Dickgirl Conquest

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Joe, unhappy with his girlfriend, meets a hot dickgirl.
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Warning! Unrealistic Cock Sizes Ahead! (Only read on if you like that sort of thing!)

Copyright 2015 Lara Longstaff

All Rights Reserved


Joe stopped in his tracks as the woman walked past him while he waited for the barista to finish his coffee. He couldn't help but look, he was only human after all! The girl who passed him wasn't exactly an amazon, but her crazy tall black high heels made her seem like she was made of nothing but leg! He licked his lips as his eyes traveled up from her slim ankles over her tanned, well-turned calves and supple thighs. The hem of her tight gray sheath dress ended just below the swell of her plump, round bottom. She had a tiny waist and slim shoulders, with long wavy brown hair flowing down her back. He wished she'd turn around so he could get a look at her face. He chuckled wryly to himself. Who was he kidding, he wanted to see her rack too!

"Jesus! Put your eyes back in your head!" his girlfriend said, the sharp punch to his arm punctuating her displeasure. He spun around to face her, though it wasn't easy. That brunette had seemed like she was about to turn around too. Jenny was pretty nice to look at herself, curvy in all the right places, with shoulder-length golden hair and an adorably cute face, even when she was pissed off. Which was often.

"Sorry, honey, I...well. C'mon!" he sputtered, rather at a loss. How could he explain that he was just looking, for crying out loud? Sure Jenny was hot, but her blue jeans, bulky sweater, and walking shoes didn't make for quite as dramatic a show.

"Joe, I swear to God!" she rolled her eyes and pouted. She was pretty good at rolling her eyes; she could make you feel awfully stupid when she made those big browns do somersaults. But it was her pouting that was truly epic! He grunted a response and turned away. Naturally, the girl in the dress glanced over her shoulder at the same moment.

"Sorry," he mouthed at her. He couldn't have spoken out loud if he'd wanted to, as his tongue was glued to the roof of his mouth. She was stunning! He'd never seen a girl as pretty as a movie star or an model before, not in real life. She could have been either. Everything about her seemed just perfect, her eyes, her nose, her sexy mouth, even her flawless skin. She winked at him with those impossibly blue eyes, then glanced at his girlfriend with a slight sniff before turning back around in line. Great! She probably thought he was a pervert. Either that or that she was well out of his league. Joe wasn't a bad looking guy, tall with decent arms and shoulders. He tried to keep in shape, but wasn't a slave to his gym membership. Girls seemed to like his mop of thick brown hair that never seemed to stay combed. A few had commented on his boyish smile and his dark brown eyes. He'd wished he'd worn something nicer than cargo pants and a ragged superhero tee shirt that day, though.

Joe did his best not to drool. There was only one thing for it. He turned his back on the hot girl in line, squarely facing his girlfriend. "I was just thinking," he told her and she gave him a level look in response. "I haven't take you out to a nice restaurant in a while. How about we get all dressed up and I take you down to Wilkenson's tonight?"

"You're just sucking up to me," Jenny pursed her lips. "But that does sound like a nice idea. I should give you a chance to make things up to me, since you can't keep your eyes to yourself."

"Honey, I don't know what you're talking about," Joe lied. It was always best to lie in these situations. "I noticed that girl's dress and was thinking how much better you'd fill it out than she would!" he grinned.

"Really? You don't think I'm..." she looked down at her shoes. "I've put on a couple of pounds and I'm not feeling very attractive," she admitted.

"Aw, honey!" he pulled her into a warm hug. "You're super hot and every body knows it!" Her insecurity reared its ugly head on a daily basis, usually several times. He was getting pretty good at dealing with it.

"Thanks, Joe, she murmured into his chest. "Maybe if you're lucky, I'll give you what you're always asking for tonight!" She looked up at him, a naughty look in her smoky eyes. She licked her lips seductively, and Joe felt himself surge in his pants. He kissed her cheek as hope blossomed in his chest. The woman was stingy as a miser when it came to giving blow jobs. Not that he didn't go down on her almost every night!

"Two joes for Joe!" the barista called, chuckling a little at his own cleverness. Joe groaned and pulled himself away from his pretty young girlfriend. She nodded up at him and he left her to pick up his coffee. He wished his cargo pants weren't bulging quite so much, but what could he do?

"Pardon me, Sir," the brown-haired girl said as she glided past him toward a table. Keeping his head turned toward the barista, he followed her with his eyes. His nostril flared as he caught a whiff of her perfume - sweet and floral with just a hint of spiciness. He had to get out of there before his growing hard on burst through his pants and Jenny skinned him alive in front of God and everybody! He snatched up the coffee cups. At least he'd ordered them to go!

"Come on, baby, let's get out of here! The day is just too gorgeous to spend inside on a Sunday!" He didn't look back as he took Jenny in arm and walked out into the bright sunlight. It took a truly heroic effort. Not that Jenny would ever understand the things he did for her!


Joe switched his morning routine after that day. Normally he brewed coffee at home and slurped it in a huge aluminum travel mug. He found himself stopping by that little coffee shop every morning. So far, he'd only caught a glimpse of that brown-haired girl once, as he was getting in back in his car. She'd been in a more formal pant-suit instead of a sexy dress, but he'd recognized her. She must have some sort of office job. The next Saturday, he got a bit luckier.

"I'll have a venti cafe Americano. Name's Joe," he said to the bearded hipster behind the counter. The man nodded. Joe had been in there every day for a week and the jerk still couldn't remember his name.

"Americano, eh? You're a man with simple tastes, I guess," came a light voice over Joe's shoulder. He glanced back and grinned. There she was! Her hair was pulled back in a casual ponytail and she wore a short, electric blue sleeveless dress that came down just above her knees and strappy wedges on her delicate feet. She looked like the girl next door, if the girl next door was an angel!

"I can't really go for all this fancy stuff," he shrugged, and forced himself to put on his best boyish smile. He stepped out of the way to let her order.

"Venti Latte coming up, Miss Allie," the barista nodded and winked. Of course he'd remember her name!

"So you're Joe, huh? Where's your cute little girlfriend?" she wondered. Her full lips curled up at one corner, as if she were about to smirk.

"The one and only," he replied. Why did she have to bring up Jenny? "She was out with the girls last night. I slept alone, oh so alone," he lamented dramatically.

"Oh you poor thing!" she giggled. "Heaven forbid a handsome stud such as yourself spends a single night without a bossy little blonde in his bed!" She looked him over as she teased him. He'd dressed a little better today, a nice button down shirt rolled up at the sleeves to show his forearms, tucked into a good pair of slacks that fit just a bit snug to highlight his well-defined legs and show a little bulge. Not too much bulge, he was out in public after all! He'd even managed to shave and comb his hair. It took a good deal of product to keep it from coming apart of its own accord, but he figured he had a good hour of neat hair left.

"Bossy? What do you mean?" he asked innocently. She was smirking openly now, and looking at him. Did her eyes linger on his backside? Well some women claimed to love men's rear ends, he reasoned. He mentally high-fived himself for wearing that particular pair of pants.

"I heard her scold you last weekend when you were checking me out. And don't pretend you weren't!" she laughed. "Come on, Joe, let's get a table," she said decisively and pulled him by the arm towards a secluded little booth at the far corner. She pushed him into a seat, despite his confused splutters, and sat opposite him. She turned to the side, crossing her legs out into the aisle and kicking her foot idly. Her toenails were painted deep red, he noticed. In her open-toed wedge heels, even her graceful feet looked sexy!

"You're pretty bossy yourself, you know? What did he say your name was, Allie?" Joe asked. He didn't exactly have to force himself to look into her eyes, as beautiful as she was. But she did have the best legs he'd ever seen.

"Alexandra, Allie for short," she nodded and leaned over the table a little toward him. Her dress was fairly modest, despite being sleeveless, but from this angle he could see a hint of generous cleavage. He swallowed hard.

"Not Alex? I always think it's cute when girls are called boy's names like Sam or Alex." He winked a little. She seemed to like it.

"Yes, I can see how that might be kind of sexy," she whispered. "You know, a boyish quality or two to highlight the feminine. I'm glad you think that way."

"Uh, sure. It's like sometimes when you see a woman with really short hair, or wearing a man's clothes," he added, not really sure why. "But I like the way you dress, Allie!" he added hastily. "It's nice to see a woman who, you know, dresses like a woman! You really take care with your appearance, I can tell. Not that you really need to, as gorgeous as you are!"

"Why thank you, Joe!" she smiled and it was like the sun bursting from the clouds on a rainy day. Joe felt his stomach flutter. "You clean up pretty nicely yourself! I thought you were handsome the other day too, but I have to say, I appreciate the effort!"

"I wanted to look my best if I ran into you again," he admitted.

"Really? What about your girlfriend? You really shouldn't be talking to me when you have a girlfriend, you know!" she wagged a long finger at him, but her eyes shone with amusement.

"You're right," he sighed. "But we're just talking, aren't we?"

"That's true. Just talking," she leaned back in her chair, studying him like a bird who'd found an particularly amusing shiny object. He didn't know what to say, and felt his cheeks start to heat up with a slow flush.

"Joe order up! Allie, order up!" the barista called just as the silence was beginning to get a bit awkward. Joe leaped to his feet to grab their coffees. When he returned, the hot java seemed to renew their conversation.

"I love a good cup of Joe," Allie sighed. Joe only chuckled and shrugged. "So tell me, how old are you, what do you do for a living, what are your hobbies? All that social networking stuff!"

"You're in for a long, boring story, Allie, brace yourself!" Joe actually tried to make it interesting. He told her about his work as a colorist at an indie comic book house, and how he'd only accidentally got the job when he got high one night in college. He hadn't known what he was doing, but the host of the party seemed to really like what he'd done to color in his sketches. It paid well, and he'd met Jenny his last year at school. He and Jenny were both twenty-five and had been a couple for three years, but didn't live together . She got a job supervising teenagers at a local toy store.

"Well with an Art History degree, she's lucky she got any kind of job!" Allie giggled.

"And all my computer engineering gone to waste as I basically do coloring books all day!" Joe laughed. "But tell me about you, Alexandra!"

"Oh there's not much to tell!" she blushed. "I'm twenty-four and I live alone. I went to Wentford. Got a degree in Business Management. Now I'm a mid-level office flunky at a biotech company," she shrugged.

"Wentford," that name seemed familiar to Joe. "Isn't that the college where a bunch of girls accidentally got-"

"Yes that's the one!" she finished hastily. "I guess they're calling the Horny Bucks the Horny Does now! But that was three years ago, Joe." She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, so Joe let it drop. He'd heard about a bunch of girls turning lesbian or something at that school. There was more to it that he couldn't recall, but he blew it off. This girl was clearly into him, after all. Certainly not a lesbian!

Before he knew it, Allie had taken up his entire morning. Talking to her was so much easier than talking to Jenny, where he had to watch every word out of his mouth so he didn't offend her or trigger one of her bouts of self-doubt. He was getting more than a little tired of Jenny's insecurities, and this wonderful brunette was a breath of fresh hair. He looked at his watch, it was after noon!

"Hey, you want to go grab some lunch, Allie? I really like talking to you but my stomach is telling me its time to fill up on tacos!" He rose to his feet, holding out a hand. She took it slowly and pulled herself up. In her heels she was only a hair shorter than him, but he didn't mind. She was so fine-boned and slender he could probably carry her like a puppy!

"Joe, I really like you, but I think we should go a little slower," she said carefully.

"Oh?" he said, crestfallen. Damn it! He really liked this girl, and it was more than just physical attraction! They seemed to have so much to talk about!

"You've got a girlfriend, and I've got well, baggage. Serious baggage," she sighed heavily.

"You're right, but I think there's something there, Allie. I think you agree."

"Yes, you seem like a great guy, but well.." she bit her lip and looked away. Her sky-blue eyes seemed to lose focus as she stared at the wall.

"Hey!" he comforted her. Was she going to get all self-conscious like Jenny? He hoped not, he liked a happy, confident woman!

"I'm just not sure if you can handle me, Joe. Do me a favor, will you," she said after nodding to herself, seeming to come to a decision. That was better. "Look up all you can on the Wentford incident tonight. It's all there online. I was one of the trial participants, Joe. Remember that. Then, if you still want to hang out with me, be here tomorrow at eleven, okay?"

"Sure, Allie," he said, concerned. He wondered what the big deal could be. The two said their goodbyes, with Allie giving him a shy, hopeful smile before she departed. Joe, headed out to grab a quick lunch. He had some research to do, he supposed.


Joe wasn't sure he was going to show up at the coffee shop until he opened the door and stepped inside. The stories he'd read the night before had shocked him, so much so that he'd called off his date with Jenny and lay in bed for hours, thinking. But morning came and he found himself shaving and carefully coming his hair. He'd buttoned on a nice shirt again, this time with numb fingers. He eve added a splash of cologne. It was so hard to believe. Could that pretty, no she was more than pretty! Could that pretty girl Alex really have grown... He shook his head. Best not to think about it.

He scanned the small room of the streetside cafe, and found her immediately. She was wearing a black dress with big white polka dots today, her hair pushed back from her face with a narrow white scarf. She smiled at him and waved cheerfully, gesturing to the two steaming cups of coffee on her table. She'd ordered for him already. Damn it, she was just too pretty and sweet!

"Good morning!" he grinned as he sat down across from her.

"Good morning yourself! I see you weren't scared off by what you read!" she said happily and took a sip. She frowned a little as she thought. "You did read about Wentford, didn't you?"

"Yes," he gulped. So it was straight to business. Probably for the best to clear this all up here and now. "So you took the drug trial?" he asked and she nodded. "And you, uh. Ahem. You grew male genitals?" he asked in a whisper.

"I sure did," she verified. "I am genetically a woman, Joe. So there's nothing gay about you being attracted to me. If you still are?"

"Allie, I don't know," he winced. It was a lie, of course. She was still the same person, friendly and funny and clever, and incredibly sexy. "I mean, of course I still find you attractive! You're like the perfect woman!" he cried.

"Aw, now you're just trying to get into my panties!" she giggled. "But they're already pretty full, as you so recently learned."

"Well, that's the tricky part, isn't it?" he chuckled.

"It is," she agreed. "It's been especially hard for me, Joe. Sure women seem to go crazy for it, and I've even learned to appreciate women more than I ever thought I would," she chuckled. "But I still prefer guys, nice handsome strong guys like you. Only, well, most think doing anything with me is too 'gay'. Either that or they're just too humiliated or intimidated to give me a try!"

"Humiliated?" he gulped.

"Sorry, Joe, but we Wentford girls tend to make guys look pretty small, by comparison. That puts a lot of guys off, so I understand." Her shoulders slumped and she drained her coffee in one long gulp. This must be really hard for her.

"That's quite a story, Allie," he said softly, drinking his own coffee too fast and nearly choking on it. "I'm not sure how I'd react actually," he admitted. "I've never though about playing with a guy, or a girl with a guy's stuff," he blushed a little.

"Maybe we should do a little test? A dry run before things get too far with us. We can clear the air one way or the other," she said with a brisk nod. When this girl made up her mind, she really made up her mind!

"You're right, Allie. I like how you don't beat around the bush," he said as he stood. "No pun intended."

"You silly boy!" she laughed and jumped up. She was wearing sensible flats today, but the dress still showed plenty of leg. She noticed his look. "I live a block from here, Joe. Come on, I'll let you get at an up close look at everything I've got!" she grinned, her white teeth seeming, for an instant, like the fangs of a hungry predator. Joe gulped nervously, but didn't resist when she pulled him out onto the sidewalk.

The walk to her little apartment above a drugs store took only a minute or two. Or an hour or two. It was hard to tell. Joe's heart pumped in his chest like a mallet beating a mattress, one dull thud after another. Allie, strangely didn't seem at all nervous. She held his hand and pulled him along like a lost child, throwing cute, knowing glances at him over her shoulder. She unlocked her door and pushed him up the stairs, her hands on his tight bottom.

"Getting a little grabby, aren't you?" he yelped. Ordinarily, a beautiful woman cupping his ass and feeling him up through his trousers wouldn't bother him. Allie's something extra loomed in his mind, and her groping took on new meaning.

"Sorry, Joe. Did I mention I love your butt? "she giggled. At the top of the stairs, she nudged him aside and unlocked the door to her place. It was small, the kitchen and and living area all one room. Just enough space for a couch and a tiny table with two chairs. A door at the back stood open, and he could see her bed. She kept the place tidy, he noticed. There were stylish black and white posters on the wall, and fresh daisies in a little vase atop the table.

"Nice place, Allie!" he smiled as she pushed him in ahead of her. She was so aggressive! It was a refreshing change from Jenny, at least. He had to beg, plead, and tease that girl every step of the way.

"Thanks, Joe!" Allie pulled the head band from her hair and shook her long brown tresses free. She stepped out of her shoes and padded back toward the bedroom, beckoning him to follow. Joe gulped and shuffled after her. She was just too sexy. What if he freaked out when he saw what he knew he was going to see? What if he actually liked it? Would that be worse? At her bedroom, she turned to face him. She lifted herself onto her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the mouth. Her lips were soft, and the smell of her sweet perfume filled his head.