slowly rotated on the spot, then spread her stance slightly and wiggled her arse from side to side...and then her hands moved to her hips and with one fluid movement she slid her knickers down and quickly stepped out of them.

"Well, how does it look then?" she asked, wriggling her arse around and I found myself struggling to form words as her cute arse pushed towards me, the pouch of her shaven pussy visible below her sexy anal cleft.

"Oh Sue, you're bloody lovely," I said, "Oooooh! Wonderful bubble...ohhh gorgeous smooth...look at that curve...oh fuck Sue, you look incredible!"

"Do you want to touch me?" she asked, rotating her bum even more and pushing it back towards me and in seconds my hands were up and covering each hemisphere, caressing and smoothing the peach-fuzzed smooth skin of her rear end.

"You're so gorgeous Sue," I groaned as my hands moved around, "Dreamy!"

"Do you want me to bend over more?" said Sue, "So you can find out what's between my cheeks!"

"Oh God yessss," I hissed as I pulled off my t-shirt, "Please, please!"

Moments later and Sue got down on her knees and bent forward, pushing her rear back at me until her arse was no more than a foot from my cock.

My hands delved into her cleft, gently spreading her two halves to reveal her simply perfect arsehole. A miniscule indentation of puckered crumpled and slightly darkened flesh that looked incapable of receiving anything larger than a finger and a small one at that!

My cock jerked so suddenly and so violently that a stream of precum splashed out over her arse! It looked so incredibly erotic as the little runnel of clear liquid slowly ran down one cheek.

I gathered some more precum from my cock on one finger and applied it to her hole, bringing forth a deep moan from Sue as I pushed my fingertip at her.

Ooo-ooo-ooh-ooohhh," her voice trembled, "Ohhhhh yesssssss!"

I pushed a little more firmly now and my finger began to slide inside.

"Aaaaaghhhhh - no - no - no!" moaned Sue as I pushed a bit harder, her hand flapping behind her, "Take it out!"

Quickly I slid my finger from her hole and Sue rounded on me.

"Thought you were going to use some gel?" she said and instantly I realised what was missing. The little smear of precum was inadequate for the job.

"Oh shit - sorry Sue," I exclaimed as I fetched the KY from the bedside cupboard, "Wasn't really thinking..."

With trembling hands I squeezed an inch or so of KY onto my fingers and with Sue still looking over her shoulder, I brought my fingers to her hole once more and this time I actually had to stop my finger from sliding too deeply into her, such was the slipperiness of the lube. Sue hissed her approval...

"That's better, isn't it?" I said as I moved my finger in and out, "Do you want me to try another finger?"

"Try it, but be careful," moaned Sue and I brought two fingers close together and pushed once more.

There was a little more strain involved this time but it didn't take long for me to have both fingers inside her, now pushed some inch or more into her hole.

"Don't mind that now," said Sue, squeezing my fingers, "That feels a bit like my vibrator does. Quite similar actually only the vibrator goes in deeper."

"How thick's your vibrator then?" I asked and Sue held up her hand with her thumb and fingers perhaps an inch apart.

"About like that," she said, "Perhaps a bit more than two fingers."

"More like my cock," I suggested and Sue's head jerked upwards.

"Oh God - I'd almost forgotten we were going to try that!" she said, "You going to see if he'll fit?"

Believe it or not my cock had actually wilted away to a mere stub of his former self but now, hearing that he was on call he immediately awoke and began perking up. Inside a matter of seconds he was a rigid bar of flesh once more, throbbing energetically.

"You still want me to try?" I asked and I saw Sue nodding.

"But make bloody sure you use that KY!" said Sue, her arse moving around on my fingers.

Slowly I pulled my fingers from her tight little hole and Sue sucked in her breath as I exited. Swiftly I squeezed a gooey blob of KY onto my cock and massaged it over his length, letting it mix with the generous secretions of precum that were now oozing from my tip. It felt so sexy that it was all I could do not to start wanking but I knew there was a better purpose for my length of steel. I spread another blob of KY on and around her hole while I was at it.

"Ok, I'm ready," I said quietly, "You ok?"

"Yeah - do it!" said Sue, "But damn well stop if I tell you to - ok?"

"Yeah, of course," I replied as I manoeuvred closer to her arse, my cock now just a couple of inches from her body, "Ok - coming in..."

I think that both Sue and I were holding our breath as I closed in, guiding my cock towards its little target. There was the sound of a sharp intake of breath as my tip touched her flesh, then a long exhale as I applied some pressure.

"Oooh God!" moaned Sue, her voice quivering, "Feels like it does when I push my vibrator in...keep pushing...gently."

I could feel my penis begin to penetrate into her small depression, her crumpled flesh spreading around my knob, her warmth beginning to envelop my tip. I found myself breathing deeper as I pushed and pushed until Sue waved her hand for me to stop.

"Hold it - you're stretching me!" she winced, "Wait a minute..."

I held myself motionless as Sue accustomed herself to the feeling, while still keeping the pressure on, still leaning my penis into her, just awaiting the moment she allowed me to continue...and all the time I could feel her body very slowly opening up for me.

I wobbled my cock around a bit to slightly change the angle of entry and suddenly what felt like a ring of muscle gave way and my knob slid out of view!

"Aaaaahhhhh!" moaned Sue, "Told you not to push..."

"Didn't push," I replied, "He just slid in - you're getting used to him."

"Ok, ok, try again," said Sue, "Push a bit more - careful, for fuck's sake!"

"I'm trying to be careful," I said, "But he wants to slide in now."

Sue was silent for a few minutes although her arsehole was now moving around my cock, squeezing and caressing him and I stretched out my hands and rested them on her back, my fingers gently moving over her shoulder blades.

"Alright Chris, try a bit more," said Sue and I leaned forward, my fingers now curled over her shoulders as I pulled myself into her.

"Oooooh - take it easy," she moaned, "I can feel it - oh God - I like it!"

My quivering hips did the job for me - one moment I was caught at her entrance - the next I was sliding rapidly into her depths!

"Hold it, for fuck's sake!" Sue cried, "Jesus - you're right in, aren't you?"

It was a rhetorical question; Sue knew that I was well inside her and I did too - my penis had simply slid smoothly into her without further ado.

"Yeah - still got another, ummm, three or four inches to go," I said as I looked down at her slippery stretched hole, "Do you want any more?"

"Not yet!" said Sue then her body jerked.

"What did I say?" she continued, "Not yet - what am I talking about!"

I laughed softly as I considered the matter. Here I was with around half of my cock buried in my sister's arsehole discussing how much more of my cock she wanted! It was an incredibly insane situation; one I could never have expected - even though I'd imagined it in many a dream.