Chuck and Sammi

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Is she or isn't she a Loving Wife?
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This is a work of fiction. All characters and incidents portrayed and names within are fictitious and any similarity to the name, character or history of any person is entirely coincidental. All places mentioned are only used to provide a framework, not to imply anything in this story actually occurred in those places. Although everyone is a fiction of our imagination, any sex within, what little there is, takes place among persons over the age 18.

We recently read a mystery by James Lee Burke (thanks for the recommendation 26thNC) and the novel used a unique style. Odd numbered chapters were narrated in the protagonist's first person, even numbered chapters in the third person. We're using that style below. If such a thing bothers you, you can quit reading now.

Chuck and Sammi

Is she or isn't she a loving wife?

Chapter One -- Chuck Meets Sammi 2012

It was one of those freakish snowstorms which occurs every two or three years here in Seattle; a few inches of snow is enough to close the city down.

I laughed the first time it happened after I moved here from the Midwest. Back home in Chicago, things didn't shut down unless a foot or more fell overnight. Your boss expected, not only would you show up, but you'd be on time and ready to stay all day. Yeah, I laughed, at first, my first winter storm in Seattle -- until I got in my car and tried to get to work. Two blocks from my apartment I slid down a steep Seattle hill for a full city block, the entire time praying I wouldn't hit another car or a pedestrian.

So, now I'm of the same opinion as most all my co-workers, any more than two inches of the white stuff meant taking the day off and enjoying the winter break. Which is why I found myself walking from my Fremont apartment in search of a midday ale and burger, the silence of a city covered in snow adding to my good humor.

Fremont is a Seattle neighborhood just north of downtown which has named itself, "The Center of the Universe". It prides itself on its funky approach to life. There's a stone Troll sculpture sitting under the Aurora Avenue Bridge and a large statue of Lenin (Vladimir, not John) that somebody brought back from Czechoslovakia after the Czechs kicked the Soviets out of their country. Every Summer Solstice the residents celebrate by watching hundreds of naked bicyclists ride through the streets, which precedes a carnival-like parade of freaks, geeks and other assorted alternative lifestylers. In other words, Fremont is a great place for a young, single man or woman with a flair for 'not taking life seriously'.

As I walked into my favorite brewpub on this wintery day, I used the time while kicking the snow off my boots to survey the bar and tables. There were two guys I knew from work sitting at the bar. The entire place seemed to have a light-hearted buzz, probably because so many of the patrons were enjoying the unexpected day of 'hooky'.

I eyed two women sitting at one of the tables. I knew one of them, a great looking gal named Jess who works out at my health club. She was sitting with a young woman whose long blonde hair and Scandinavian features immediately caught my attention -- this was a woman I wanted to meet.

"Jess, hi!" I did my best to act more nonchalant than I felt, smiling at both ladies without appearing to leer at the blonde.

Jess looked up and smiled. "Chuck, taking the day off?"

"Yeah, thought I'd grab a beer with lunch." I looked toward Jess' companion and put my hand out. "I'm Chuck."

Jess, bless her heart, understood the situation immediately. "Sammi, this is a workout buddy of mine, Chuck."

Jess has already told me she has boyfriend, so I wasn't worried if my interest in her friend seemed disrespectful. Sammi placed her hand in mine and gave it a polite shake while flashing me a smile. "Hi Chuck."

Then Jess did the one thing I could have hoped for, she pointed to the empty seat at the table. "We haven't ordered our food yet. Want to join us?" I found out the next time Jess and I chatted at the club that the entire scene was kismet. Five minutes before I walked in the door of that pub Sammi was complaining to Jess, "Where are all the nice guys in town?"

By the time we finished our meal and a couple of pints, Sammi must have thought I was a nice guy because she didn't hesitate when I asked for her number and if she'd consider going out with me some time soon.

"Yes, I would, but first I should probably know your full name." She said it with a smile. "Mine is Samantha Miller." Then she gave me her number as I entered it into my phone.

"Charles Pirelli. Like the tire."

It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


I called Sammi the next day after spending the previous twenty-four hours trying to come up with a great 'first date' experience. We exchanged greetings, I was reminded how much I liked her voice, and I went for it. "I have two ideas and you get to pick. I have tickets for Friday night's Seattle Symphony program which includes Beethoven's Seventh. We could have a light meal at the Wild Ginger before the concert. Or we could go see that new rom-com with Jennifer Aniston on Saturday. Your choice."

Sammi surprised me. "What if I choose both? You treat to the Symphony Friday and I treat to the movies on Saturday."

My voice didn't hide the pleasure when I agreed. "All right, it's a deal. So, you like the Symphony?"

"I played cello throughout high school and college."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?" She sounded hurt.

"I'm sorry, just something my brother always said. He claims there are few things as sexy as a woman playing the cello. He isn't the only male to think so, it's why Sigourney Weaver is a cello player in 'Ghostbusters'."

Now it was Sammi's turn to laugh so I had to ask. "Why are you laughing now?"

"Because my dad has a thing for Sigourney. Could be why he steered me to the cello when I was trying to decide between that and the violin."

We exchanged a few important tidbits (casual or fancy dress?, address?, etc.) before hanging up.

Now, it may sound strange to most Americans, but I didn't own a car at this time in my life. I sold my car the first year after moving to Seattle because it just sat on the street for weeks at a time without me needing it. I had a bicycle as well as a nice motorcycle that fit in the front of my friend's small garage, but no car. These were the days before Uber and Lyft became ubiquitous, but there was a company called 'Zipcar' that was popular at the time. When you needed a car, you went on their website and found an available car near your location and with a code, unlocked and drove away. You could reserve a car in advance as well -- pretty handy for the urban dweller. I reserved a Zipcar for Friday evening.

I left work early on Friday, stopped at Rudy's Barbershop for a trim, but left the obligatory five o'clock shadow on my face -- trés metro male at the time. Went home to shine my shoes and iron a shirt, had Cheap Trick on the stereo and couldn't stop myself from playing air guitar when 'I Want You To Want Me' came on. Rick Nielson ain't got nothing on this Fender.

I slipped on my sport coat and drove over to pick up Sammi at her Wallingford townhouse. Now, some women make a big deal out of making you sit around a half hour while they finish getting ready, you never know if that will be the case or not. Is there anything worse than sitting on the sofa with your date's cat in your lap and getting drilled with questions by her roommate?

That's not what happened. I rang the doorbell and within ten seconds the door opened and there stood the most beautiful girl imaginable. The woman before me was wearing the LBD with four inch heels and stood five ten, eyeball to eyeball to my five eleven. And those legs! The dress came down to mid-thigh giving me another reason to smile. Sammi held out her coat, knowing a gentleman helps a lady with her wrap.

Best of all, she smiled and gave me a quick kiss to the cheek. "You look great Chuck."

I look great? Where did this woman come from? "Thanks Sammi -- you look stunning." Her smile widened, I took her arm and led her to the car thinking I should have rented a Beemer. I shouldn't have worried. The first thing Sammi said after we start down the road is, "A Zipcar. That's smart, I'm paying fifty dollars a month to park my car in a garage."

And our date was all uphill from there. She loved the hors d'oeuvres, the concert, the drinks afterwards, the entire evening. At one point during the concert she caught me staring at the lady cello players. Out of my peripheral vision I felt her facing me, she caught my eye and gave me an impish smile, reading my mind.

Later, walking out of the concert on our way to the car, Sammi hooked her arm in mine and kept her body close. It was such an intimate act, one I couldn't recall a woman ever doing before, although it must have, I just couldn't remember it happening before that moment.

I dropped her off, walking her to the door, she gave me a kiss and told me she'd pick me up Saturday at six for the movie, that it was her treat and her turn to drive. Then gave me another kiss on the lips and a smile. "Good night Chuck. Thanks for a wonderful evening."

I walked to my car without touching the pavement.

Chapter Two -- Sammi Reflects

Sammy liked the guy within fifteen minutes of his sitting down at their table last Tuesday, and her girlfriend Jess gave him such high marks that she had to ask Jess if she screwed up -- did Jess want him for herself?

"No Sam, I have Brian. You get Chuck." As if it were a done deal.

Jess wondered why she never thought of it before. Chuck, the nice guy from her gym who has become a sort of workout buddy, and Sammi, her friend since junior high school. Both were fit and athletic, intelligent with a wicked sense of humor.

Sammi's love life suffered from a few setbacks and if any girl deserved a great guy, it was Sammi. She was the classic good girl who spent her young life doing the right thing. With an athletic figure from her four years as a Pac12 scholarship diver and her current job at the 'U' as a physical trainer, Sammi's long blonde hair, dark brown eyes and natural beauty turned heads wherever she went. She'd look good standing next to the lean, handsome Chuck.

Sammi interrupted Jess' train of thought. "Well, he seemed interested. I hope he calls."

Jess just laughed. "Oh, he'll call." Jess saw the way Chuck looked at Sammi and it was obvious to her the man was interested. He'd call.

Which of course he did. And their Friday night date was a success. Chuck was a perfect gentleman, he had manners and poise, he was smart without being overbearing, he didn't get handsy or try to stick his tongue down her throat when she gave him a goodnight kiss. All that and the guy was so damn good looking!

It took every bit of Sammi's self-control to refrain from calling her mother Saturday morning. Her date to the Symphony turned out better than any of her expectations. But there were a few reasons why Sammi hesitated to call, Sammi had been down this road twice before.

The first time was Sammi's sophomore year at the University of Washington. She met John Vander Hassen at a Kappa mixer. John was a senior and president of his fraternity. He didn't waste any time, within fifteen minutes he made it clear he was interested in Sammi, asked her out and they were exclusive for the next four months. Sammi wasn't a virgin, having lost her virginity her senior year in high school, but she might as well have been one because since high school, no man got more than a French kiss. Within a month of their dating, John breached all Sammi's barriers and she was spending weekend nights in John's bed.

John had every intention of making Sammi his wife. They dated and slept together from September until Winter break when John brought Sammi up to his hometown to meet his mother and father. John grew up in a small farm town on the US-Canadian border. It was settled by the Dutch in the 1890's and is still heavily influenced by the Dutch Christian Reform Church. Most of the town closes on Sunday and there isn't a tavern or liquor store within the city limits.

Although John behaved like the typical college boy at school, he drank (although not heavily) and never attended church services, a switch flipped as soon as they entered his family home. It was apparent from the first moment entering the five thousand square foot house that John was a momma's boy. Introductions were made and it didn't take a mind reader to know Mrs. Vander Hassen was less than pleased to meet Samantha.

Dinner Friday night could best be described as an Inquisition. Both John's parents peppered Sammi with questions throughout the meal. Questions included her major, her religion, her parents' occupations and politics. On and on, the meal couldn't end soon enough. When Sammi answered that her father was a Union steward, something her father was proud to be, she thought Mr. Vander Hassen was going to choke on the piece of steak in his mouth.

If that wasn't bad enough, Saturday afternoon, the Vander Hassen's hosted their minister for a coffee and cake get together. More questions, more looks from his parents as if the maid had laced the cake with alum. After the minister left, Sammi was relieved when John reminded his parents that he had made plans for Sammi to meet a few of his high school friends that evening.

Sammi woke up Sunday morning, dressed casually in her sweats and started down the back stairs leading to the kitchen. Halfway down the staircase she heard John's mother.

"Two years ago you brought home that Jewess, now a Papist. Why can't you bring home a nice Christian girl? I realize you men need to find an outlet for your hormones and that Jews and Catholics girls are easy, but you'll be graduating in five months and you need to find a girl with morals who you can settle down here and raise a family. Quit with the sluts and get serious or your father won't bring you into the business -- not if you're going to marry a woman like her."

John put up a mild defense of Sammi, but much too mild. Sammi tip-toed back up the stairs and finished getting dressed, John had already told Sammi they were going to church with his parents. If anything, church services reinforced everything Mrs. Vander Hassen had said in the kitchen. Whether John's mother or minister had laid the groundwork with the other ladies or not, the reception Sammi received could have frozen Lake Union. On the drive back to Seattle, John and Sammi broke up.

Months later, while relating the incident to a girlfriend, she realized the truth for the first time -- John's mother knew Sammi was up, she heard the toilet flush and she said those things specifically so Sammi would hear the harsh words. It was her way of telling Sammi to stay away from her son.

Just before finals, John tried to pick up Sammi when they met at another mixer. Sammi shut John down. Now, whenever Sammi thinks of John all these years later, she laughs because she's certain John is living back in his hometown, working for his father, married to a Dutch princess who will give him three children and maybe a birthday blow job.


One bad experience wasn't enough to turn Sammi jaded. No, it was the second such incident which convinced her that from now on to take it slow - keep her eyes open but her heart and legs closed. It was Kevin Moss, the MBA grad student she met in the 400-level Marketing class her senior year.

Kevin was smart, funny, good-looking, kind, generous and charming. Well-bred and fun to be with. And after Sammi's self-imposed celibacy since breaking up with John, it was great to be with a guy who could make her toes curl.

Kevin and Sammi dated her entire senior year and best of all -- his parents seemed to like and accept Sammi. She had spent numerous weekends at his parents' home on Mercer Island. Both Kevin's parents were attorneys ("Attorneys darling -- never lawyers!"). Mrs. Dana Moss worked for Seattle Children's Hospital, Mr. Owen Moss for Microsoft. Their home sat on the water with its own dock and boathouse, the main house had six bedrooms and eight baths. There was a mother-in-law apartment over the four car garage. Mr. and Mrs. Moss were loaded.

Sammi's own home life was very working class. Both Mom and Dad worked for the post office. Neither one finished college, they saved their money, provided for their two children, and Sammi grew up in a loving family. But it existed in a different world from the Moss experience. Sammi was lucky in another respect, besides loving parents, her four years belonging to the sorority taught her the social graces necessary to be comfortable in all social settings. And she used her grace to ingratiate herself to the couple she hoped would become her in-laws.

Everything was fine until the Fourth of July weekend after graduation.

Kevin wanted to spend the weekend at his folks' house. The weather was supposed to be warm and three days water skiing and sunning sounded like a great plan. The first evening was fun, some of Kevin's high school friends came over and they barbequed a brisket and drank beer. Sammi spent the night in Kevin's bed, his parents quit making up the guest room after her second visit, understanding they were twenty-something adults and it was silly to pretend they weren't sleeping together at school.

The second day Kevin talked Sammi into wearing one of her nicer bikinis for a day on the lake. It wasn't scandalous, most of her breasts and ass cheeks were covered, but it did leave little to the imagination. Too little, it turns out. When Mrs. Moss walked out onto the patio, wearing her own two piece suit, her expression turned sour. Sammi could see the envy in her eyes.

Sammi turned to Kevin. "Maybe I should change suits or grab a coverup."

Kevin looked at her as if she was crazy. "Why? You look great in that suit. Let's get on the boat, we're picking up Hank and his date at the dock in town." And away they went, not returning until that evening.

Sammi did put on a long t-shirt when everyone sat down to have a light supper. Then all four sat on the back patio until the sun went down, Sammi and Dana sharing a bottle of pinot gris while Kevin and Owen had cognacs and cigars. It was almost ten o'clock when the sun finally set in the west; his parents excused themselves to go in, Kevin told Sammi he wanted to soak in the hot tub even though Kevin seemed to be struggling to stay awake.

Sammi removed the t-shirt and slipped into the tub. Kevin decided he needed another drink and went into the house. He seemed unsteady on his feet.

"Haven't you had enough? Come back." She called to him, but he continued into the house.

Sammi had her back to the house so she could look out over the lake. The stars were out, although only the brightest stars could be seen given the city lights. Sammi leaned back and closed her eyes, barely awake. She didn't hear Kevin return but felt his presence behind her. His hands began to massage her shoulders.

"Ah, that's nice."

Within minutes he opened the clasp to the strings at her neck, the bikini top dropped from her breasts.

"Kevin -- your parents might still be up!"

He answered her concern by placing his hands on her breasts and squeezing, then playing with her aroused nipples.

The next sound Sammi heard was Dana. "What the hell?"

Sammi's eyes popped open to find Dana standing there, staring at her naked breasts. She couldn't believe what she heard next.

"Oh, shit!" But it was Owen, not Kevin! Sammi turned to find Kevin's father sitting naked behind her with his robe off and his hard cock sticking straight out of his lap. Sammi was so stunned she was speechless.