Brownwood: I Dreamed Ch. 07

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Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 08/19/2014
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So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

– I Dreamed a Dream, Les Misérables


Summer 2015 – Somewhere in the Caribbean

The redheaded, forty year-old lay on her stomach basking in the Caribbean sun. The smell of coconut suntan lotion wafted off of her as small beads of sweat slowly dripped down her sides. The sounds of the harbor filled the air as Bree floated in her dream-like state.

She stretched and smiled to herself as she softly groaned.Finally,she thought,I finally made it here.Sighing deeply, she sank back into the lounge chair as she continued to sunbathe on their cabin's balcony.

The last ten years had been both good and bad. Shannon had grown from a cheerful little bundle of curls into a beautiful, fifteen-year-old drama queen, typical for that age.Who am I kidding?Bree chuckled to herself,she's still a great kid and the fact she calls me 'Mom' is more than I'd ever hoped for.

Her marriage, like most, had its ups and downs. The beginning years were full of passion and joy as the three of them were woven into a family. Then the scandal at GBES turned their lives upside down. It'd been devastating to Zach. He had to watch those he cared about be torn apart as loyalties had been tested and broken. He'd spent countless extra hours working overtime with the remaining management, trying to stabilize the company.

She grimaced as she remembered the resentment she'd felt about the amount of overtime Zach put in during that time. Financially it had worked out well for them. Zach was now the VP of Engineering at the renamed Grymm Engineering Solutions, GES. His benefits package and increase in salary plus her promotion to Head Floor Nurse at the hospital had allowed them to take this tenth anniversary cruise.

They'd survived that crisis and to those looking from the outside, their marriage appeared to get even stronger. Appearances can be deceiving sometimes. This cruise was supposed to help them strengthen their marriage.

So why do this?She thought absently to herself. Is the thrill worth the risk? Does my life really need this little boost of excitement? Is it because I just turned forty or was it something else?

Perhaps revenge? Yes, I need to get even for that raven-haired bitch!

They'd recently befriended David and Sarah Jennings. While the families became close, there was always an unseen barrier between her and Sarah, especially when they revealed some of their past. Zach now had a hot brunette working with him, under him, for him... every day.

Yes, revenge.

A soft knocking brought her out of her dark thoughts. She felt her body start to tingle with anticipation and with a deep, sultry voice she replied.

"Come in."

She heard the cabin door open and a man called out in a heavy Spanish accent.

"Senorita Morgan?"

"Yes?" she called out, giggling nervously.

"Ship's steward. You had a complaint about room service?"

"Out here on the balcony, Ricardo."

He stepped out onto the balcony and gazed at the beautiful middle-aged woman stretched out before him.

"Ah, I see the senorita is... umm... resting. And how can I best serve you?"

"I believe I need help putting on some more suntan lotion. Would you be a dear and help me?"

"Si, senorita. I'm here to make your time on this ship most enjoyable."

"Well, you seem somewhat overdressed for that." She giggled. "But if you would be willing to do my front perhaps we could work something out."

"And where is your husband? Where is the one who should be here taking care of his beautiful wife?"

She snorted.

"He went on some on-shore, sight-seeing excursion. He'll be gone all afternoon."

"Stupid man," he said softly as he quickly removed his clothing.

Gently he began to work the suntan oil into the warm skin on her back. Bree groaned in pleasure at his touch. He noticed her freckles covered her shoulders but began to lessen as they ran down her back. He continued to massage the oil into her soft skin as he untied the string of her bikini top. Soon he traced the freckles down her lower back until they disappeared beneath her bikini bottoms.

Gingerly, he placed both thumbs on either side of her hips and hooked them underneath the silky, swimsuit material. She lifted her hips and allowed him to peel the bottoms off of her, revealing her pale white skin. He discarded the unwanted clothing as he peered at her beauty. His heavy breathing signaled his desire as he slowly caressed her exquisite rear end. He took extra care to make sure every crevice of white skin was coated with oil.

"Mustn't let this get sunburned," he chuckled. "It would be difficult to explain to Mr. Morgan, would it not?"

Bree groaned and rolled over exposing herself to his lustful gaze.

"I believe you missed a spot," she said huskily. Her rising passion reminded him of a lioness about to pounce, and the want in her voice caused him to hesitate.

"Is Mrs. Morgan sure, we are now at the point of no return?"

"Oh yes," she cooed. "I need to get even. The bastard had an affair with a woman who works for him. She's some kind of hot shot designer with long, black hair down to her ass."

"So this is for revenge?" he asked warily.

She peered into his eyes and nodded.

"Are you okay with that?" she whispered seductively.

His eyes widened as a smile spread across his face.

"Si, I can live with that. Oh yes, I canmostdefinitely live with that!"

"Good, then come here and help me to get even."

Ricardo soon felt the taste of her passionate kisses as their tongues began to battle, both seeking the warmth inside the other's mouth. He felt her tremble with anticipation as he began leaving a trail of soft kisses down her neck that ended at her breasts.

Slowly, he began massaging and worshiping each porcelain globe and the small strawberry, sitting proudly atop each one. Her breasts were smallish but still very firm and extremely sensitive.

Bree moaned with pleasure as the excitement from her illicit coupling began to mix with Ricardo's expert kisses and touches. It was as if he knew exactly where and how to kiss and stroke her. When she felt his hand slide down her still taut stomach and cup her now sopping mound, she knew he was playing her like an instrument.

His fingers began to explore her as he continued to suckle at her breast. Her body told him everything he needed to know, where to touch, how hard to press, and how fast to begin rubbing. Soon he could feel her tensing as her climax was nearing. To his pleasure and her obvious disappointment, he removed his hand.

Bree let out a slow moan.

"You bastard," she moaned.

Ricardo chuckled and then began to trail gentle kisses from the small valley between her breasts, down her long body until he reached the Valley of El Dorado. With an evil smile he began searching for gold as she wrapped her legs around his head.

Bree moaned loudly and arched her back even more as she lost herself in the exquisite throws of passion. His oral attack was relentless as she quickly found herself barreling towards her release. The end was intense when it came and Bree left little doubt to those passengers on their side of the ship that she'd reached her orgasm.

Ricardo let her gently come down from her high as he felt her body quake with aftershocks. His ears burned and his head had felt like it'd been caught in a vise, but the result had been what he'd hoped for. Mrs. Morgan would never forget him.

To his surprise, he felt her hand slowly run down his abdomen. He flinched when she firmly grasped her intended target.

"I know where this belongs," she said huskily as she pulled him up her body. She guided him until with a single thrust, he was buried deep inside her. Her legs wrapped around him tightly.

"Oh, God, yes! Oh yes!" she moaned as he slowly began to stroke himself deeper and deeper inside like a piston. Any plans she had for talking dirty to him were lost as she now had difficulty forming even the most basic words.

The couple pressed hard into each other, trying to fuse themselves together. The rhythmic sound of their bodies slapping against one another was accompanied by her increasingly loud moaning. It was an ancient dance. It was the dance of lovers.

Soon Bree was singing out her pleasure to the clear blue Caribbean and to those passengers who happened to be out on their balconies near Aloha Deck. As her song reached its crescendo, Ricardo joined in to make it a duet. Within moments, the two lovers climaxed and the sound of it seemed to hang in the air like the last note of a song. The two barely noticed the faint smattering of applause, coming from some unseen audience.

Completely spent, they lay there clinging to each other in silence.

"Oh my," she sighed breathlessly. "That was intense."

Ricardo whispered in her ear.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, senorita?"

Bree groaned and smiled.

"Yes, you can switch positions with me. I think you're about to crush me."

He grinned and the couple switched places. Soon she'd straddled him and was stretching atop him like a cat preparing its bed. Snuggling into him, she giggled.

"Ricardo?" she sighed.


"You could also work on that accent."

"Si, senorita," Zach snorted and chuckled. "I hope it wasn't too distracting for you."

Her loving husband gently traced her spine from the base of her neck to the soft crevice of her perfect rear end. She moaned her contentment.

"Oh no, not distracting at all, lover," Bree whispered. "Not distracting at all."

Zach smiled as he continued to caress her back with his fingertips. His wife almost began to purr as she burrowed even deeper into his chest.

Quietly they rested, entwined in each other's arms.

"Bree," Zach said softly. "You know I'd never cheat on you right? And after everything that's happened at GES, there's no way I'd ever let something happen between Sarah and I."

She lifted her head, took his face in her hands, and stared into his eyes. Smiling, she kissed him gently.

"I know, baby, it was just part of the role playing. I thought it added a little realism. And after what they shared with us, it was too easy.

"Besides, if you ever had an affair, I'd never get revenge by having sex with a bunch of guys. I don't see how turning myself into a slut gets revenge on you."

They lay there quietly for a few seconds before she chuckled softly.

"No, sweetheart," she cooed. "More than likely you'd wake up without your balls one morning!"

She giggled and Zach groaned as they both recognized the truth in her statement.

"And you know that there's no way I'd ever cheat on you. You know that, right, baby?" she asked with a hint of uncertainty.

"Yeah, I know," Zach said, smiling as he gently kissed her. "But I like hearing you tell me from time to time."

Bree giggled.

"You're all I need, stud."

She reached down between his legs and gave his manhood a good squeeze. They both felt him begin to come back to life.

"Ooh, someone is waking up. Mr. Morgan," she said in her best little girl voice. "Can Little Zee come out and play?"

She gently gave him another squeeze.

He laughed.

"Bree, you know it's yours. Everything I have is yours."

"Good answer," she beamed.

She laid her head down on his chest and sighed. Zach felt her breathing deepen as she began to doze.

"Umm, Bree?"

"Uh huh?"

"Sweetheart... you've got to let go of Little Zee."

"Mine," she giggled softly.

"Never any doubt but if you don't let go, you won't get to rest."

"Hmmm, decisions, decisions," she said playfully. "I suppose I'll let him rest until later tonight. But don't worry, I'll be sure to make up for neglecting him earlier. We'll kiss and make up!"

She laughed as she felt Little Zee jump with anticipation.

Tenderly, she placed her head back on his chest. Just as Zach thought she was going to rest again, she lifted herself, placed her elbows on his chest, and rested her chin on her hands.

"So, Ricardo the ship steward, I picked this one, so the next one is yours. Any ideas yet?"

"How do you feel about men in kilts?"

"Ooh," she purred. "Depends on what he's wearing underneath. If he's a real man and isn't wearing anything, then it could be very interesting."

She grinned as she laid her head back down on his chest again. Soon she was quiet and snuggled into him. They began to doze as the sun warmed them.

Bree thought back to Brownwood and the many changes over the past ten years. Tommy and Kristen had eventually gotten married after years of dating and Donna, much to her sister's horror, had become a grandma last year. Allie had found her special man and they were having the time of their lives, running the diner with Ginny and Hector. Ginny had ended up giving Hector two more sons before finally having a daughter. Of course that little girl already was the apple of her daddy's eye.

Bree thought about her wedding. It'd been a few weeks after Shannon's fifth birthday. After Zach and she returned from their honeymoon, Shannon had crawled into their bed, much to the surprise of her new, barely dressed mother.

She'd cuddled up with Bree and then rolled over so they were nose to nose. Then her five year old daughter melted her heart with one statement.

"Know the best birthday present I ever gots?" she cooed, giggling.

"No, Cupcake, what?"

"It's YOU, Mommy!" her little girl squealed.

The memory washed over Bree like a warm bath. It soothed every inch of her soul as it soaked into her heart. Her body shuttered with a stifled sob as Zach felt a new dampness on his chest.

"Bree?" he asked quietly with concern.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm just so happy."

He smiled and kissed her tenderly.

"Sweetheart, I know the Caribbean was one of your dreams. I wish it hadn't taken so long for us to get here."

She shook her head and wiped her eyes.

"It's not that, baby. This trip is wonderful but you gave me something so much better. You gave me the chance to dream again. Oh, Zach, thank you, now if I look out over that white picket fence I'll know I didn't miss anything.

"I have a wonderful daughter who loves me and the most incredible husband. He's my lover, my very best friend, and is everything I'll ever want or need.

"Zach..." she softly whispered, "I dreamed a dream and woke to something better."


Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Hey what can I say, beneath this thick hide is the heart of a hopeless romantic. At least that's what DFWBeauty tells me.

It's my hope that you enjoyed it even if it was a bit dark. I tried to create an emotional rollercoaster ride with this story, whether you prefer dips, sharp banks, loops, or barrel rolls probably determined whether you enjoyed the ride or not. LOL.

My final opportunity to thank findingmyvoice. Lady K, your encouragement and gentle nudging for me to get off my ass and think definitely made this entire story so much better than it originally started out as.

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60022Mallard60022Mallard13 days ago

A long journey to love conquering all, but pleased I travelled the whole way!

NallusNallus2 months ago

What I put down for my own notes:

Long story of Brie and Zack, from childhood to engaged. She uncertain, with building stress, leaves. He super devastated. Old HS romances Tye fucks things up for years, as does her drunken crazed orgy, shared with Zack. Other family involvement provokes a violent sex event, followed by showing her her DVD best. She's devastated and angry. Later, they start, stall, then alight..

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

I really liked this story. I guess unlike a lot of other people I never really hated Bree. I figured that they had broken up and well, all's fair at that point even if it didn't feel like it to Zach. I think the thing that would have really hurt was her running into that ill fated marriage with Ty after resisting Zach so much, but then again I also think that if Zach had been a bit more of a man and hadn't had such a severe case of "oneitus" and hadn't tried to hold on to her so hard, she would have eventually realized what a retard she was before she had gotten herself in serious trouble. I dunno. It's hard to blame college kids for being idiots, that's kind of their defining feature. In any case, she paid in spades for her immature decision making. The one serious gripe I had is that I don't think you needed to turn Zach into a grapist in order to have Bree understand how much he had been destroyed by what she had done. It was over the top, just the DVD confrontation probably would have been enough. Anyway, great story, a rare 5/5 from me.

TwmatthewsTwmatthews4 months ago

An emotional rollercoaster with characters who are both heroic and deeply flawed. Plus, the timing for the two main characters was always off just a little bit.

For those who like to BTB, this story will be unsatisfying. For those of us who like reconciliation and a happy ending, this is a wonderful story replete with believable characters.

Five stars for me,

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

After sitting through Les Miserables I had a strong feeling I knew exactly what Hell was like. Sitting through two hours of miserable people singing of their misery in a language I didn’t understand were the worst two hours of my life.

5 stars otherwise.

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