Casino Setup Ch. 05

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Emily and Connie under even more pressure.
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Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 02/05/2004
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Connie cried all the way home and nearly drove Emily crazy. If that woman didn't stop whining Emily thought she might just throw her out of the car and let her walk home. God Emily thought, all she can do is sob and hold her boobs. When Emily finally told her to stop whining, all Connie could say was that Emily just didn't know how much her breasts hurt and kept crying.

They finally arrived at Connie's house and Emily couldn't take it any longer. "What do think I was doing all that time, enjoying myself? I was there, too remember. You weren't the only one dragged around by her tits."

"Yeah, " Connie whined, "but yours aren't nearly as heavy as mine. And besides, if you hadn't pulled on them so hard they wouldn't hurt so much now."

"Shut up," growled Emily, "there was no way I was letting Janice pull on my boobs again, so if yours are a little sore, too bad. I think the only thing that really hurts is your pride. You always felt that those big boobs of yours made you so attractive, well you found a down side to them didn't you. Now stop your whining, what's done is done. If we don't find a way out of this soon, our boobs will be the least of our problems."

Connie finally stopped sniveling. "You're right of course, but what are we going to do?"

"Well," said Emily, "we know we can't trust Janice, so we don't call her again. We don't have any way to get to that much money on our own, so that's out. As I see it we have two choices: we can win it at the casino, or we can borrow it." Connie agreed that those were the only two options, but she pointed out that they didn't know how to play the casino games and they had no one to borrow money from.

Emily thought for a minute and finally told Connie she was right, "but that doesn't mean we can't change both of those conditions. You saw the people playing at the casino. They didn't look like mental giants. Surely if they can figure out how to play those games, we can. Second, we may not have friends who will lend us $1500, but we are members of the credit union. Surely our husbands are important enough that they will lend us whatever we need. Tomorrow we will go to the casino first thing. We wil buy chips and we will study the games. The next day we'll go to the credit union and take out a loan. One way or the other this ends this week.

Connie picked Emily up at 8:00 Tuesday morning. They drove straight to the casino. When they got there, they presented their voucher to the cashier. The cashier asked them if they wanted tokens, chips, or cash. Both women did a double take and asked him to repeat that. Again he asked if they wanted tokens, chips, or cash. Emily quickly said cash, and he handed them each five $100 bills. Emily and Connie ran back to their car. They wanted to get out of there before he could change his mind.

They drove back to Connie's house. They both kept counting the money, they couldn't believe it was real. It was Connie who finally said what was on both their minds. "Well we know we save our bottoms. Now if we can just borrow another $1000 we're out of trouble completely." "Yep, " said Emily, "and then Janice is in trouble." Both women laughed. Revenge would be sweet.

The next day, the ladies drove to the credit union. The meeting couldn't have gone better. The young loan officer kept saying what an honor it was to have the senior officers' wives as his clients. Certainly he could get them $1000 apiece. No they didn't need to fill out any paperwork, he would do that for them. In 15 minutes he had the application ready for their signiatures. Emily asked him when they could get the money. The young man said that he would rush the application through. They should have it by Friday and certainly no later that Saturday. Emily and Connie left his office walking on air. They spent the rest of the day laughing and planning all the terrible things they would do to Janice.

Thursday went by and Friday came. When 4:00 came and Emily still had not heard back from the loan officer, she started to get a little concerned. She called the young man and asked him if there was a problem. He told her there was a little hold up in the paperwork. The president of the credit union had called him and told him that he personally needed to check on something, but that he would definitely have the application review completed by first thing tomorrow morning. The credit union was open from 9:00 until noon on Saturday, so if the ladies would come in during that time, they could certainly get their money. After all, it wasn't like they had any credit problems. He had checked their records himself and their credit ratings were practically perfect.

At 9:05 Saturday morning, Emily pulled into the credit union parking lot. She and Connie went in and found the loan officer who had taken their application. As they walked toward his office, he got up and came over to meet them. "I want you to know how honored we are to have your business, the president of the credit union himself wants to handle your loan personally. He's waiting for you in his office."

Emily thought this was more like it. At last they were being treated with the respect they deserved. They walked into the president's office. On his desk was a name plate which identified him as E. Howard Farthington III. Mr. Farthington stood up, shook their hands, and asked them to sit down. Emily and Connie sat across from his desk and simply asked him if their loan was ready.

The president shook his head and the two ladies got a sinking feeling in their stomachs. "I'm sorry ladies. Your credit is of course perfect, and personally I see no reason not to lend you the money. However, your husbands have left specific instructions that under no circumstances are we to lend you money. Since your memberships are both actually in their names, I cannot go against their wishes. I asked you to come in here, so I could tell you personally. I'm very sorry. I hope this does not present a major hardship. Perhaps when your husbands get back we can review the account instructions."

Connie started to tremble and Emily could see that she was losing it. They had to get out of there. If this man saw how desperate they were for $1000, it would get around and people would start to wonder about them. Quickly, she took Connie by the arm, thanked Mr. Farthington for his time, told him it really was no big deal, and practically dragged Connie out of the building.

Emily didn't say a work until they got into the car. Then she really started yelling. "What the HELL is wrong with you. It's bad enough what we're going through! Do you want the whole goddamned world to know? For God's sake woman, pull yourself together."

Connie tried but all she could do was whimper, "What are we going to do? If we don't get that money, they're going to work on our behinds."

"No they're not," Emily hissed, "We have the $500 each, so there are no new penalties, remember. They're going to play with our boobs again and probably pull us around by our nipples. But they've done that twice already and we'll get through it again. There won't be anything new, and we'll have another week to get the money."

Connie just continued to whine, "But Emily, when they bounce my boobs like that, it hurts. I don't want to do this anymore?"

"Will you shut up. If those jugs of yours weren't so damn big, it wouldn't hurt. Of course you'd be disappointed that all the guys weren't staring at you. Like I said, we'll get through it. At least we'll get the satisfaction of disappointing the two of them a little. I'll bet they never thought we'd even get the $500."

Connie snivelled for the next 10 minutes or so. Finally, the thought of at least disappointing Janice even a little cheered her up enough to stop crying. The ladies went home and waited for Monday to come.

Emily would have been much more upset if she could have heard the conversation Tony and Janice had been having the previous Monday, about an hour after they'd left. Janice was in his office watching the last tape over and over. Finally, when she couldn't stand to laugh anymore, she turned it off. Then she asked Tony if everything was ready.

He said it was, "I've spoken to the cashier and he will 'accidentally' offer to give them cash for their vouchers, but I admit I don't understand why you want them to be able to avoid the next penalty."

"My dear Mr. Vineti," Janice purred, "They're not avoiding the next penalty, they are merely delaying it. In the meantime, do you remember what you did to me when I lost both my boobs?" Tony told her that as a matter of fact he did, but he still didn't know what that had to do with anything.

"Tony, Tony, I don't want them to miss out on any experience. I'm sure you have other employees who deserve a little treat. Couldn't you find, say five or six men, who would like to play with a couple of fine pairs of tits?"

Tony couldn't help grinning from ear to ear. "My dear Janice, your imagination is positively inspiring. I do hope your husband appreciates what he has."

"Actually Tony, he doesn't, but that's a subject for another time. Meanwhile, let's plan a wonderful party for Monday." They turned the tape back on and watched it together several more times. Janice couldn't wait for the next week to pass. She didn't think Connie and Emily would feel very lucky once they walked through the door.

Monday came and Emily picked Connie up at her house. This time both women had worn simple shirts and jeans. Connie was not going to have her boobs trapped in her clothes again. They'd have to be topless, but at least it wouldn't be physically uncomfortable. They got to the casino and walked down to Tony's office. The receptionist who was always there passed them through and they went into the office.

When they walked in, Emily screamed and Connie almost fainted. In the room were Tony and Janice. There were also six men they didn't know. The worst thing was that all eight of them were watching the tape of them being humiliated the previous week. There on the screen were Connie and Emily holding onto each others nipples and sidestepping towards the door.

Connie started to leave, but Janice yelled at her to stay where she was. Emily asked if they were supposed to come back later. Janice said no, they could take care of their business right now. Neither lady knew what to do, finally Emily asked about the extra people.

Tony explained it. "Emily these are 6 of my best employees. I've promised them a special treat. Since your boobs belong to me this morning I've decided to share. So ladies let's get on with it, we haven't got all day." Both women still hesitated, but Janice just pointed at the TV screen. The ladies knew what she meant. They began to remove their tops. After the shirts and bras had been removed, they each walked over to Tony's desk and placed the $500 on it.

"Well ladies, I see you have saved you asses for now. No matter, I only promised these gentlemen some nice tits anyway. Now please walk down the line and hand each man your boobs. I'm sure they will enjoy them."

Connie and Emily began at opposite ends. Each woman walked up to a man and placed her breasts in his hands. The man would squeeze them, bounce them, tweak them, and just generally have a great time. Each man took about 5 minutes with each pair. Then the lady would move to the next man and it would start all over again. After each man had gotten to play with each pair of boobs, Janice told them they had a special treat coming.

She walked over to Emily and grabbed one of her nipples. She walked Emily over to Connie, where of course she grabbed one of hers. Then she walked the women around the room by their nipples. She asked the men if they saw how it was done, and all the guys laughed and said they thought they could handle it.

Janice laughed with them and told them that was great, "Because we're going to have a nipple relay race. We will divide you into teams of 3. Each team will have one of the women. The teams will line up on the side wall. The first member of each team will grab one of their woman's nipples and pull her across the room. When he has touched the other wall, he will pull the woman back. When you reach the first wall, the next man will grab the other nipple. He will then race back and forth. The third man will of course repeat the process. If you drop your nipple, or you let go before the next man grabs the other one, you have to go back to the beginning and repeat the lap. The winning team gets a special prize. You get to watch your team's woman get her boobs bounced up and down by the losing woman for two whole minutes. Not only that, but if I don't think they've been bounced sufficiently, I will bounce the other woman's boobs for 5 minutes. And ladies believe me, I can bounce a set of boobs."

The teams got into position. Janice said ready, set, go and one man from each team grabbed a nipple and started pulling. Of course each team wanted to win and each woman wanted to lose. This meant that each man pulled as hard as he could without his hand slipping off, and each woman held back as much as she could stand. Janice couldn't believe how far those tits were getting stretched in front of each lady.

About halfway across, the man hauling Connie pulled too hard and his hand came off. Connie was actually relieved she was losing until the man just wrapped both hands around her huge boob and practically ran back to the start. Then he quickly got ahold of her nipple again and started walking.

The man with Emily was way ahead when he reached the other wall and made the turn. Connie's team gained a little on the way back, but Emily was still way ahead. Emily's team switched tits and took off on the second leg. Connie's team switched tits when Emily was already over halfway to the next turn. This leg of the race was almost a tie. Emily had the same lead when her team switched tits again as she did when the previous leg had started.

Connie was dragged back to the line and her team member held onto her tit until their last man had grabbed the other nipple. Then he started off as fast as he could. This tit was the one that had been dragged during the first lap and Connie was sore enough that she couldn't hold back much. They began to gain on Emily.

Emily looked back and saw Connie gaining but knew it wasn't enough to catch her before she won. There was no way Emily wanted to win this race. She would much rather bounce Connie's big boobs around then have hers bounced. She waited until she had been dragged around the turn and was halfway back. Connie had just made the turn and started back. Ever so slightly, Emily twisted her body. It hurt, but it pulled her nipple out of the man's hand. Quickly, he grabbed her boob and dragged her back to the start but it was too late. Connie won easily.

The guys on the winning team whooped and hollered and slapped each other on the back. The losing team congratulated them. Actually they weren't that disappointed. They were really looking forward to watching those huge tits of Connie's bouncing around.

Connie cowered against the wall. She knew what was coming and started crying. Janice told her to stand up and get her tits out. Connie stood shaking.

Janice told Emily to put her hand under each boob, "when I say go, you start whacking those things from underneath so they bounce like crazy. If you don't have them bouncing off her face, I won't think they've bounced enough and you know what that means." Emily knew exactly what that meant, and if Connies breasts had to pay to keep hers safe, well that was too bad for Connie.

Emily placed her hands under Connies huge boobs, and Janice said 1, 2, 3, go! Emily knocked those babies up in the air. She thought she had pushed them pretty hard, but they barely made it over Connie's shoulders. When they bounced back down, Emily knocked them back up harder. It took her a little while to get the knack of it, but by the time the first 30 seconds had passed, she was bouncing those tits right off of Connie' s face.

Emily couldn't see a clock so she just kept bouncing until Janice finally said time. Emily let go and watched Connie's boobs bounce a couple of times on their own until they came to rest. "Well done Emily, " Janice said "you really had those babies flying around. Connie, you're not going to believe how those beauties of yours will look flopping around on tape. However, Emily we have a problem. I saw what you did on the last lap. You intentionally threw the race. I think that deserves some penalty. What do you say boys?"

Emily was horrified as the guys started chanting "Bounce 'em! Bounce 'em! Bounce 'em" She realized she was going to get her boobs bounced, too, and all she could do was stand there and wait for it to happen. Janice said that since Emily had caused her team to lose, each member of her team should bounce her boobs for one minute.

Emily stood there while the first man put his hands under her tits. Janice said 1, 2, 3, go and her tits were flying. Emily's breasts were a nice size, but they were much smaller than Connie's. They bounced with hardly any effort at all. Emily couldn't believe the way her breasts were flopping up and down. She lost complete track of time. Somewhere they came to rest, then someone started them bouncing again. It hurt a little, but mostly it was incredibly humiliating. After the third man had kept her tits flying around and then let go, Emily just collapsed to the ground. She wasn't really hurt, she just couldn't believe what had just happened to her while a bunch of strangers watched.

As Emily and Connie collected themselves, the six strangers thanked Tony for a wonderful time and left. Janice was laughing too hard to say anything, so Tony reminded the ladies that they still owed $1500 next week and that they knew the next penalty. Connie and Emily staggered back to the door and collected their clothes. They dressed and got out of there as quickly as they could. Connie had to drive home. This time Emily was the one crying.

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txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayabout 18 years ago
the shit gets deeper ....

hehe....can't wait to see whats next...respectfully fan in Texas naynay

msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
I'm not sitting on my hands.

So there. Once is on the the mouse, the other is busy too. It's impossible to read these stories and not have a hand busy. hehehe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Simply Fantastic

The series is fucking unbelievable. Please carry on and submit the next submissions at the earliest. In fact on every day its better to get two chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Sitting on my hands???

Hell no! I have better things to do with my hands when reading your stories, at least one of them. ;)

Keep up the good work.

Thank You!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

LOved it

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