Can I Give You a Hand? Ch. 03

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Tim meets Mary and friends.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/28/2016
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Tim meets Mary and friends

Tim didn't wank much anymore these days. His first real sex experience with Liz made him realise what a lonely, mostly unsatisfying pastime wanking really was. Well, ok, it's not bad if that's all you have. But Tim had taken a bite of the apple and now he was interested in the whole tree! He had realised that sex was sex and as long as both parties were ok with it. But it wasn't the stuff of real close relationships which could blossom into love.

"Crap," he thought. "I'm only after the sex at the moment." And Mary was his next move, he hoped. She had seen that something had gone on with himself and Liz at the party one week ago. She smiled at him and had given him her number. These things just hadn't happened to Tim before and he needed to follow that lead.

He had found that he needed to be careful with his 'handy' abilities. He nearly let the cat out of the bag with Liz. He had simply done what had come naturally. He started playing with her nipple with his right hand; the one which produced endless orgasms. Luckily for him, she had written it off as something that she had done, not anything the Tim had done. Her self-centred nature had saved him from having some real explaining to do. This was something he did not particularly relish, especially as he couldn't explain himself. How does that happen? His hand was the same as everyone else's. What about it made the person at the receiving end of a simple touch immediately go into throes of orgasmic bliss? At least it didn't happen when he used his right hand on any part of the body. It had to be the neck, nipples or cunt area. Playing with these areas would at least imply that some sort of sex was about to happen and so make the resulting orgasm easier to explain.

His other hand produced the opposite effect. It quietened the other person down to a feeling of absolute peace and calm. By experimenting on his own body, he had focused his mind on his hands to such an extent that he could control the power of these impulses. Essentially he could dial the intensity of each of the responses.

What would happen if he used both hands at the same time but controlled the intensity of each in different degrees at different times. Potentially he could slowly introduce the 'orgasm' touch by limiting the intensity of it while allowing the 'calming' touch to take over. This needed investigation and Mary was the person that he was determined to perfect it on. He didn't feel bad that he was using Mary in such a way. She had made the first move towards him and he wasn't forcing himself on her was he? Anyway, it wasn't like she wasn't going to get something out of the rendezvous. If all went well, she would be able to ride wave after wave of orgasmic bliss for as long as he and she wished. The calming touch had the added effect of minimising the physical strain that such continuous cumming would have on a body.

He had found that out by experimenting on himself what seemed like such a long time ago, but in reality it was only two months. He also found that his seemingly unlimited supply of cum had a replenishing, healing effect on his body. He had gained muscle mass, a healthy tan, unblemished skin and sharp mental capacity. This last development was one which he hadn't really pursued yet. He had too much sex to do!

Liz actually did speak to him once at school during that week. She had a soft look in her eyes. No longer that piercing, searching look which was predatory in nature and controlling in manner. She didn't have her usual retinue of friends, so he hoped that she would be civil at least. She came up to him and whispered, "I loved our little under-tree experience last weekend Tim. I have never had so much cum in one session ever. I swear I belched cum breath for the next three days! I loved it though. For the first time in whatever, I slept through the whole night each day this week. That's something I don't normally do. The doctors call it sleep apnea or something. Also no zits! They disappeared overnight. I am free this Friday night. I will see you then outside the burger bar at seven. Bye."

My heart was pounding and if a mirror was handy, I would be looking pale, despite my natural tan. "Um, Liz. I am actually busy this Friday. Sorry. Great to hear that you had a good time too. Bye."

This caused Liz to stop, turn and look at me in a new way. "Wow. Um, ok. Well another time then." In stop-start, jerky movements, she turned away and walked towards her friends. I felt bad. It seemed that she wasn't experienced in the rejection department. Live and learn Liz, live and learn.

After the usual family Friday dinner, I went to my room and dialled Mary's number. My fingers actually trembled so much, I had to try three times to get it right. "Hello, Mary here." I am sure I trembled all the way down the phone line. "Tim here. How's it going?"

"Oh cool. Hey Tim. What you doing tonight?"

"Getting burgers and a drink. Want to come?" I smiled quietly at the hidden meaning. "Want to cum?" I thought. The reply came too quickly for me to register straight away, but I did hear "seven o'clock", so I hung up, raced downstairs, told mum and dad about my plans (minimum details of course) and walked the ten minutes to the burger bar. I was a little early so waited inside sipping a non-named cola drink.

Shortly after seven, Mary walked in. Along with two of her friends! "Damn!" I thought. "There go my plans for tonight." Her friends I had seen around the schoolyard. One was named Anne. She was a mousy, petite girl with short cut hair, long beaky nose and eyebrow piercings. She didn't usually say much, but always spent time around Mary. Rumour amongst us boys, experienced as we were LOL, was that she was a dyke. I wouldn't believe that though. The other of Mary's friends was Lil. Lil was a beauty. She was part Chinese and so had that smooth, pale ivory skin which always looked doll-like. Her eyes were pools of black gold sinking to unforeseen depths beneath her jet black, silky shoulder length hair. Her tits were not big, so she never wore a bra. She didn't need to.

The perkiness of her boob flesh ended with nipples that seemed to defy any material which covered them to hide them.

The delightful sight of these three gorgeous, but different girls bouncing happily into the place where I waited far out-weighed the disappointment of the possibility that my plans for Liz and myself may not happen. "Hey guys," I greeted them.

"Hey Tim. You know Lil and Anne. I was impressed that you didn't complain when I said they were coming as well tonight on the phone before." This time it was her eyes which got that glazed over look that I am sure that I had on the phone before.

"Surely not!" I thought. My dick started to disagree with my thoughts. It knew what Mary meant. Time to sit down fast before I embarrassed myself in public. Tenting at a burger joint with families and young kids around is not usually a good call.

"We are team us buddies you know. Let's get a burger and go for a walk, all four of us." We ordered, paid and picked up, then wandered outside towards Tucker's Forest, a nearby wooded area which was frequented by teenagers and frisky older romantic couples. 'Fuckers Forest' is what us teenagers called it. It has a rep as being the place to go if you want to make noises of a loud, sexual nature without disturbing the quiet urban peace which our town was renowned for.

"Things are looking up!" I thought.

As we walked, the talk became more and more flirtatious, especially between the girls. I wasn't that experienced in the sexual banter department, so I just followed along as best I could. "Hey Lil, they say Chinese tits are the best in the world. Is that true?" Mary laughed.

"They are on a Chinese girl. I don't know if they would look as good on you, or Anne," Lil replied, quick as a tack.

Anne straight away quipped, "Show us then bitch, or be quiet."

"Woah," I thought. "This could get interesting."

Without a moment's hesitation, Lil challenged, "Only if we all do. On the count of three... one... Two... three." And just like that, all three tops came off and six beautiful tits along with their cool air effected nipples were gleaming in the semi-moonlight.

"Hey you don't get away with this moron," said Anne. "Your shirt off as well." With that she rapidly grabbed my shirt and dragged it over my head. My chest didn' look at all as good as what I was seeing on the girls, but they seemed to be impressed anyway.

"Hey boy. Where have you been hiding those pecks? Your body is like that of a Greek god. Wow!" This was from Lil who crept up to me and wrapped her hands around my back. Her height meant that her head, especially her mouth, was right at my nipple height. Even my nipples were standing to attention in the crisp night air. So, she did what came naturally, given the proximity. She licked and sucked my nipple.

I gasped and moaned and said things like, "Christ, god, fuck that feels good," or something like that. Seeing the response that it elicited from my testosteronised, lizard-affected brain, Anne came over as well.

"Come on girl. You don't get to have all the fun," at which point she did the same with my other nipple.

"Christ. Christ! God! God! Fuck! Fuck!" I managed to yell this time. This sucking, licking and playing with both my nipples at once sent my brain into an endless spin. Every nerve ending right to those in the tip of my dick sprang to life and fired electricity to the pleasure centre of my brain.

"Aw girls. This is going to be easier than we thought. Look at him. You have only touched his nipples and he has nearly fainted already. Wait Tim. We have great things planned for you tonight." She walked over to me and again, in a practiced move, had me completely naked in no seconds flat. My dick, now released, rose to its full length and girth. It pointed almost straight up as if challenging the stars and trees. "Holy fuck girls. We have a live one here. Look at this baby, or should I say monster. This could be our best conquest yet."

"Wait a minute," my pleasure addled brain thought. "Am I to be one of their 'conquests'?" My notion of fair play started to take over and even though I thoroughly enjoyed the feelings coming from my heightened nipples and my cock which Mary had started to lovingly caress, I knew that I would need to take control of this situation soon, or it would get away from me. Time to start using my abilities as planned. Well, almost as planned. Just with more people than I originally thought.

I mentally dialled down my 'orgasm' hand and gently started to stroke Lil and Anne on the neck alternatively. Even with the dialled down power level, they instantly started to suck and lick more urgently. They even moaned aloud openly. Their faces turned towards each other and they started to kiss passionately, alternating with my nipples. Their lips and mouths became ever more saliva covered as did my nipples and general chest area. This was heaven. Their hands started wandering to each other's nipples, tweaking, stroking and squeezing in equal amounts. I dialled up the power dose and stroked their necks again.

They paused with hooded eyes in mid nipple suck. "Fuck. This is good!" they both mumbled around my nipples at the same time. Their outer legs wrapped around my legs and I could feel the moisture from their dripping cunts lubricating my upper thighs.

At this touch, they both began rutting and sliding their slippery cunt lips up and down my thighs. Their breath was coming in short sharp intakes and gasps. To give them their due, even with all of this pleasure emanating from their pussies, they still managed to keep up their ministration of my nipples. This was directed straight to my cock. Mary noticed this and brought her mouth down to take my cock expertly into her mouth. Not an easy task considering that Lil and Anne were competing for my fuckable thighs with their slick twats at the same time.

"This is more like it!" I thought. I was controlling the controllers! I surreptitiously stroked Mary's neck with a low power dose of my right hand and felt the resulting buck of horniness come from Mary's cunt all the way to her mouth, thus my cock. She also moaned and started to caress and tweak her own nipples. Up the dose, the tweaking became actual pinching and pulling. The movements on my cock became deeper and quicker. One of her hands moved to her now dripping cunt. In went a finger, then two, then three. By in, I meant in and out in more and more frantic jabs. Her thumb pushed and rubbed around in circles on her clit, alternating between circles to vertical jabs to horizontal strokes.

All three girls were very close to cumming, and cumming hard. I decided to see how much I could control this, so I gently touched each with my left hand. Again the instant response was almost too good to be true. They all slowed, not so frantic to reach their peak as quickly as possible. I had a great time keeping these three girls edging for at least thirty minutes. My own hard-on stayed there with the help of the right touches at the right times. The girls had moaned and slobbered all sorts of profanities during this whole time, in a nice way of course.

"Ok girls, which one of you would like to cum first?" I daringly asked.

"Mary is always first," gasped Lil in between moans. Mary was it then. I upped the power in my right hand and touched Mary on one of her nipples. So that she couldn't escape, I pinched it and held on. She screamed the loudest, longest wail I had ever heard. Once again I witnessed the body contortions of a girl in full cum. Her body became as hard as stone as every muscle screamed in pleasure in tandem with her voice. Her mouth came off my dick and stayed open in the beautiful agony of an,

"Ooooohhhhh!" Her muscles, unused to this strain, shook uncontrollably. Her cunt streamed cum down her legs while her fingers continued their in out jabs. I kept it up for her for a whole ten minutes! So that Lil and Anne wouldn't ask too many questions and focus on Mary, I upped their power so that they also approached their sweet release at the same time.

"Sorry girls. Everyone is equal here. Your turn as well."

They both joined Mary in yelling, screaming squirting, shuddering, shaking their heads from side to side while throwing their heads back in utter abandon to the pure pleasure coming from every nerve fibre in their bodies.

I dialled the power to full power and touched each very briefly. They all froze and in a collective "Unghhhhhh," fainted into a dead drop onto the ground, shuddering, twisting and contorting in a macabre dance of unbridled pleasure. I let them do this for a whole thirty minutes while watching, fascinated by the show.

After this, I touched each of the girls with my left hand, to allow their bodies to relax and recover as if no body strain at all was involved. They all crunched into a foetal position with Mary actually sucking her thumb and cooing like a young baby.

This was amazing. I could control my hand abilities even while enjoying sex with others. I looked down at the beautiful tableau before me and decided that it needed one more element. My cum. I touched my dick with my right hand and immediately started spurting cum all over the girls. I covered their tits and cunts with my cream. Then I rubbed this into their skin, so that its healing power would work better. Well my excuse anyway. I just wanted to properly feel up this collection of tits and cunts lying down in front of me while I had the chance.

Soon the girls woke with that post-fucked look of slow eyes, sweaty matted hair, dull glow and dry lips. "Fuck! That was awesome Tim. Thanks!" croaked Mary.

"Now here was a real girl," I thought. "She actually thanked me."

"My pleasure as well," I replied softly.

"Oh yeah. I can tell," smiled Mary as she rubbed the left-over cum around her breasts. "Are Lil and Anne ok?" she asked looking over to the still sleeping duo. They had managed to spoon each other with Anne at the back holding Lil's perfect tits. Anne had her pussy held by Lil's upper hand. "They are lesbians you know," stated Mary. "Hey we had better clean up. It's three in the morning. Shit! I have to get home."

We all managed to stumble into our clothes and make our way out of 'Fuckers Forest'. "This is not the end you know Tim," whispered Mary as she walked beside me, arm around my waist. "I would really like to see you again, with or without Lil and Anne."

"No way Mary." stated Anne. "I know I am into girls, but Tim is ok with me," she winked.

"Ditto!" followed Lil. See you on Monday at school." We all left for home, stumbling on unseen obstacles!

At home, Mum greeted me at the front door, "Do you know what time it is young man?"

"Um, sorry Mum. I was out with Mary, Lil and Anne, and forgot the time."

"Well it's good to see that you are actually seeing real people at last son." But I could see that she was still agitated, so, yeah, I gently touched Mum on the neck while kissing her on the cheek.

"G'night Mum. Luv ya." I didn't use my right hand!

To be continued

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slowhand21slowhand2111 months ago

Didn’t use his right hand . . . yet. 😏

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh yeah...young mans wishful thinking, gone on steroids. LP

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Tim thought, then I thought?

3-4 paragraphs in you went from a third person narrative to a first person narrative. I could understand a narrative change between chapters but not mid-chapter.

Otherwise a decent read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I think I read to fast, can you make the chapters longer please. Five stars again.

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