Chasing the High

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What would you do to fuck your idol?
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"Are you shaved?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you shaved?"

The clipped voice was bored, the small room enhancing it somehow. She shivered.


She licked her lips, incredibly nervous.

"Will you take a shower?"


She answered more clearly, pleased to hear this question. She stared at the manicured hand checking off the list of questions on the paper.

"Do you consent to being touched sexually by other people?"

"Err...what do you mean...I thought...?"

"There will be multiple people. It may enhance your experience to be touched or touch other people as well. You will always have the ability to say no."

The man looked up over his half-circle reading glasses, his patience obviously close to running out.


"Will you leave if told to?"


"Will you refrain from speech?"


"Do you consent to being filmed for everyone's protection?"

Her expression was all he needed to see.

"All recordings will be stored securely for a month and then destroyed. They will never be made available online or for anyone's viewing pleasure."


"Are you using contraception?"


"What are you using?"

"The pill."

There were other questions. They filled two pages. The NDA was longer. She signed her name at the end of each document. The bored man in his exquisite suit waved her through the door ahead. She entered another small room which was bare apart from five clothes rails, almost like you'd see backstage at a fashion show with some empty coat hangers. Three of the rails had clothing on with a pair of shoes underneath. There was another door leading out of the room.

The empty clothes rails each had a white towel and a white towelling dressing gown on them.

A female security guard, or at least she assumed that she was a security guard, was standing in the other doorway. She gestured at one of the rails and went back to looking at her phone.

Behind her in the other room she heard the same bored voice asking questions.

"Are you shaved?"

She was so nervous that she was worried about disgracing herself. Her bowels felt like they'd turned to water and that any movement would be disastrous. She stood immobile for a second like a rabbit in the headlights.

"Honey? Lose the clothes. We don't have all night."

She forced herself to move to one of the empty rails and quickly took off her cute little top. She kicked off her mules and the denim shorts followed next. Standing in her underwear she took a deep breath and pretending that she was alone stripped before quickly putting on the luxurious toweling robe. It smelled and felt wonderful.

She was distracted by the bored voice from the other room again.

"Are you over eighteen? Please show me your ID."

There was a pair of those disposable hotel slippers on top of the towel. She put them on and picked up the towel. She suddenly realised that she didn't have anywhere to put her keys, her phone or her purse. She looked at the security guard who waved her over, holding out a large ziplock bag.

She placed the valuables inside the clear plastic and the guard wrote the number four on the outside before placing it in a carryall behind her along with other similar bags.

"Through there honey - if you're sure that is."

She gulped absolutely not sure but nodded her head in response and walked into a large suite. Three other people were sitting there on separate sofas, wrapped in their white towelling robes. The security guard pointed to another door and she meekly made her way through the room with three pairs of eyes watching her every move.

She walked into a well appointed bathroom. She shut the door and looked for a lock. She mentally kicked herself as she realised that of course there wouldn't be one. She took off her robe and relieved herself, embarrassed by the noise she was making. She flushed and then started the shower. She remembered one of the questions as she looked around at the shower and hair products.

"Do you have any skin allergies that would prevent you from using any Jo Malone products?"

All of the three people in the other room had wet or recently washed hair, so she showered, washed her hair and used the relevant products. If she wasn't so nervous she would have enjoyed it, the fragrance was faintly intoxicating, musky and yet still fresh.

She was just putting her robe on when there was a knock at the door. She jumped and just managed to stop herself from squeaking out loud.

She opened the door and came face to face with another young woman. This woman had short, pink hair, cut in the latest style and seemed to have layers of makeup on. She quickly vacated the bathroom and continued to dry her hair before settling into one of the luxurious sofas.

The man with the bored voice and expensive suit was back and the door into the suite was shut. There was no sign of the security guard.

"We need to wait for number five and then we can begin the briefing," he said. He went to the bar and poured himself an evian.

"Help yourself to a soft drink if you would like one. If you wish to kiss please refrain from anything other than water."

The nerves were back. She settled into the sofa far away from the others and wrapped her arms around herself, her hands holding her elbows as she asked herself for the hundredth time what on earth she was doing here.

Five minutes later the door to the bathroom opened and the young woman emerged. All her makeup was gone too. She looked younger and somehow more vulnerable.

"Will you remove any piercings?" the bored voice had asked them as one of the many questions. There were no earrings on display, no jewelry of any kind. Just five anonymous bodies swathed in high quality robes.

The grey eyes behind the horn-rimmed spectacles scanned the room.

"Let's begin."

= = = = = = =

Theo Raven stood there, arms stretched out, soaking in the adulation of the twenty thousand people crammed into the arena. He was drenched with sweat after a two hour set, four costume changes and this final encore. The crowd were delirious.

The adrenaline rush was immense. People screaming for him; the crowd chanting his name. One middle-aged woman at the front had been there for the last two nights so he blew her a kiss. She screamed and fainted. He signalled to security but they were already moving. Once he realised that they were on top of things he finished waving to the crowd, bowed deeply from the waist, as he always did, and ran off the stage.

"You were on fire tonight Theo."

"Great job Theo."

"Your voice was off the charts man."

"That guitar solo! Whew!"

He acknowledged the band with a thumbs up, nodded to the hangers on and the arena staff while desperately trying to hold on to the high from the gig. It was the closest thing to perfection for him. He loved to perform. He lived for it.

He was taken to his dressing room. He closed the door, his security team well aware of his habits. The big screen TV and sound system were on and he touched the screen to play the video.

He was surrounded by the acclamation once again. The screams, the love.

He slowly closed his eyes, his arms out to his crowd again as he relived that final moment.

The feeling wasn't as good. But it did trigger the memory. The pictures and sound helped. It was almost a form of pornography to him as he was enveloped by twenty thousand adoring voices. He held the pose until the noise died before taking a deep, shuddering breath.

A tear came down his perfect cheek as he slowly came down from the clouds of fame, stepping back into the hot sweaty clothes of a thirty-one year old man again.

He sighed and reached for his bottle of Perrier, pouring it into the plain crystal glass. The sound of the bubbles and the clinking of the ice rang around the dressing room, the slice of lime rising to the top.

He wiped away the lone tear and sighed heavily. The come down after the show wasn't anything like as bad if he did this. He relaxed into the chair, turned off the sound and became aware of the noise from outside the door.

He sat up, straightened his top and shouted "OK" at the door.

= = = = = = =

It was always a strange, ramshackle group.

The type of person that wanted to be in that room always surprised him. Old, young, fat, thin, short, tall, black, white. Some trembled with nerves like number four over there, while others were as calm as you like. Some jittered, their knees bouncing up and down in a staccato rhythm, others bit their nails, while some were so turned on that they didn't last two minutes.

But they'd all agreed. They'd all signed.

He closed the door behind him acknowledging the five people wrapped in their robes. When he was sure that he had their attention he cleared his throat.

"Hello. My name is Gregory Norman. You all know why you're here. The focus of tonight is not you. It's him. I will be the only other person in the room. I will manage the cameras. If you see me point at you and then at the door you are to leave. No questions. You are not to talk. You are to listen to any requests that are made of you. Do you understand?"

He paused. They all murmured that they did.

"That all sounds pretty heavy right?"

He allowed himself a small smile looking back at the five worried faces. He allowed some warmth to creep into his voice for the first time.

"Don't forget why you're here. Remember to enjoy it. Have fun. Take your time. Any questions?"

Number five raised her hand.

"It says to stay quiet..."

"It does not. It says to refrain from speech."

"OK, but what if we can't stay quiet? I'm kind of noisy..."

"As I said, this experience is not about you. If you can't stop yourself then you should leave now. No one wants to know that YOU are coming, how YOU want to be fucked or which hole YOU want to have filled next. This is about him."

His eyes bored into her.

"Will you be staying?"

She flushed with embarrassment and nodded.

"Any other questions?"

The sole male, number three raised his hand.


"How will we know who should be doing what? How do we figure out who he wants to..."

"He is experienced at this. There will be ample guidance. Any other questions?"

Gregory looked around the room but all was quiet.

There was a light knock on the door behind him. They all looked slightly startled.

"What do you know? He's early. Is everyone ready?"

Five heads nodded back at him. It's funny how they were always quiet.

He gestured for them to stand and drop their robes. Three of the robes were on the floor straightaway, their owners excited to begin. One was a bit slower but that was because he had trodden on the garment getting up. Number four looked whiter than her robe. He saw her take a deep breath before standing up. She closed her eyes and then shed the dressing gown. He was going to have to watch that one.

He beckoned them all over to the door and opened it.

= = = = = = =

Finally the large room was empty.

Joel had managed to clear the dressing room of all the wellwishers, VIP meet and greeters and general hangers-on that you find backstage at a Theo Raven concert. It was a tough balance between being nice, fulfilling your commitments and still getting rid of people that you really didn't want to be there. Theo was a natural. Anyone in his presence fell under his thrall. He was simply magnetic. But it was draining. And on a tour like this you had to manage energy levels.

So these sessions were restricted to thirty minutes - less if Joel had anything to do with it. Everyone got their selfies and a few moments to stutter their questions, offer their thanks and, surprisingly often, their starstruck silence. Theo sailed serenely through it all.

He smiled wryly.

"A bit different from the Hundred Club."

"A few more roadies...and the sound system is a bit better," Theo joked back.

Theo had known Joel Deacon for twenty years, ever since he'd sat down next to him on the first day of junior school. Joel's Star Wars backpack had made the decision and they'd been friends ever since. Joel walked over to the snack table and picked up a bottle of water before sinking his large frame into an armchair and putting his size elevens up on the chair in front of him.

"Are you still going through with this?"

Theo's expression hardened slightly.

"It's the best way."

"It's not the only way."

"It's the best way."


"Listen Joel, I appreciate you looking out for me. And you know that without you and Gregory I'd be completely lost. Just trust me in this. I've...explored...other ways and, for now, this is the best. Hell, I'm off the drugs aren't I?"

Joel nodded.

"So if this feels alien to you, then fair enough. But for me it works."

"Aren't you worried about what the rest of the world thinks about what you do? I'm worried that people will use this against you in the future."

"No. Not any more. They're all doing the same thing..."

"But they're not broadcasting it as a sex sweepstake at your concert!"

Theo bounced on to his feet, clearly agitated.

"It's all above board. No one has to do it. People sign the NDA willingly. They're protected, I'm protected and I get to fuck people without worrying whether they're after my money or if they actually like me or if they're clean or what sort of a relationship we have. No breakups, no whining because I'm touring, no jealousy, no messy breakups. It's liberating."

Joel started to open his mouth to argue again and saw the flicker of anger in Theo's eye.

"I'm just trying to look out for you man."

"I know you are Joel. And I can't tell you how much it means to me. You know I don't trust any of those slimy fuckers from the record company, the PR people, the management team, none of them. So please always be honest with me. There'll be time for relationship entanglements but not now. This isn't going to last forever. Not everyone can be Elton John. While people are still buying what I'm selling I need to make the most of it. You know what happens once relationships get added to the mix."

"I know Theo, I just..."

"We can't all have what you and Lucy have."

Joel opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again. He nodded and got up from the chair to follow Theo out of the dressing room and into the adjoining hotel.

= = = = = = =

Her feet sank into the plush carpet, almost tickled by the beautiful softness between her toes. Her breasts bounced slightly as she hurried to catch up with the others. It was...invigorating.

The room beyond was cleverly lit. Uplighters and mood lighting provided a serene, warm welcome. The room itself contained a large bed, several cameras on tripods, floor to ceiling curtains across the windows and not much else.

Lying on the bed was the reason that she was here. The reason for these extreme security measures, for the NDA. He was beautiful.

Theo Raven.

His music had carried her through her teens and into her twenties. She knew everything that there was to know about him. Everything from his meteoric rise, the awards and the global success through to the drug rehabilitation and his massively successful relaunch three years ago.

She was in the same room with Theo Raven.

She had been mocked for her fangirl ways by her friends as other trendier acts had hit the scene. But he was her world.

And he was lying there, blindfolded, completely nude. He was her own alabaster statue of David come to life.

The other four fanned around him and she quickly took up position to the right of his head. Gregory held up his hand for them to wait as he walked around the room, the bright red LEDs appearing as the six cameras came to life to record every moment from every angle.

Gregory then stood near the door.

"Everything is ready."

Theo Raven's chest lifted as he drew in a slow, deep breath.

"Touch me."

The others didn't matter to her. Her nerves had vanished as soon as she saw him. They may as well have not been there. She walked forward and reached out her hand to tentatively touch his hair. She leaned over him and drank in his clean, musky scent. She ran her hands down his arm, over his beautifully sculpted muscles, past the scars at his wrist that she knew she would find. She massaged his right hand in hers.

Her breathing was short and fast as her arousal began to build. Her hip bumped into the pink haired woman who had started on the same side as her and her gaze was briefly torn from Theo. She looked into an equally shocked face, wide with wonder at what they were experiencing.

Her hands moved to his hairless chest and she heard him sigh as the adoring hands of the anonymous five worked their magic on his body. She saw his cock stirring, slowly growing in size and hardness.

"Taste me."

She leaned in and kissed him. Sparks flew and she orgasmed as his lips reached for hers. She wasn't experienced but she put all of her love, gratitude and wonder into that kiss. He groaned into her mouth. As she pulled back from her mind-altering kiss she saw the man expertly fellating him.

"Slowly. We have time."

She went back to kiss him but other lips had taken her place. She trailed kisses down his side, licking and sucking at the body of the man that had brought her so much happiness. She suddenly became aware that Gregory was pointing wildly at her.


No, she couldn't leave. What had she done?

She stood there transformed like Lot's wife, rooted to the spot.

Gregory barged past her and finally gained the attention of the man, silently but angrily pointing to the door.

She was so relieved she almost cried.

= = = = = = =

The first touches were always tentative. They quickly realised that it was allowed.


Then the delicious feel of the more confident hands moving up and down his body. Some of the hands were rougher than others. They were the hands that were there for the sex. The lighter hands that he could feel, they were the hands that were there to worship him.

He loved them both.

"Taste me."

He was expecting the kiss. He was expecting the touches and the licks on his cock. The kiss was something else though. She; he knew it was a she; was pouring everything she was into it. He loved the closeness, the delicacy. Her light hands on his chest as she touched him. He felt her shudder and he nearly broke his own rules to reach out and feel her body as it orgasmed.

His cock was being attacked with gusto and he tried to slow things down.

"Slowly. We have time."

This was his experience as much as it was theirs.

The person sucking him didn't slow. It was good but it wasn't what he wanted so he signalled to Gregory. Within a few seconds his aching, wet cock was freed.

He felt a lithe body climb on top of him and begin to use her breasts to rub up and down his body. The sensations were wonderful. Another mouth had taken over from the first one kissing him. It was good but again more aggressive than he wanted. He shook his head slightly and the person got the message, the breathing slowing a little the kiss if anything intensifying.

Other hands were feeling around his sculpted muscles, lifting a leg and fondling his buttock, lightly stroking his perineum, a tongue gliding fleetingly around his hairless crotch, licking his scrotum and gently sucking one of his balls into their mouth.

The lips changed again and it was the first woman back for more. She was slightly more insistent this time, reacting to his tongue as he was the aggressor this time. She gasped, her hands holding onto him. He felt long hair being dragged up and down his torso, the delicate sensation setting him on fire.

The kiss intensified and he felt a hand stroking his cock, gently teasing it.

Then the lips of a pussy slid along the length of his rod, gliding up and down, lubricating it with copious juices. He could feel someone else's breath on his scrotum and a tongue licking some of the juices off his cock as the woman with the long hair continued to rub herself up and down his cock. He felt her shudder and moan, the sensations obviously too much and her juices bathed his cock.