Broken Bliss Ch. 01


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"Are you hungry, Mom?"

"Yeah, I guess I could eat. What are you in the mood for?" I pretended to think about what food joints this mall offered, before answering with the Japanese steakhouse.

"Really? You want to go there?"

"Well, I am on a date with my girlfriend, aren't I?" If the rest of the day went to pot, then it was worth it to see the smile that split mom's face. She truly did look young enough to be my girlfriend.

We were seated at one of the grills where they cook the food in front of you, and everyone around us got a kick out of the chef successfully lobbing some meat into my mouth. Mom helped me eat of course, and we both grinned as we heard someone mention what a cute couple we made.

We made it home shortly before Lisa was scheduled to get home. I wasn't in the least bit bothered when I had to have Mom's help urinating. She asked if I needed any 'help' with anything, and I laughingly said we didn't have enough time, as was evidenced by my sister walking through the front door.

"Well, you two seem to be in a good mood," Lisa says, as she lays her book bag on the counter. We just laugh, and mom winks at me before going to get ready for work.

Lisa went to her room to change out of her school clothes. She came out wearing some baggy, but obviously comfortable clothing. "Will you help me with some of my homework?" Lisa asks. "I'm having a hard time in math, and as I recall, that was your specialty."

I am surprised that she is struggling in math, as I recall she was rather good in that department as well. I quickly agree though, happy to do anything in return for the help they are giving my broken self.

We both sit at the counter, and she starts to go over the problems she is having. Mom leaves for work, but not before giving us $20 and telling us to order out for dinner.

We get back to work on the homework, when we come across a particularly tough problem.

"I just don't get it. Every time I do it, it comes out different than what is in the back of the book. Here, you do it!" She shoves the book in front of my, and I wonder how she wants me to do anything with my arms like this, but I start working on it in my head, and mumbling as I think. Lisa leans in to listen to me, and as I look at her, I realize I can see right down her baggy shirt... And she isn't wearing a bra again.

I don't remember her being this free when I lived at home less than a year ago, and can only gulp as I note her hard pink nipples.

"See! It is impossible!" Her words bring me back to what I am supposed to be thinking about, and I realize I have completely lost track of the problem.

I try again, concentrating harder this time, ignoring her as she leans in again, and come up with the answer. It still doesn't match the end of the book. After going over it a third time and coming up with the same answer all three times, I conclude that the book is wrong.

"Oh, thank you, Bro!" Lisa wraps her arms around my torso, and starts to hug me. I can feel her firm breasts through her loose shirt, and mine. "I don't think I could have done it without your help."

"I'm sure you could have figured it out on your own!" I lightly chide her. "You know I think you are at least as smart, if not smarter than me."

"Really? You really think that?" She jumps up and down, and gives me another hug, that seems to linger just a little too long. "I'm hungry. Let's order that pizza," she says, finally pulling away.

I am once again hard, and this time it is because of my sister. It is about this point I realize I am going to hell, whether I try to or not.

As Lisa orders the pizza, I try to get my manhood back under mental control, and only manage to do so as she hangs up the phone.

"They said it will be here in 30 minutes. I hope you don't mind, I ordered meat-lovers."

"You know that is my favorite," I tease back.

We both sit in the family room, me on the recliner again, and this time Lisa took the couch. Thank goodness, I thought, unsure if I could handle another night like last night. Images of Lisa grinding her crotch against the floor surfaced in my mind, and I had to fight for control again. This was going to be a long few months, till I could be on my own again.

The doorbell rang, and Lisa paid the deliveryman, bringing the pizza and breadsticks into the kitchen. As we sat and ate, I noticed that Lisa was eating the breadsticks a little odd. She would put one in her mouth like she was going to take a big bite, then slowly slide it out, running her lips along it, before taking a much smaller bite. It didn't take me long to see how erotic this was, and I had to stop watching. I couldn't figure out why I was so sick and perverted lately. There must be something seriously wrong with me. I was just glad that Lisa fed me normally.

After dinner, I had to go, and was shy about telling Lisa. She just smiled though, and followed me to the bathroom. When she pulled down my shorts, she stopped and stared for a moment, before standing back up with a huge grin, saying, "There you go."

I sat down and luckily fit within the rim of the toilet.

When I finished, Lisa had a wad of tissue in her hand. "What is that for?" I asked.

"Don't you need to wipe?"

I explained how men shook their penises, and usually didn't wipe, and she seemed disappointed, until she remembered that I still need to have my shorts pulled back up. As she dropped down, she looked up at me, and again I could see everything down her shirt.

"Can I touch it?"

I was shocked, to say the least, by the request. "No, you can't touch it! You're my sister, and that would be wrong." My cock did twitch though at the thought of her slender fingers touching me, stroking it, till I-- NO! Too late I realized I had just gotten hard mere inches from my sister. "Are you going to pull those up, or not?" I asked more cross than I meant to be.

She gave me a pouty look, but pulled up my shorts, and I am certain her fingers brushed me intentionally.

"Let's go watch a movie," she said, suddenly her chipper self again.

Glad that she wasn't going to stay mad at me, I quickly agreed.

As I headed to the recliner though, she told me we could share the couch. There was plenty of room, if she lay down, while I sat against the armrest. Unsure if it was a good idea or not, she had me seated before I even had a chance to argue.

She laid her head in my lap, and I was thankful it was closer to my knee, than my groin. I soon regretted agreeing to watch a movie, as it was one of those college movies, where there were a lot of tits in it. The opening scene showed some blonde getting it on with the main character, and there was no stopping my erection. To make matters worse, Lisa decided to get more comfortable, and ended up resting her head directly against my hardened cock. I sat in discomfort, worried about what she might say through the movie.

At one particularly nude scene, where three naked girls were jumping on a trampoline, Lisa looks up at me, asking, "Do you think that is what college is like?"

"No," I immediately answer. Thankful for something to distract me from the flesh on the TV. "This is Hollywood. There are a lot of parties, and probably even a few orgies, but scenes like those in this movie are extremely rare."

"Oh," was all she said, before turning back to the movie, but this time she put her hand under her head, and directly against my cock. I couldn't stop a moan from escaping my mouth, much to my chagrin.

Lisa looked back up at me, and I quickly explained that my arms were hurting again, and it was time for my next dose of pain killers. She jumped up, and ran to get my pills. Thankful for the respite, no matter how short, I tried sorting out my thoughts.

She is my sister damn-it, and the only one I've got. It is wrong to feel this way about a family member. She would hate me forever, and rightly so, if I took advantage of her. No matter how hard I thought, though, my erection refused to diminish. I was in the same boat as last night.

Lisa returned, bounding, and I could see her breasts bouncing under her shirt.

"Anything else I can do for you?" She asked, her eyes twinkling, and I am sure that for a moment they dropped down to my crotch.

"No, thank you. This should do it." I quickly swallowed the pills as she put them in my mouth, and took the offered drink to wash it down. I almost spit it back out. "That's alcohol!" I accused.

"Yeah. So?" was her intelligent and logical reply. "I heard you didn't sleep well last night, and I know alcohol helps with the pain, so I thought..." She didn't finish the sentence, and I felt guilty for snapping at her, so quickly downed the rest. This was only my second time drinking, ever, and she had poured a whole glass. I choked it down, and then gasped a "Thank you," and smiled, hoping to make her happy.

She giggled, and ran the glass back to the kitchen. She seemed to be gone for awhile, and by the time she returned, I had a really good buzz going. What had she given me? I wondered, in a slight state of fuzzy bliss.

When she finally returned, I groaned. She was in a similar outfit as last night, but this time instead of cut-offs, it was a thong, and the top was basically see-thru.

"Are you ready for me to tuck you in?" She asked innocently, bouncing on her toes, which was doing wonders for her anatomy.

I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak right then. She giggled, and as she leaned forward, her barely covered breast brushed my hand, and I swear I heard her moan.

"Do you need to go pee, before you lie down?" Again her tone was innocent, and I agreed that I did indeed have to go.

She guided me into the restroom, and quickly had my shorts around my ankles. "It's all sticky at the end, and it is really big," she said, looking up at me past my bobbing cock.

"That's because I have been turned on all night," I reply before I can think better of it.

"Really? Did I do that?"

Somehow her innocence makes me angry, and I glare at her. "Yes, you did that to me, and I am likely to hurt tonight, because of it." I sat down, a little harder than I meant to, and somehow bent over far enough to get it into the toilet. Try as I might though, I just could pee with a hardon. "Great, just great!" I mutter.

"Brother, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would make you hurt. I just found it fun that someone thought I was sexy enough to get hard over. I really am sorry. As soon as you are done, I will leave you alone. I promise."

I could see tears welling up in her eyes, and once again, I felt like a heel.

"I can't go pee, Lisa. It is nearly impossible for a man to go pee with a hardon." I try to make my tone tender, but her tears overflow, and I stand up, to try and comfort her, only I can't wrap my arms around her, and instead I end up merely pressing my mostly naked body against her nearly naked one. I feel her arms wrap around me though, as she cries against my chest. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," she kept repeating.

It took me a couple tries, but when I finally had her attention, she looked up at me. Her eyes were liquid pools of blue, and I don't know what possessed me, but I leaned forward a little, and kissed her. I don't know which of us was more surprised at first, but she quickly returned the kiss with ardor.

I kicked off my shorts, and guided her out of the bathroom, and into my room. When her legs bumped the bed, she fell over backwards, and noticed where she was. I could see fear in her eyes, quickly smothered by steely determination.

She sat up, and tentatively taking my cock, she began rubbing it slowly between both hands. I have never had a woman play with me like this before, and it felt different, but good. I moaned, to let her know she was doing well, and she smiled, and then surprised me by wrapping her mouth around the head of my penis. What she lacked in skill, she more than made up for in enthusiasm. If it weren't for the pain killers and alcohol, I have no doubt I would have been shooting my load deep down her throat.

Remembering the poor way I had treated her a moment ago, I decided I wanted to return the favor. My arms may be useless, but my mouth wasn't.

"Lisa? Stop for a moment, please." She pulled her head back and looked up at me with worry.

"What? Am I doing something wrong? I've never done this before."

"No, little sister. You are doing great. I just had another idea. Let me lie down on the bed, and then you can lie on top of me, and I can return the favor." I smiled at her lovingly, and was happy to see the smile returned. A small voice in the back of my head tried to tell me that this was wrong, but it shut up as she quickly stripped off her remaining clothing, and helped me to lie down. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she was completely shaved.

She straddled my face, but kept herself out of my reach. Looking down between us, she asked, "Do you like it brother? I just shaved it for you. I understand men like them shaved."

"I do, indeed, sis," I smiled, and tried to lift my head to get a taste. She saw my movement, and finally lowered her small pussy to my waiting lips.

A low moan escaped her body as I started to kiss her outer lips. I felt my cock engulfed in her mouth a moment later, and let out my own moan right into her pussy. Her inner lips were small, and actually took me a moment to find with my tongue. This is so much easier with hands, I though, as I located her hole, and shoved my tongue as far as I could inside it.

Her legs clamped around my head, when I finally decided to go for her clit. "That tickles," I heard her say, muffled by her legs. I kept licking her clit, occasionally flicking it with my tongue, and when it came into reach as she rocked her hips, I would suck it in, and even let it catch on my teeth.

Pretty soon she was squealing and moaning as she slurped and sucked on my cock. I knew I was getting close, so I pulled away just enough to warn her, and then attacked her wet pussy with a vengeance.

I was rewarded with a flow of her cum, as I began to go off deep in her throat. I heard her gag, but couldn't have stopped if it meant my life. I seemed to cum for what felt like hours, but was likely only seconds.

As I finally stopped spewing, Lisa got up, and spun herself around on top of me. I was still a little dazed, but it soon occurred to me what she was trying to do.

"No, Lisa. We can't. That would be incest, and it is absolutely wrong. Besides, I'm not hard anymore, and won't be for a bit." I tried to be stern, but kind.

"Why not? Get it hard again."

"It's not that simple. A man only cums once then has to recover. Women are lucky enough to have multiple orgasms, but they pay for it in other ways."

"You mean we can try again tomorrow?"

My mind was slowly clearing from the fog of drugs, lust, and alcohol, and guilt was beginning to set in. "No. We can't do this again. It was wrong to even do this. We are likely going to hell for it. I am so sorry I took advantage of you, Lisa. I hope that one day you can forgive me." Tears began to well up in my eyes at the horrible things I had just done with my sister.

"But... But, you didn't take advantage of ME. I took advantage of YOU!"

Suddenly everything she had done since I had been home made sense. She had seduced me! And all the while, I had been afraid of what I was thinking of doing to her! Then something she had said earlier flashed through my mind.

"Wait. Are you a virgin?"

She looked at me sheepishly for a moment, and then said, "Yes. And I want you to take my virginity!"

"Absolutely not! Not only is that incest to the worst degree, but you should lose it to someone you truly love and want to be with."

"Exactly! I love you, brother. Oh, I know we can't get married and all that, but who do you know that would be more gentle and loving than my own big brother?"

"But it is incest!" I stubbornly clung to that argument.

"So! Do you love me?" I nodded, "And I love you. As long as you don't get me pregnant, we'll be fine."

"I'll think about it," I finally relented and promised her. In the meantime, mom is going to be home soon, and I need to get some sleep."

Lisa was so excited that she kissed me deeply and passionately, pulling away after a moment, with a confused look on her face. "Your kisses taste different from before."

I had to laugh. "You are tasting your own juices on my lips." I said.

She licked her lips a few more times, and then smiled. "I like it!"

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I was looking at several of the comments. I have no idea what the average penis size if. I do know that since I went through puberty, I have been 9 and 3/4ths, except when I am really turned on. For example, when I fuck my sister, if I am really turned on, and I immediately go down on her, and eat my thick ropes of cum back out of her extremely hairy pussy, If I stop measure it at that point, when I am rock-hard and throbbing erect, I am almost 11 inches long. So, I eat my own cum out for her a-lot! I live the taste and I love all that thick wet pussy hair in my face. No shaved - razor burnt stuff, EVER!! I also like to go over after her husband leaves for work. eating his cum out of her turns me on a lot too, tastes like my own cum a lot, and she likes it when I grow to almost 11 inches long, and become heart-beat pulsing thick. My sister has 4 children, and were not sure, been at this for 7 and a half years. I think her husband knows, and I think he likes it.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7a8 months ago

As someone who has no problem with mutually consensual incestuous love between mature, consenting adults, I find the opening chapter of this story to be logically developed and presented. From the personal reactions of the male to various normal situations, he appears to be under developed psychologically and emotionally when compared to his experienced mother and his emotionally mature sister. His sister trusts him implicitly. With indepth character development, possibly, the reader will understand his reasons for self-doubt, self-recrimination, shame, guilt and frankly, his puritanical backwardness. He fails to recognize and accept his mother and sister as sexual human beings with the same wants and needs as himself. They love him and support him unconditionally. He creates artifical boundaries which simply dio not exist nor are compatable with love. Hopefully, he will mature, both psychologically and emotionally, that he can return the unconditional love his mother and sister have for him. Chapter 1 rated 5 stars.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

I know that you're going to have him fucking both the sister and the mom before you're done with it. 😒 When you finally cross over that line, I'm going to downgrade you to a one. You could have had a five here except for mom giving him a hand job. Keep it strictly brother and sister without a full family orgy. [SMH] 4/5

MarsPatrolMarsPatrolover 3 years ago

Classics are ones you enjoy coming back to. You are a great story spinner. Thanks.

Knocked off two stars because "7' is not large"

Really broke my immersion that did. Saying 7' when erect is not large. It's quite a lot above average. Global average length when erect is 5.4'. 7 is more than a lot of women can even take depending on their cycle and internal positioning. 6' for length is a little bit common. 7 is quite rare.

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