Celestial Matters


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Maria looked down at her clothing in alarm. The white shift began to change ... the glowing red cloth twined around her form like a serpent.

When the change was finished, she looked like a different person.

The dirty girl that looked like a street urchin in a white pillowcase was gone. In her place I had wrought a princess. The shift had changed into a frilly ice blue satin dress, with frills and a built in corset.

In my moment of generosity I had also fixed her hair. The matted tangles that her golden blond tresses had formed were reborn. Her hair now fell in golden curls all the way down to the small of her back. I had removed all fleas from her hair too, as they seemed all to common in Parisians. I had also made her hair a bit longer, but I didn't feel like it would be a bad thing.

She was looking at me shocked ... then she looked down at herself ... she touched her dress, her hands dancing over the smooth silk. Then she reached up to her head, and felt her golden curls.

She started to cry.

She curled up into a tighter ball on the chair, and hugged her knees.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked, her voice sounded pathetic, and confused.

I smiled. "I take it you like the dress," I said.

She nodded, tears still falling from her face. "Yes, I love it..." she stuttered, "thank you..."

I gave a courteous nod from my chair. "My pleasure my lady," I replied.

She continued to cry.

Eventually I got tired of her weeping angelic face, and turned to the dim coals. With a click of my fingers the hearth's fire sprang back to its former glory.

I sat back in my chair, and dozed.

Maria's eyes never left me.


It was official. I was horny.

I might be crying like a bitch, but God help me I was aroused.

And he wasn't doing anything to help me. In fact, nothing he did seem to make any difference to how much NEED I was in. Need for him.

He dangled me like a piece of meat by my neck, and all it did was make me pant in arousal.

But what really turned me on was his display of kindness. He did something completely kind and considerate. Using his somewhat scary powers he had changed my tattered underclothes into a dress fit for an aristocrat. It was real satin too. Not like the fake dresses at The Rosy Garter that were simply designed to be easy to remove.

This dress was the genuine article, but unless I kept my legs crossed, it was going to get wet.

I rubbed my legs together a little bit. Applying friction to my sopping vagina.

It felt good, and a small moan escaped from my lips.

His eyes glanced over to me. "Are you all right little half breed?" He asked, his tone was soft, despite his words.

I simply nodded, very much aware that my crotch had produced more moisture at the sound of his voice.

This continued for what seemed like hours. I would try to covertly rub my legs against my pulsing sex, and try not to draw attention from the demon.

Eventually I had a small shuddering orgasm that did nothing to satisfy me. My new found lusty abandon scared me. But my hungry pussy overturned my fears.

My body seemed determined to have him, even if my mind still resented him for what he'd done to me.

I made a resolution to seduce him, after all I was a prostitute, seduction used to be my job.


Unusual Thirsts

I was getting impatient.

I was only pretending to read the book in my hands. My eyes had been glancing over the same page for nearly an hour now.

It had been two days since I sent Turkik out to identify my angelic caller, and so far he had not returned.

The two days of his absence had sent into an uneasy pattern. Every evening I would arise at about nine, to which I would be greeted by a shy 'hello, ' from Maria.

I didn't know if she simply slept the daylight away like I did, or if she just awoke whenever I got up.

It seemed that all she did was follow me about my cave. If I sat in my chair by the fireplace, then I could expect her to curl up in the chair next to mine for a cat nap.

It was becoming unnerving. She even slept in that chair, as I had yet to offer to use my powers to create her a bed.

I didn't want to waste the energy if Turkik came back with news that would mean her death.

Currently we were in the same position we had occupied for most of the two days. I was reading by the fire, and she was snuggled into the other armchair.

Her stomach growled.

She opened her eyes in surprise. Several emotions played over her face. Confusion, surprise, realization, was just a few that I could name.

"I'm ... hungry," she said, in a voice of utter shock.

I looked over the top of my book.

"What would you like to eat little half breed?" I said.

She shook her head.

"No, it's just, I haven't eaten for a week ... and I, well ... should have starved by now," she trailed off, sounding suddenly unsure of herself.

I shook my head and chuckled.

"Well, child, you are half angel, and to the extent of my knowledge angels don't eat anything."

She nodded dumbly.

I continued, "But you are still half human, you are going to need to feed that half of yours every once in a while."

She looked up at me, with the same weird expression that she'd worn recently.

"So I only need to eat once a week?"

"Looks that way," I replied, turning my attention back to my forgotten book.

I read for close to an hour, till my attention was once again taken. Maria had began to fidget. I could tell she was working up the courage to say something. I still don't know why she stays with me even though she is obviously terrified of me. I didn't send her away because I would enjoy killing her if Turkik would come back.

She seemed to have found her courage. "Umm, Mr. Demon, you said something about food?"


Now that I was hungry it was the only thing I could think about.

Well, I was really thinking about two things, but I had been thinking about that nonstop for the past two days, so it didn't count.

The demon closed his book with a snap.

"Why, yes Maria I do believe I did say something about a little supper," he said. He stood with a flourish. "Now, what do you like to eat," he asked softly.

I could feel my face getting hot. It was the most words he had said to me in two days.

"Oh, nothing much really, if you have some bread that would be nice," I said, craning my neck around looking for a cupboard that could hold food. I had never seen the demon eat.

The demon cocked his head, looking confused. "No, no, that won't do at all," he said.

He waved his hand, and several little red sparks emerged, and darted around the cave.

There was a red flash, and i was blinded I was blinking the light from my eyes when I felt him take my hand.

He led me in the direction of his table.

He pulled my chair out for me, and gently lowered me into it. The flash slowly began to leave my eyes, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he meant for me to be blind.

As I regained my sight, I saw him on the other side of the table.

He grinned.

"Well, eat up," he said, gesturing to the table.

What I saw took my breath away. Laid out on the table was a feast for an army. A roast pig with an apple in it's mouth sat as the centerpiece. All around it were plates of grapes and apples. Potatoes and loaves of bread were scattered everywhere.

I tentatively picked up a loaf of bread and nibbled on it.

It was the best thing I ever tasted ... for the next hour I gorged myself on delicacies I could have only dreamed of.

He calmly watched me binge from across the table.

When I finished, I leaned back in my chair, feeling just a little bit sick.

"Well, you certainly proved to be an excellent dining companion; I have been blow away by your skills of conversation," he said.

I blushed for the second time of the evening.

I started a bumbling apology.

He waved his hand at me to settle me. "Not to worry little half breed, it was very interesting to watch you eat, almost like a wolf tearing the carcass of a deer."

He wasn't doing anything to make me feel better.

He apparently didn't care. "Are you finished?" He asked.

I just nodded.

With another wave of his hand the food disappeared. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table.

"So, in all honesty, how was my cooking?" He said


I ignored him, I had been thinking about a question for some time, and it had begun to gnaw at me.

I asked my question before my will left me.

"Do you eat?" I asked. "I noticed you didn't eat anything while I was ... um ... having dinner."

His smile turned dark. "My dear, it would be best if you didn't know my eating habits. I eat some strange things..." he said mysteriously.

For some reason, I desperately wanted to know what he ate.

"Please tell me," I said. "I'll answer any questions you want!"

At this statement he paused.

"Answer any question..." he mused. "You realize if I take you up on that promise you will have to tell me, as not telling me would constituent as lying.

I nodded.

He gazed right into my eyes with his red orbs.

"Are you staying with me to spy on me for the light?"

I answered so quickly that the compulsion ringing was hardly audible when I said,

"No, they never asked me to spy on you, and if they ask me I will not agree. The angel only asked me if I knew of any deformities on your person."

He smiled.

"Alright then," he said, lightly. "Now I believe you wanted to know something?"

I growled in frustration.

"Tell me what you eat!" I shouted.

He smiled, and held up three fingers. "I can eat three things," he said.

"One," he ticked down a finger, "I can devour the soul of a human who pledged it in mortal combat."

"Two," another finger went down, "I can eat the flesh of any sinner wallowing in Hell."

"Three," the last finger descended, "I can drink the blood of a willing host."

I was slightly uneasy about his answers, but they raised more questions than they answered. "Why would a man pledge his soul in combat? What do they have to gain?" I asked.

He laughed at this. "Eternal life," he said.

"What," I said.

"If they defeat me in combat then they receive an unending life of youth."

"Oh," I said. Wondering how many men had lost their lives trying to attain something I didn't want.

I asked another question. "Why would someone allow you to drink their blood?"

He sat back in his chair. "One wish," he said.

I was confused, "Meaning ... what?" I asked

He smiled, obviously thinking I was very slow.

"Meaning I am compelled to use my powers to grant a desire of theirs that is within my abilities, excepting that of eternal life of course."

"Oh," I said. I didn't bother asking about the people in Hell. I was focused on other things now.

I paused; my mind continually scolded my wayward body for even contemplating this.

I looked up at the demon. "I want you to drink my blood," I said. I was pleased to see him double take in shock.

"Really, do you have some wish that you want fulfilled?" He asked mockingly.

I nodded.

Suddenly he was standing right next to me, on my side of the long table. He was holding the silver knife I had used to eat. I offered it to me.

"You have to cut yourself," he said. "I can play no part in the breaking of the skin."

Without giving myself time to think about it, I cut across my wrist. I was hardly even surprised when blue blood started to seep from my wound.

The demon was eying the blood hungrily. "Now say these words," he said. "I freely give my own blood to fulfill my own desires."

I said the words.

His mouth descended upon my wrist so quickly that he was a blur of movement. I felt his lips latch on, and began to feel him draw blood from my body.

The first draw stung, almost like a bee sting.

The second draw felt like a warm fire after a cold day.

His third draw from my body bordered on ecstasy.

I began to writhe and moan under his iron grip on my arm. I could feel my nipples hardening, and my own juices had begun to leak down my leg.

And still he kept going.

I felt like I was going to go crazy.

My mind was delirious with pleasure ... all I could do was wait for him to take his next sip of my blood with baited breath.

"Take it all!" I shouted in passion, "Please ... take it all."

He took it all.



I couldn't think, I couldn't move. All I could do was drink.

It felt like liquid pleasure was slipping down my throat. My ears were pounding, I could hear her saying something, but I didn't understand any of her words.

Finally, I tried to take another sip, but no more came.

Oh no ... I had drained her dry ... I had never killed a blood donor, but I knew the penalty for betraying our contract ... I waited with my eyes shut ... one minute passed, then two.

I cracked one eye open. Nothing happened.

Maria's corpse was still in my arms. Her cut wrist dangled between us. Her eyes were closed, and she wasn't breathing.

I didn't understand. I had killed her, her lifeless body lay in my hands, and yet, I wasn't bursting into flames. I wasn't slipping back into Hell.

I was so preoccupied I didn't realize that her wrist had healed.

I quietly brushed her blond locks from her face ... I felt quite strange. It was almost like I was sorry for her death. This sentiment confused me. I had spent the last two days thinking of inventive ways to kill her.

I leaned down, and slowly kissed her forehead. I pulled my lips back, and gazed down at her porcelain face.

Her eyes snapped open. They locked onto me. I watched as her pupils dilated, leaving only a sliver of silver visible.

"Fuck me," she said.

Before I knew what was happening, Maria was on her feet. She grabbed me under the arms and lifted me like a child.

She threw me and I went sailing through the air. I landed on the bed with a thud.

In a blur of motion she was kneeling above me, with her legs straddling mine.

"You bastard," she screamed. "You bastard, you bastard you FUCKING BASTARD!" She was fiddling with the buttons on my leather pants.

"If you don't fuck me I am going to fucking RAPE you," she said. Her face was determined even though her eyes had tears in them.

I reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders, trying to keep her from moving. She struggled and wiggled like a hellcat. She was surprisingly strong, but then again, she did just throw me across a room.

"Maria, STOP!" I screamed.

Surprisingly, she suddenly froze in place. Tears still streamed down her face, but her eyes were looking at me hungrily.

She was panting, her whole body was shaking just inches from mine, but still she did not move.

"But I need it," she said, her voice pleading. "Please let me, please. I'll do anything..."

I looked at her puzzled. I wonder why she didn't just continue trying to undress me, was it just because I told her to?

"Why'd you stop?" I asked, curious.

Confusion played against her face, before it too was swallowed by lust. "But, you told me to stop."

I nodded.

I was having fun with this game. "But why did you? You look like you're going to lose your mind if you don't get fucked. So why'd you stop?"

She whimpered. Her body was shaking more violently now. Not only from passion this time. I smelt fear rising from her pores.

"Don't make me tell you..." she whined. Her whole body was convulsing, I looked down, there was a wet spot on the bed where her crotch was hovering, the blue silk dress was torn in several places, and one of her milky breasts was hanging loose.

I gave her my best evil grin.

"Tell me Maria," I said.

She shuddered, and her body went limp. She fell on top of me, her blond hair landing on my chest.

She began talking in a dead voice, one with no emotion.

"I have to obey your commands," she said simply.

"You'll have to be more specific than that half-breed," I said.

I felt her chest heaving next to mine. "No, please, don't."

I was very firm. I grabbed her head and forced her to look at me.

"Yes, tell me everything, leave nothing out," I commanded.

Her eyes dilated again, and she shivered.

Did she just have an orgasm?

She once again began speaking in a monotone voice.

"Demon, because you are my awakener, my body is forced to follow your orders, due to ancient magic made by the angelic elite. In an effort to control Aethlings, who are not compelled to obey God," she droned.

That was something I didn't know...

She continued. "In angelic society, an Aethling is awakened on their twentieth birthday, by the one that destined to be their spouse. Hence, it was included in the spell that the Aethling in question would be physically attracted to their awakener." She stopped, and paused.

She blinked rapidly, looking confused.

"Oh, God," she said. "Did I tell you?" She sounded terrified.

I nodded, smiling.

She looked at me nervously, "So, what are you going to do to me?" She asked.

I thought for a moment.

I remembered the nights I spent dreaming of killing her. However, I also remembered my regret, when I thought I had taken her life.

I looked at her panic stricken face. "I'm supposing you couldn't leave me if you wanted to."

She nodded pathetically

"Then I suppose I'll have to take care of you," I said simply.

She looked relieved, and buried her head in my neck, crying softly. I stroked the back of her head absently, marveling at my own behavior rather than her own. I was doing a lot of unselfish things lately. I didn't know how I felt about that.

She suddenly jerked her head away from me in a blurring movement. She still didn't know how to judge her supernatural speed.

She looked me straight in the eyes, panting once again.

"You owe me a wish," she said, her voice breathy and weak.

I nodded.

She smiled, and stretched like a cat, curling her toes and fingers.

"Then I wish you would fuck me."

I felt a discharge of power, and felt the compulsion of a wish that was within my abilities to grant.

My body started moving on its own. I quickly grabbed her by her shoulders and spun her down onto the bed. I was now sitting on top of her.

She was grinding up against me. "Yes, yes, fuck me, take me," she moaned.

She needn't ask, her wish would make sure I preformed.

With my powers I mentally undid the buttons on my pants, and slipped out of them. I wasn't wearing any under clothes.

Her eyes grew wide when she saw my cock. "Umm," she said, "how big is that?"

I shrugged; I had never bothered to measure it. I had never made love to a willing girl before. And such questions just don't come up during rape.

She suddenly seemed very nervous. "Be gentle," she quivered, "I don't think humans get that big."

"Sorry," I said, " But you didn't wish for 'gentle'."

I grabbed her dress at the bust, and savagely ripped it in half, revealing her pale sweaty body. Her chest was heaving, making her breasts sway slightly as she tried to catch her breath.

I roughly placed my hand between her legs. She was still oozing cum in large amounts. She obviously liked what I was doing.

I stuck two fingers in. I relished the hot warmth of her center. I felt her vaginal walls contracting, trying to draw my fingers in deeper.

She squealed.

"Enough, enough, just FUCK me," she bellowed. "I need you inside me," she said, her voice torn between need and determination.

I lifted my body up, and positioned my cock head in front of her outer lips. I could feel the heat emanating from her pussy.

She groaned, and roughly pushed up against me, trying to capture me inside her ... I slid in effortlessly.

She went crazy, and started bucking and squirming.

I moaned. Her sexy felt heavenly.

I drew my hips back, far enough that only the head of my cock was still in her. Then I brutally pushed my dick all the way inside her, making sure to hit her hard clit with my body.