Cheaters Must Pay!

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Does a ghost have his revenge?
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This short tale combines my love for a good ghost story and my desire to see cheaters get their due. Wasn't sure if it was loving wives or erotic horror, but it's more quirky than scary.

I've tried to tie in some local color into the conversations, but I'm not from this part of the country so, who knows... As always, any fictitious sex in this fictitious story is between fictitious consenting adults.

"Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly." Charles Addams

It was almost midnight at a hairpin turn on a remote section of highway 57 in south Louisiana. The full moon pierced the leafless trees of late November, illuminating the grizzly scene. A lonely breeze was blowing, making the humid night air seem much colder than the fifty-degree temperature. Somewhere in the distance a great horned owl's screech pierced the night.

At that moment the incessant flashing of eight emergency vehicles at the site of the crash was giving first year Sherriff's Deputy Ewell Guillory quite a headache. The combination of two firetrucks, one search and rescue truck, two ambulances and three police cruisers seemed to be a bit overkill for a one car accident on this desolate area of Highway 57 just south of Dulac, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.

To the untrained eye, it appeared to be a classic case of a driver going too fast down an old country road known for hairpin turns and plenty of wildlife crossing back and forth in search of food in the bayou. But as a rookie Deputy Guillory, didn't know what he didn't know. He was about to get an education.

A final lone unmarked police cruiser pulled up to the crash site. There were no sirens blaring and no lights flashing as Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Landry Broussard exited his vehicle like a man headed to an appointment with his dentist. He knew what was waiting for him. He'd been here before and wasn't particularly happy to be back.

Wanting to make a good impression on the chief and overestimating his boss's patience for newbies, he strode confidently up to the sheriff. "Looks like a case of some idiot taking the curb too fast sheriff. Lost control and ended up in the swamp."

Broussard barely broke stride while speaking, "Who the fuck are you?" There were over 300 personnel in the department and the sheriff knew many, but not all his people.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm Deputy Guillory, I've only been with the department about six months."

Broussard continued walking, "Well Ti-Guillory, shut the fuck up, keep your eyes and ears open. Maybe you'll learn something, so you won't be a complete embarrassment to the department."

"Yes sir!"

The sheriff stopped at the edge of the road where the embankment met the pavement and looked down. Directly below him, overturned, lay what looked to be the charred remains of a late model Ford F-150. Landry pulled a Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Stillwell Star Bayou No. 32, from his pocket, clipped the end and lit it with his torch cigar lighter. He causally blew a couple of smoke rings and then called down to the team below.

"Sha Jacquelin is that you down there?"

"Dammit Sheriff Broussard, of course it is me! Who else would work for you for such shit wages and always do an amazing job? And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Jackie, you Cajun hick!"

Landry loved two things about detective Jacky Fontenot. First, she was right, she always did great work. And secondly, she was one of his twelve nieces, who, truth be told, was his favorite. He could always rib her, and she'd just give it right back.

"Well Mon Amour, what do your keen instincts tell you?"

"Give me five more minutes sheriff, and I'll climb out of this cocodrie infested mud pit and give you a full briefing."

Sheriff Landry relaxed and waited patiently for Jackie to complete her first look at the mess below. He noticed a very nervous Deputy Guillory standing close by, having shut the fuck up, but also wanting to make a good impression on his boss.

"Relax Ewell, I remember you now. I used to run with your uncle Roch back in the day. Glad to see somebody from his family trying to amount to something." The deputy smiled and nodded but wisely continued to shut the fuck up.

Thirty-year-old Sheriff's Detective Jacquelin Fontenot finally ascended from the wreck. Had she not been covered head to toe in a combination of sweat and swamp mud, she would have been quiet striking. Her long dark hard was pulled up in a tight ponytail when fell neatly from the back of her TSD ball cap and her chocolate brown eyes were gleaming as she grinned broadly. It was clear she wanted to declare her findings and show her uncle she knew a thing or two. He never gave her the chance. She pulled off her filthy coveralls and began to speak when Broussard interrupted.

"Let me guess Cher. Assuming the remains are not too burned you have discovered two people, one man and one woman. Dead less than six hours. Both are in some state of undress, suggesting a sexual liaison. If you found any ID on them, they are not man and wife but the woman, is... sorry, was, married. How am I doing so far?"

"Not bad Bon rien, by all means, please continue!"

"The skid marks on the road indicate the truck was not moving at a high rate of speed and missed the turn but was pushed or forced off the road from where it was parked about forty yards back up the highway. The angle of the rubber left on the pavement suggests some attempt from the driver to apply the brakes and turn away, but he was unsuccessful."

He paused for a moment, enjoying his cigar and his detective's growing ire. Landry looked at her inquisitively, but she refused to give him the pleasure of a retort. He then continued.

"His male sex organ has been severed and may have been lodged in the woman's mouth. If not, it was found on the floor of the vehicle. In short, detective Fontenot this was a murder, planned and executed by someone or something that felt betrayed and enraged over the behavior of these two cheaters."

"Inquiries with friends and family will eventually reveal at least two things. First, a lover's tryst. A wife straying from a loving husband into the arms of her paramour. As I said the male may or may not have been married, but either way he too was a cheater; A man who would become sexually involved with a married woman, and not care one whit about who got hurt in the fall out. Did he have on a wedding ring?"


"In that case the second thing that will be true is neither spouse will be found to be involved in the crime. Both will have airtight alibies and will be shocked to learn of this event. That will also be true of any family or friends who may have known about the victim's betrayal of their marriage vows. This case will never be solved. How did I do Cher?"

Jackie didn't answer for a moment, rather she looked away as if she was trying to recall a name or a place. When she finally replied she seemed as if she couldn't believe her own words. "Defan Pauvre Felix Bonvillain..."

"Only if you believe the legend Mon Cher."

"And the history" Jackie added.

At this point, the rookie deputy gave in to his curiosity and spoke up.

"I'm sorry Sheriff, but what is this all about? Who was Felix Bonvillain and what legend?"

"Well, my boy, let me tell you a story."

"Felix Bonvillain was born just after the end of the civil war to a rich plantation family in our parish. By all accounts he was a hard worker and pious man, one of the first and only to help former his slaves. He married his young love, Marie Shaffer, the beautiful daughter of Thomas Shaffer, another leading citizen of our region. She seemed to love him in return and gave him two strapping young sons."

"However, fifteen years into the marriage Felix discovered his wife was anything but faithful. Evidence suggested she had taken up with a local rogue named Alphonse Robichaux, who, rumor had it, had bedded several young wives in two or three parishes. But his corruption of the wedded fairer sex had never been proved."

"The story goes that Felix, a kind and generous man, refused to be played for the fool. His pride would never allow him to be the loving cuckold. So, he patiently plotted, watching, and waiting until he found the couple in the back of Alphonse's carriage, naked and fervently engaged in sexual congress. In a rage, the offended husband drew his saber and relieved M. Robichaux of his sex organ before killing both and feeding them to the swamp."

"As the tale goes, Felix had his revenge, but he never recovered from his love's betrayal. It was said he went mad, leaving his home and roaming the swamp until the day he died."

"But" Deputy Guillory interrupted, "What on earth does that have to do with this situation. Even if these two were cheaters, Bonvillain has been dead for almost one hundred years!"

At this point Detective Fontenot took up the story.

"Yes, but it is said that even to this day Felix's ghost has never found rest. He roams the roads and backrooms of our beloved parish, looking for, and punishing any and all he finds who have forsaken their vows and treacherously betrayed their marriages."

"That is absurd!" replied the naive deputy.

"Really boulette?" Retorted the sheriff. "You know nothing of this history?"

"1938 Delphine Bordeaux and John Dumont"

"1951, Heleine Leger and Herbert Comeaux"

"1984 Sabine Arbour and Emeric Rivet"

"2001 Ursule Patry and Alban Flan"

"All found dead, much like our couple this evening," continued Jackie. "All cheating on their spouses and all revenged by the ghost of Felix Bonvillain the faithful follower of Anthony of Padua."

Both the sheriff and detective crossed themselves. "Patron Saint of lost love," concluded Broussard.

Four hours earlier...

Babette "babe" Sebastien was naked except for the skirt riding over her hips and her lavender panties which hung loosely from her left ankle, as she bounced up and down on her lover's engorged cock. For his part, Gus Autin was giving as good as he got. Babe and Gus had been intimate for over six months, having first committed adultery behind the local high school where Gus served as the Athletic Director and Babe taught 9th grade math.

The had been fucking behind their spouse's backs for months and genuinely believed they would never be found out. Their first tryst happened on an evening when Babe was beyond furious with her husband Luc for not waiting or her to get home before he took their two children to the local park. Luc had called her cell several times, but she had ignored him as she graded her final papers of the week.

When she finally listened to his message, she knew she'd blown it. "Cher, I have taken the kids to the park since there is only an hour left before sunset. We promised them we'd go together but since you're not answering your phone AGAIN, I'll take them alone. Meet us there if you get this in time. The three of us would love you to join us!"

Babe knew she was wrong, but she was also a stubborn, prideful woman, who refused to be pushed around by her loving husband. For his part Luc did adore her, perhaps too much, rarely putting his foot down when she was wrong. This combination led to her always finding a way to blame him and justify her immature behavior.

As she stomped to her car in the empty parking lot, she noticed Gus coming out of the gym. The AD, like every other straight male teacher at the high school secretly lusted after the young mother of two. She was fit, full-figured, with a quick wit and enjoyed teasing her compatriots. She'd lead them on, but only to a certain point before she'd let them down.

As he approached Gus could almost see the smoke coming from her ears as she muttered, "Bastard trying to make me look bad to the children. No fucking sex for him for a week..."

Gus, who was no stranger to marital arguments with his bride, or taking advantage of any available pussy, decided to make his move. Playing the understanding friend, he spent thirty minutes sweet-talking her before she climbed into his pickup which he immediately drove in a secluded spot behind the school. To his complete delight, they were fucking like rabbits almost as soon as he'd put the truck in park.

She told him it was a one-time thing, that she was just mad at her husband and needed to blow off steam. Gus never argued or suggested otherwise. He just watched and waited. He knew once she had a taste, she'd be back for more. Within two weeks his assumption was proved correct as she showed up in his office early one Saturday morning. He'd mentioned he enjoyed working without interruption when the school grounds and buildings were empty. Arriving unannounced, she dropped to her knees, pulled his cock out and sucked him to hardness before he spun her around, bent her over and fucked her silly.

When she left, she was worried his handprints on her ass where he'd spanked her as he fucked her, would still show later, so she made a note to be careful how she undressed that evening. Luc never noticed as it was dark when she came to bed. From that point forward Gus and Babe fucked at least twice a week.

The evening of their demise was their second session of the week. Gus' wife Nola had taken the children to visit her parents in Baton-Rouge for the weekend. Luc was on a fishing trip and Babe's kids were with her folks.

After their first round of fucking Gus was now forcefully holding Babe's head down as he fucked her mouth. She called him a bastard and pretended to fight him, but her paramour knew down deep she was submissive to him and loved his dominance. His six-inch cock was buried deep in her throat when they both thought they heard a whisper in the dark.

"Cheaters must pay... cheaters must pay... cheaters must pay."

Gus released her head and Babe sat up slightly clinging to her lover. "What was that?" she hissed. He was quiet for a moment but then smiled lustfully, "nothing Mon Cher, please continue serving your stud." Babe hesitated for a moment but then obeyed. As she slurped and engulfed his cock, it was silent in the bayou except for the noise of her mouth on his dick.

Then suddenly, this time a bit louder, the silence was broken by a voice filled with venom and rage.

"Cheaters must pay!"

Confused and concerned, Gus started the truck, put it in drive and began to pull away when the voice became a force. His hands were compelled back onto Babe's head. His cock seemed to have a life of its own, violently driving back into her mouth, now gagging her. Somehow, without Gus ever touching the gear shift, the truck moved into neutral and lurched forward.

Babe was screaming for Gus to let her up but all that came out was "murff, gluck, gluck. Murff..." For his part Gus tried to grab the wheel and steer the truck away but his hands were locked and couldn't move. He frantically tried to move his feet to the brake pedal, but it was no use. He was frozen as if bound hand and foot with chains that held him tight.

"Cheaters must pay... cheaters must pay... CHEATERS MUST PAY!!!"

The voice now sounded as if it was coming from someone in the cab with them, but there was no sign of anyone or anything as the truck was moved by some unseen force closer and closer to the embankment of the highway.

Gus' feet suddenly felt free, and he jammed them down on the brakes as hard as he could. The truck's resistance to whatever unseen power was moving it made the rubber of the tires screech as if in excruciating pain. Closer and closer they came to the precipice and even with Gus trying to lock down the movement, they were picking up speed.

The last twenty yards were combined with the shrieks of the doomed lovers and the unending ghastly sound or rubber on unyielding pavement. Before the truck was hurled off the highway the shrouded skeletal face of an enraged Defan Pauvre Felix Bonvillain became visible to both.

Now a hideous laughter filled with unimaginable pain and unabandoned glee, rang out with the last words the cheaters would hear in this life.


The truck tumbled over the short cliff, crashed into the rocks below and burst into flames. The arrogant betrayers of love met their final doom screaming as the flames engulfed them.

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shadrachtshadracht2 months ago

No real time for remorse. Fair payback, but no recovery for the slighted spouses, no real joy, nothing. 3*

SatyrDickSatyrDick4 months ago


Top Shelf!


oldpantythiefoldpantythief4 months ago

Sorry, this was like a 12 year old boy telling a ghost story and making it up on the fly. Had some possibility but lacked depth. Didn't dislike it, just wasn't great, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cheaters always get their just deserts.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cool husband gets everything because the whores dirt napping and he gets the added bonus of pissing on the sluts grave

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