Cruising for Love

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Was this a shipboard fling or something more?
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After yet another call from a middle manager who had no idea how remote area nursing even worked, I agreed that yes, my leave levels were far too high and begrudgingly agreed to take four months off over the big Wet. I lived and worked in a community in the middle (or thereabouts!) of Cape York, the tip of Australia. I was one of the longest serving nurses in our community having escaped there six years previously after a very nasty relationship breakdown.

I had thought Diego was the one. A doctor at the hospital where I was working, originally from Argentina, everything seemed to be going well. We had moved in together, however he had issues with his medical registration after failing a few exams. I offered to sponsor him on a spousal visa, however he refused, and the mention of 'spouse' saw him running for the hills. Well running back to Argentina at least. I foolishly thought we could do long distance and we skyped for a while. After a couple of months I decided to surprise him by booking a ticket to Argentina for a month, with the hopes of rekindling our relationship and convincing him to return to Australia with me, however when I arrived I discovered he had well and truly moved on with another doctor who he had studied with.

My reaction to this discovery was to immediately fly home. I still had three weeks of leave arranged so I spent time looking for a nursing job as far away from the hospital which held so many memories of Diego. Hence, I had spent the last six years in a small community where I have been accepted as one of the locals. I have had a few guys hit on me over the years. I thought that perhaps I might have been able to develop something with a policeman who came to town, however one of his colleagues pulled me aside and told me about his wife and kids who he flew out to see every few weeks and I knew that wasn't me.

One of the local mechanics took a shine to me for a while, but he hit resistance from his family about marrying outside his community. A new teacher arrived last year, however when he discovered I was actually ten years his senior, he soon backed away.

I still had my battery-operated boyfriend and he had seen me well over these years. But my BOB did not give me tender kisses or hold me when I woke from a nightmare or bring me a cup of tea in bed in the morning.

"Suzy, It's Katie and it looks like I'm being exiled from here for four months come December," I explained to my older sister over the phone one August evening.

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Suzy, "You can come on the cruise for my 40th and our 15th anniversary in early December!"

Suzy went on to explain the plans- 14 nights cruising the South Pacific. Her husband, Dean, had suggested it and her children, Eleanor, aged thirteen and Austin, aged ten, were extremely excited about the prospect. I decided I had nothing else to do and even suggested that I bunk in with the kids giving Suzy and Dean some alone time in their suite.

"Katie, I can't ask you to do that, plus, this is going to be the trip where you are going to get some, even if it is just a holiday fling!" Suzy giggled into the line.

I told Suzy that I doubted that would happen and I was happy to go along as Auntie Katie and spend time with my niece and nephew who I did adore. Whilst I hadn't taken leave per se in my time on the Cape, I had been to conferences and ensured I could spend a weekend either side with my sister and her family. This was my only family after our parents had died in an accident shortly after Suzy and Dean's wedding. Eleanor and Austin had also flown up to spend time with me during school holidays with Eleanor determined to live and work in a community when she grew up.

Some people say they love their job, but I not only loved it, I received great satisfaction from it. I had initiated some health prevention classes at the local school and our immunisation rates were the highest of any community on the Cape. It was a dry community, but that didn't worry me as I had never been a big drinker. For the next few months I prepared Carmel, my junior nurse to run the clinics for the months I was away, knowing she would be ably assisted by the numerous Aboriginal Health Workers who had been trained over the years. One of the local girls had been away studying for her nursing degree and I agreed for her to be employed as a student nurse for at least part of my absence.

The girls and guys at the clinic arranged an afternoon tea as a farewell and Barry, one of the elders of the community presented me with a gift. Everyone laughed when I opened the box- it was a kit they had put together for me to cope when I was away from them. It included recipes from many of the local women, bush remedies from some of the Health Workers and a packet of condoms! I had to laugh along with them all.

"Katie, you are a beautiful woman," Barry clarified, "but you need a husband, someone to take care of you the way you take care of us. Go and find him!"

I flew out on a Thursday with the cruise departing on the Sunday. Suzy and Austin were at the airport to greet me with balloons and a poster Austin had decorated welcoming his Aunt.

"Eleanor's at home cooking dinner- she is so excited for our shopping day tomorrow!" Suzy explained. Eleanor and Austin had finished school that day and were so excited for the Summer that lay ahead. Austin had helped Dean paint the spare room in their modest home the weekend before. Dean and Suzy were both lawyers who ran a very successful firm specialising in family law and estate management. They had recently taken on a third lawyer in the firm and Suzy had gone to great lengths to tell me all about him

"Harry is 32, so a few years younger than you, never married, not gay, doesn't live with his parents, has no kids that he knows of and is drop dead gorgeous!" Suzy tried to explain, "Plus, he's coming to dinner tomorrow night so you two can meet!"

I knew Suzy meant well, but I also recognised that if I was to enter into a relationship it would end my life on the Cape. I had thought over the years that it would probably take a teacher or other nurse to join me on the Cape. I could never expect a lawyer to up sticks and suddenly work from the middle of the outback and I did not fancy returning to hospital work in a city.

Shopping with Suzy and Eleanor was lots of fun. I had purchased several dresses online but needed a new pair of swimmers or two and an evening dress and accessories for the formal nights on board. Suzy had shown me the stunning sequinned number she had purchased- a dipped back with a halter neckline in a deep, dark Emerald. It had been years since I had needed an evening dress and I had no idea where to start. Fortunately, Suzy knew all the right boutiques. I tried on several dresses, but nothing caught my eye. We were in our last boutique when I spied a simple silk dress in aquamarine. It was cut on the bias, totally backless with a cowl like neck coming from the spaghetti straps that held it around the arms.

"I can't do backless; I need a bra!" I tried to protest, but Eleanor insisted I try it on. It was perfect. It showed my curves and I was surprised that my c cup breasts did not look like were hanging around my waist. Naturally we purchased it along with some strappy silver heels and a simple silver clutch.

Next it was onto the swimwear shop. I kept reaching for one-piece numbers, however Suzy and Eleanor were only interested in bikinis. I tried on a simple black costume which I thought would be fine, but Suzy told me it was boring. Eleanor found a bikini which I did agree to try on. A blue floral number which to me adequately covered my cheeks and my breasts! I was not used to showing off so much skin, but my sister insisted and told me that if I didn't buy it, she was going to buy it for me! I agreed as long as I was able to purchase the black number as well.

Throughout the day, hints of Harry this and Harry that kept being dropped into conversation. There was no point arguing with my sister and from all accounts Harry seemed like a perfectly nice gentleman.

Dinner was lovely and Harry was indeed a lovely man, however there was no spark between us. He was very attentive as I told him about my work and at one stage when we were left alone we joked that we knew we were being set up.

"Katie, please don't get me wrong, you are such a beautiful woman and I know Suzy and Dean mean well, and I did have to clarify with Dean before that you are indeed 35 and not 25 because you look young, but I kind of met someone last weekend and it's early days, but, I'm not saying..."

I stopped Harry and told him I understood completely. Later on as I helped Suzy clear the table I told her that Harry was indeed lovely, but I really could not see a future with us. Suzy told me to be more open minded and said that after the cruise she would arrange another dinner for us.

"Suze, Diego more than broke my heart, " I explained, "he's made me lose faith in men and I have well and truly decided that I will be super happy even if I'm alone, knowing I'm a loved sister and Aunt." It was clear Suzy was not convinced by this, but she did leave it.

It was a magnificent day as we sailed from Sydney Harbour the following day. We had two lovely suites side by side. I insisted Eleanor and Austin stayed with me and the smile on Dean's face was thanks enough as he gazed into his wife's eyes as he thanked me. It was clear that even after fifteen years of marriage they both still had a deep love and desire for each other.

Eleanor and Austin found the kids and teens area soon enough and it was clear we would not be seeing much of them for the duration of the cruise. That evening was the Captain's Cocktail Party where we were invited to join the Captain and his team for a pre-dinner drink and canapés. Suzy had quite the wardrobe and whilst I was a few inches taller than her, we wore a similar size in clothes. She leant me a beautiful black wrap-around dress to wear that evening. On her it was mid-calf; on me it fell just below my knees. It had delicate flutter sleeves and a tulip shaped skirt that accentuated all the right curves.

"I must be the luckiest man on this ship taking two gorgeous women to dinner this evening!" Dean exclaimed.

Despite my protests that we could just slip in, Suzy insisted we wait and meet the captain and some of his team. I was making small talk with the couple standing behind us who I discovered were cruising to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary when I heard my name being said.

"Captain, I'm Dean Burrows and this is my wife Suzanne Simpson and her sister Katherine Simpson."

I took the hand that was reaching for mine and looked up into the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. I felt like I must have gasped but managed to add that everyone calls me Katie. I could not think of anything else to say. Captain Edward Smith was gorgeous. A chiselled jaw line and salt and pepper hair, but it was the eyes that captivated me. It looked as though they gazed straight into my soul.

"Dean, Suzy, Katie, lovely to meet you- now please grab a drink and I hope to catch up with you later."

I thought the Captain probably had his speech down pat now and doubted I would see him again. We picked up a glass of sparkling wine and I took a gulp.

"Katie, did you see those eyes!"

Suzy knew me too well and saw I was going beet red. I explained that I had indeed, but as I told Suzy he was no doubt married and anyone who exuded that amount of sex appeal had to have a woman in every port!

Dean found a former client he was busy talking with whilst Suzy and I tried to listen in. I looked around and saw a familiar face. I excused myself from my sister and walked over.

"Dr Burgess, It's Katie, I used to work in ED at the Royal with you!"

"Katie, please, call me Charles and this is my wife, Marion."

I shook their hands. Dr Burgess had been an amazing physician in our department and he explained that he had taken twelve months off for he and Marion to sail around the world together whilst being paid. We were busy reminiscing about our time at the Royal when a familiar voice interrupted.

"Charles, Marion, I see you have met the beautiful creature that everyone calls Katie," the Captain smiled.

I was again taken aback and explained that I had worked with Charles at the Royal six years before.

"On work experience then I assume!" the Captain offered.

"You flatter me, Captain, but no, I was one of the senior nurses in the department." I managed to explain.

I felt like a giggly schoolgirl who was trying to work out how to talk to her high school crush.

"Well Charles, I am going to insist Katie joins us for dinner tomorrow night at our table." Edward again said with a smile, his eyes ever so piercing. Our Captain excused himself and Marion noticed my demeanour.

"Oh, Katie, I see you have been captivated by dear Edward's eyes. I will let you know he is very single and although he would never admit it, very lonely."

The cocktail party was winding up and I found Suzy and Dean and we walked towards the dining room.

I explained to them that a former colleague was the ship's doctor and I had been invited to dine with him and his wife the following evening. I left out all parts about the Captain, however it was hard to keep him far from my mind.

The following morning Eleanor and Austin were off to their activities at what seemed like the crack of dawn. I had arranged for a pot of tea to be delivered and lay in bed I could not get the Captain's eyes out of my mind. I almost wished I had brought BOB on the cruise with me, however I had argued that explaining it to a 13 and 10 year old with whom I was sharing a cabin might be a difficult task.

There was a knock at the door and I called for them to come in thinking it would be my tea.

"Good Morning Everyone Calls me Katie!"

I quickly tried to pull covers over my completely unsexy pyjamas.

"Um, Captain, 'm so sorry, I thought you were my cup of tea." I blurted out.

"I'm sorry, no, I am just checking to see that you had a pleasant first night aboard."

I explained that I spent a lot of the night sitting out on the deck reading in the night air, however before either of us could say much the steward with my tea arrived and the Captain wished me a pleasant day telling me he was looking forward to dinner that evening.

I could not believe he had found me in bed in a totally dishevelled state with my hair looking like a bird's nest. I quickly drank my tea and jumped in the shower. I checked in on Eleanor and Austin who were having an amazing time and headed for mid-morning yoga. Marion waved as I arrived, and I settled myself on a mat next to her.

We grabbed a juice together after yoga. Marion and Charles had been cruising for over three months now. There was a brief three-night cruise after this one and then the Christmas cruise in which two of their three children and their families would be joining them. I had known Marion only vaguely as a radiographer at the Royal and we reminisced about our time there. Marion explained she could see Charles burning out and she was looking to retire, and a friend suggested cruising as sort of a working holiday.

My afternoon was again spent on a deckchair reading. I was often distracted from my book and found myself gazing out at the water watching the waves roll gently by with the occasional bird chirping overhead was heavenly for me. Our dashing captain was never far from my mind. His voice came over the loudspeaker at one stage reminding us all of the mandatory evacuation explanation which we had to attend. At least the crew member giving our demonstration on our deck had a wicked sense of humour and managed to give the briefing in a thankfully brief amount of time.

"There you are!" Suzy exclaimed after the briefing. She explained that she and Dean had indeed spent most of the day in bed, but I stopped her from elaborating! "Now, we have to get you ready for dinner! I have been going through my wardrobe and I have some suggestions."

I tried on a few of Suzy's dresses and then we went through my wardrobe. We settled on a pale pink off the shoulder blouse with a pair of black straight pants. Suzy even convinced me to wear black heels, despite my protestations that I was not used to them as no one wore them up the Cape! Suzy brushed my hair and managed to do something that looked like a braid heading into a messy bun. I would have been happy with my standard ponytail, but she insisted on playing hairdressers. She even helped me apply eye makeup offering tips on highlighting my blue-green eyes.

We had just finished when there was a knock at the door. Suzy opened it.

"Well good evening ladies, and my Miss Katie, what a transformation from this morning!" The Captain exclaimed. Suzy's jaw almost hit the ground as I tried to explain the Captain had been checking on guests this morning and as I thought he was my morning cup of tea I invited him in as I was still in bed with my hair going every which way! Suzy winked at me and the Captain offered his arm.

"We usually have drinks before dinner and I thought it was easier collecting you rather than explaining where we go," explained the Captain. Several other guests were leaving their rooms as we walked down the hallway towards drinks. At one stage the ship lurched a little and I almost lost my footing, making me grab onto the Captain's arm a little tighter. He just smiled.

"I am so sorry, but I am not used to these shoes- we don't wear heels up the Cape!" I tried to explain.

We arrived at drinks and I settled for sparkling water. The Captain grabbed one too and said I was more than welcome to have something harder. I explained I was not a big drinker and drinking along with these heels would see me heading for disaster. Charles introduced me to Helen, the nurse on the cruise. Helen explained she was retiring at the end of February after working for the cruise line for the last ten years.

Helen was a kindred spirit and we discovered we had a lot in common. She was widowed and decided that working her way around the world on a ship was not a bad way to live, plus she was never lonely working with such a lovely crew.

Dinner was delightful. I was sat next to the Captain with Marion beside him. The other side of me was Ricardo, the Chief Engineer who hailed from Portugal. Conversation flowed easily over dinner. I explained about my work up the Cape. Ricardo was very quiet and I managed to discover he had a wife and three sons at home who he saw every six months or so.

At the end of dinner Ricardo turned to me and shook my hands. "I have never had one of Eddie's friends sit on me at dinner, but I am grateful to meet you." Our captain overheard and laughed and told Ricardo to get back to work!

As we were leaving the dining room, the Captain again took my arm in his. "So, I can call you Katie and have been for over 24 hours now since you told me to, but I would much rather you call me Ed or Eddie or even Edward if you must, but please stop this Captain business!"

"I'll think about it, Ed" I smiled, wondering where all this was leading.

We again headed for the Captain's Boardroom where we had our pre-dinner drinks. Coffee was served. At one stage, Ed approached me, "Katie, I have to head to the Bridge. Now, if you aren't here when I get back, I really hope I can see a bit more of you over the coming days."

My legs almost turned to jelly. Where had this wonderful man come from and what had I done to deserve this attention?

Helen approached me. "You two make a lovely couple," she smiled.

I tried to explain that we weren't a couple and we hardly knew each other and I assumed he did this every cruise. Helen explained she had been sailing with Eddie for over 8 years and tonight was the first night he had ever been seen with a younger woman's arm around his. "Yes, he had taken mine or Marion's arm from time to time, but in a more collegial way, never with the tenderness he showed towards you tonight." Helen explained.