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History does repeat, good guys can win, silver linings exist.
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She sauntered up the steps of her front porch, her long legs dropping down forever beneath he tiny mini skirt. Her high heels clacked on the wood decking of the porch. It was a gorgeous porch, connected to a gorgeous house built from scratch by her gorgeous husband Tom and his gorgeous father. It wasn't just a house it was a home. They had begun building it as Tom's mom left them for a lover when he was 15. They had torn down the old house together, and built the new place from scratch while living in a tiny in-law apartment over the detached garage. She wondered if history would repeat itself totally. It was about to echo in Tom's ears when she told Tom she was fucking his best friend Rob. However she didn't intend to leave her husband. Still, she smiled to herself, would he destroy this house just to rebuild it?

She found him sitting in his favorite chair, half awake listening to the stereo. He looked so peaceful, she almost changed her mind about telling him. She could feel Rob's cum dripping down her thigh. She had fucked him from dusk til dawn last night, after telling Tom she would be staying at her friend Gail's house after working helping her pack boxes all night as Gail prepared to move to Maryland.

"Wake up, Tom, we need to have a little talk."

He woke up quickly. She had loved that about him when they were younger, she could come to him in the middle of the night and he was instantly awake and alert. Nice for a late night romp when the urge hit her. But in this instance it took her by surprise and put her off her guard.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, Tom. I'm having an affair. You are sweet and wonderful, and I can't think of a better man to be a husband and hopefully the father of my children. You make love beautifully, but sometomes a woman needs more than that. Sometimes I need to be fucked, taken even. I need the physical rush of being swept to bed and pounded, having my sexuality exhausted. You are never willing to do that. Now, before you start ranting and raving I want you to hear me out. I have been fucking Rob, yes your friend Rob, for three months now. He has no interet in loving me, since he is happily married also. However Betsy doesn't like sex very often because he is so physical, so we fill a need for each other. I'm taking this Tom, I'm going to keep fucking him and you are going to live with it. Do you know why?"

She spun on one foot to face him. His gaze was indescribable, but it almost burned her to look him in the eye. He didn't blink. His expression didn't waver. She had anticipated either rage or tears, and expected to hear words like divorce or slut. Instead she got this blank gaze and silence. She collected herself, and went on with her planned spiel.

"You're going to let me keep fucking Rob for love. You'll do it because you either love me, or because you love this home you built so much you don't want to lose it in divorce. Now, I know how much family means to you, and how badly you want kids, so I've ceased birth control. You'll have your children soon, and can be happy with your family while I am happy making love with you and fucking Rob. It's all good! Now you be a good husband, and have a good weekend. I'm going to grab a shower and a bite, then I'm meeting Rob at his house for a weekend of ecstasy! Betsy took the kids to Philly and we will be entirely free to enjoy. When I get home Sunday night, we'll talk....and maybe more!"

She didn't notice the tiny tear run down his cheek as the semen trail extended down he thigh to her knee. She scampered upstairs to shower and change, painstakingly preparing herself for her lover. When she came back downstairs, she found as she left him Tom staring blankly at the TV. It bothered her that he was reacting this way. She loved him for his sweet, caring nature, and this silent indifference was cold. She kissed his forehead and set out to Rob.

She returned Sunday night later than she expected. She really wanted to spend sometime with Tom and set some guidelines for their new life together. She found him where she had left him. He hadn't changed clothes, the stereo was still onto what she recognized as the same play list. The same gaze was pasted to her face. The burn she had felt the day before from that gaze burned her a bit deeper. She told him she'd be back after her shower, and they could talk.

The shower felt good. Besides the idea of giving him sloppy seconds was disgusting. She wanted his love making now, not humiliation She took careful time to prepare herself for her husband now, thinking about how different this ritual was for Tom than for Rob. Softer colors in her makeup, silky pink nightgown. It was all about the soft side of sex with her spouse. She crept down the steps, fliping lights off as she enterred the darkened family room. The remote eliminated the ghastly blue/while glow of the TV. She found her husband still in his chair. She kissed him. He didn't move. In the dark, away from the burn of his gaze there was something sexy that stirred deep in her breast, and deep in her groin. She unzipped his pants, and grabbed them and his briefs to slide them off his legs in one smooth movement. He didn't help her, but he didn't fight her either. That led her to assume he had made his choice. He would let her have her way because he loved her.

She missed his usual passion. He didn't fight her kisses, but didn't respond either. He didn't take her in his arms. His dick responded though, and she had no trouble sliding his erect manhood into her oozing cunt. He felt so good to her , even without the vigorous motion of Rob's wild abandoned fucks or Tom's usual gentle languorous flow. Tom was big, His long fat cock reached spots no other lover ever could, including Rob. If only he would be strong with her, she could have what she wanted in one man. Tom still didn't move. She kept humping against him, sliding his luscious meat in and out of her. She came, and the spasms of her orgasm shook her body so hard she thought Tom would cum for certain. If he wasn't going to give her anything, she might as well as get physical with him, and she began to undulate wildly in his lap. The recliner creaked and groaned, but couldn't hold a candle to the noise she was making. She came again, bucking hard against his magnificent cock. He still hadn't, and she loved him for that. After all she had done the last two days, he was giving her the best sex of their marriage by not moving. Oh she loved this man. Maybe her sexual disappointment was partly her fault. She should have stepped up the aggression level years ago, but she just loved the sweetness of Tom's way. No, she needed Rob and Tom. Bad boy and Good boy. Biker and Ivy leaguer. Jeans and Suits. Oh damn, she was cumming again.

She recognized Tom's orgasm by the familiar pulsing from his cock, but still no motion from him. She lay there for a while kissing him. She tried to get him to talk, but he still refused. She got up to get a drink, telling him she'd be back, and then it would be time to talk. She returned with a cool drink and towels to clean him up. She flipped the lights on, and noticed with alarm that he still had not moved. His pants remained around his calfs. His face retained the same gaze it had worn for two days. His cock remained erect, glistening with the evidence of their so recent fuck. But the gaze. It burned even more now, and she felt the first pang of guilt since she first cheated with Rob. She finally shook off the gaze and tried to get Tom to respond. He wouldn't blink. He had a pulse and was breathing but wouldn't flinch. There wee no reflexive responses, And his dick stayed hard. She called 911.

The EMT's were perplexed. His vitals were normal, but he was unresponsive. He appeared to be awake, but there was no response. The ambulance ride to the hospital was embarrassing, as she had to explain everything in the sequence of events since she last knew he was responsive. She was forced to relay the story of her betrayal again to the triage nurse, and then the nurse assigned to him as he was quickly moved from the ER to the neurology floor. By the fourth telling of the tale, to them doctor assigned as her husband's neurologist, the guilt was becoming unbearable, and the burn from the gaze became even more uncomfortable.

There was no explanation for his condition. Exhaustive tests showed no sign of stroke, no seizure activity. There was no symptom of mental illness. The closest the doctors could come was that catch all diagnosis, post traumatic stress syndrome. She was devastated, realizing she was the cause of his woes.

Concerns grew, and Rob shared her guilt. He and Tom went back to junior high, as best friends. His affair with Cindy was all physical, by mutual agreement. Neither intended to hurt or leave their spouses. Tom's doctors had decided it was best that Rob not be allowed to visit. They were afraid he might have heard Cindy mention Rob on her declaration, and latent emotions could be harmful if stirred up by seeing Rob.

Rob's wife Betsy could not understand why she was free to visit and Rob was banned. Still, Tom was good friend, so she went every day. She read to Tom, picking books by authors he had read, and leaving an iPod with the nurses so he could hear other books and music when she couldn't visit. Cindy visited daily as well, but couldn't face Tom's stare as the burn gained intensity with each passing day.

A month passed. Tom was transferred to a rehab site. Cindy and Betsy continued their daily visits. Ron visited every night, but had to view his friend from a window that looked into the room beyond Tom's accusing gaze. Cindy missed her period. The home test said she was pregnant. The visit to her OB-GYN agreed. The doctor knew of her husband's condition. There were no congratulations. There was no joy. Damn, she had fucked Tom that night before he went to the hospital. Why couldn't his sperm had won the race!!

Tom's doctors asked her not to tell him the news yet. There was still too much uncertainty. He would certainly know when she began to show, and they felt that following that natural order was the best course. She faced the gaze now, not knowing if the baby inside her was Tom, and it seared her soul. She thought of what to do, how to handle this new wrinkle. This was the moment she and Tom had talked about excitedly for so long, the beginning of the family he treasured. She discussed it with Rob, and he panicked.

"Damn it Cindy, I thought you had taken precautions or I would have! If it is my baby, and that is a big if since you were fucked Tom as soon as you got home from fucking me, then neither Tom or Betsy can know. Tom is too fragile, and Betsy might as well stay in the dark."

She tried to argue with him, to get him to willingly accept responsibility, but he dismissed her, telling her there was no reason to destroy his marriage. After all, HIS spouse wasn't a vegetable. Cindy took that hard, and saw Rob as a different man.

Shortly after that, Cindy began to notice morning sickness worsening, and happening at any time of day. She woke up from a nap one afternoon so sick she couldn't get off the couch. She managed to grab her cell phone, and in seconds the speed dial key connected her to Betsy. Betsy called an ambulance, and beat it to Cindy's house. She rode along to the hospital, seriously worried for her pregnant friend and the baby. She helped her into ER, using the insurance card in Cindy's church to check her in, answering the triage nurse's questions as best as she could. Betsy followed her throug the testing process and was waiting when the doctor gave Cindy the news. Her RH factor was positive, the baby's was negative, and her body was fighting against what it perceived as an invasion.

After the doctor left, Betsy asked Cindy whose baby she was carrying. Cindy claimed ot was Tom's but Betsy wasn't to be swayed from her quest for truth.

"No Cin, remember last year we all went to donate together at the blood drive at church, Tom, you and I were all RH positive. We teased Rob about being negative, because he was the only one in the group. We called him odd man out, remember?

Cindy's face blanched at the thought. Betsy's voice had a tone of accusation, and when she saw Cindy's reaction, she knew the truth.

"Well, dear friend, "she began with all the sarcasm she could muster, "its nice to know it was someone close to me having the affair with my Rob. I might have been upset at the though of him sticking his little dick in the cunt of some cheap slut I didn't know, but you! You are such a good friend. You knew you could count on me to help you get to the hospital in an emergency, why wouldn't you know that my husband would be the perfect choice to fuck on the side. DO you know he hasn't touched me for two months That's how I came to suspect an affair in the first place. He's so insatiable, there is no way he could just stop cold for that long."

Their chat didn't go well. As a matter of fact, it was pretty one sided, and ended with Betsy storming out of the room. The next day, Rob visited her, furiously waving the divorce papers with which he had just been served while telling Cindy to go fuck herself. The phone rang. Tom's father now took a turn bending Cindy's ear. Cindy didn't deny any of the claims Betsy had made to Tom's father. He was cool under pressure, reminding Cindy that Tom's mother had nearly destroyed their family when she left. He also reminded her that Tom's aunt had left his uncle in a similar situation, and that the two brothers had agreed to make it so a cheating spouse could never hurt one of their family. They put their land into a family trust, that would provide for descendants of the two brothers. A spouse was cared for under the terms of the trust as long as they took their place in the family on good faith. Abusing or cheating on a family member meant instant expulsion from the benefits of the trust. She was being evicted from the house immediately, but would receive a stipend from the trust for one year to help her transition to independent life. Tom could not file for divorce in his condition, and his dad recommended that Cindy refrain from doing so, in order to continue with Tom's insurance through the birth of the child. They also requested that she no longer visit Tom, and if she continued to do so, a legal restraining order would be sought.

Five years passed. Betsy had divorced Rob immediately, and he had moved to Colorado to start over. Betsy and Cindy eventually resumed friendly relations, though not nearly as warm as before. Cindy's big wake-up call was supporting her baby. Tom had taken such good care of her, she had never honed career skills. She eventually found employment working as a hostess in a local restaurant, working the evening shift and leaving her son with her neighbor every night. She carved out a good life for her son, and heard about Tom every day from Betsy.

She still loved Tom, and the guilt over what she had done to them, was tremendous. She stopped by their old house daily, just to make sure Tom's beloved gardens were kept up. The trust had arranged for the house to be cleaned and maintained, and no one was to change anything at Toms'. His house was to remain exactly as le lef t it until he either woke up or...

That was the most sobering thought of all. After all the suspense, the tests, the medical consultations, they still had no exact explanation or cause. Tom could wake up or die any day. Tom's dad knew of Cindy's visits to the house, and though he felt cold hearted towards her, couldn't bring himself to ban her from those premises. She had been a good devoted wife for years, and Tom adored her. These were Tom's gardens, and the fact that she came back to make sure they looked exactly as he left them was right.

Betsy came in to visit Tom one night, in the sixth year of his condition. Betsy had been there to read to him every night since the change, sometimes coming late in the night after another engagement. It was just such a night, when she came in after a formal dinner party with her co-workers. She had no way of knowing her satiny gown closely resembled the night gown Betsy had work that night when she had fucked him before she knew his condition. It was after midnight, but visiting hours in a place like these were flexible, since a visit had a way of soothing the emotions of the residents, and encouraging healing. Betsy read softly from the novel she had been sharing with Tom for the last two weeks. She finished the book, closed it, and looked into his eyes.

His gaze affected her in a much different way than it affected Cindy. The doctors all saw vacancy, Cindy burned, Besty saw a questioning that she related to. After all, the questions in Tom's gaze were just as pertinent to Rob as to Cindy. She gently held Tom's hand, and for an instant thought she felt a squeeze. She noticed a shift in the sheets that could only mean one thing. He was becoming aroused. After six years of nothing from Tom, this was in itself a miracle. She called the nurse.

"Oh my," said the elderly woman, "I guess that was some story!!! DO you mind if I borrow that book when you are done to read it to my husband? That is better than Viagra for sure!!"

Cindy giggled, and handed the woman the book.

"Listen Sweety," the nurse went on, "This happens sometimes. Maybe he does know you are here, and maybe holding his hand and reading that book made him so 'comfortable.' But maybe its because he's having a dream in there, or maybe its just physical. He's been making sperm for six years, he must be about to burst!"

"Mmmmmmm," she moaned dreamily, "I could use some of that myself."

The nurse eyed her as she giggled, "Well then, you know I can't permit that! But tell you what, I've got to go back out to the desk, and if you stay to 'read' to him some more, what I don't see I don't talk about. And there is no one else who will be on this floor for another hour!"

She stopped at the door, "But just in case, lock it when I leave."

Betsy did just that. She then slipped he panties off from beneath her gown. She turned down the sheets and pulled back Tom's backless gown. He was enormous, and she licked her chops at the thought she couldn't. She couldn't suck a comatose man's cock. But she so wanted too. She lowered her head to look at it carefully. It was beautiful, and she knew she wanted it. Tom was such a gentleman, he didn't deserve what his wife and Cindy had done. He deserved to be adored and cared for, and she could. After all, she had read to him every day for six years. She could care for him. She mounted him on the bed, and slid his slab of cock slowly into her eagerly wet pussy. She had never been as satisfied with a first entry as she felt with this first stroke, and was coming quickly. She held him there as she came, feeling the natural stretch pulling her through the joy as her husband never had with his wild banging. She resumed a natural rhythm, and came again. She could feel nothing else, was unaware of her surroundings. Explosions of color burst in her mind's eye, as her real eyes became useless. The raw smell of sex overwhelmed her sense of smell, and her sense of touch was entirely focused on his thickness sliding in and out of her pussy. Other lovers had paid patient attention to her sensitive clit, but Tom didn't have to, and in his current state, couldn't. He stretched her to the point that his entire length rubbed her clit strongly both on the way in and on her upstroke. Inside her g-spot was similarly dragged the entire length of each stroke, and she was rewarded with orgasms in quick succession, each one stronger than the last. It was a dream for Betsy. This beautiful man, making love to her so gently. His touch so tender...

In he ecstasy she hadn't realized Tom was moving too. His hands were on her hips and his cock was now pistoning against her rhythm in perfect sync. She was aghast that he was waking...was awake. But she couldn't stop. Her last orgasm shook her with a primal force, and he moaned loudly as he came too. She collapsed against him, his cock still in her pussy, both breathing hard, and holding each other. It was Tom that broke the blissful silence.