Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 09


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We continued in the shower. June and Julie took positions pressing their tits to the tiled wall as they pushed her asses back at me. I fucked one and then the other. We were all moaning heavily. They kissed each other in a furious passionate embrace. June screeched as she went over the top of her orgasm. Her face contorted and Julie giggled at her. I fucked June until she came down from her high and then I switched over to Julie. She didn't last long and it was her turn to amuse June with her facial contortion.

June came around behind me and grabbed my balls from between my legs. I groaned and felt my balls pull up and I launched huge rockets of cum in Julie's pussy. She screamed and tried to join the action. She was still thrashing through her own orgasm and her attempts proved unhelpful. It didn't matter, I didn't need any help. I thought I'd never stop launching cum. Julie's knees buckled and she was going down. I grabbed her hips and eased her down to the floor as I followed her down. She came off my cock before she got to the floor and my last two dribbling shots got lost in the cascading water.

We sat on the tiled floor and held each other for a long time. Julie body continued to spasm. The water was going cold and we struggled up to our feet and lathered each other again and rinsed. I wrapped plush bathroom towels around each of them and dried them off. They were wasted and readily accepted my efforts. I dried myself off as they headed for my bed. There was no more sex as we cuddled up with each other and I drifted off to a deep sleep.

It was nearly dawn when I woke up with a morning woody. It was incredibly hard and either June or Julie was sucking on it. It turned out to be both of them, sharing my cock back and forth between them. I looked down to see, but they were both under the covers emitting loud slurping sounds. I threw the covers off me and they looked up at me. Julie had my cock in her mouth and she grinned around my shaft as she looked up at me. June giggled and said, "My turn." Julie relinquished control of my cock to June and crawled up the bed push her tits to my lips. I sucked one nipple between my lips and then the other. Julie let out a groan and moved down and locked her lips on mine.

June gave an amazing blow job and I lifted my hips at her face and groaned hard as cum surged up my shaft. June was ready for it and she handled all of it with ease. She swallowed as she needed to. My body went spastic and then I dropped back and wheezed out a groan. June grinned at me with my cock buried in her mouth.

I laid back and smiled at Julie. I felt like I'd melted into the bed. Julie kissed me again and then rolled off the bed to her feet. June pulled her lips off my shaft and got up too. They left me where I laid and went up the stairs.

I got up and did my bathroom stuff and got dressed. I had no idea when these contractors would be here to set up the Halloween decorations. I had looked at the company's website and they did a bang-up job in private homes as well as public sites. This should be kind of weird, living in a haunted house for a couple days before the party.

I went up the stairs to remind June and Julie that we would be having workers in the house so they wouldn't be naked when they arrived. I knocked once and walked in. They were on Julie's bed in a side-by-side sixty-nine. Both had taken over their own stimulation with their fingers as they had lost concentration as they were both quickly approaching their mutual orgasms. Their wet faces had rolled out of the other's sex and they were in the process of scrunching up into masks of pain and amazing pleasure, all at once. Their eyes were half closed and their mouths hung open like they were baying at the moon. No sounds were emitted. Neither of them was breathing. They were unaware of my presence.

As I watched, their faces tightened even further. Their hips undulated in search of the other's tongue as their fingers curled into their pussy. Then Julie let out a sensuous groan, "UUUUNNNGGGG," just as she rolled onto her back and launched her hips taking her hand with her. The groan continued until she was out of air and it tapered off into a long wheeze. She heaved another breath in and repeated. Then June started into her orgasm. Hers was different but just as erotic. She rolled on her back too and her toes curled as she pulled her knees up and her head thrashed from side to side as she suddenly released and wailed out, "OOOHHH MYYYY GGAAWWDDD." Her eyes flashed open as her mouth formed the usual 'O'. Her hips flew upward as her fingers flailed in her pussy. After a couple seconds, her hips dropped heavily to the bed and she rolled on her side like before and pulled herself up into a fetal position as every muscle in her body seemed to pulse and go spastic. Her spasms were rhythmic at first, but they quickly dissipated into random pulses of her hips.

Julie's orgasm had finished and her wet fingers rested, unmoving on her pubic mound. She was experiencing random pulses that rocked her body too. Her gasping breaths were slowly returning to normal as her chest heaved her large firm breasts up and down. Her nipples as hard and long as I'd ever seen them.

My cock was as hard as an iron pipe in my pants and I had been forced to make adjustments as I watched these two gorgeous and sensual creatures satisfy each other. My little-head wanted desperately to get into the fray, but my big-head prevailed. There was nothing I could offer that would take them any higher than they already were. Besides, June had sucked a load out of me a half-hour ago. I'd survive.

June came out of her fetal position and moved her body around to match Julie's position. They kissed each other passionately and fondled each other's breasts. June had noticed me for the first time as she moved around but she just smiled and continued on her mission to kiss and cuddle with her sister. I backed up to the doorway and then remembered why I had come up in the first place. I said, "Excuse me, but I just wanted to remind you two of the contractors in the house today." I got only an 'mmmmm' for a response. I was curious if they were going to start all over again, but I backed into the hall and pulled their door shut.

I acknowledged the situation in my pants and I unzipped them and let my erection spring out and bounce up and down. That was better. I carried my cock down the stairs in the cupped fingers of my right hand. I contemplated jerking off while the memory of what I had just witnessed was fresh in my mind. Again, it was a struggle between my little-head, who said, 'yes' and my big-head, who said, 'I'll be just fine'.

My big-head won again and I went to the kitchen to pour a bowl of cereal. My erection dissipated and I stuffed my semi-erect dick in my pants and zipped up. I sat at the bar and had my breakfast. I was taking my empty bowl to the sink when I heard the girl's shower come on upstairs.

I was collecting the newspaper off the front walk when a large box truck pulled into the driveway. The driver's door popped open and the driver climbed down. A man and a woman were still in the cab. The driver came up to me with a clipboard and confirmed that they were at the right house. He signaled the cab and they got out and headed to the back of the truck. I had only got a fleeting glance at the two in the truck. I paid no attention to the guy but the woman wasn't something any guy could ignore. She was somehow a melding of classy-beautiful and goth. She was dressed completely in black, with long black hair. I got a better look at her when she came around to the driver's side at the rear of the truck. Her black combat boots completed her goth look but somehow, didn't diminish her classic beauty.

The driver pulled my attention away from her and asked to be given the tour so he could assess what work they needed to do. He assured me that there would be no damage to the house. Everything would be freestanding. Speakers and lights and creatures of the night would be on their own posts and poles.

The driver, who was obviously the boss, checked the front and sides of the house before I led him inside. He checked every inch of the downstairs, including my bedroom, which I wasn't sure why until he said, "Swingers usually order the sexy/spooky package and sexy means bedrooms."

I chuckled and said, "We're not Swingers."

Doug chuckled and said, "I'd bet real money that whoever ordered this package is probably a Swinger." He looked at me as I thought about what he had said and he chuckled again when a look of understanding washed over my face. He grinned and said, "I guess I should have made that bet, huh?" He gave me a wink as he looked in my bathroom before heading for the stairs.

I started to ask him to wait until the girls came down but they were already at the top of the stairs. I had to smile because their descent was anything but the usual elephant herd. They flowed down the stairs like fog. They smiled at Doug and I smiled again at the awestruck look on his face when he saw them. He muttered to himself, "You've got to be fucking kidding me. Whoa." He realized instantly that his muttering was too loud and his face went red and his eyes cast down at the floor in embarrassment, for a moment.

Both June and Julie wore tight cotton tee shirts sans bras. They might as well have come down topless. It required no imagination at all to see what they were packing. The poor guy was too embarrassed to look. They wore short-shorts that barely covered the crease of their butt-cheeks. I gave them a disapproving look as they went by toward the kitchen and they gave me air-kisses in response.

I gave the tour of the upstairs which consisted of three bedrooms and a bathroom between two of them. I moved Doug quickly through the twin's room because it reeked of sex. I opened a window while he was checking out the bathroom. The bedroom on the other side of the bathroom was for Mom and Dad when they visited. It contained one king-size bed, bureau, etc. The third bedroom was huge but didn't have an attached bathroom. It contained two queen-size beds and a desk for studying, that no one used.

By the time we got back downstairs, the balding guy and 'Goth Babe' were carrying poles and speakers and lights into the foyer. 'Goth Babe' gave me a quick once over and gave a sensuous smile as she stuck out her hand and said, "Hi. I'm Hannah." Her voice was as sensual as the rest of her. She seemed to just ooze sex appeal. When I had first seen her, I guessed that she was in her late twenties. Up close, her beautiful face revealed some years and I revised my estimate to mid-thirties.

I took her offered hand and looked into the most amazing set of aqua-blue eyes that popped with her black hair and black lips. I got myself together and said, "Hi. Ummm .. I'm Dex. My umm .. housemates June and Julie are inside." In spite of her lip-piercing, her smile was captivating.

To go along with her black combat boots, she wore a tight black tee shirt over a bra that was too small and I could see clearly see the line of demarcation where her ample boobs were forced out over the top. The legs of her skin tight black jeans were tucked into her boots. They could have been spray-painted on. I was embarrassed to look too closely. She released my hand, which brought me back to reality. She said, "Where will the center of the party be?" There was that voice again. To make matters worse, or better, she had an English accent.

"Ummm ... the family room, to the left past the kitchen." She lifted two poles and I got out of her way. She squeezed past me, even though there was plenty of room for her to maneuver. I followed her swaying ass until I got to the kitchen. June and Julie were standing in the kitchen to get out of the way as they ate cereal right from the box. Their eyes lit up when Hannah walked by and those same eyes looked at each other as they grinned. It wasn't hard to tell what was flooding through their brains. I was sure it was the same thing that flooded through mine.

I dragged a barstool to the end of the bar to get out of the way and watched Hannah and balding-guy carrying numerous items into the family room. Doug didn't assist the unloading process in any way. When everything was inside, Doug started giving orders and the three of them were like worker-bees in a hive. They all seemed to know exactly what they were doing. We tried to stay out of the way. The work went on for hours, upstairs and downstairs. I wasn't terribly comfortable giving them total run of the house without one of us there to observe but by late afternoon, we gave up and I suggested we get into our bathing suits and go to the hot tub.

Julie was in favor of the hot tub but objected to the bathing suit. I whispered, "Okay, we can take them off when we are in the water. We can't just walk naked across the lawn with these people here."

June giggled and said, "I wouldn't mind seeing her walking across the lawn in the nude." Julie giggled and nodded. My imagination ran wild and my rising erection was pushing on my pants again. I headed for my bedroom as the twins thundered up the stairs to get into the bikinis.

I was coming out of my room in my bathing suit as the twins hit the top stair. The balding guy, I hadn't gotten his name, was going up. He stopped and gawked at the twins in their tiny bikinis. I couldn't blame him; they were a sight to behold. The girls giggled at the stupid look on his face as they squeezed past him. There was no subtlety in him. He stared as they went by and continued to stare until they were out of sight. He let out a whistle that he suddenly cut-off when he noticed that I was watching him. The look of lust on his face morphed quickly into embarrassment and he started back down the stairs until her remembered what he was going up for. He reversed direction and went on his way.

I headed for the back door and noticed that Hannah had been standing there watching me. She had a sultry look in those gorgeous blue eyes as they looked from my face to my groin. I smiled and said, "We'll just get out of your way." She didn't respond except to pull her lower lip gently between her teeth.

Before I got to the back door, Doug intercepted me and asked, "Is there a hardware store around? I thought I had everything we'd need but I've run out of wire. Your house is bigger than I thought and all the lights and speakers and animated characters need to be connected to the control panel. It's all computer controlled. I'll give you the tour when we finish."

I had to think a moment. I'd had no need to go to a hardware store. The closest one I could think of was a half-hour away. I said, "There's 'Harrison Hardware'. It's a half-hour drive away. You'd have to hurry though. They roll up the sidewalks after dark around here."

Doug looked at his watch and then turned as he said, "Hannah. You keep going on the finishing touches. There's not much more to do." Hannah nodded. "Jimmy, you come with me. I don't want to have to come back tomorrow to finish this." Jimmy nodded and he and Doug hurried out the front door.

Hannah didn't make a move toward her work. She just stood there ogling my crotch. She looked up at my face and stuck her tongue into her right cheek several times. Then she grinned at me. My cock reacted immediately and lifted the left leg of my bathing suit, exposing the tip of my cock which instantly pulled her eyes back down to see. I pulled the leg down over the end of my cock and groaned at the thought of what I was leaving behind. I opened the door and walked across the lawn with towel in one hand and struggling with my cock with the other.

The twins were in the hot tub already and had stripped off their bikinis. I stepped up into the tub and Julie yanked down my bathing suit before I could even get seated. I looked back toward the house and Hannah was standing in the large picture-window looking out at us and then she disappeared. I figured that she was going back to work until the back door opened and Hannah stepped out on the lawn totally naked carrying a towel over her shoulders.

We just looked at each other, not believing what was happening. Julie said, "Fuck. What a body." My cock made it to the surface like a snorkel on a submarine. June's hand went for it and gripped it hard. It pushed back just as hard.

Hannah noticed that the bikinis and my suit were laying on the edge of the tub. She looked down to see June jerking me off as we all gawked at her. She said, "I hope there's room for one more. It's cold out here." She pulled her towel off her shoulders exposing her very large boobs and dropped it on the steps before climbing up and stepping in to a molded seat beside me on the opposite side from June and Julie. The power jets were off and the millions of tiny air-bubbles hissed to the surface. She pushed her shoulders under the water and cooed with delight at the sensation of the hot water gently swirling around her. I introduced Hannah to June and Julie and vice versa.

I never understood the formal custom of providing introductions both ways. By saying, 'June and Julie, this is Hannah, gave everyone's names. There was no need to go through the second half of saying, 'Hannah, this is June and Julie.' Just another stupid thing I think about now and then. It was a particularly stupid thought considering the circumstances.

Hannah offered her hand to June and then Julie. I could almost feel the heat between them. Hannah said, "Wow. You girls are gorgeous." She looked down at my cock in June's hand and giggled before saying, "That's gorgeous too. Do you mind." June smiled and pulled her hand back as Hannah's fingers curled around my shaft. "Fuck. That's big," she mumbled to herself. She stroked down my shaft to my balls and mumbled, "Fuck," again. I groaned and rested my head on the edge of the tub as I lifted my hips up off the molded seat, which pushed my hard-on up above the water.

Without another word, Hannah slid her knees in to the foot-well and pushed her lips over my knob and drilled her tongue into the 'spot'. I groaned hard as June and Julie giggled. June was closest to the action and she reached down and fondled Hannah's right tit. Hannah softly moaned around my knob.

Hannah slowly pushed her lips down my shaft and stopped half-way and then her body heaved up as she gagged slightly. From there, she inch-wormed her lips down pulling her mouth with them. She didn't make it to my balls before she ran out of air and came quickly up my shaft and gasped in a lungful of air. She looked up at me with eyes glistening with tears. Again, she muttered, "Fuck. It's huge." The twins giggled.

Hannah pushed her lips back on and made another attempt to get down to my balls. She didn't make it and resorted to a furiously paced half-cock blow job that was incredible. Dusk was coming on strong but I could still see her aqua-blue eyes looking up at me. They were intoxicating.

She pulled back and moved into my lap with her knees at my hips. I had to sink back into the water and she went down with me. I splashed hot water up over her exposed shoulder and tits. She pushed her lips to mine and gave me a sensuous kiss. She held it as she mashed her lips to mine. She pressed her tits to my chest. I could feel her hard nipples as she dragged them back and forth.

With one hand she reached down between us and guided my raging hard-on to her sex and lifted herself high enough to get on it. She must have had some experience fucking in water, because she lowered herself very slowly as her head pitched forward. Her black lipped mouth with the piercing in the lower lip had fallen open and she was moaning a constant, long series of "AAAHHHHH's"

The twins were fingering each other and their breathing had ramped up to join ours. Hannah pushed the limits of her lubrication as she rocked her hips forward and back faster and faster until my cock seized in her vagina like a piston seizing in an engine block. We both groaned in pain as her motion screeched to a stop. She waited a few moments before testing and then starting again.