Computer Geek Ch. 02

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Slow seduction.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 03/20/2010
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As he left her office, Scott wondered if he had just made the biggest mistake of his life. Maybe he should have gone a little slower, but there was no use trying to undo what he had done. He had planned to invite her to dinner, but things had suddenly gotten out of hand and he could not stop himself. He had to pull himself together and control his feelings better next time; otherwise he worried he would scare her away.

Or would he? He thought about the moment when he had trapped her against the wall, and she had just raised her chin in defiance. He had wanted her even more then, and the warmth had spread through his system and particularly into his cock, making it even more difficult to make the right decisions.

Still, if she was the woman he thought she was, she would meet him head on. He just hoped she was as attracted to him as he was to her.

Damn, why couldn't he control himself? He had never experienced any difficulty in that department before whenever he was with a woman. So what was so different about her?

He just shook his head in wonder. It was no use pondering what couldn't be made undone. Right now he had some serious repairing to do. Slow and easy, she had said. Well, he would give it a try and see if that worked better.

After touching her he was convinced it would be worth the effort.


The weekend passed in a blur as Kate tried to forget what had happened, or at least to stop analysing and instead try to figure out what had actually occurred in her office. It was of no use. The man that had been the object of her dreams had suddenly started to occupy her daytime thinking as well. It was unnerving and slightly exciting at the same time.

She felt giddy just by imagining that he was telling the truth. But, the more level-headed part of her brain kept telling her not to get her hopes up too high. Most likely it was all a joke, although she had not been able to spot a camera or any co-worker hiding behind the door.

Still, even if he really wanted her it was probably just for a weekend fling. Why else would he wait until they were alone before practically jumping her bones? It was better if she tried to forget the entire episode and focus on doing her job. She didn't want to be the laughingstock of the entire company.


Despite her resolution, Kate spent a lot more time than usual when choosing her outfit before her next workday. The thought that someone would actually notice her clothes made her more self-critical. In the end she settled for tight jeans and a v-shaped top that showed a little cleavage. She actually felt quite sexy and it felt good, she realised. Maybe it wasn't so bad to have a man lusting after you -- even if it was only a prank.

But, working on your looks takes time, Kat realised, and she barely made it to the morning meeting in time. Sinking down into her favourite chair, she had only managed to grab her notebook as she passed her office. There had been a fresh bouquet of flowers on her desk but she hadn't given it much thought.

As the meeting went on, they discussed the new features and possible solutions were put forward. Scott lead the meeting in his usual controlled way, and tasks were divided among the programmers and designers. Kate was busy writing down her latest task when someone knocked on the meeting room door.

"Come in," Scott called.

The secretary, Stuart, was standing there with his arms full of flowers.

"Have you opened a flower shop, Stuart?" Scott asked, to general laughter.

"I'm soon getting there," Stuart smiled ironically. "I've had more flowers delivered this morning than in the entire year." He turned to Kate and asked. "Where do you want me to put them?"

"I'm not a florist. Why ask me?"

"Well, they are for you, but your office is full. So where do you want the rest of them?"

"Try the front desk or the canteen?" Brian suggested.

"Good idea," Kate agreed.

"Won't you read the cards first?" Stuart asked.

"Just put them on my desk," she answered slowly, wondering who was sending her flowers. It wasn't her birthday, and as far as she was aware of, no one close to her had died recently.

"Let's go on," Scott suggested, and effectively restarted the meeting.


After the meeting, Kate walked back to her office and stopped dead in her tracks. What on earth had happened here? She looked at the door sign just to make sure she was in the right place. Yes, it was her name on the door, but the room looked more like a hothouse than a programmer's office.

Every part of her office was covered in flowers till there was barely enough room for her in front of her computer. There had to be some mistake.

She grabbed the nearest card and read 'I'll go slowly this time'. No signature, but there could be little doubt about who the sender was.

"Wow, what happened here?" Brian laughed loudly from behind her. "It's a jungle. Has someone died or something?"

Being his blunt old self, his words played on Kate's fears. She grabbed another card and read "To a beautiful lady from a secret admirer."

"No, no one died. It seems I have a secret admirer," she said as she showed him the card.

"With a large bankroll," Brian added. "Man, this is insane. Are you sure this admirer is right in the head?"

"Probably not," Kate smiled. "I like flowers, but just not this many at the same time. Would you like some?"

"Just give me the one with the juiciest card."

"Will this one do?" Kate handed over a card that said 'I still want to lick your foot soles.'

"Man, that's disgusting. You just keep the card. I'll just take the flowers."

"If someone wants flowers for their ladyloves or something, just send them in," Kate laughed as Brian retreated. "I won't charge much."

"Are you planning on selling your presents?" Scott suddenly asked from the doorway. He seemed a bit annoyed as if he didn't like the way she treated her gifts.

"As I said to Brian: I like flowers, but this is way too much."

"Maybe your admirer had something special to atone for," Scott suggested as he looked around the room.

"Maybe he does. Or maybe he's completely insane," Kate just smiled at him before turning to what used to be her desk.

"Maybe he is," he said in a neutral voice as he exited her office.

"Scott?" she shouted after him.

"What?" he asked as he came back and leaned on her door frame.

"Is this your doing?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Can you just stop firing questions back at me? I'm sick of wondering what you're thinking."

"All right." He paused a little. "Maybe it was me," he said with reluctance.

"You don't have to overdo it."

He just smiled at her.

"Maybe you have more than one admirer," he smiled as he walked off again.

"I doubt it," she murmured as she tried to find her computer.

She finally located the computer between several large bouquets of roses. They were red, of course. He was a little old school, this admirer of hers, and she was certain Scott was to blame. Still, she had to admit that it felt nice to receive flowers from a man. Unconsciously, she adjusted her hair, and wondered perhaps if it was time to start wearing make-up again. Why not, since she obviously had a man around that actually noticed her. Now that was a change.


The next day, Kate's desk was covered with chocolates -- in gift bags, each more lavish than the other.

"This has got to stop," Kate said aloud as a messenger brought her another present. "Take it back, I don't want any more."

"But they're for you."

"Leave it in the office next door or something. I don't care. I can't eat all of these." She grabbed hold of several boxes of chocolates and went to find willing victims.

After walking along the other offices and handing out candy, she started to feel like Santa -- and not in a good way. This had got to stop. There was no way she could spend every workday trying to place a bunch of presents that she didn't want nor need. She could barely get any work done either since her desk was covered in presents.

It was about time she put an end to the madness. She grabbed the last couple of chocolate boxes, before she headed toward Scott's office, to face the culprit of this unwanted situation.

His door was closed, but she simply ignored that and stormed in before dumping the candy on his desk.

Scott looked up in surprise as she stood in front of him and glared.

"Something has come up. I will have to get back to you," he said to the person at the other end of the phone line. He ended the call and slowly put down the receiver, as if he was dreading the coming discussion.

"What can I help you with, Kate?" he asked in his most business-like tone.

His seemingly indifference made her even angrier than before.

"This has got to stop," she practically shouted at him.

"Do you mind closing the door before you start a scene?"

She slammed the door shut before turning to him again. A small twitch in the corner of his mouth gave her the idea that he thought this was funny, but when she looked again his face was back to his normal, neutral look.

"I'm not making a scene. You are," she pointed her finger at him as she spoke.

"What have I done now? I'm completely innocent -- in almost all aspects of the word," he added after a short pause, making her blush as the hidden meaning sprang to her mind.

"You're making my life hell."

"Hell? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about all those flowers and chocolates that you're bombarding me with."

"And the problem with that is?"

"Ah, so now you're finally admitting they are from you. Well, it's completely insane, for starters. "

"What's wrong with them? You were the one talking about going slow and all that. But never mind," he smiled as he raised himself from his chair. "I don't mind changing tactics."

He moved slowly toward her like a giant wolf focused on his prey. Kate felt as if her stomach turned upside down and she gulped as she watched his smooth motions. She looked up at him as he stopped right in front of her.

"Tell me you want this," he tempted her as he moved his hand slowly through her hair.

Kate was perplexed at the unexpected touch and just focused on breathing in his male scent while her heart seemed to be beating out of her chest. She felt like she was in a trance as he moved his hand down to her shoulders and further down toward her backside, before stopping at her waist. He made a small motion with his hand and she felt herself fall forward and into his arms.

"Yes, that's it," he murmured, before he bent his head down and caught her lips in a warm kiss.

She felt like she was being devoured alive as his lips ignited her body and made her feel like she had no will of her own. That last thought was like a cold shower to her system and she gathered her strength and moved both hands to his chest before she pushed herself away from him.

"Keep your distance and let me think."

"Who wants to think?" he asked smoothly as he moved slightly toward her again.

She held her arm up and stopped his forward motion. He stared at her hand while she gathered her thoughts. It suddenly occurred to Kate that he was out of her league. His experience gave him the upper hand, and Kate felt as if she was drowning in his presence. Preserving her persona felt more important than ever. Otherwise he would probably waltz all over her and engulf her using her own desires. She gave herself a mental shake and felt her control return.

"You are making my life hell right now," she repeated herself. "I'm spending more time receiving and getting rid of presents than I spend working. This has got to stop."

"Your life is hell? What do you think mine is? Don't you think I'm going through hell myself, with this teasing and tempting, before closing the door on me at the last moment?" he blurted out.

"Closing the door? I'm not closing anything."

"What else would you call your response to me a minute ago? You're making me feel like a stallion on a rope -- keeping me in constant pain."

"Did I step on your toe or something?"

"Toe? It's my cock I'm talking about. I've a constant hard on these days."

"Sounds painful," Kate just smiled at him.

"You're laughing, you evil woman."

"No, I'm not," Kate laughed heartily.

"Yes, you are," he tried to look angry, but failed miserably. Kate just laughed even harder. "If you don't stop I'll have to punish you," his voice sounded hopeful as if he couldn't wait to act on his threat.

"Make me," Kate challenged him, before adding another "ha ha" just to annoy him.

"Oh, don't worry, I will," he smiled as he walked over to the door and locked it.

"I'll probably scream," she threatened.

"Be my guest. I bet most of them are at the information meeting right now, but you could give it a try," he said, as he leaned against the door.

"If this is your way of courting women, it's no wonder you're single," Kate threw at him.

"There's a difference," Scott admitted as he came nearer, circling her as if he were a wolf and she was a tempting deer. "I've been single by choice - until now," he said as he came closer, giving her a small whiff of his cologne mixed with the scent of a tempting man.

Her head felt dizzy and she longed to just give in and let him make wild love to her on his desk or against the wall. The images that were flowing through her mind were getting more and more tempting and she felt a warm sensation gathering in her pussy, making her body feel ready for whatever fantasy he had in mind. This man was really dangerous to her state of mind, she thought as she stared into his blue eyes and tried to guess what his next move would be.

"People will wonder why you're locking the door."

"Let them wonder. I don't care."

"But I do. You're ruining my reputation."

"You sound really old-fashioned."

"I am old-fashioned. That's why you're buying me flowers and going slow," Kate reminded him.

"Damn it. You're making this really difficult for me," Scott said as he leaned his forehead against hers while he embraced her.

"How so?" she murmured while she stared at his broad chest, feeling the warmth from his body and feeling relaxed in his arms. It felt so good to be held by him.

"I've just had this fantastic plan of laying you on my desk and fuck you until you can't stand on your feet before taking you home with me."

"Sounds like a wicked plan," she said hoarsely and at the same time she could feel his arms tighten around her. The comforting friend had suddenly turned into a would-be lover and that made her body tense.

"You think so?" he smiled down at her, before slowly bending his head down to her and trying to catch her lips in a kiss.

She knew that if he kissed her now she would probably fall, but still she met him head on and tried to answer his kiss as best she could. Automatically her arms moved up to his shoulders and she clung to him as he tasted her lips. She felt a tingling sensation as he slowly pushed his tongue inside of her mouth and she breathed deeply. Her right hand roamed down his chest, before stopping over his heart. She felt his heart hammering as she broke off the kiss.

He groaned deeply and she noticed his erection pressing against her stomach. The warmth from his skin and the manly scent bombarded her senses and instilled both fear and offered temptations. She longed to unzip his pants and make him cum with her hand.

Instead, the fear of failure grew in her. She could not do this. It was broad daylight and anyone who happened to step by Scott's office would see them. Slowly she moved her hands over his chest as if she needed to copy his image into her mind. She moved her hands along the outline of his erection, and took in the sight of him standing with his eyes closed and the look of pure happiness in his face. It pained her to ruin this, but she was not the woman he thought she was. She sighed, before dropping a slight kiss on his cheek.

"I'm sorry, Scott. I can't do this," she finally said before backing away from him and retreating to the door.

She turned to look at him as she unlocked the door. He had opened his eyes again and stood stock still where she had left him. His shirt was slightly open and his erection tented his light-coloured pants.

He looked as if he had just lost his favourite toy, and she thought she could see the hurt in his eyes before he quickly controlled his expression and returned to the poker face that he did so well.

"I'm sorry. I just can't do this," she said again as she waved her hand as if to include the whole scene.

She wanted to explain more but she couldn't find the words, so instead she opened the door and practically fled his office.

"Kate. Come back here," he commanded but she ignored him as she hurried down the corridor to the safety of her office. She hoped that his condition would prevent him from following her.

"Damn it," she heard him curse behind her, before she heard a large crash as if he had broken something against the wall.


"Damn it," Scott cursed again as he leaned his head against the wall. How could he behave like such an idiot? The woman was skittish, and instead of going slow as he had intended, he had practically attacked her. Again. He had wanted to push her against the wall and rip her clothes off before plunging deep inside of her. He had never been one to lose control like this before, so what was so special about Kate? It seemed that every time he caught a whiff of her scent, his self-control snapped, and all he could think of was getting his hard cock inside of her warm pussy.

Hopefully it would pass once he got her to bed -- if he ever managed to get her there. It was more likely he would shoot off right after he removed his clothes, he smiled ironically. He had never before felt this horny in the presence of a woman.

Maybe he was even rustier than he had thought. His friend Carl would probably laugh his head off if he noticed him standing in his doorway, lusting and panting after a woman. And not just any woman: an employee as well. He had known from the start that they should never have hired her. If they hadn't, at least he would have maintained his professionalism, although his personal life would suffer. He closed the door and retreated to his desk.

If they hadn't hired her he wouldn't have had the opportunity to get to know her either. But what good did it do when she didn't want him?

Come to think about it, could he really be sure that she didn't want him? The way she had just kissed him and fondled him spoke of a woman both ready and tempted to make love. Maybe it was just the setting that was wrong?

What if he was to meet with her outside of work? He had nothing to lose by trying.


Please leave a comment, either public or anonymously. Whether it is praise or criticism, I'd love to hear from you and learn how to improve my writing. Ada

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Ravey19Ravey19almost 4 years ago
Starting to build up

In some ways she's giving almost as much as she's getting it from Scott in the verbal sparring. Not politically correct today but it's a story and it's 10 years old now. Usual standard, no complaints, 5 stars

Ada StuartAda Stuartover 4 years agoAuthor
To lisablissful from Ada Stuart

"way over the top

I decided to give this a good chance after chapter one, but this was way over the top, a Monday morning apology, followed by a request to take her out for dinner would have been enough for any woman. I am not sure that I want to continue."

Ah, yes, I know what you mean. This was written in 2010, but after MeToo, I admit I would have written it differently today, or at least included a warning at the beginning of the story or placed it in Non-con instead.

This is actually one of my stories that has been plagarized and placed on Amazon. But I intend to rewrite it and post it there myself soon, so I really appreciate your suggestion so I can improve it.


lisablissfullisablissfulover 4 years ago
way over the top

I decided to give this a good chance after chapter one, but this was way over the top, a Monday morning apology, followed by a request to take her out for dinner would have been enough for any woman. I am not sure that I want to continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is sexist and creepy

I decided to give Ch 2 a try, since this series got such good reviews. More sexual harrassment. He literally locks her in his office. She does absolutely nothing to encourage him, he gets way too physical, and just like Ch 1 it has a very rape-esque vibe.

vcwriter17bvcwriter17bover 4 years ago

Like a fine wine or chocolate, passion should be savored, not rushed. So should stories. I’ll continue reading, but I’m curious as to why she is so insecure and why he is so mad about her. The characters need more development by this point.

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