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New boss takes too much of an interest in my wife.
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Troublesome new boss likes my wife.

I met Dianne at a pickup bar. She was sitting with 4 other girls and it was obvious the girls had come to party. The constant laughter flow of drinks at their table was hard not to notice. The parade of young studs who queued up to their table was impressive. The girls never refused an offer to dance and of course, they never refused a round of free drinks.

I sat at the bar and watched the youngsters enjoying themselves. I slowly sipped my second Elijah Craig. That bourbon might not make it onto everyone's favorite list, but I enjoyed it. I took another small sip and smiled. I was amused by the interactions at the ladies' table. The guys were all trying desperately to cull one of the young hotties from her group, presumably to convince them to go home with him.

After an hour or so, the first of the ladies left with a lucky stud. That seemed to set off a feeding frenzy as the guys upped their game. There were more dances, more booze, more offers, and slowly the group of girls was dispersed to the lucky winners for the night.

Well, not all five, just four of them. The fifth lady had switched to coffee early in the evening. She had danced with anyone who asked but always returned to her table after one dance. Now, for the last twenty minutes, she sat alone and refused several young men who came to her table.

I was openly staring at her as I watched her from my seat at the bar. The lighting was pretty dim, as it is in most clubs, but as the crowd began to thin, I got a better look at her. She was maybe a few years older than her early-twenties friends. She had an air of confidence about her, but she smiled sweetly as she politely refused the last few young studs that visited her table.

I turned to face the bartender and singled for my check. I swirled the nearly melted ice cube in my glass and drained the last of my drink. I added a nice tip and then signed my tab. I was about to stand when I heard a soft voice.

"So, did my friends and I keep you entertained this evening?"

Turning to the voice, I was surprised to see the young woman I'd been watching all evening. I gave her an embarrassed smile, then shrugged. "Yes, actually, you ladies sorta took over the place when you came in."

She laughed and her eyes showed a few smile lines. Hmm, maybe she's a bit older than I'd thought.

"My friends usually attract a lot of male attention wherever they go." She tilted her head to the side. "But you never came over to try your luck. I don't see a wedding ring, are you attached in some way?"

Again, my embarrassed smile escaped, "No, not attached, just a little too old to swim with all the sharks.

She laughed again and I realized I could easily listen to that laugh forever. She looked me up and down and grinned. "I'm guessing you're not too old to handle any of my girls."

"Your girls?"

"Yes, they are fitness instructors at my gyms. I take them out once in a while, it's good for moral, well for their moral, anyway."

"Ah, well, that tracks, they all looked very fit to me and they certainly attracted the attention of all the young studs in here tonight."

"Like I said, they always do. So are you leaving? Can I interest you in joining me for one last coffee?"

I smiled at her and stuck out my hand. "I'm Dan, Daniel Jackson. A cup of coffee sounds really good."

She took my hand into hers. It was warm and soft, but she had a firm grip. "Dianne, Dianne Fisher, my friends call me Di. There is a nice little shop across the street that is open late, shall we walk across?"

I held her chair as Di sat at the small table she selected. I could smell her perfume and fought the urge to inhale it deeply. I took my seat and was about to speak when her phone rang. She made an annoyed face and grabbed it out of her purse.

"Sorry," she said to me and then punched a button.

"Jane?" She said with obvious concern. She listened for a moment. "Are you hurt? ... Where are you? ... Okay, stay in the lobby I'll be right there."

"Sorry, Dan, one of my girls has had a bit of trouble and I need to go get her." She quickly fished out a card and handed it to me. "My cell number is on there." She turned and dashed toward the door.

It took me a moment to process, and then I shouted, "Do you need some help?"

She gave me an odd look and then said, "No, I've got this," and she was out the door.

The waitress walked up to the table. "Is your friend coming back, or would you like to order now?"

Maybe it was the bourbon, but I seemed slow to process everything. After a bit of silence, I asked for a coffee. I was guessing one of the guys her friends met had turned out to be less than a gentleman. I hoped it was just a disagreement and the young lady was not injured. I fingered the card Di had given me. She was listed as the CEO of "Fisher Bodyworks." The addresses of her three locations were listed. All three were in trendy new shopping districts. I can just imagine what the rent would be in those locations. I slipped the card into my breast pocket and finished my coffee.

The next day I waited until mid-afternoon to call Di. She answered on the third ring.

"Dianne Fisher, how may I help you?"

"Di? It's Dan Jackson, am I calling at a bad time?"

"Dan! No, sorry to be so formal, but this is my business cell. I'm so sorry I had to run out on you last night. I didn't even have time to give you my personal cell number."

"Is she okay, Jane? I think you called her."

"Yeah, she's fine. The guy gave her some bull about needing to get his wallet from his room and she fell for it. Once he got her into the room he got very handsy and didn't listen when she told him to slow down. He ripped her top and she kicked him in the balls. While he was down she got out, went to the lobby, and called me."

"Wow, that was quick thinking. I'm glad she wasn't hurt."

"She's lucky. She's a dance aerobics instructor and not trained, so she could have been hurt badly."

I wasn't sure how an untrained dancer could become an instructor, but I decided to let that go. Maybe she just needed to be a hottie, I knew nothing about dance aerobics.

"Well, I'm glad she's okay. Listen, tomorrow is Sunday, I was wondering if you'd let me buy you that cup of coffee you never got last night."

"Um, sure! Do you like Jazz?"

"I enjoy jazz, I'm not a super fan, but I like it. Why?"

"There is a jazz ensemble that plays at the park tomorrow at 3:00. You bring a blanket and I'll bring a basket. We can listen to music and have coffee afterward."

"Sounds great! Shall I pick you up?"

"No, I need to check on Jane, so I'll just meet you by the fountain at about 2:30. Will that work?" It did work and we had a great time.

That date led to several others and Di and I became a couple. We dated for two full years, and then I asked her to marry me. She didn't accept because she said we needed to work out a few details. I was immediately concerned because, in an earlier conversation, I had mentioned a prenup would be part of our pre-wedding planning. When she balked at my proposal, I guess the hurt showed on my face.

"Oh, baby, please! I love you and want to be your wife, but we need to clear up some things before I can say yes."

"Okaaaaay," I said, drawing out the word to make it sound like a question. "We talked about the prenup, and my partners wrote it into the partnership agreement. I have to have one or I forfeit my shares to my partners."

"No, no, that's fine with me, as long as it treats us both fairly, in fact, I'm sure MY lawyers would have insisted on one, as well."

"There are some things about my past that we've never discussed, Things you should know before we get engaged. I want to be completely honest with you, I don't want any secrets between us."

"Jesus, Di, we've been together for three years, what could you have not told me?"

"Dan, remember how shocked you were to learn I am five years older than you?"

"Yes, but come on, you look at least five years younger than me, maybe ten!"

"My point is, you don't know much about my early adult life because I never talk about it. I'm not ashamed of what I did, I just need to keep it between us. Can you agree to that?"

Di talked for over two hours. She told me things I never would have guessed about my future bride. In hindsight, it helped to explain a few things she'd said that had puzzled me at the time. I listened, I tried not to show my shock at some of her revelations.

"So, now you know, does this change things for you?"

"Of course, it changes things! My god, Di, I had no idea you had done those things. How do I know your past won't come back to haunt us? If it became common knowledge, It could endanger any family we may have. Jesus, Di!"

She hung her head, and tears fell down her cheeks. "I, I guess I should have known it would be too much. I understand, I'm sorry, Dan. I love you with all my heart, I want to be your wife more than anything in the world, but I guess that's impossible now."

"Well of course it's impossible! ... You haven't said YES. You can't be my wife unless you say yes!"

She blinked at me a few times. "You mean, you still want to marry me? ... But you said it changed everything."

"It does! It means we have some secrets to keep, and some people and some places to avoid. We have to be very careful to keep your past in your past, but it doesn't change the fact that I love you and want you for my wife. ... Now will you answer my fucking question ... WILL YOU MARRY ME?"

"YES! YES! YES!" Di screamed and then nearly crushed me as she hugged me hard.

Two years later Di sold her gyms for an astounding amount of money. She put everything into a trust fund and then tried her best to fuck me to death. It's amazing how quickly a man can be taught he is no match for a sexually motivated woman.

Di wanted a baby. Sperm is required for pregnancy. Di wanted a constant supply of my sperm in her pussy to maximize the odds of her getting pregnant. During her fertile period, she drained me dry every day and would gladly have taken twice that much had I been up to it. So guys, forget it, if a woman is properly motivated, she can fuck all day, we can't.

Fortunately, her plan worked and we had two kids in 20 months. Di was a spectacular mom and I helped out as much as I could. By the time the kids were about out of high school, my company had grown and we began to attract the attention of our national competitors. One of them came to us with a buy-out offer that knocked our socks off.

My partners wanted to sell, so I went along with it. The sale to Mega Corp required all three of us to stay on as Directors and manage a 24-month transition to the new corporate owners. The first 11-12 months went smoothly and then Samuel J. Smith arrived from the corporate offices. Smith was a self-important, blowhard. He was also the son of the CEO. The Smith family owned about 40% of Mega Corp.

I tried to get along with the jerk by just keeping my head down and, for the most part, that worked. Smith was not stupid enough to get in the way of us doing our jobs. He always took credit for everything we did right and blamed us whenever things were less than perfect. Asshole!

The company had always had two employee affairs, Memorial Day and Christmas. I introduced Di to Smith at the Memorial Day event. Now I should say at 48, Di was still a hottie. She had always been pretty, but now she had more curves than she did before the kids. Di always kept up her workouts and her body was very impressive.

Well, she certainly impressed young Sammy Smith. He followed her around with his tongue hanging out (at least, it seemed that way to me). He brought her drinks and food and sat next to her. He chatted her up and completely ignored the rest of us.

When I mentioned to Di that it was getting late and we should go, Sammy had the balls to suggest that if I was tired, I should go home and he'd see that Di got home when the party was over. As he said this, he slipped an arm around my wife.

Before I could light him up, Di extricated herself and patted Sammy on the cheek.

"It was nice meeting you Samuel, but it is time for me to get this big lug home." With that, she grabbed my arm and dragged me away. She was chuckling as we approached the car.

"What's so funny? I should have punched his lights out. He was hanging on you all night."

"Dan, the guy is a joke! It was all I could do not to laugh in his face. He was so obvious, that a teenage girl would have known what he wanted. Now take me home, I need to spend some time with a grown-up."

Over the next few months, Smith tried several times to get Di to come to the office on some pretext or another, but each time she was too busy, or politely refused. She would then call me and laughingly tell me about his latest attempt. It began to get on my nerves.

"That creep is still after you. What do you think we should do about the Christmas party?"

"Dan, your obligation to Mega ends on December 31st, so we'll go to the party and I'll fend off the little creep like I always do."

"I don't want to spend the holidays in jail, but if he gets out of line, I'm going to pound him into the ground."

"I know you could, but please don't. Dan, You don't want to get fired. I want you to get the bonus they promised you for staying 24 months. It will fully cover the kids' college fund. Sammy Smith may be an ass, but he's your boss. We both know what he wants, so it's up to me to deal with it, okay? Now, promise me you won't interfere, no matter what I have to do."

I looked at my wife, the mother of my children, the love of my life, and for the first time ever, I saw a coldness in her eyes. I knew there was no use in arguing with her, she had made up her mind and I was not going to dissuade her. It gravely bruised my male ego, but I nodded my agreement.

The night of the party I watched Di getting dressed. She had purchased a matching set of red, lacy thongs and a bra. The thongs perfectly accented her curvy hips and the bra proudly displayed her ample breasts. I tried not to drool as she stepped into her slinky red dress and turned her back to me.

"Zip me up, Baby."

I did and marveled at the way the dress clung to her spectacular ass. She stepped into a pair of matching red 4-inch heels and then turned to face me. The dress had short princess sleeves and the front dipped low enough to show an eye-catching amount of cleavage. The bodice clung tightly to her flat firm belly and then flowed across her hips to stop about four inches above her knees. Short enough to catch the eye but so short as to look slutty.

She pulled her hair to one side and asked me to help her with her necklace. I picked it up, it was the necklace I had given her for our tenth anniversary. A slightly S-curved piece of gold with four small diamonds that hung a tiny bit above the beginning of her impressive cleavage.

"My god, you're beautiful," I said as I leaned in and kissed her.

She broke the kiss and smiled at me, "Now I'll have to fix my lipstick."

It could not have taken the asshole more than 15 seconds to rush up to Di after we entered the ballroom.

"There you are! Oh my god, you look so beautiful! Come, you must let me introduce you to Father."

Sammy had snatched her arm and was dragging her away. Thoroughly pissed, I followed along behind them like some pathetic little puppy. He made a beeline for the front table and quickly approached the short distinguished-looking CEO who sat next to a stately, gray-haired woman.

"Mother, Father, I'd like you to meet my dear friend Dianne Jackson." He beamed as he presented my wife to his parents.

Robert Smith smiled broadly at Di and stuck out his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Jackson."

"It's Mrs. Jackson, actually, and this is my husband, Dan," She said turning to point at me. "Dan is one of the original owners and current Director of Operations."

"Oh, uh, of course, I recognize the name. Nice to see you again, Dan."

Mrs. Smith spoke in a surprisingly strong voice, as she grasped Di's hand, "Samuel has spoken about you many times. You are every bit as lovely as he claimed, but he failed to mention you are married to our Director of Operations." She turned her head to glare at her son.

Embarrassed, Sammy sputtered, "Uh, er, here, Di, let me show you to your seat. You are just here next to me."

He pulled out a chair one removed from his mother and looked at Di. She gave me a quick look and then sat in the seat offered. Without acknowledging me, Sammy sat between Di and his mother and immediately started chatting with my wife.

I awkwardly sat in the seat to Di's left. I was getting more pissed off by the moment and then I felt Di's hand on my thigh. She lightly patted me, silently trying to placate me while she chatted with the asshole.

During dinner, the CEO asked me a few questions and seemed pleased with my responses. His wife was very nice and asked about my family and my retirement plans. She tried to engage Sammy and Di, but Sammy ignored her and kept his eyes riveted on Di's cleavage as he leaned into her and spoke in hushed tones.

Just as they started to clear the table, the orchestra began to play. Sammy jumped up and grabbed Di's hand.

"Come, my darling, they are playing my favorite song!"

A bit befuddled, Di rose and let Samuel pull her onto the dance floor. As the music played, Mrs. Smith eyed me curiously. After the second song began she leaned toward me.

"Well, Daniel, it's easy to see my Samuel is quite taken with your lovely wife. You have been very patient with them this evening. I'm surprised you have not objected to his attentions toward your wife."

"I can't say I am happy about the situation, but I promised my wife not to interfere with the two of them this evening."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Uh, well, that's very understanding of you."

"Well, I still have another ten days to fulfill my contract if I want to collect my bonus, so I promised Di I would not cause a disturbance this evening."

She shook her head and gave me a pitying look and said, "I see." She then turned away in disgust and ignored me.

Di returned to the table long enough to get a drink and catch her breath. I tried to get her to dance with me, but Sammy jumped in each time and whisked her away. I was very unhappy, but I kept my promise.

After an hour of dancing, Di returned and said she was headed to the lady's room. Mrs. Smith rose and said she'd join her. Sammy had already excused himself so I was left alone with his father. We chatted a bit, but he seemed ill at ease talking to me. I was about to say something to him about it when suddenly several people rushed from the room. Concerned about our wives, Robert and I followed the others out.

There was a crowd around a door adjacent to the lady's room, we pushed our way past them. When we got inside, two men were administering to Sammy as he lay on the rug writhing in pain. Mrs. Smith was trying to placate my obviously livid wife.

"What in hell happened here," bellowed Robert as he took in the scene.

His wife turned to him. "You idiot son dragged Mrs. Jackson into this room and tried to attack her. I was just coming out of the lady's when I heard her yelling at him to keep his hands off of her. When I pushed the door open he was trying to grope her and then suddenly she had him on the ground screaming in pain."

"Oh good God! Are you okay, Mrs. Jackson?"

Di sniffed and said, "I'm fine. I tried not to offend him, but I've been telling him all evening to keep his hands to himself. When I walked by the door he grabbed me and pulled me inside. I tried to fend him off, but he groped me and I just reacted. I'm sorry Mr. Smith, but a lady has the right to defend herself!"

"Of course she does, dear," Mrs. Smith patted her.