CYOA - Succubus Inquisition Encounter 05

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Will Athanatos escape or give in to temptation?
11.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/16/2021
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Encounter #5

[[Accept Jotsi's hand]]

Athan placed his hand in the goblin's small, yet strong hand. She helped him sit up, patted his cheek and cooed.

"You look so adorable with those heart shaped pupils." He felt himself swell at the praise. However, she hopped off his lap and tapped his dick, "down boy," she whispered with a giggle.

Then he stood on his own. He looked in the closet for a moment before looking down at himself.

"What are you looking for?" She asked as she readjusted her sundress.

"Something to ware," he replied, reaching out to touch the soft, fluffy blankets. His toga was ruined, didn't make sense to keep wearing it.

"Oh, you don't want to ware those, trust me. We won't get anywhere if you wrap one of those around you. You'll have pleasant dreams though. Until Meridiana finds you that is."

"Right, lead the way then." Deciding it best to change anyways. He pulled the toga over his head and wrapped it around his waist, better than nothing. Even though his insistent erection tented outward.

"Well don't poke my eye out with this," she laughed, grabbing hold of his covered prick and walking. He gasped before trucking along, being led by the dick. For some reason he couldn't bring himself to object, feeling himself twitch in her hand.

"Where are we going exactly? I need to know the way out and the way to the dungeons."

"Well, those are in two different directions. The exit is on the first level, out the great hall. And the dungeon... we'll need to visit a friend of mine for a key first. Then we head down to the basement."

"Who is this friend?" He asked, scratching his bald head, feeling uneasy.

"She works in the spa at the other end of this hallway actually."

"Why would someone in a spa have a key to the castle dungeons?"

"Well obviously she shouldn't. She's sneaky like that. Likes to do deals on the side that one. Under Meridiana's nose of course."

"Okay, then I guess that's our next stop," the goblin bounced with glee making her breasts jiggle. Her hand on his dick squeezed as she hopped.

"Yay, you'll love my friend, I just know it."

Athanatos glanced at another door as they walked by it. This one was crafted from strong wood with black iron bolts. It had a red painted symbol on it that resembled a crescent shape with one open end and a dot in the middle.

"What's through there?"

Jotsi paused and glanced back, rubbing her chin with her free hand. "That doorway leads to another world's dream state. It's how Meridiana travels the dream in search of food and subjects. This one leads to a world called Draenor I believe. A savage land ruled by large, powerful orcs."

They passed several other doors and Jotsi kept naming their locations. None of them were known to the monk but he found it absolutely fascinating.

"This one goes to Hyboria, this one to Azeroth." He stopped asking her to describe each one as there were so many doors. Perhaps one day he'd travel to another world and see for himself the truth of it. Other worlds, he could hardly believe it.

Such fantasies would have to wait though. Athan had to escape with his mind intact and save his own world before all else. He already had doubts that he would ever escape. By the time Meridiana released him he would be her puppet.

"These doors are special I think," she pointed to a few that looked more like drawings--paintings on the wall--than actual doors. "They lead to worlds crafted by talented individuals."

"What do you mean crafted? Like by the gods?"

"Oh no, nothing like that. These are pocket realms in the void between spaces. Great authors write them, and thus they exist by sheer force of will."

"I don't follow," he scratched his chin in thought.

"Well, these three here are crafted by GigglingGoblin, my idol," she said, practically swooning. "You'd like her world. But... I don't think you'd last very long," she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Then there's Annabelle Hawthorne and Many-Eyed-Hydra. So many great minds crafting amazing worlds. And there are so many more."

Athan reached out and touched one's handle. It was flat just like a drawing. "Can you visit them like the others?"

"You and I can't, no, Meridiana can, but I don't know exactly how. I just know from overhearing stories. She likes to discuss things she's seen while she eats my cooking with company."

"I thought she ate souls?"

"Oh, she does. But this is her dream land, her rules apply here. Though she can eat normally at any time really. Souls fuel her magic and supernatural life force. Normal food doesn't have any negative effects on her."

"Makes sense, I guess." They started walking again. Jotsi had a little bounce to her steps now. "What happens if she doesn't get a soul for a while?"

"I don't know. Maybe she'll get weaker. It's never happened though. I mean just look at how many doorways lead to other worlds. There's always someone desperately horny out there. Anyways hunny, we're almost there, don't you worry none."

A door up ahead caught his eye. It had violet runes pulsing alluringly. As the runes came into focus, he couldn't look away. He felt a tug in his loins, but it felt so distant. Then annoying mumbling followed, ugh he just wanted to reach out and touch a rune.

"Gmmgmgm what shsbbe doing? Snap ddhhh it!"

He didn't care to listen, the door called to him. The monk reached out, turned the handle and pulled. A swirling magical portal revealed itself before him. Something small tried to pul him back.

[[Enter the portal]]

[[Snap out of it]]

Snap out of it

Athan blinked, agony filled his head as he looked down in shock. Jotsi bit down on his dick. Just hard enough to cause pain. In the next second she slammed the door shut and pushed him down the hall.

"What were you thinking!" She scolded him. "You don't even know where that goes! It could have taken you into a sarlacc pit for all you knew! Dropping you into the creature's gaping, tentacled maw!"

She slapped his thighs several times before he could respond. "I'm-I'm sorry the flashing lights called out to me and I don't know what happened. I-it was like... I can't explain it, everything faded away. A strong desire to..." He shook his head, the strange feelings faded already.

He turned to look back as he spoke only to get his dick slapped hard. "Well don't look back at it!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Even I don't know where that one goes. It gives me the heebie-jeebies just looking at it." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him farther away. "You need a nice massage from my friend to distract you."

She kept mumbling as she pulled him along and he couldn't help but wonder out loud. "What would happen if you didn't stop me?"

"Depends on what door you foolishly walked through. For you they'd all be one-way trips though. Let's just go before you walk to your death entering another magical door."

He glanced back despite her warnings. Luckily, he couldn't see the runes anymore. Yet, he still felt them faintly calling out to him. What wonders could have been through it? Things could have been really bad if he had wandered these halls alone, picking at random doors.

"What other secrets does this place hold? You have to forgive me I did just learn there's more worlds than my own."

"I forgive you. I just couldn't get you to stop. It's like you couldn't hear me anymore. This place has more secrets than I'd ever be able to discover. It's Meridiana's personal fortress away from home."

"What do you mean, away from home? I thought she lived here?"

"Well, she's a succubus so she does live here in a sense. But she can take physical form when she finds entry into other worlds. Besides traveling the dreams which she can do at will. But she still comes from somewhere. She created this place. It didn't create her."

"Do one of these doors lead to her homeworld? Can she be stopped for good there?" He pressed on, suddenly very eager to learn his enemy's weaknesses.

"If one does, I'm sure it's protected in her personal bedroom. From what I've learned defeating a demon sends it back to where it spawned from. Defeating one there should kill them for good." She shrugged.

"Interesting," he pondered. If he couldn't escape maybe he had to take the fight to her. Then again no, he couldn't fight her. Not anymore at least, if he ever could to be honest. Now though, he was far too gone. Just the sight of her sent his blood boiling.

"And we're here," she said with a squeal. She pointed ahead to a grand entrance way. Instead of a door it was left wide open with hanging silks framing the walls. "Come on, I'll take you right to my lovely friend." The goblin was giddy with excitement, "ohh, I can't wait for you to meet her."

She reached out and pulled his wrist again. Thankfully she wasn't leading him by the dick anymore. He was still sore from when she bit him. Though, at further inspection it didn't look like she pierced the skin, thankfully.

The goblin pulled him through the cold, smooth silks as they caressed his exposed upper body. He pushed a hanging silk to the side and saw a room filled with cushions. There were women lounging around, some posing, some chatting amongst themselves. A few of them were putting on a show, kissing and caressing each other, eyes angled towards him.

Jotsi pulled him past them all as he distractingly looked at the beautiful women. They smiled, winked, and blew kisses at him as he passed. Suddenly he felt very shy and embarrassed at his state of dress, covering his tented erection with difficulty. The prisoner fruit he ate earlier kept him hard and eager, and desperate.

They giggled and teased him, trying to tempt him away. "Come play with us... pick me," they each called out their own seductive offers.

The short goblin kept pulling him until they reached a reception desk. For the first time he looked forward and almost choked. A drop-dead gorgeous demoness with purple skin, long black hair tied in pigtails greeted them.

"Hiya Jotsi, long time," her gaze turned to Athanatos and her black soulless eyes lit up, smile turning more sinister. She wore a sexy secretary outfit with a short, red and black checkered skirt. Her white blouse had its bottoms undone, tied below her bust, revealing her red lace bra. "What do we have here? Did you bring us desert from the kitchen?"

Athan gulped as she licked her black lips. A shiver ran down his spine, right into his crotch. The hard to hide erection twitched. The tented cloth caught her attention, her lips curved more. Jotsi tried to reply but the woman kept talking.

"Oh, I think he likes me," she eyed him up like her next meal. "What do you say handsome, want to walk on the wild side?"

"No no, he's not h-here for tha-that. I'm taking him to see Amaunet." The goblin stuttered, trying to get the woman's attention. Athan noticed her small black horns that were almost hidden within her shining black hair. They looked like obsidian stones that had been filed down to sharp points.

"Can't he speak for himself?" She leaned forward onto the pedestal, squeezing her large chest between her arms. The bra looked like it was about to burst. She winked at him and blew a kiss. Black lips formed and floated towards him, pressing against his own and popping. The vapor entered his nostrils and sent his blood boiling.

"I-I," He said before smiling dumbly at her. "Here with Jotsi..." he swayed a bit, leaning towards the feisty minx. She smiled knowingly, licking her lips before biting her lower.

"We'll be off now." Jotsi said impatiently, pulling his arm. He stumbled a few feet as the goblin walked by the desk, bringing him closer to the seductive temptress.

"Do you see anything you like, sugar?" She said, cupping her chest and bouncing them once. "The name's Isirsha, you'll be screaming it before long."

She looked down at his concealed, tented waist behind his shaking hands, "trying to hide it, or <1>stroke it for me?"</i>

Her words spoke directly into his mind as his fingers curled around his cloth covered base and stroked. She reached out, touching his cheek. Warmth flushed his body, making his cheeks blush.

Isirsha leaned in close, her solid black orbs captivating him. "Forget about the short stack, play with me instead."

Their eyes remained locked together as she leaned in close for a kiss. Athan's heart pounded in his chest in tune with his pulsing dick. What pleasures awaited him if he gave in to his lust?

Her luscious lips called to the beast within him. The lesser succubus puckered her lips and blew. A pair of black lips formed and flew into his face, popping once again. Athan breathed in and sighed. The scent of sin and pleasure washed over him. One little kiss couldn't hurt, right?

[[Kiss her]]

Jotsi turned back and noticed him giving in, about to kiss the receptionist. She growled and lunged forward. Athanatos screamed in pain as his goblin friend bit his wrist.

[[Go with Jotsi]]

Go with Jotsi

"That really hurt! Why do you keep biting me?" Athan complained, rubbing his wrist.

"Because you were being hypnotized by her mere presence! Let's go, you wanted my help."

He turned back in disbelief to see Isirsha smirking, winking at him. He felt a tug on his heart, a deep longing to walk towards her. He knew Jotsi was right.

"Ok, okay I'm coming."

"See you soon sugar," the lesser succubus cooed as he walked away. Despite the pain shooting up his arm he felt his dick twitch in his hand. Shocked, he stopped stroking finally and sped up to get closer to his friend.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"It's ok, sorry I keep biting you, but you have to admit it works." She replied with a small giggle, covering her mouth with a hand.

"Yeah, painfully," still rubbing his wrist. "So, what's the use of a spa in a dream castle?"

"Meridiana likes to lurer prey in when their dreams get intercepted. What better way than happy ending massages? What red blooded human, man or woman could resist that in their dreams?"

"Or the sweet smell of goblin cooking?" He asked.

"Exactly, all traps for her souls. You'd be amazed at what else is here. You can't think of it as a castle from your world. Things don't function that way. For example, the portals linking other worlds. Open a door, new world right there in front of your face."

"Yeah... making me question reality honestly. Not alone in the universe after all."

"Oh, you might be alone in your universe, that is different for each dimension."

"Right..." whatever that meant.

They walked through the hallway past many doors as they talked. She explained how each girl had their own unique room. Then they came to a golden framed door shaped like a pillar with strange shapes and pictures scratched into it.

Jotsi knocked and the door crept open as if by magic. When no one greeted them, the goblin strolled right in, skipping happily. Athan looked around the empty hallway, hesitating before finally following.

The room reminded him of the reception area. Lush cushions scattered around the ground with silks hanging from the ceiling. The big difference was instead of a reception desk there was a very comfortable looking massage table in the room's center.

At the far side of the room a unique looking goddess lounged in her lush cushions. She had golden, smooth perfect skin with black straight hair, bangs down to her eyes. Two black, fluffy ears pointed straight up, and a large, bushy black tail waved among the cushions. Her features were human besides her hands and feet. They were padded like a wolf's with black fur up to her wrists and ankles.

She wore a very expensive looking dress made from black and gold-outlined silks. She looked like a mix of a queen and exotic dancer of high royalty. Her brown eyes regarded him with little interest. Then she looked down at Jotsi and smiled. Athan's heart skipped a beat when her face lit up, excited to see the short green woman.

"Jotsi, it's so good to see you." The woman's gaped smile revealed her sharp canines.

The goblin squealed her own greeting and bounced up onto the woman's lap, giving her a tight hug. "Amaunet, I missed you!" With her face scrunched between the woman's modest bosom.

"Ha, I can tell sweetheart," she replied, returning the hug while glancing at Athan. "What brings you and this oddly dressed human to me today, darling?"

"Oh, I have a favor to ask." Her green cheeks flushing purple.

"A favor? I do love people owing me, but you've never asked for one before..." she looked concerned, "what's going on doll?"

"My friend Athanatos here needs a key to the dungeons to save another friend." Jotsi said with a grimace, not knowing how the woman would respond.

"Is that all?" Amaunet asked with a laugh. "I mean going against the mistress is unwise..."

"But... you do it all the time." Jotsi whined.

"Heh, that is true. However, I don't want to put a friend in danger. Will you be going with him?" Amaunet curled Jotsi's hair out of her eyes, around her long, pointed ear.

"Yes, I've already crossed her."

"Seriously? You?"

"Yeah, poured holy water on her and ran with her prey," Jotsi said with a shy giggle, looking up from the woman's chest.

"You little minx!"

"So, think you can help us?"

"For you yes, but first, I need to know you're in good hands," she said looking back to Athan. This time with a calculating gaze.

Athan smiled shyly and brought his hand up in a small wave, "hello," his other hand kept his tented groin covered, and not very well she noted. The toga kept threatening to come undone, not meant to be tied in such a way.

"Why is he wearing a skirt Jotsi? He's a walking target with that dick throbbing behind that tented cloth."

"Yeah..." the goblin replied, blushing more, "I kinda fed him some..."

Amaunet cut her off, "prisoner fruit, I can smell it. Still potent but slowly dissipating, I'd say..." she took a deep whiff... "two hours ago?"

Jotsi nodded, "yup... I sorta tried to claim him for myself before Meridiana interrupted and took him from me. She tore the washroom toga in the process."

"So, you retaliated and took him?"

"Kinda yeah, I saved him, but now I really want to help him out. I feel bad for what I did and all he's been through."

"Look at you, little kitchen wench growing a conscious. Alright I'll help you out." She looked up and discussed his situation in more depth. Athan explained everything from the first time he met Meridiana to how he got captured and trapped here. Being toyed with at every turn.

"So, you've been waking up in the same bed every time you give in to your desires?"

"Yes ma'am," he replied, feeling small under her gaze. Even though he stood above her. "I'm afraid that soon I won't be able to will myself out of that room."

"Hmm, interesting. Sounds like the mistress has more plans for you than her normal meals. That complicates things, but also makes this more fun. It seems like she wants you to fight back and resist. To what end is unclear, so... I'll help you out."

"Yay, thank you Amaunet. I knew we could come to you."

Athan felt nervous under the royal woman's gaze. She appeared to not be ruled by lust like many of the other women he met. Agreeing to help him had also come at a surprise to be honest.

"T-thank you ma'am, I wasn't sure when Jotsi suggested we come here."

"Oh, I'm sure. So many temptations and beautiful women that want to jump you. Makes sense why you're so tense and on edge." She looked away and Athan followed her gaze. She looked at the massage table with a raised eyebrow. "Perhaps I can offer you more help before you leave. I nice massage to calm your nerves. Work that prisoner fruit out of your system?"

He gulped, "um, heh I'm not sure that's a..."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all. My treat for giving my friend here some... how do I say... backbone? She's never stood up for herself before." She said as she rubbed the goblin's hair. Jotsi had laid her head down on the woman's bosom again. Her eyes were fluttering, as if she was falling asleep. Athan could have sworn he heard the goblin purr just then.