Cured for Christmas


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"Like that Marquis de Sadism guy used to do," dad said. "He was French too wasn't he?"

"Someone has to make her pretty little lesbian bum burn. And then--"

"I'm married."

"Do you really think mom wants Melissa to end up in the arms of that lesbian?"

"And I'd be doing it for the family. For both our ancestors and our Martinez descendants," dad mused.

"I liked it dad. I love her."

"Liked it? Having sex with your--" My father couldn't finish his sentence.

"Yes," I answered.

We talked for another ten minutes before I finally got to my feet to leave. I'd told him exactly how I'd felt. How she'd felt. Then, just as I was about to go out the door, I stopped and turned back. "You know dad we may have another problem. Paloma said something to me the other day. Something that's got me worried."

"Paloma? Is something wrong with Paloma too?"

"I don't think it was that good for her to have seen Melissa and Emmanuelle together. Doing what they did." I could see immediately that my father was horrified. Paloma was his favorite. Heck, little Paloma, although no longer little, had, as the baby in the family, always been all of our favorites.

"At Thanksgiving? She saw them? Together? Doing things?" My dad certainly wasn't going to articulate 'what things' he was imagining. It was enough for my purposes that he was thinking them.

"I think Emmanuelle slipped into their bedroom one of the nights she was here. She heard them."

"That goddamn French bitch! I swear on the memory of my mother that she is going to pay when we get up there."

I let dad stew on his thoughts of revenge a few moments before I threw in the piece de resistance, "Paloma thinks maybe she's one too."

"One what?"

"She was far too young to see something like that. She's still a virgin."

"Of course she's a virgin," exploded from my father's mouth.

"She told me that her boyfriend wanted her to touch his--"

"That little bastard Rafael?"

"It was a couple of months ago. He rubbed his penis up against her as they danced. Whispered in her ear that he'd like her to kiss it. Of course she said no."

"I'll kill the little prick." Dad was fuming!

"Then it was Thanksgiving and she saw Melissa and the French girl in bed. Heard them. Paloma told me that Emmanuelle came into the bathroom one day when she was showering."

"When Paloma was naked? What did she do?" my father demanded.

"Nothing that time. Well, she sorta rubbed up against her. Pretended it was an accident."

"Accident my ass. That bitch is going to know what a Martinez cock feels like before I get through with her."

"It excited Paloma. She told me she's been dreaming of girls ever since. Naked girls."

"She'll need to be cured?" I nodded yes. "By you?"

I shook my head no.

"But how?"

"You'll have to do it. Doctor Singh agreed," I added as I saw the protest form on my father's lips. "He said our whole family could fall apart if you don't stop it once and for all. You're the head of the family."

"You told Doctor Singh about Paloma ...I'm married ... your mom..."

"Mom doesn't want another lesbian in the family dad. And she knows about Melissa and me."

"She does? You told her? She never said anything to me."

"Of course not. She just knew."

"Did she say anything to you?"

"No but she said something to Melisa."

"What'd she say?"

"Just to be careful. I think she knew I'd never hurt her. Dad, mom liked the idea of Melissa with that French girl even less than we did."


"Do you think mom wants Paloma to end up in the arms of some foreign lesbian? Maybe a Bulgarian or a German. Do you know what kinds of things German lesbians get up to?" Dad may not have but he could imagine it.

"You're going to have to do it soon... before it's too late," I added. I left it at that. I knew I'd given dad a hell of a lot to mull over. Perhaps too much. He left the den shaking his head.

I heard them that night. Twenty minutes after dad had left the den it had started. I was sipping a beer and watching the news when I heard the first cry. Mom and dad. Making love. It was exciting to hear it. So much so that after a couple of minutes of it I got up off the couch and moved to the door of the den. Their bedroom door was open. I inched silently down the hall until I was just able to see inside the room.

Mom was on her hands and knees in the center of their king size bed. My father was fucking her doggie style. I pulled my sweatpants down to my knees.

My parents did it twice. The second time mom rode dad, her bum nestled on his thighs as he rammed his cock up and into her. I fondled myself the whole time before finally retreating back down the hall and into the kitchen. Minutes after having cut myself a piece of Cuban cake and sitting down in the dark at the kitchen table I heard someone approaching.

Mom! She was naked. I didn't say anything as she walked over to the refrigerator. I knew my father's cum was deep inside her. I watched as the refrigerator light lit up her body.

Mom didn't notice me until she'd filled a glass of milk and cut a piece of pie for herself and turned toward the table. For a second shock lit up her face. But she didn't do anything to cover herself. She watched me for seconds before sitting down at the table opposite me.

For second after second she watched me. Finally she said softly, in hardly more than a whisper, "I'll never blame you. You shouldn't have had to do it."

"I'm sorry mom," I answered. "About Melissa...about everything."

"It was our job, my job, your father's job," mom said, interrupting me.

"He couldn't. I couldn't ask him to do it. Doctor S told me one of us had to."

"We both love you Roberto."

"I love you mom," I answered.

"Do you want to talk about it? About ..."

And so I started to talk. I told my mother what Melissa and I had done. In excruciating detail. How we'd felt. How I'd never been with another woman who'd excited me so much. And as I talked I took in every detail of my mother's naked body. She allowed me to. And as I told her what emotions I'd felt when I'd pushed my penis inside of Melissa on Christmas Eve mom, almost certainly unconsciously, spread her legs and displayed herself to her son. Opened herself! An unmistakable invitation.

"You won't stop, will you?" she asked when I'd finished my recital. I didn't have to answer; mom saw the answer in my eyes. She stood up. "I guess its bedtime," she offered as she looked down at me bemusedly.

"Night mom," I said as I stood up, then I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Your father said something tonight about Paloma," she said softly just as I was about to turn away. We were standing facing each other. Just inches apart. Mother was naked. Her nipples, lighter in color than her daughters, were erect.

"I watched ... watched you and daddy tonight," I whispered back to my mother. "Making love." I had an erection. Mom knew I did. She said nothing.

"Daddy's going to have to be the one to cure Paloma," I finally added.

"He is?" my mother asked softly.

"Yes," I answered one millisecond before my lips found hers.

It was just one kiss. A long kiss but only one. But there was a promise in that kiss. We both knew it. During that one kiss mom had pressed her body into my erection.

"We'll both have to be there when Paloma is being cured," I said as I looked deeply into her eyes. "They'll both need our support."

And then, just for a second, I felt mother's hand slide slowly down across the bulge in my pants. And then she was gone...


Paloma was in my bed when I finally returned to my room that night. I found her curled up naked and asleep when I pulled back the sheet that was covering her. I slid in beside her and spooned into a comfortable position next to her. Seconds later I felt her come awake.

She smiled as she stretched her body. "I thought you might be lonely without someone in your bed," she purred.

"Did you?"

"Melissa is probably in bed with that Frenchwoman right now," Paloma said. "Doing lesbian things."

I didn't take the bait. "Don't worry, I just told dad all about your problem," I whispered to my sister.

"What problem?" And so I told Paloma the made up story I'd told dad.

"You told dad I was gay?"

"Potentially gay," I answered with a grin. "That his lovable, innocent, little virgin daughter had been manhandled by a boy at one of your Christmas parties."

"You didn't tell him thaaat?"

"I had too. I even had to tell him how your boyfriend always pushes his little penis against you when you're dancing. That you hate it."

"I hate you!"

"I told him how seeing your sister and Emmanuelle making love excited you. How you've been dreaming of it ever since. How Manny touched you in the shower."

"She did not!"

"That Doctor Singh is worried about you."

"What did daddy say?"

"What do you think he said?"

And then the light went on in my little sister's brain. "You planned it! So he'll want you to cure me too? Is that it?"

"You'll definitely have to be cured," I agreed.

"You want to put this in your poor little virgin sister don't you? Your beautiful, teenage sister that you love so much." Her hand snaked down between our bodies until it found my cock. She didn't seem upset at the notion.



"Doctor Singh told me that it's going to take a lot more than me to cure your problem."

"If you told Doctor Singh I'll kill you," Paloma threatened. But her soft, warm little hand still held my cock.

"He told dad and I that in this more difficult case that dad would have be the one to do the curing this time."

Paloma's eyes open wide in surprise. She's clearly never contemplated the idea. "Daddy? With me?"

"He's the head of the family."

For seconds Paloma's brain analyzed the idea. "And then you?"

"Of course then me," I told my sister. "Doctor Singh told me he'd found in his studies that girls like you were often much harder to cure than older girls like Meli."

"He did? We are?"

"Uh huh. That sometimes it can takes months to effect a complete cure on an impressionable young girl like you."

"So we might have to--"

"He said that it would probably be best if we spent most nights together for maybe as long as a year."

"Me in your bed? Just to make sure?" Paloma's eyes were sparkling.

"And of course daddy would have to cum and visit his baby girl every once in a while. To make sure the cure was still working."

"What about mommy?"

"Mommy understood about Melissa, she'll understand about you."


"Of course it'll be best if she's there the first time."

"She'll watch daddy and me?"

"Both of us will."

"What if I want you to be first?"

"We can't! Not yet, daddy has to be first." Paloma continued to caress my cock with her hand.

"Is it going to be soon?" she asked in a wet whisper into my ear. "And where?"

"I suggested to dad that we take a long weekend on the boat. Maybe next weekend. Mom thought it was a good idea."


"Now go to sleep." I tried to roll away from Paloma. She held on.

"Just because we can't do that Roberto doesn't mean there aren't lots of things we can do."

"Like what?" I whispered.

"Like this," Paloma answered as she ducked her head and captured my left nipple in her lips. "Or this," she added as she started to lick her way downward.

"We shouldn't."

"It wouldn't be fair to daddy if I didn't know anything," she said before kissing my cockhead. I groaned as my penis strained in her hand.

"I don't even know what sperm looks like ... or tastes like." A second later my cock was engulfed in her warm, wet mouth. Paloma soon got her first taste of cum. And seemed to like it! And I'd certainly enjoyed her having her take it.

"What'll we do tomorrow night? I've only got a few days to practice." She was lying on her stomach with her head arched up into the air. She was watching me closely. A strand of creamy cum hung from the corner of her mouth.

"You could do what you did to Melissa that first night. With your tongue," Paloma lured.

"You're going to sleep in your own bed," I ordered.

"Do you think I have a nice bum Roberto?" I couldn't stop my eyes from trailing down her body.

"For someone in high school?" I asked. Paloma had a perfect bum!

"I'm a virgin on both sides Roberto. One for both you and daddy."

"I don't think--"

"Put your hand on it Roberto." I couldn't stop my hand from obeying her. It was soft ... but firm ... perfectly rounded ... I slid my fingers between her cheeks ...

"Yes ... yes Roberto ... right there," Paloma moaned as I lightly fingered the puckered opening of her anus. A few seconds later I gave her butt a nice sharp slap.

"Tomorrow night, we'll do it tomorrow night," Paloma lured as she curled up against me. Within seconds she'd fallen asleep. It took me much longer before I did.

It's going to be a very busy 2012 I thought to myself as I watched my sleeping sister.

Paloma ... and Mom ... and Melissa ... and then of course that evil French lesbian will have to be cured...


November 2011: Thanks for reading my story -- I hope you enjoyed it. And seeing that it's the holiday season I hope all of you readers will just take the seconds required and give me a gift. A VOTE might not sound like much of a gift but to we authors hearing back from you is our greatest desire.

Frankly I prefer any vote (high, middle or low) as opposed to you not voting. For your information my recent stories have, on average, got clicked onto by 75,000+ readers but only average 700 to 750 votes. This low voting rate -- less than 1 out every 100 people who open the story vote -- is actually better than most writers here receive. Many stories struggle to receive 10 or 20 votes total! So please vote for this story and other stories you read on this site.

I'd also love to receive your comments and ideas. You can comment below or send me an e-mail. Let me know what you'd like to see next.

And if you like my work why not designate me one of your FAVORITE AUTHORS. It takes just a second. After voting just click the Favorite Author button. Thanks, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Coming up next (and hopefully quite soon) is a Loving Wives story that follows a teenage boy as he moves from his girlfriend to her mom to a married neighbor and then finally back to his mom! I'm also hoping to finish the second chapter of "My Girlfriends Mom Shrieked" before Xmas. And I hope you read chapter 2 of Jimmy T's Family -- it came out earlier this week.

Have a great Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year... may 2012 bring you and yours peace and prosperity.

james (jim) r scouries

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Absolutely wonderful humor. Great story.

ToughSailorToughSailor5 months ago

Great story up until the incomplete ending. Need to describe the scene when Roberto and Mom witness the action when "We'll both have to be there when Paloma is being cured". Now that would be worth reading . . . .

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

*Joseph* Marti High? Seriously?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It would be cool if Melissa got pregnant, then came right back home after catching the gal in bed with a tranny Female to male, by she didn't notice, flew back home, telling her she needs to stay home for a bit.

When she is starting to show , flys back with her brother catching them together.

MY name is on the lease get out.

Brother will you move in with me? My baby needs a daddy."


"We could have been in a 3-some, not anymore.

NickCaveNickCave11 months ago

I don't understand why you chose to make Roberto talk his father into "fixing" sweet Paloma. The father couldn't stand the thought of doing his oldest daughter, so why would he all of a sudden be okay doing someone much younger? His sweet, little princess Paloma. Plus, it's clear as day Paloma has the major hots for Roberto. A loving brother (in the sense of this story) would want to give his little sister her dream come true - not have old, sweaty dad pumping his little angel. A 5-star story, but I thought that was a weird way to go. Regardless, a great story. I don't think I've ever read a story with this plot before.

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