Bully Ch. 03


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'Better get up and get dressed, we've a lot to do,' James told her.

In the shower she still wasn't free. He soaped her entire body, and when she least expected it, he took her. He bent her at the waist, and thrust in. It didn't take long. He was finished with her before she had a chance to catch up. The thought of her son's bully, using her to cum into, was horrendous. How she had let all this happen was pathetic. She was nothing more than a pathetic slut.

Oh, hell! Last night she'd told him she was his, cock sucking slut! That was a disgusting admission, while being humiliated into submission. Was it true?

Without a comment Alicia pulled on the clothes he gave her, and stood still, putting up with his inspection. The outfit was more suitable to a teen, not a mature woman. The blouse was tied under her breasts, showing off too much cleavage. The skirt was far too short. The heels were too high. He seemed to approve, then she felt his big paw pushed up the tiny skirt. He gripped her crotch, and squeezed.

'You'll have to shave your cunt, girl,' he told her. 'You can sit there and fix your hair. Pigtails will look good,' he smiled.

'I can't go home like this!' Alicia complained.

'Then you won't go home. Your friend isn't well enough to leave alone,' he laughed.

'Oh! You made me lie to my husband,' she complained.

James sneered at her, not deigning to answer that accusation.

'When she's better you can go, not until I say. Do your hair, then I'll show you why you'll do as I say,' he heavily told her.

Out of habit she did a god job, as her father had often told her. The pigtails looked cute, but nothing else did. She'd never dressed like this. As a blond she had always dressed sensibly, trying hard to avoid the typical blond look. For the first time in her life she looked like a dumb blond.

He stood behind her, forcing her to look into a mirror. His hands were wrapped around her breasts, holding them up. The thin blouse hardly covered them. He kissed her neck and ears. For a moment she enjoyed the feel of his lips on her sensitive skin, and silently chastised herself. This must not happen! She was a married woman and would not give in to a bully.

She stood there, mesmerised by the image. It wasn't her he was kissing, it was some dumb bitch.

'You have beautiful long legs,' James commented.

'Thank you, sir,' she conceded, and wished she hadn't.

It was inbuilt politeness that had her responding. Why she was calling this boy, sir, was a mystery. He hadn't demanded it, and she couldn't remember why, or when it started.

He took her over to the computer and sat her down. Alicia cringed on feeling her bare cheeks on the seat. It wasn't nice being reminded she wore a thong. She just sat, hardly looking, expecting to see the same obnoxious video as last night.

His phone had been on the bedside cabinet. That much was easy to work out. Damn! Her face was in focus while he rammed home into her. My God! Her face was a picture of agony, yet she was obviously enjoying it.

No! No! No! It could just be heard among the grunts. She was asking him to fuck her harder! Surely this wasn't her. It was clearly her face, and her voice was recognisable, grunting and moaning in pleasure.

'No more, please, James, please!' she begged.

He thankfully switched it off.

'Please, delete this obscenity, please! I beg you James, no one must see it,' she implored him.

'You have to do as you are told, or I'll put it on the internet. Understood?' he firmly spoke.

'Yes, sir, whatever you say,' Alicia murmured.

'Louder, and mean it!' he threatened.

'I'll obediently do whatever you say, sir,' she stiffly spoke.

He grunted approval, not caring if she meant it or not. It would be more enjoyable making her bend to his will. Having a pathetic girl do as she was told would be no fun. Having this adult woman cave in each time he tested her would be ideal.

Gripping her shoulder he guided her back into the bathroom. In a daze, she didn't wonder why, she just went along with him.

'Sit on the floor,' he told her.

He flipped up the skirt, and pulled the thong down her legs. Not even a gasp left her lips. Seeing a razor and foam, she realised what he was up to, and stiffened.

'No! Please! My husband will know! Please don't! James, you can't, please!' she begged.

She pulled her thighs together, but he was too strong. His knees kept them apart. When he squirted shaving foam over her crotch, and massaged in into her pussy, she gave in. Alicia simply lay on the bathroom floor, passive. He was definitely her bully and again had beaten her into submission.

When he pulled upon her lips, she dare not move, even holding her breath. He was certainly thorough! He hummed as he worked, as though completing some carpentry, or painting a wall. That's all she was to him, an object! She was something he owned like a pet, and he was taking care of it.

Maybe she was nothing more than a sex doll, being tidied up. That's how she felt. Nothing. No anger, no fear, nothing.

With eyes wide, she watched him working. He was pulling her sex this way and that, being careful not to cut her. He lifted her up with a hand under her bottom. He made sure there wasn't a hair left standing. Everything had been shorn away, leaving her sex naked.

'There, that's better, Mrs Lucas. Nice and clean. You can wear a thong now,' he smiled at her.

he helped her up off the floor and gave her a hug. She reached up on tiptoe to kiss his lips. The kissed lingered, and almost began another session. Her head spun from this turn around. The intimate tender touching of her sex had inspired this. Was it because no one had shown such intimate care of her. The boy embraced her sex. It wasn't something dirty, he treated it with respect and gentleness.

Alicia followed him into the kitchen. She was completely beaten, bullied into submission. He was a bully with surprising depths. He kept her off balance, from being abused, then cared for, almost lovingly. She shook her head of these uncalled for thoughts and feelings. The bastard had taken her, with blackmail and bullying tactics.

Last night it had been dusk when his father walked in. The darkness helped hide her face, otherwise he might have recognised her as Mrs Lucas. This morning sunshine flooded the room, and so she kept obsessively glancing at the door.

'It's alright, he sleeps late on Saturday,' James smiled at her.

He couldn't keep his eyes off the woman. It was amazing having an adult at his disposal. He knew how to get his peers to do what he wanted, but this was different. She was an attractive woman, capitulating to his every whim. After last night, and shaving her, he had even more material to blackmail her with. Two of the sex sessions clearly showed how much she enjoyed it. Everything was now on his computer, and safely stored in the cloud.

'Mrs Lucas, you are mine. You belong to me now,' he said.

Not meaning to say it out loud, he studied her for a reaction. Damn! She hadn't fought back, as this audacious statement seemed to be accepted. The woman was either stupid, or spineless. Alicia wasn't that, so what was it preventing her from struggling, and giving him an excuse to go hard on her? There was something more than the blackmail keeping her complaint.

'Well?' he asked.

'Yes, sir, whatever,' she listlessly spoke.

'Tell me then, tell me what you are,' he demanded.

Standing behind her, he grabbed her breasts, and twisted both nipples through the thin top.

'Oww! I'm yours, sir. I belong to you,' she quickly said.

'Why?' he asked.

'Because I'm a stupid slut. I was stupid to be trapped by you. I'm a slut for having sex with you,' she sobbed.

'So now you belong to me. You're mine to play with,' he smiled.

'Yes, sir, I belong to you, to play with,' she whined, feeling very sorry for herself.

Her life had been perfect, with wonderful parents, and an undemanding husband to look after her. For a short time in high school she had been bullied, but nothing like this. There was nothing in her experience to prepare her to deal with such a dire situation.

It wasn't a protectiveness over Brendan that had her yielding to him. He would have to find out what the key to her submission was. This was something his father taught him, to find out how to get to someone, and it had served him well. Though never before had he tried it out on an adult.

Damn! This was just awesome! He had a grown woman as his sex pet, and he'd hardly started on her yet. There were more intimidation techniques to make her submit to his desires that hadn't been tried. This time there was a very real incentive, with a brilliant reward. After last night he felt on top of the world. She fucked like a whore, and so he would treat her like one.

'Get your chores done, stupid slut,' James heavily told her.

Alicia flinched from being called such a dreadful name. It was her own fault, as in a dark moment she had admitted to feeling like a stupid slut. Now he was using it against her, driving home her mistake. At least while washing up and tidying the kitchen, she felt almost normal.

Having completed the chores he set, she stood beside him waiting for dismissal. He made her feel like a naughty girl, completing chores as a punishment.

'May I go now, sir,' Alicia asked.

The weak tone of voice left her feeling pathetic. Perhaps she was a stupid slut. The feel of his cock inside her was still there. Probably from him taking her so often last night. It was such a bad thought it left her feeling like trash. This whole thing was a bad reflection upon her morals.

Having his cum continuously leaking all morning was terrible. She had to ask permission to go to the bathroom several times, to wipe her thighs and crotch. How many times did he wake her up to have sex? How many times did he spurt his load into her? However many times that was, she had as many, if not more orgasms. Maybe two to his one.

A thrill ran through her entire body thinking of having so many orgasms. Each and every time he gave her an orgasm, he'd pummelled her mind and body. The boy had pounded her vagina, and the bruises on her hips proved it. A quick glance at him showed he was still staring at her.

Trying to concentrate on what she was doing did no good. He'd filled her pussy, and now her mind. It had to be admitted she had never ever had so much sex! It had been a hard ride, and so very exciting. It wasn't ordinary sex it was gloriously satisfying.

Damn! The boy had given her such explosive orgasms, they rocked her being. He'd stripped her naked, and tricked her out of her morals. How had he got her to do that first terrible thing? Blowing him, he called it. How had he got her to capitulate so easily?

She looked at him, to see a handsome young man. He was well built, with a cute bottom. He had strong legs, she could testify to that. He had a charming smile when he wanted to use it. He could be hard and dominating when he wanted to use her. It was a devastating combination of charm, toughness, and domination, that had her capitulating to him.

'Come on, let's go,' he told her.

'Where? I thought you would let me go home, after, err. . .' she complained.

'Stop whining. You're coming with me. Shut it!' he fiercely spoke.

'Yes, sir,' she demurely answered.

He was pleased with the way she gave in to him. Playing around in his bedroom was one thing, taking her out to play was another. He wondered if she would obey him when they arrived.

Alicia kept pulling at the little skirt, and adjusting the top. It felt as though everything was on display, advertising her charms, for anyone to use. This boy had used her, and wasn't letting go. From now on she would have to put up a fight. It was a bit late but it had to be done, despite the consequences.

'No! We can't, not here,' Alicia wailed.

James pulled her from the car and she became desperately quiet. In the school's student car park it was vital no one recognise her while dressed like this.

'Please, don't make me go in there, please, sir! I'll do anything you want, just not this, please,' she begged.

He smiled at her, and demanded a kiss. She held onto him, hidden by his large frame. He hugged tight and kissed her hard. Alicia likewise kissed him for all she was worth. If she pleased him he might take her away from here.

'Put this on,' he said.

'What! I thought . . .' she protested.

'I know what you thought. I didn't agree did I? If I did I would honour it. Now get the mask on,' he ordered.

Timidly she trotted along at his side. His protection was badly needed. There was some protection behind the mask, but it might attract someone's curiosity. No way did she want to answer questions, or even be approached by someone, with the risk of being found out. Being recognised had to be avoided at all costs.

Her breasts were bouncing around all over the place in the tied blouse. The tiny skirt was bouncing up showing off her panties. She hoped not, but it felt like it.

As she feared the worst happened.

'What do you think, Brendan? My latest girlfriend,' he boasted.

Brendan looked the girl up and down, unable to hide his scorn. Not wanting to be bullied by the big guy, he had to say something.

'She's, err, nice. Pleased to meet you,' he said.

His mom hid behind the big guy, as though she were scared, which she was.

'She's a right slut, always hot to fuck,' James grinned.

Brendan guessed his mother must have had a convincing word with James after all. The guy was being his usual disgusting self, but not hurting him, or making jokes at his expense.

'I'd better get over to the track,' he said.

'Good luck, Brendan. I'm sure you'll win,' James smiled.

Brendan nearly fell over as he turned to go.

'Thanks, James, I appreciate it,' he said.

'You're welcome. Do it for the school, and your folks,' James, laughed.

Brendan jogged across the field, escaping before the big bully's mood changed.

'Can we go now, please! We could go via your house, and pick up my clothes,' Alicia said, trying to sound casual.

'Somewhere else first,' he said, and pulled the mask off.

The little girl scream she gave out was cute.

'Please, James, please! she begged as they walked back to the car.

He stopped and took her hand.

'What's the matter? Don't be scared, Alicia. I'm here, and I'll look after you,' he smiled.

'Someone will see me,' she shivered, while keeping very close to him.

'Maybe I want to show off my new cock sucking slut,' he commented.

'No, please, let's go. Anywhere you like, just not here!' she argued.

'You offering to suck my cock, Mrs Lucas?' he innocently asked.

'No! I didn't mean that! I just meant I need to get out of here. I'm willing to go anywhere. Just don't make me stay here. Please, sir,' she said, sounding more conciliatory.

'That's better, Alicia. I like it when you know your place. Besides being on the end of my cock, you must be a good girl, and obey me. Let me hear it then. Do you know your place, Mrs Lucas?' he chided her.

'Oh! Please, not here! Alright, you've got me. Can we just go, when I've told you want you want to hear?' she asked.

'No arguing. You don't have anything to bargain with. Just tell me,' he firmly spoke.

'I, I, err, belong on the end of your cock, sir. At other times I simply obey you, sir,' Alicia admitted.

She couldn't help thinking this was true. Hadn't he proved it time and time again. He kept her guessing, not knowing what he was going to do to her next. What had he planned to put her through today, she had no idea.

'That's right. You are my cock hole, got that!' he said, while gripping her face, looking meanly into it.

Alicia shivered with fright, and stammered awhile before she could speak.

'Please, sir, this cock hole will obey you, sir,' she whined.

'Right then, let's not mess around. No more discussions instead of just doing as you are told, understood? Good girl! In future be a good cock hole, and obey me,' he chuckled.

'Yes, sir, sorry, sir,' she simpered.

Keeping him in a good mood, marching toward the car, was vital. If anyone recognised her, she would die of shame.

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TwistedDaveAuthorTwistedDaveAuthorabout 1 year ago

I love your stories, but just once can the woman be saved and justice served?

chrissy2chrissy2about 5 years ago

as a 25 yr old I am aware of the psy of younger teen older woman

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I love it

Forget negative comments. Take her out James! Mall, dinner, movies. She loves it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I'm just waiting for a single one of these mouth-breathing basement fantasies to end with the bully getting a bullet to the brain, like he deserves. Not ours of course. I've seen a couple of your stories and they all seem to read like the desperate ramblings of someone trying to prove they've got any kind of self-confidence by demeaning women with the written word because they fear them in real life.

Gem_tigerGem_tigerabout 7 years ago
Take a breather

Good story so far but, you are beginning to lose 'your' identity. Loads of similar stories have the bully take the victim shopping, then the blackmailing the family so the husband ends up in the guest room while the bully sleeps in the marital bed .... yawn, yawn. Keep the story 'yours' ... you are doing great so far. Well done

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