Diane Learns a Lesson

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While Diane's husband is stationed overseas, she's blackmailed.
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This is a story written about a reader's fantasy, but please don't consider it as reality. He knows it is wrong to rape someone but it still doesn't stop his dreaming about it.


Diane had a foul mouth and her temper was just as bad. Everyone in the upscale condo complex knew her and most of them tried to stay out of her way when something didn't go her way. You could always tell when Diane was in a bad mood, as her pretty face was etched with anger and hatred. It wasn't so much she hated the world, but rather she hated being left alone. Her husband was in the army and stationed in Afghanistan on an overseas mission. They had been married two years and loved each other; yet it was funny how time apart affected any love.

One fateful day when Diane was in the basement laundry room, she picked on the wrong person. "You little asshole! GET OUT! Get the hell out of here and take your little fag friend with you," she screamed. The constant harassment from certain tenants in the condo complex finally got to her and she lost control. "Nobody touches my clothes... especially two little creeps... perverts!"

The two teenage boys were well aware of Diane's routine and knew she spent Monday evenings doing laundry. Jeff and his closest friend, Danny, would do anything to get a look at the sexy married woman. They often pretended to create chance encounters with Diane just to get close to her and be able to ogle Diane's seductive body. Jeff and Danny watched the complex's laundry area as well as the exercise, sauna and hot tub areas like hawks and they loved secretly spying on her whenever she used any of the spots.

Diane foolishly assumed her schedule matched the teenagers' regime, as they seemed to be using the exercise equipment whenever she worked out. The teens absolutely loved catching her dressed in skimpy attire and nothing accented her seductive curves like tight Lululemon and spandex. The total absence of any panty line or undergarments did wonders for the teenagers' sexual appetite.

Both teenagers could barely contain their enthusiasm whenever watching Diane workout. Jeff ogled her luscious breasts and he noted every time her overly pronounced nipples showed. He couldn't take his eyes off her bouncing boobs, which seemed to put great stress on her stretchy outfits. Danny was a leg and hip guy and he couldn't take his eyes off her long muscular legs and shapely hips. He often fantasized about catching Diane naked and actually caressing her tantalizing thighs and perfectly well-rounded butt. He marveled at how the tight attire made her appear extremely desirable.

Because the teenagers were from the complex and she knew them, Diane wasn't offended whenever she caught them admiring her. She was used to men staring because of her ravishing sexy appearance and she actually reveled in any attention now that her husband was stationed overseas.

The teenagers had the silliest notion that Diane was attracted to them. Jeff considered her the best looking woman in the whole building and he let it affect his judgment at times. Not only was she young and radiant; Diane was seductive and dressed to show off her womanly delights and her clothes seemed to get sexier with each passing day her husband was away. No matter what she wore, Diane was alluring, especially to two eighteen-year-old teens.

Jeff glared at the infuriated woman who had just yelled at him. "But... but... I was only," he said, as he tried not to look at the fancy bra he had removed from the dryer. "I was just trying to help."

Diane grabbed her lacy bra out of the teen's hand and quickly shoved it into her laundry basket. She looked at the frightened teenager and felt a little bad for losing control. "I'm very capable. I don't need help with my laundry," she said. "Leave... get out and stop staring at me."

Jeff reacted without thinking. He grabbed another garment out of the dryer and his heart stopped, as he fingered the skimpiest pair of thong panties. His eyes shifted from Diane's to the panties and back again. He was dumbfounded and timidly handed her the garment. "Sorry... yes, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you... just help," he whispered.

She grabbed the panties and threw them in the basket. "You heard me, asshole. Get out... leave me alone," she yelled again. "Stop staring at me."

Jeff felt totally embarrassed. He responded in a fashion of an irate teenager who had been humiliated in front of his best friend. "I'll get you. I'll get even! You're the biggest bitch around here and you think your shit doesn't stink," he said. "You swing that pretty ass around like you're the Queen of Sheba. I'll get you... I'll get even with you!"

The teenager quickly decided to cut his losses. Jeff motioned at Danny and then he turned around and departed the cramped laundry room area. "C'mon, lets go. We'll get even with the bitch. One way or other... I'll fuck that gorgeous piece of ass," he whispered to his friend loud enough for Diane to hear him.

They hustled down a long hallway and out into the complex's backyard. "Holy shit, the woman is crazy. We were just trying to help and she goes nuts on us," Danny said.

"Yeah, Christ I was just helping... I didn't know her fucking undies were in the dryer," Jeff stated. "I was just going to get her clothes out and put them in the fucking laundry basket."

"Man, I'll never forget her look when you held up that sexy bra," Danny said. "When you looked at her boobs, that's when she went off the deep-end."

"Yeah, I was imagining her wearing the fucking bra and that's when I looked at her. Did you notice her fucking nipples showing," Jeff asked?

"That was the skimpiest bra... and see-through. Christ her tits would show and I get the biggest hardon just thinking about it," Danny replied.

"Fuck, I wanted to grab her big knockers and feel the shit out of them."

"Christ I'd give a million bucks to get close to those tits. She may be the biggest bitch in the area, but she's definitely got the sexiest body."

"Well I'll get even with that bitch if it's the last thing I do. Mark my words," Jeff declared.

"Geez, when you grabbed her panties, she really lost it. Fuck, that thong would barely cover her cunt. Can you imagine what a wife wants if she wears something that skimpy," Danny asked. "She wants to get screwed!"

"You ain't fucking kidding. That bitch wants some hard cock. You just wait," Jeff promised, as he grabbed the bulge at the front of his crotch and made a lewd gesture. "We'll get into her pants one way or other."

Diane watched the teenagers leave the building and she was instantly filled with regret. She wasn't sure what had caused the horrible eruption at two innocent teens. Defiantly, Diane shrugged her shoulders and went back to folding her clothes. 'Oh well, the little asshole shouldn't have tried to help. I didn't like the funny look on his face when he fondled my bra... and the damn grin when he touched my other clothes,' she whispered. 'Christ, I think the little bugger was hitting on me.'

Guys were always hitting on Diane. She wasn't stupid and knew that she was a very desirable woman, especially when she wanted to be. Lately it seemed that she dressed in an increasingly provocative fashion for a married woman with her husband far away, but she deemed the reason was because of the lack of attention from the man she loved. 'That damn little shit-head has been pestering me for months... trying to seduce me,' Diane thought, as she relented and felt bad for being rude to Jeff.

Deep down Diane knew the reason for her unusual actions, though it shamed her to think about how she found the attention from men quite desirable. She was a woman with extremely high sexual needs and her husband's absence left her with no relief. Seemingly every week that passed, her desires increased. At first she was able to resist any temptation, but with the passage of time her willpower gradually weakened.

One day Diane discovered the perfect remedy for her pent up emotions. She masturbated and it was such a mystical experience that she used masturbation thereafter on a daily basis to relieve the tension. Whenever she didn't finger herself, the desire built and became very evident in her attire, with shorter dresses, lower cut blouses and sexy lingerie. It even showed up by her having a seductive sway to her hips when she walked, which gave many men and especially teenage boys reason to lust after her.

Diane found her behavior mystifying and she developed a deep fear that she was losing control of her desires bubbling ever stronger within her body. She finished folding her clothes and her mind kept going back to the teenager's brazen comments when he departed. 'I bet you want to get into my pants... but that will never happen. Gorgeous piece of ass! Well you little asshole, you can dream, but you'll never have sex with me.'

She decided to walk up to her condo rather than use the elevator. That was mainly because her mind was furiously going over the numerous times she was confronted by Jeff and Danny and she wanted time to reflect. 'Geez, every time I'm doing laundry they're here... staring down my shirt... staring at my butt. Every time I look at them they're ogling me,' she reflected.

'Geez, that time in the exercise room when they kept staring at me. Gawd, I thought my boobs were showing,' she thought and chuckled to herself. 'I hope they got a kick out of me doing jumping jacks so that my tits bounced up and down. I thought the little buggers were going to blow a gasket that day.'

Diane thought of more incidents. 'And that time I was using the treadmill. I'm sure they never took their eyes off me.' She took her time going up the stairs and wanted to think. 'Oh yeah, that time I was using the hot tub. They jumped in and I'm positive the little bastards had hardons... at least their swimsuits sure had big bulges in front,' she thought and grinned. 'And that time I was using the sauna and they came in with towels wrapped around their waists. I'm positive they didn't have anything on underneath, but I pretended not to see.'

Diane reached her condo, as the vivid sauna images kept flashing through her head. 'Gawd, I've never seen another man's cock... not since I've been married. I know... I should have said something... should have done something, but I couldn't. Anyway, maybe it wasn't... not really his cock, as the lighting wasn't very good.' She felt better with the reasoning, but not fully satisfied that she wasn't acting overly shameless when the teenagers were around.


Every year to celebrate the 4th of July, the condo complex held a big party. Just about all of the tenants attended and with it being Independence Day, everyone celebrated. Jeff and Danny eagerly went to the gathering hoping that the sexy young woman they'd idolized for months would also attend. Most of the residents of the complex were older and the teenagers grew very excited when the gorgeous Diane sauntered into the backyard celebration.

Festivities were in full swing when Diane arrived and it didn't take her long to settle into the party atmosphere. Although she found it a little uncomfortable because there weren't many her own age, one or two drinks easily got rid of any disconcerting feelings. Diane quickly had several men around her, which was probably because of her ravishing beauty and sexy appearance, and there seemed to be someone shoving a drink into her hands at every opportunity.

It didn't take long before Diane felt light headed and quite tipsy. She definitely drank more than usual and before long she was relaxed and ready for more socialization. Diane chatted with some of the men and she was having a good time for a change. Being separated from her husband was hard and she still hadn't fully adjusted to living alone. Diane attributed her foul manners around the condo complex to her loneliness and she was determined to prove she really wasn't a snob.

As luck would have it, the other wives didn't want their husbands socializing with Diane so she eventually found herself standing with two zealous teenagers. When the scrawny kid who she considered weak and incompetent handed her a fresh drink, Diane readily accepted it without any hesitation. She looked at Jeff and noticed a warm smile on his face, which put her at ease. Diane had already toasted with many guests since her arrival so when Jeff raised his drink in a toast, she willingly raised her glass.

The teen wished her the happiest Independence Day and then they both gulped their drinks in a celebratory fashion. She was already giddy so when they both laughed out loud, she had no idea what was so funny. Within a matter of seconds, her legs felt wobbly and she wasn't sure if she could remain upright. When one of the teens grabbed her elbow, she welcomed the helping hand, as her head was spinning a mile a minute. The last thing Diane remembered was glancing to her right and noticing the smiling face of someone she knew was harmless so she didn't resist.

Her feet started moving and before she knew what was happening, she wound up in the most secluded area in the large backyard. Without thinking, Diane allowed Jeff to steer her behind a big clump of trees and that was the last thing in her conscious mind. A fresh drink was shoved into her hand and she drank when her arm was forced into the right drinking position.


Diane woke up in her own bedroom with a splitting headache and she knew something wasn't right. She never slept in the nude yet she was not wearing a stitch of clothes this morning. One second she was staring up at the ceiling and the next she was running frantically for the bathroom. Diane barely made it to the toilet before she threw up. When it was over, she slowly straightened up and glanced into the big vanity mirror. The throbbing at her temples was excruciating, but not as bothersome as her next observation.

Her eyes bulged when she noticed numerous marks and blemishes down the entire length of her torso. There were dark, red hickies shamelessly sucked onto her velvety flesh and her eyes focused on one that was boldly engraved right next to her right nipple. She gingerly pinched both nipples and pulled upward to expose the rest of her boobs and she gasped out loud at the sight of more disparaging red marks. Then her gaze drifted downward and over numerous hickies on her stomach and more on her pelvis and thighs.

Suddenly she felt unordinary dampness in her crotch area and with great reluctance, she reached between her legs. "Dear gawd, dear gawd, what happened? What did I do last night?" She moaned and a shiver went up her spine at the thought of not knowing what happened.

Not only was the evidence of her having sex very apparent; Diane also struggled to understand how anything so drastic could happen and with whom? The day was probably the worst of her life as millisecond clips of being ravaged kept running through her confused head. She didn't dare go to work and stayed home trying to putter around the house doing things that didn't require much thought or concentration.

Everyone in the condo complex looked guilty. When she went down to the main entrance to get the mail, she met some neighbors and their warm smiles and greetings seemed to have devious connotations. Diane didn't dare ask anyone what happened at the July 4th party last night for fear of embarrassment. She dazedly struggled through the day trying to piece together the sporadic flashes that kept blazing through her memory.

The fog only got thicker and Diane wrestled with the thoughts of infidelity. How was it possible? How could she betray her marital vows? How could she spread her legs for pleasure with a stranger, she wondered? Diane put her hand on her stomach and she felt an awful trembling, which was eerily similar to that of her having a sexual desire for something or someone.

Finally in the afternoon, she decided to lie down. Diane was determined to recall the events even if they were bad. She closed her eyes and let the dream take over her mind. The images were fuzzy and not very clear at all, but they did reveal the start of her nightmare. She remembered standing in a very dark area with the two friendly teenagers. Then the words of one shook her to the core. "I told you I'd get even. You're going to be my whore and we'll have sex all night," Jeff whispered.

Diane remembered shaking her head and then the teen slapped her across the cheek. At the time she was frightened and didn't want to upset the friendly teenager so she let him guide her back into the building. The memory came in glimpses, but it was clear enough to know the teens literally carried her into the elevator and up to her third floor condo. She recalled having trouble walking and then somehow she was standing at her front door. When she fumbled for the keys, it took one of the teens to unlock the door so they could enter.

Diane lay on her bed and let the daydream continue. Her body trembled because suddenly it was apparent that she had been duped and her drinks must have been spiked with something very mind numbing and powerful. She wasn't the type of person to get totally inebriated to the point of losing control and that had never happened before.

The next recollection of her lost evening was standing inside the front door of her condo with the realization she was paralyzed. Diane remembered not wanting to stand and welcoming the strong arms that picked her up. She couldn't hold up her head and it rolled from side to side when she was carried down the hallway to her bedroom. Her eyes filled with tears, as faint images of being naked filled her head, and then her memory went blank. Try as hard as she could, nothing came back and she drifted into an uneasy dreamland.

It was about five in the afternoon when her doorbell rang and woke her from the restless nap. Diane answered the door in a tizzy because she still didn't know exactly what happened to her at the party. She opened the door and came face to face with two familiar, pimply-faced teenagers who had the biggest grins on their faces. One teen promptly handed her a DVD in a plastic case and simply waited.

Diane knew. There was a smirk of the utmost confidence written all over the teenager's baby-face and without saying a word, Diane knew Jeff was responsible for what happened last night. Suddenly what he said to her after she embarrassed him in the laundry room came rushing back to her. 'I'll get you. I'll get even! You're the biggest bitch around here and you think your shit doesn't stink,' he had said in a firm, direct manner that fateful day. 'You swing that pretty ass around like you're the Queen of Sheba. I'll get you... I'll get even with you!'

She winced and recalled the parting words from the teenager, as he left the laundry room. 'One way or other... I'll fuck that gorgeous piece of ass.' Diane shuddered and felt like fainting when Jeff's warning words from last night flashed into her head. 'I told you I'd get even. You're going to be my whore and we'll have sex all night,' he told her while they stood in the darkness under some trees.

The door remained open and without an invitation, the teenagers simply walked into her apartment. "Watch the movie. You'll see a real whore... see what a whore you are," Jeff stated. "You can watch the Queen of Sheba in action, as she celebrates Independence Day."

She reluctantly stepped towards the teens and decided to stop the foolishness right away. Diane had her fill of the teenager's brashness and she glared at Jeff when she spoke. "Get out! Get out this minute or I'll call your parents... the cops."

Jeff quickly reached for the door and slammed it shut. He had the meanest expression on his face, as he moved towards the frightened young woman. Diane backed up each time the teen stepped closer until she hit the living room sofa. Then Jeff put his hand in the center of her chest and pushed her down. Diane landed with a thud and she looked up at the teenager with a dumbfounded expression after his sudden show of supreme power.