Club Reality

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Four heroines have tracked down their enemy to a seed club.
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Chapter 1 - Stake-out

SolarGirl hovered high above the dark alley, her cap flapping in the cool night air, her short blonde hair whipping in front of her eyes every few moments. She watched Galia de Thule's limo pull up and come to a halt by a door in the alley and the driver get out and walked to the passengers door. A moment later the villainous woman stepped out and made a quick beeline for the rear entrance.

She knew Galia was up to no good, she'd been planning something for weeks and had visited any number of seemingly empty warehouses and other buildings that had to be staging areas. She was the head of the most notorious assassins collective, and was involved in as several other nefarious groups that always seemed to be able to slip through the clutches of the law.

SolarGirl knew whatever she was planning was big, and that was more than enough to keep tabs on her.

She focused her enhanced vision to peer through the walls of the building, but found her sight blocked by something... though she wasn't sure what. A quick scan of the other builds brought up nothing out of the ordinary... except...

She flew down to a rooftop just across the street from the building Galia had entered and landed silently behind the shadowy figure on it.

"Nice try SolarGirl, but you can't sneak up on me." Came the familiar voice of Shadow Sword.

"A girl can try, can't she?" SolarGirl replied with a little laugh as the two heroes embraced.

Unlike SolarGirl, Shadow Sword was shorter, with deep olive skin betraying her Asian heritage, and a long mane of jet-black hair that followed around the blank red mask that she wore to conceal her identity.

SolarGirl respected her privacy of course and never tried to see beyond it, though she doubted it would work. Shadow Sword had powerful talismans, infused with magic, that would even stop SolarGirl's enhanced sight.

"So what are you doing here?" SolarGirl asked.

"Probably the same thing as you. I got some intelligence that Galia de Thule would be here tonight and I've been tracking her for the last few weeks... she's got..."

"...something big going on. I know." SolarGirl finished for her.

Shadow Sword nodded just in time to see the rooftop door behind SolarGirl swing open, she instantly took her fighting stance, pulling her sword from its sheath on her back, but then just as quickly, relaxed.

"You know if you two made any more noise, you might as well just go down there and knock on the front door." Night Sparrow said with a smirk on her face.

"You too?" SolarGirl asked as she repositioned her cape and brushed a few stray blonde hairs away from her face.

"It appears all three of us have been working the same case." Night Sparrow replied as she walked over to the edge of the building and across the street. Her dark blue half jacket covering her black unitard with fishnet stockings and thigh high boots making her hard to make out from the dark night sky.

"Make that four..." a voice came from the right side of the roof and the three heroes all turned in unison to see WonderMaiden take a step from her invisible jet's wing and onto the roof. The sound of the jet manoeuvring away from the building and off into the night sky could hardly be heard even this close to it.

"...and by the way, I kind of like your idea Night Sparrow." WonderMaiden continued without a bit of sarcasm on her face. She gripped her gauntlets and repositioned them slightly before putting her hands on her hips just above the short leather skirt that flowed from the dark red leather chest piece that made up the bulk of her outfit.

"What do you mean?" Night Sparrow replied, raising an eyebrow and jerking her short jacket a little as she stood a little more upright.

"Have any of you looked to see what that place is yet?" WonderMaiden asked.

SolarGirl shook her head no, "I just flew in a couple of minutes ago, I'd been following Galia's limo from above.

Shadow Sword made a similar shake of her head, "Hard to get too close with this on my back." she replied, pointing to her now-sheathed sword.

"Some kind of club, right?" Night Sparrow said as her fingers absentmindedly touched the choker around her neck.

"That's right. Club Reality." WonderMaiden stated matter of factly.

"Never heard of it." SolarGirl replied and the other two shrugged their shoulders.

"No one has by the looks of it. I did a quick Internet search in the jet and found nothing."

"That's strange." Shadow Sword said and then turned around to take a look at the building across the street, the three other heroes did the same.

"Club Reality. $20 cover charge, ladies free. Open 9 pm to 4 am." SolarGirl said out loud as she zoomed in with her vision to the small poster on the otherwise opaque door.

"Shit, wish I could do that." Night Sparrow said out loud and the others turned to look at her, then all four broke out in laughter.

"Well I wish I could create sonic blasts with my voice..." SolarGirl said after the laughter died down, ", wait, I can!"

The four of them returned to their laughter instantly, SolarGirl's overpowered ability were well known, just like her cousins, and she often referenced the fact in self deprecating humour.

"Ok, ok, but really, what are we going to do? Or are we just going to stand around on the top of this building all night?" Shadow Sword finally asked.

"I'm still all for going in through the front door. I mean, the sign does say ladies are free. And besides, it's not like with the four of us following her around, Galia didn't notice at least one of us. She knows she's being tailed, we might as well do something unexpected." WonderMaiden was the first to answer.

"Really?" SolarGirl asked, "I mean, yeah, head-on is kind of my thing, but that seems a little too direct even for me!"

"Direct, but unexpected, that is for sure." Shadow Sword replied.

"And we don't seem to be getting any closer to answers just standing around flapping our lips." Night Sparrow finished.

"Alright, front door it is." SolarGirl replied with a shrug of her shoulders, "Besides, I haven't been out to a club in eons... I could use a little fun."

"I'm sure we'll all be a big hit walking in like this." Shadow Sword said, gesturing at their costumes.

"We are perfect as we are for our goal. Galia would never expect us to go into the club in costume! If we can get her off balance a little, she might trip up and make a mistake." WonderMaiden said.

"It's as good as plan as any." Night Sparrow replied with a shrug.

With nothing else to discuss, the four heroes jumped over the side of the building and landed on the street below, then strode confidently across it and opened the door to Club Reality.

Chapter 2 - Forced Entry

The bouncer on the other side of the door looked shocked, then confused, then shocked again as the four heroines enter the club.

"Ah... ladies... can I see some ID?" he asked.

He was big enough to block the second doorway that lead into the main part of the club, but they all could hear the music pounding and the lights flashing from behind him.

SolarGirl and WonderMaiden were as tall as he was and could see around him into the club, though both Night Sparrow and Shadow Sword were having issues seeing beyond him, Shadow Sword more so.

"You've got to be kidding." WonderMaiden said as she simply picked the man up like a doll and moved him to the side.

"Hey!" he cried out, but to no avail.

"The sign does say ladies are free right?" SolarGirl sarcastically asked as she followed WonderMaiden into the club and pass the sidelined bouncer.

"Consider yourself lucky, the last time I saw someone get between WonderMaiden and where she was going, he was in the hospital for a month." Night Sparrow said as she too walked by him.

"Humpf, you're lucky it was WonderMaiden and not me. No amount of time in hospital could reattach what I'd separate from your body." Shadow Sword said while gripping the hilt of her sword and glancing down at his crotch.

The bouncer quickly put his hands over his crotch and stepped back several feet, "Have... have a good time... ladies..." he said just as Shadow Sword entered the main club floor.

* * *

The music was loud and pounding, the dance floor was filled with bodies, and around it were booths with more people in them. On the far side of the club was a stage with a single microphone stand on it, but no one performing.

To their right was the bar, backed with people purchasing alcohol, in the far left corner was the DJ booth, and right beside it was the VIP area. Intermingled in the crowd they could see waitresses in skimpy black outfits that seemed to crush their waists down impossibly small. The towering heels their wore pushed out their posture to look like they were always bending over at the waist just a little, pushing their butts and breasts out.

"What do you think... in there?" WonderMaiden shouted over the music and pointed to the VIP area.

"Where else?" Night Sparrow replied and the other two nodded. All four of them headed towards the VIP area.

Just as they were about to arrive, a man came out of the VIP, smiling from ear to ear and held up his hand, "I'm sorry ladies, VIPs only."

He wasn't a bouncer, that was for sure. Dressed in a dark three-piece suit, his hair done immaculately in a fashionable quaff, and just a touch of grey coming in throughout it.

"You must be the owner." Night Sparrow said, making an educated guess about him, he nodded in agreement with her.

"A pleasure to meet you, I'm Nigel Real." he replied and placed his hand on his chest and bowed a little.

"Well Mr. Real, I'm afraid we need to get into the VIP right away... there might be criminal activity going down right now." SolarGirl said.

"I presume you're referring to Ms. de Thule? I assure you she's simply enjoying the ambience." Nigel replied.

WonderMaiden raised an eyebrow and cajoled a little, "Oh I'm sure she is, but we still have to get by you."

"I'm afraid I take my guests' privacy very seriously WonderMaiden. I implore you to take a step back... enjoy my club, get out on the dance floor, have a drink... on me." Nigel said suavely, quickly pulling several coupons out of his jacket pocket and presenting them.

"Enough of this, move out of our way!" Shadow Sword demanded and started to unsheathe her sword. The other three heroines similarly took action poses just in time to feel themselves become immobilized.

Their minds raced as each one took in what was happening, the music had stopped, the lights no longer strobed, and everyone else was perfectly still as well.

Nigel on the other hand took half a step forwards and smiled, "I'm afraid I cannot allow violence in my club Shadow Sword. And since you have refused my hospitality, I now must insist."

Chapter 3 - Shadow Sword

Shadow Sword couldn't move and it was obvious that Nigel had somehow stopped time around them, though she could still think and he could still move.

He stepped right up to her and gently removed the red mask from her face she wanted to yell out to stop, but was unable to.

"Such a shame to hide such a pretty face Shadow Sword. Don't worry though, no one will recognize you here, I'll make sure of it." he said and then touched the middle of her forehead with his index finger.

She felt power... massive power, flow into her.

At first she couldn't tell what it was doing, but then she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. Her costume was changing, the blacks and reds of her outfit shifting, lightening, morphing into something else.

Her body seemed to be changing too. Her hair was growing lighter, her breasts fuller.

With his free hand he pulled her sword from its sheath and it too started to change. Lengthening out, shifting colour, twisting into a new shape.

That was when she recognized what he was doing... he was changing her into some kind of anime girl!

She could make out the blue and white Japanese schoolgirl outfit that her costume was morphing into, just as she could see her long black hair turning blonde and forming up into pigtails at each side of her head.

The changes moved rapidly and when they were complete, her sword was a long golden staff with a jewel of some kind on the top of it.

"There... that's better." he said and then grabbed her sword hand and moved it away from her shoulder where it had been taking hold of her sword, and positioned it in front of her, then placed the new staff between her fingers.

She looked ridiculous! Like some teenagers wet dream of a cosplayer!

"Alright then, let's finish you up." Nigel said and then placed his finger on her forehead again, this time the power flowing behind her eyes and into her mind.

* * *

Moon Shadow blinked several times and then smiled and giggle, "Hi!" she said, striking a pose, holding her magical staff at arm's length to one side away from her with one hand, it's base right up against her foot, and placing her other hand on her hip.

"I'm Moon Shadow! The magical moon princess! *giggle*" she shouted and then stood bolt upright and pushed her chest out, holding her staff firmly between her boobs.

"I have to go and save the world!" she cried and then bounced away, skipping between each of the people on the dance floor.

"Do you need saving?" she asked each and every one of them, though none of them replied. It didn't matter she continued to skip and hop around the club like a teenager on speed.

She wasn't sure how long it was, but suddenly the music came to life and everyone started dancing!

She let out a squeal of excitement and joined in, dancing and asking everyone if they needed her help. Several of the guys offered her a drink, but she declined, she was on a mission and she couldn't afford any distractions.

It was only when a man in a tuxedo and a red mask approached her that her knees went weak and her eyes grew impossibly wide.

"Do... do... do you need my help?" she managed to get out in a squeaky little voice.

"I think I do..." he replied, holding out a red-gloved hand.

She took hold of it and blushed, he needed her help!

She hardly noticed him lead her back into the VIP, she was floating on cloud 9, to a private room, where the music wasn't quite so loud or the lights so bright. On the far wall was a couch with tables to each side of it, two additional seats were on the other walls to the left and right of the entrance.

"Here, let me help you with that." he said and took hold of her staff and it slipped from her hands. The man walked to the centre of the room and pushed the end of the staff into a hole that she hadn't noticed was there.

Suddenly her staff came to life and sprung up to the ceiling, coming to rest in an identical hole in it.

She squealed again and jumped up and down before sprinting over the pole, grabbing hold of it and spinning around, bending her legs at the knee so they were at a ninety-degree angle from the pole and her body. By the time she came to rest on her knees at the base of the pole, the man had taken a seat on the couch.

She smiled as she heard a new song start to play and she stood up and pushed her body up against the pole, gaving it a little kiss, then a lick.

She giggled and continued her dance, by the time the second song started her top was on the floor, exposing her boobs to the cool club air, her nipples stood at attention and she could feel her pussy getting wetter with each passing second.

She whipped her skirt off and exposed her bare pussy as well, she couldn't take it any longer, she got down on her hands and knees and wiggled her ass over between the man's legs.

"I'm ready to help you mister... please let me help you..." she said as she worked the man's pants open and tugged them down to his ankles, exposing his throbbing rod.

She let out a gasp, then a coo, then held up her fingers at each side of her head in peace signs, "For the moon!" she cried out and then dove down on his shaft.

Her head bobbed up and down as he moaned and took hold of her ponytails with his red gloved hands. She knew she was helping him in the best way she could, and she loved helping people.

Suddenly he yanked her up and off of his shaft and a confused look crossed her face, "But... but... the moon..." she pouted.

He didn't reply, but instead stood up and pulled her up to her feet, then guided her over to the pole once more and she squealed in excitement again. When she was close to it, he stopped her from going any farther and so she bent over at the waist, she then took hold of the pole with her outstretched arms.

She felt his foot slip between her heels and push her left out a little, then her right, until her legs were spread perfectly. Then he reached out and grabbed both of her butt cheeks.

"Yes! Yes! Grab that moon!" she cried out just in time for his hand to raise up and land on her right cheek.

"Oh my god! Make that moon shine! Make that moon shine so bright!" she cried out and he slapped her butt over and over again.

Eventually she felt both of her ass cheeks glowing bright red, just in time to feel him enter her pussy and her whole world explode in pleasure.

* * *

Shadow Moon stumbled out of the VIP area, using her staff to help her stand upright, just as the next song started to play.

Someone had taken the stage but she paid little attention to them as a smile crossed her lips and the soreness of her ass faded away.

She giggled and skipped out onto the dance floor, asking each and every one of them if they needed her help. No one said yes until she found a man in a Tuxedo, with a red mask and gloves. She grew weak in the knees as the handsome man extended his red-gloved hand toward her.

Chapter 4 - Night Sparrow

Night Shadow watched Nigel walk to Shadow Sword out of the corner of her eye, her head and the rest of her body completely immobile. She tried to use her sonic voice, but it refused to work like the rest of her body.

She could just see SolarGirl and WonderMaiden frozen in place on her other side, both lunging forward to where Nigel had been standing. He was now right in front of Shadow Sword and she managed to see him raise his finger up to her forehead and a little shimmer, like a pebble dropped into a still pond, emanate from where he touched her.

She tried as hard as she could to move, to attack, to do anything, but whatever Nigel had done seemed unbreakable. All she could do was wonder what he was doing to Shadow Sword.

She didn't have to wait very long, as she could just make out reality warping around her until he finally stepped back to admire his handiwork.

"I'm Moon Shadow! The magical moon princess! *giggle*" Night Sparrow heard Shadow Sword cry out and then step forward into Night Sparrow's limited view of things.

The now blonde, giggly girl that she saw was the exact opposite of the previously reserved serious heroine that she'd come into the club with.

"I have to go and save the world!" her transformed friend said and then skipped off towards the dance floor where the other frozen patrons of the club were caught mid-dance.

Nigel then stepped in front of Night Sparrow and smiled, "Now then Night Sparrow, let's see what we can do about you." he said and she once more tried with all her might to break free of whatever he'd done, to no avail.

She watched his finger come in close, her eyes crossing as it hovered just above her forehead for a fraction of a second, and then she "felt" the shimmer that she'd seen with Shadow Sword just moments ago.

Was he about to turn her into another caricature of an anime girl? Or something else? Her mind raced as she desperately tried to cry out with her sonic voice. Then, she felt it happening, reality warping around her as her body and clothes started to change. The power that Nigel commanded rushing into her body through that single point on her forehead.