Caden's Tale Pt. 01

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A tale of infidelity and love.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/05/2015
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I'm submitting this story in four small parts. It's completely finished so I'll submit each part consecutively, one day right after the other. I'm doing this for two, what I think are well-founded reasons. First, I want to discourage skimming. Second I've been getting tired of some of the long drawn out things I've been reading, and this might be more pleasurable in smaller more bite sized pieces.

I also have a handful of admonitions. For one if you're a skimmer, just turn around and go home now. Second, I doubt you'll find anything of a political nature so that shouldn't ruffle any feathers. Third, this story is neither a BTB nor a RAAC. There is reconciliation, but not in the traditional 'loving wives' use of the word. You'll have to draw your own conclusions about that one. I hope you enjoy it.

Here we go.


"Caden's Story: A Tale of Infidelity and Love."

By Carvohi


Let me tell you when it comes to 'loving wives' I'm a man who's got a tale to tell. The name's Caden Meadows by the way. Why do I say what I do? I say this because I am a very happily married man, and I believe I have the most beautiful, most loving, most loyal, most sexy, and the most faithful wife God ever put on this earth.

Aha, the reader surmises, "This must be the story of some poor stupid shit who just found out or is just about to tell everyone how he found out his wife turned out to be the town whore." That may or may not be true, or it just might the lead in to what a few have called a very unusual story.

The question? Is my wife the town whore; the 'I'll spread my legs for anybody', some aggressive 'dick loving', 'semen slurping', 'rim licking' office slut? Who knows? Really, who cares? I got her, and that's all that really matters.

Sounds odd don't it; I'll have to go back a few years to get any of this right. Fair warning; I like to talk so bear with me, and read carefully. I don't want any skimmers.


Part One:

Twelve years ago I was married to the most gorgeous young babe anyone ever saw or met; she had blonde hair, blue eyes, a nice rack, great legs, and the most perfect 'hairless' pussy anyone ever slathered their tongue over. There was only one little problem. I've never been the most well-endowed of men. At least that's what I was told. My wife said I just didn't seem come up to snuff, and I had to admit she was right.

I never understood why she married me. Oh she said she loved me, but quite frankly when it came to straight coitus I just wasn't able to cut the mustard. I mean we tried everything; missionary, sideways, doggie, name it, we tried it. Nothing worked. The only way I could get her off was with my tongue, and for her that just wasn't always enough.

I'll let her tell it from here for a while. Honest, I had it all on a cd she made but it got partly ruined when I smashed it so I've had to try to restore it. I got most of it back. Try to understand this has been pretty painful for me. So, like I just said, for a while it'll be from her point of view. Trust me it hurt when I heard what she sent me; it hurt so much, like I said I broke it. I threw it against the wall. It was only later, much later that I got up the gumption to try to fix it. I think I got it all back. Later, after I got her side done, I'll tell mine.


The name's Angela Meadows, maiden name's Owens. I married Caden right out of college. I mean it I really loved the guy. I still do as a matter of fact. I'd had a few boyfriends, and I believe he'd had a few girls. Neither one of us were what I'd call novices. We weren't experts either.

I remember right up front he warned me he didn't think he had much downstairs. I checked him out, and sure enough I looked down, and he was about as small as I'd ever seen. I agreed he was awfully short in the meat department, but I said I'd marry him anyway. I loved him, but I told him there might come a time or two when I'd need more than he had to offer. I thought he understood.

OK, we got married. I got a job at a brokerage, and he went to work for one of the big accounting firms outside DC.

Life was good. Caden wanted kids, but I persuaded him to hold off till we got a little money saved for a down payment on a house. We rented a nice townhouse for a while, but got lucky and found something we could buy.

We were careful and we saved, but we enjoyed life too. We traveled. We ate out regularly. We joined a social club. We both took up golf and continued with our tennis. The club we joined had a great pool so we both took diving lessons. We snorkeled in the pool and found the money to go to the Bahamas and scuba dive. In short, we enjoyed married life. For a few years everything went our way. The world was our oyster.

Of course there was always our 'little' problem. Caden was good with the cunnilingus, and his 'little Cadeny' always felt 'nice' when he slid it in my pussy or my asshole. Just the same there was a little something missing. I tried to keep it to myself, but every now and then I did remind him he was on the small side and someday I might have to avail myself of something bigger, more meaty. I told him that to keep him on his toes, keep him a little insecure. I never seriously intended to cheat. Honest, I never did plan on it.

Then it happened. I worked for a rapidly growing brokerage; sales were up, profits were great, and my portfolio was looking better all the time. One afternoon my immediate supervisor came to me and said they needed me to attend some classes, a seminar. I'd be gone for several days. I'd be going to New York. Wow! The Big Apple! Gotham City! Me!

I came home and told Caden about the opportunity. He was all for it. We'd been doing well, and had quite a bit saved. He was trying to convince himself that pretty soon I'd be willing to slow down just a mite and make a baby or two. I guess he figured the seminar would put me in a supervisory position, and that might mean fewer hours. I guess I led him along a little on that one. I wish I hadn'

We kissed and hugged and made love the night before I left. Like usual I had a 'small' one; he had his usual 'bigger' one. I was supposed to be gone for three days so I packed accordingly. I didn't pack anything extra special. I didn't plan on anything happening.

To be completely honest there'd been one or two, oh well three, no four times over the past few years when I had to have my hole really filled. Caden never knew. I had to admit none of the guys I tried really did 'it' for me much better than Cayden's little 'twink'. I guess I was either making poor choices, or maybe they were all just coincidentally the 'teensy weensy' types.

No one at my work knew anything about my 'extra' activities. I mean I made sure everyone believed I was staying faithful; though I think I might have let it slip about Caden's size problem, but I sure never said anything to Caden about my few 'extra-fun' activities. Believe me. I love Caden. I would never do anything to hurt him. Well almost never.

So off to New York I went. Caden must have had his suspicions because he reminded me of our marriage vows and how he'd always been faithful. He told me he hoped I'd never let him down. I remember I told him, like always, I'd try my best to be a good wife. I meant it too. I'd try.

New York sure was everything I thought it would be. What did Frank Sinatra call it, 'the city that never sleeps?' I'll say this, with free lodgings at a top notch hotel, a great expense allowance, a minimal number of meetings, and some great looking men I had a hell of a good time.

While I was there I met a lot of interesting men. Some of them thought they could get me in the sack. Everybody knows the type; arrogant, handsome, richly dressed, personable. I never went for that type. I could see right through them.

There was one guy though, name was Glenn; he wasn't like the others. He looked so sad, forlorn was the word that came to mind when I first caught a glimpse of him. His last name was Matthews, and the 'powers that be' had arranged us all alphabetically. So there I sat, surrounded by oglers and 'eye ball' rapists while right next to me was this poor little lost sheep.

I say little because he was little. I bet he didn't stand more than 5'6", and he couldn't have weighed more than 120 lbs. Caden, my man, was, except for the one thing, a real specimen. Caden was an easy 6'2" and a solid, I mean muscular 200 lbs.

The man in New York, Glenn, looked so sad I took pity on him. He sort of scuffed around, hemmed and hawed, and finally squeaked out an invitation to dinner. I accepted.

We went to the hotel restaurant. I ordered lobster. Glenn got the prime rib. He was so interesting, but in a downcast despondent kind of way. I've learned all men are scum. They all use the same line. They'll tell a girl how their wife doesn't understand them, how their wife is neglectful and uninterested in friendship or companionship.

I never. I mean never bought the line, but with Glenn it rang true. I believed him. Before I knew it I found myself upstairs in his room.

Now I'd been around. I was no babe in the woods. I'd seen some nice pricks; most of them were in the eight or nine inch range and I always thought just right for me. Poor Caden and his little wienie; he just never quite had it in him. I figured Glenn was going to be another little squirrel. I figured he could do me and I'd never even notice. Yeah, we'd hit it, he'd get his rocks off, maybe slurp little of his semen up out of my snatch, and I'd get a little 'offage' from that.

Was I ever wrong! We got up to his room, he dropped his drawers, and like wow! Godzilla! Moby Dick! King Kong! He was a cool ten inches and that was flaccid! Once I touched it, and he started to rise I thought, 'Holy Jesus! It'll never fit!'

Know what? It didn't. He went real slow; he was careful, but it just didn't matter. He was too much man for me. I squirmed. I writhed. I wriggled. I wiggled. I cried. I moaned. I yelled. And I had the biggest most painful sexual experience of my entire life. I wouldn't exactly call it an orgasm, but it sure was memorable.

Worse! Ten minutes later and he was hard again. The second time he wasn't nearly so gentle. God how it hurt! But God what a wild time I had. We went back and forth, in and out for nearly an hour, and when he was finished I was as raw as hamburger. God how it hurt!

He rolled off, thanked me, and asked if we could get together the next evening after dinner. I rolled my eyes. Of course I said yes.

I went back to my room knowing I had to call Caden. What was I going to do? What was I going to say? I was an honest Injun. I knew I had to tell him. But first I had to do something about my crack so I got in the tub and filled it with ice cold water. It was so cold I couldn't feel least for a while.

Once out of the tub I checked my cell phone and saw Caden had called and left several messages. Then I checked my room's phone and saw the red light blinking. He must have called my room too. I used my cell and returned his calls.

I got him on the line and he asked, "Angela! Where've you been? I've been trying to reach you all evening."

I couldn't lie. I loved him too much. I had to come clean, "Caden you remember how sometimes I've said that maybe someday I'd need more than you could offer?" I heard him sigh on the other end.

He said, "Angela what are you saying?"

I told him, "I met someone."

He asked, "You met someone?"

I answered, "Yeah. You'd like him too. His name's Glenn. He's from Omaha. He's a really nice guy. We had dinner and..."

Even over the phone I heard Caden's sigh. He said, ""

I sighed back, "I'm sorry Caden. I didn't mean to. He was just so lonely. He needed someone."

Caden sighed again, "Are you saying...?"

I was really upset. I loved my husband. I never wanted to hurt him, but I believe in honesty, and we promised to share everything. I sighed again too, "Yes Caden..."

Caden must have winced or something. It seemed like he did anyway. He said, "You and him, you..."

I winced back, "Twice. We did it twice." I could almost feel Caden's pain through the phone.

He asked, "Was he?"

I had to tell him, "He was Caden. He was big. I mean real big." I could hear my husband moan.

Caden moaned, "You liked it. He was..."

I tried to be cheerful. I said, "Better? Yes Caden he was way better," I giggled. I thought a giggle might lighten the mood, then I said, "My God I bet he was twelve inches. He really filled me up. I never had such a..."

Caden's tone of voice seemed to change. He sounded kind of angry, "Big orgasm huh. Bigger than I could ever give I bet."

All the way from DC to New York I could feel Caden's anguish. I was glad I was getting it out of the way long distance. He did sound a little put off. Maybe I shouldn't have told him? I had to stanch the bleeding. I had to try to make him feel better. I said, "Caden he was big. He was terrific. It was like dynamite! But he wasn't you."

I think then I heard something break over the phone. I hoped Caden hadn't thrown anything. I just wasn't sure. He has a temper. Nothing I couldn't handle though.

Caden asked, "You're not..."

I stopped him. I had to tell him. I had to let him down easy. I said, "Caden you know how much I love you. I'm only here one more night. Then I'll be back home. Look it's just one more night. I'll do Glenn's 'big man' one more time, and then when I come home I'll make it up to you. I'll take your 'little fellow' and I'll give you the best blow job you've ever had. I'll play with 'him'. I'll fondle 'our little guy' like I always do. I'll all around love on 'my little chipmunk' like crazy."

He always gave a little sigh when I called his penie 'my little chipmunk' so I knew he liked the name. I said, "I'll do all the things I know you like. I promise, but I need just one more 'big' night."

I think, no I know I heard my husband sob. That wasn't good. Had I gone too far? I didn't think so. I knew I could make things up to him when I got home. Gee, just one more night, and then I'd take care of my man. I told him, "See here Caden. It'll just be one more night. I'll be home, and it'll be like it never happened."

He said, "Yeah, sure."

I heard Caden hang up. It would be all right; he was just tired and needed his sleep. It was still the middle of the week and he had to work the next day.


The next day I sat beside Glenn. I was sore, but all I could think about was what he had between his legs. We were at a table so every now and then I let my foot drag up around his leg. I saw him smile. Later that night it was a repeat of the first only with even more gusto. Glenn was a sexual superman. He drove into me like a pile driver. God it hurt, but how can I say it; it hurt, oh did it hurt, but it was good!

We did it twice again, and both times after he finished he went down on me and sucked and licked his semen out. It was a totally wild, an absolutely exhilarating experience.

After it was all over and I went back to my room and took another old bath I called my husband. I was really sore. I'd never been so sore.

Caden answered, but he sounded awfully subdued. We didn't talk much. He did ask me if I'd been with Glenn, and when I told him yes I had he never said anything. We finished talking. He commented on the weather, and how much he'd gotten accomplished at his office, but that was about it. I told him what time my plane would be in. I'd left my car at the airport so I told him I expected to be home around lunch time. He didn't say anything. I told him I loved him and that I missed him, and couldn't wait to get home and be with him. He never said anything about that either. No that wasn't true; he said he hoped I had a safe trip. That was a relief; I knew then we'd be all right. I guess he was a little down, but I knew I could fix that.


The next morning, after a brief farewell to Glenn I boarded my plane and flew back home. Though I was still terribly sore; all in all it had been a terrific experience. Glenn had sure filled me up. Offhand I couldn't say how great the orgasms were, but gosh I was so sore they had to be good. Anyway, I'd learned a lot more about the business, and I'd had two wonderful evenings with a man I'd probably never see again.

My plane landed on time at Dulles, and after a short ride on the coach I was in my car and on my way home. To say I was looking forward to seeing Caden was an understatement. I needed desperately to see him and make up for what I'd done. I knew he was hurt, but if I knew my Caden; he'd forgive me and after a while all would be forgotten.

I pulled into our townhouse parking lot, got out, got my valise and brief case and started for our front door. We'd been buying a two story townhouse outside D.C. in a prosperous suburban town called Columbia in Maryland. It was right across from a very new high school in a wonderful neighborhood; just the kind of place to raise kids if we ever got around to having any.

I'd called when the plane landed, but the message to our home phone went to the answering machine. I'd called Caden on his cell, and he'd answered. He said he was very busy, but he'd be in touch. Then he hung up. I supposed his abrupt response was him still having a fit of pique over my silly indiscretion, but I was sure he must have known that sooner or later I'd have to have some additional satisfaction. I wasn't worried. I knew things would be all right. I knew how to take care of his 'little penie'.

With luggage in hand I went to our front door. As expected it was locked. I wasn't concerned; it was a Friday, like me a work day for Caden. I unlocked the door and went inside.

The place was clean and quiet, just like I'd left it. Caden, though a big athletic man, was like me, something of a neat freak. I walked through the living room, the dining room and on into the kitchen. Not a thing was out of order. I checked the clock. Caden would probably be home in a couple hours. I decided to go upstairs and take a nice cool bath. Yeah, things were still a little sore down south, but I'd make the sacrifice. I'd slip on something sexy and be ready when my husband got home.

It was when I reached the bathroom that it occurred to me something might be amiss. None of Caden's bathroom utensils were there. I opened his side of the medicine cabinet; none of his shaving supplies, his floss, his toothbrushes, only his scented soaps I bought for him were still there. His water pic was gone too.

'No,' I thought, 'this was a mistake.' I stepped from the bathroom to our bedroom. Everything looked fine. Just the same I checked our closets. All my clothes were just like I left them, but Caden's, his things were missing.

I sat down on the bed, 'Maybe he was angrier than I thought? Had he temporarily moved out?' I dialed his cell phone again. He answered.

Caden said, "Angela?"

I replied, "You know it's me. Where are you, and where are your things?"

He responded, "I told you I'd be in touch when I was ready."

I didn't like the tone of his voice; he sounded flat, dead. No he sounded defiant. How dare he! I said, "Look, I expect you to get back here. And where are your things?"

He answered, "I said I'd be in touch. You needn't worry." He hung up.

To say I was angry would be a mild misstatement. I was furious. I tapped in his number again. This time all I got was his voice mail. That made things worse. He wasn't pulling anything like this. No sir, no tantrums, not from him, not for some silly little indiscretion, some little mishap, a tiny little off putting.

I wasn't a stupid person. I knew my husband. His company frequently had clients fly in for consultations and such. Caden's secretary handled accommodations and she always used either the Marriott or the Hampton Inn. I went back to my car, drove to the facilities I know they used, and sure enough, I found Caden's car parked in one of the 'elite' spaces at the Hampton.