Dark as Daylight Ch. 12


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"Kicking me in the nuts is playing fair?"

"No one told you to be as tall as a tree, I can't reach any part of you."

"You were being punished for not being a good good girl."

He slid his superior weight over her, and pulled her arms out to her sides.

"Have you had a lot of fun?"

"Yes I have, but I believe that's all about to change."

"Making love can be a lot of fun if you let it. It doesn't have to be the intense, sweaty, all encompassing heart moving moment everybody makes it out to be. Sometimes it is, when the moment moves you. However, like when you were in college, you do it just for fun."

"What are we going to do now?"

"The intense, sweaty, all-encompassing, heart moving moment, because I want to prove to you that I'm not lying to you. I want you in my life forever, but the next time you kick me in the nuts, I'm going to take you over my knee and spank you."

"That sounds interesting, and even a little titillating."

"Hang on to me tight, Tiny; Junior is going to hurt you."

"That little thing, I'll probably bite off your shoulder."

"If it becomes too much, tell me and I'll stop."

"If it becomes unbearable, I would prefer for you to push Junior in all the way, and get it over with. There is no sense prolonging the agony. Okay?"

"I don't want to hurt you like that."

"Anticipation of doing it twice or three times, before it's over would kill me. Junior is awake, and I am as ready as I will ever be. Let's make love Joe."

"I have looked forward to this since I first looked into your eyes Mrs. Constantine."

He slid down her body and played with her breasts for a moment, before he slipped even lower, and played at the altar of life. When his mouth surrounded her clitoris she screamed. When he nursed on it she moaned. When his fingers entered her vagina, found her rough spot, and massaged it quickly from left to right her hips came off the floor. When it was time to stop nursing on her clitoris, he bit it.

Laura screamed in ecstasy as her world vanished.

When she returned to consciousness, the cheeks of her ass were on his thighs. He was holding her legs as far apart as they would go, and he was smiling at her. Before she had a chance to think, or say a word, he shifted forward, and the head of his penis slipped in to her vagina.

She was so confused at that moment, she wasn't sure what to say or do, so she did nothing.

He brought her legs in closer to his chest, and moved forward to hold her face, and kiss her. He kissed her once lightly, then twice with a little more fervor.

He moved away from her face. He looked at her, and kissed each of her eyes. "I love you so much Laura."

He leaned down and kissed her with all the passion he had stored in him.

When they separated, he had this huge smile on his face.

Laura said, "I bet you think your big man on campus now, don't you? You think you put Junior completely inside me, without hurting me. You thought all your subterfuge was enough to take all the pain away, and you were ready to pat yourself on the back for another Joe Constantine accomplishment; didn't you?"

"I wanted to try something that would keep you out of that terrible pain. You haven't been with anyone in a very long time, and I didn't want to be the one to reintroduce you to sex with pain as your first memory. I admit it would have been an ego boost, but mainly I was thinking about you, and how you would feel afterwards. I'm sorry if you thought it was anything else."

"I didn't, and it was wonderful."

"You bitch; you did it to me again."

"I told you you were easy. Do you want to stay where you are; are we going to continue; or are you leaving?"

"It would serve you right; if I left."

"The main part of what I needed to know has been accomplished.

The next part is, am I going to keep my strong family name, 'Burkart', or change it to a prissy name, 'Constantine'?

Finally, are you going to remain on top of me, with the little guy sequestered deep inside me; or are you leaving him with me, when you leave? What's it going to be Sequoia?"

"Sequoia, where did you get that from?"

"California, native tree, extremely tall, second only to native redwoods. Didn't your parents send you to school?"

"Yes they sent me to school, but I went to grade school in Italy."

"You poor deprived child."

"Yes, it was a terrible existence. I learned about sex, at a very early age. I learned about trees a lot later."

"That figures. You're getting heavy, what is it going to be big guy?"

"I think I'll teach you about one particular Sequoia."

"Oh goody. Does this one have needles on it?"

"No, but it's tall, and moves around a lot, when excited."

"I have evidence of one, but no evidence of the other Constantine."

"Hold onto your hat, Miss Burkart, the best part of the education I received, from Italian women, is about to be given to you free of charge."

"Will I be able to speak Italian afterwards?"

"Keep quiet Burkart, your mouth is ruining the moment, as always."

"I talk all...'

Joe kissed her to keep her from finishing her sentence, and began moving his hips. He pulled Junior out, from deep inside her, to almost her entrance. He watched as her eyes opened wide. He gave her a little kiss just, before Junior made his way all the way in, past her cervix, and into her womb. She was truly 'tiny', and according to her 'he might be mid-range, or smaller, but inside her 'he was truly a giant SEQUOIA.'

He was very surprised when she asked, "Do that again, faster please."

He didn't reply in words, he replied by actions. He let his body follow his dreams, and follow his reactions to her bodies requests of him.

Her legs were above his hips, as her body moved with his. He felt her shudder, slow for a moment, as she orgasmed, and picked up her movements where she was moments before. She seemed insatiable, and he was not going to let her down.

Time after time her legs tightened against his midsection, and he could feel her spendings coat Junior. Regardless of what he did, she followed him. If he pulled her up into his lap, and made love to her face-to-face, her eyes were shiny, and she followed along. When he turned her over, and did her from behind, she forced herself back against Junior, as hard as he was coming after her. There was nothing she wouldn't do for his pleasure, and hers. It was as if all her years of celibacy were being released in this one erotic moment in time.

She was sitting in his lap again, face to face, when her body went rigid.

"Joe, help me, I need this one. I need this one badly. Lay me down, and fuck the shit out of me. I need to cum. I need this one. Please do this for me, and cum with me if you can."

He was not going to deny her this. He pulled her arms around his neck, and her legs up to her ears. If you walked in the door and looked, you would swear he was fucking the bed, because you couldn't see her.

His lips were mashed against hers. The only time they parted was when he said a term of endearment to her.

His hips were in overdrive, like a race car using a nitrogen booster. Junior would not be sore in the morning, because he was constantly being lubricated by Laura's tiny explosions.

Then the explosions stopped. She stopped breathing. Her body went rigid and only one word left her mouth as a prayer: Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe!"

Her prayer was answered as she exploded into the largest orgasm she ever had. She didn't realize that her Joe exploded into her at the same moment. His head rested on her forehead. He didn't realize that her ankles were still resting by her ears, until they both returned from Nirvana to earth.

Laura kissed him, and then kissed him again.

"Thank you Joe, that was the first time I've ever had that happen to me. I will remember it always. Will you tell the woman, in Italy, that taught you how to do that, how much I appreciate the lessons she gave you."

"I swear Laura; you are the only woman in the world that could spoil a free lunch. I just had the most exciting experience of my life, with the woman I love, and want to be my wife, and she wants me to think a woman for teaching me how to do it. I believe your spanking is in order."

"Do you think I could have my legs back first?"

"No, it will be easier to spank you this way."

"Do you see where my hands are? I could easily break your neck."

"You are no fun at all. Let's try one leg at a time. Your tendons may be stretched, and I may have to massage them to get them back into working order."

"You just want to get close to my pussy again."

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?"

"I don't know, ask Junior how he is feeling."

"While I'm working on your tendons, you can finish doing what you started doing prior to us making love. I hate leaving things unfinished."

"Okay, bring Junior here, and I'll see if he's up to it."

"I believe it was you who said, 'There is one thing about the male penis. Bring a woman around it, and it will work, and work, and work, until its' master, or the woman dies.' I do not intend to die, because I am in excellent shape. From recent experience, I don't expect you to die either. I believe you and Junior are going to have an excellent time together."

"I believe so. However, if he gets me angry, I will have to bite him in half. I am sure that will make him angry, as well as its master."

"I am told he can be sewn back on, with full efficiency. When his owner recovers, you had better be someplace on this planet where you cannot be found. Retribution will be swift, harsh, and very painful."

"If I am your wife, why would I run away. The moment you strike me I will claim spousal abuse. You will be in jail for a minimum of 15 years. I would be entitled to all your possessions, including your bank accounts, IRAs and any other hidden assets offshore. Any hidden assets would add to your prison sentence, and you would not like me that much longer. In the meantime, there is a possibility I may be past my current position, above what is called the glass ceiling of the FBI. If I solve this case I'm on now that will be guaranteed."

"How did we get on this topic?"

"You wanted a blow job."

"I got into jail; how?"

"Do you want a blow job, or do you want to start all over again?"

"Let's start with the blow job, we will work on the rest, when we are 90."

"When I am 90, or when you are 90?"

"Laura stopped talking. You could drive a sane man crazy, and I am almost there. What is going to happen to me after I know you for 24 hours?"

"It's going to be raining. We are going to be sleeping in the same bed, and driving Tom crazy."

"So you will know two men for almost 24 hours, and they will both be crazy."

"Yes, but only one will love me, and the other one will be worried, because we will have his wife's permission to kill him."

"Okay, you are talking again. Put Junior in your mouth. I'm watching you. If you don't, I'm going to make sure you have a cramp the size that will match your orgasm."

"Talk about not being fair."

"Suck or cramp, your choice."

Joe moved her right leg, from her ear, to a 90o position to the floor. Laura could feel all the muscles and tendons in her body begin to react to the change in position. She looked for Junior, who was only partially erect, moved him into position, and put it into her mouth.

She hummed, "Is this Okay?"

Joe felt the tingle run through his prick, and through his balls. She had done it again.

"You bitch!"

Laura hummed, "Yes I am."

Joe shook his head, and laughed.

The End

Note: My apologies for taking so long to post this chapter. I will not post something that is unworthy of you, just because I am ill. It will either reach the standards I set for my readers or I will wait until I am well enough to get it right. I owe you that much.

At this moment, as my specialist says it, 'My Right Eye Is On Vacation.' It may be on vacation for him, but I cannot see out of it, so my left eye is doing double duty. He tells me the medications will bring it back 'soon', but gave me no time frame for that term.

Basically what is happening to me is the degenerative disease I have is shutting down my body, piece by piece, and there is nothing that can stop it. I have no termination date, so I will continue to write as long as I can put out a product that is worthy of you.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
giday bob

is this background matter with your health genuine?

your focus is bloody awesome.

all the best to you ahe

SnowRevolSnowRevolabout 8 years ago
Believe in your True Work

Your Still doing Amazing and We Hope for Help and Miracles for you to keep you well and Able. You know, And we know just how great your stories are, like others I started early in Mistake, then stopped in middle to read Honor, and stopped middle to read Payne, to restart and finish Honor then Mistake all over again so I truly understood all the amazing details you build and Hide in your stories. Small things that link the previous series in nice small and un-detracting ways that can pass single story readers by, but are there to keep the Fans that have read em all happy and laughing/crying with the characters for all the small details that make them real with out to much needed explainations in every single story. Keep up the Amazing work, And don't let Life Keep you from Living!


XandarXXandarXabout 8 years ago
Ignore the haters.

There Must Be a Mistake and Dark As Daylight are two novels I have followed since you published chapter 19 of the first one. I then had to read all of our works in order. I am now an avid fan of all of your characters and stories. Lucius Canyon is a man I have actually met. Different name, of course, but I know one identical to that personality and skill set.

The Zabo's are an absolute delight in how they handle things as well as how they view the world around them.

Even Luck could have been me, easily.

There is something else I identify with in all this. Cancer.

If you are terminal and there is nothing that can be done about it, I understand your drive in completing these chapters. If, however, you are not - the readers will still be here. We aren't going anywhere. Take your time and heal, please.

As for this being long and people wanting it to end, too many new romances, etc. The story is writing itself. That's the way it is coming out. The full story already exists, you are the one that happens to be turning it into printed media. They don't like it, there are other things to read, I am sure. For myself and the rest of us, please continue as you see fit. I, for one, am quite thoroughly enjoying the voyage.

Do us all a favor, would you? Give Teddy your head, please.

From my heart, Bob, Good Luck.

DwolfDragonDwolfDragonabout 8 years ago
Thank you

While I love your writing and you keep me on the edge of my seat and up late reading every word I too would rather see you focus on your health instead of being concerned for us your loving readers. Ignore the detrimental comments and let the story flow however it comes to you. If there is anything we can do to help just let us know

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Agree with Lo pan

You've always been a good writer, This is getting tedious, though. Time to wrap it up and move on. Each chapter is not quite as much fun as the previous. The end notes are a bit disturbing, too.

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