Breathless Ch. 02


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"Listen, I'm going to go do some of this damn mingling that the Captain thinks is so important." She stood up, Melissa still on her arm. Vladimir looked up.

"Thanks," he said, short and to the point.

"No problem." Sadie looked around. She saw the mayor over talking with Lord Frost. She turned around intently planning on walking away. She made it about ten feet before running into Terrence McDermott, who was standing there smiling at her. He looked like perfectly proportioned underwear model in a perfectly cut tux. That was when Sadie heard Mel say --

"Yummy," the girl muttered.

Sadie and Terrence both were grinning from ear to ear when they looked at the young woman, who was blushing as badly as Sadie had ever seen.

"Please pretend you didn't hear that. Or kill me. Either one will work," Mel replied.

"I LIKE your date!" Terrence said, taking Mel's hand and kissing it gently. "She has exquisite taste all around."

"Well she IS here with me," Sadie replied.

"And well she should be. Anyone would be lucky to do so." He kissed her hand as well. "You look incredible. You do realize that dress is already causing a bit of a scandal. I hope that some of the less well-proportioned ladies in attendance don't attempt to replicate the fashion anytime soon."

"Indeed." Sadie sighed. "Would you do me a favor and point out who everyone is? The sooner I get to schmoozing, the sooner I can get out of here and out of this dress."

"You're almost out of it already," Terrence replied appreciatively. He started pointing out the members of the city council, the vampire council, miscellaneous individuals of import, and assorted businessmen.

"Got it," she said. "Interested in joining us for some mingling with society's finest?"

Terrence only pretended to think it over. "I have a feeling that wherever you go will be the most interesting place to be, so very well." He offered her his arm. Sadie took it, but offered her other arm to Melissa. 'She looks like a princess,' he thought. 'But I don't think that she plans to act like one.'

Terrence and Melissa were both surprised at how capable Sadie was at playing the high society game. She would sweep into a crowd, get just giggly enough to make them thing she was a total ditz, then show a startling competency on just about any subject that they brought up. She talked economics with the goblins, fashion with the elves, and crime rates with the humans. She was witty enough to draw attention away from her "assets," but playful enough to let their eyes drift back down from time to time.

"M'lady," Terrence said, "would you care to join me on the balcony? I do believe that you've broken a sweat giving all those men something to sweat about."

"Oh that?" Sadie replied, giving the unsuspecting room a dismissing flick of the wrist. "That's nothing. You should see what it's like trying to play peacemaker in the women's room at a strip club when a rich man shows up with his friends. Pure anarchy."

"You spend a lot of time at such clubs."

"Sometimes for work, sometime for recreation." She stretched her hands upward, giving him a good look at the muscles of her back as she moseyed away. "Come along Melissa. Don't dawdle."

Melissa stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth, making Sadie snicker. 'The girl must be out of her mind with boredom by now.'

The three of them stepped out onto a terrace with a beautiful view of the full-moon sky as well as the mayor's prized hedge maze. Then Sadie noticed that the terrace was not unoccupied. She looked at Terrence and asked, "You wouldn't mind entertaining Melissa for a moment would you?" Without waiting for a reply, she spun on her heel and walked to a shadowy corner where only a singly fiery ember was visible.

"Having fun?" she asked.

Vladimir stepped forward, extinguishing his cigarette on the railing. "This is so not fun for me that it's almost funny. You I understand the Captain sending, but me?"

"I saw your wife a couple of times," the vampire replied. "She seemed to be enjoying herself."

Vlad's face became almost unreadable. "She enjoys this sort of thing. I guess I should be thankful . . . I really don't get to take her to things like this as often as she'd like."

Sadie could almost feel the bitterness creeping out of her fellow officer's voice. She knew what people said about Vladimir's wife, and was trying to reconcile his apparent guilt that she didn't have it better with the total bitch-monster image that everyone else had seen.

"Hey," she said, patting him on the arm, "if you wanna take off and maybe take her somewhere special, I can handle things here tonight. The only way I think I could guarantee more funds for the precinct would be if I let them tuck singles into my g-string. And the Captian has already nixed that idea," she added.

Vladimir grinned. "So I heard. No, I'll stick it out. Teresa seems to be having a good time with her socialite friends."

"Well, don't say I didn't offer." Sadie knew that he would stand by his woman regardless. He had an aura of honor about him. She glanced over her shoulder to see Terrence relentlessly flirting with Mel.

"She's looking good," Vlad said, reading her mind. "I don't know what you said . . . or did," he added with a chuckle, "but she seems a lot more alive because of you."

"She just needed someone with a little bit of patience is all. She's a great kid. And I'd better get back to her before they start doing something naughty . . . without me." She gave Vladimir a wicked grin and swayed back over to her companions.

The werewolf just stared after his colleague, reminding himself that he was a married man.

Terrence's hand was on Mel's hip and he was whispering something undoubtedly wicked into Mel's ear, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Hey you two, did you miss me?"

"Every moment that you were gone," Terrence said.

Mel smiled slyly. "You know, I thought that vampires had to wait ten years at least until they were this smooth."

Terrence saw that Sadie had cocked an eye at him. "I was just Turned five years ago."

Sadie grinned and pinched his cheek. "You're just a baby!"

"And how old are you exactly?" he teased back.

Melissa wasn't sure if she imagined it or not, but the question actually seemed to take her friend by surprise.

"It's not polite to ask a lady her age," the blond vampire responded coyly. "Why?" She leaned back against the railing, slowly thrusting her breasts forward. "Do I look old?"

Terrence was openly licking his lips. "You know, we've got about twenty minutes before they call everyone to their seats for dinner, and you've already met everyone --"

"Mr. Terrence McDermott," Sadie replied, "whatever are you suggesting?"

"Have you had a chance to see the hedge maze?" he asked innocently.

Sadie wrapped an arm around Mel's shoulders and pulled her closer. "Like mazes?"

The goth chick replied with, "I do right now."

"Well, I couldn't possibly let you wander around in there by yourself. It's awfully dark you know. I will of course help you, but two ladies like us --" Sadie paused. "Okay, enough games. We've only got nineteen minutes."

The three of them walked quickly down the stairs and entered the hedge maze. "Follow me," Terrence said heatedly, leading them along a path he apparently knew quite well. It only took a minute to reach the center, which was a pleasant little clearing with four marble benches around a fountain. Sadie turned around planted a tongue-happy kiss on Terrence's mouth.

'Hmm,' she thought, 'a good kisser.' "Melissa, you gotta try this!"

Melissa was more than happy to intervene. Her kiss was not as experienced as Sadie's, but she made up for a lot with sheer desire. She did get Terrence so caught up that he didn't notice that Sadie had deftly unzipped his pants and released his maleness into the chilly night air. She took his sizable length in her hand and began to stroke it.

"Can I try that too?" Melissa purred hungrily.

"Oh yeah," Sadie replied. She let Mel get her hand around Terrence's shaft as well, and they led him over to one of the benches. "Can't get these new dresses dirty, can we?" She hiked up her dress so that it would drag on the grass and then sat down. No sooner than her hips sat on something solid than her lips wrapped around something just as hard.

"Oh, I love my job," Terrence groaned.

Sadie opened up her mouth as wide as she could, engulfing as much as she could of that rigid shaft. He was uncut with a big, fleshy head that popped wonderfully between her lips and tickled her throat. She could feel the heat he was giving off all the way down into her chest. She pulled up and looked at Melissa. "Oh, this is the good stuff." She grabbed the back of her friend's head and shoved her mouth-first onto Terrence's cock. Mel liked to be controlled, so why not make this more fun for the girl? She used Mel's head like a hand to jerk Terrence off with.

Melissa was gagging, unable to take more than half of that beautiful prick in her mouth. She felt the spittle leaking out of the corners of her mouth, accompanied by that "plopping" noise of cheeks getting sucked in when he pulled his cock all the way out. It was a nasty sound, but it was like music to her.

Sadie positioned herself behind Mel, pushing her breasts into the back of the goth chick's head. She gave the girl a reach around as well, grabbing those sensitive dress through the all-too-soft fabric. Melissa groaned loudly into Terrence's cock flesh.

"She really likes this," Sadie crooned.

"Do it again!" Terrence requested.

Sadie squeezed harder this time and got another pleasurable response. "My turn." She leaned over Melissa's shoulder and took that wonderful bit of flesh between her lips again, humming contentedly as it sunk further down her throat. Melissa scooted to the side so that Sadie could have first chair, so Sadie took advantage of the situation. She pulled apart the cloth that covered her breasts, then let Terrence's manhood out of her mouth so it could rest in the cradle of her bosom. She pushed her tits together around the shaft and started stroking it with them. And much to Mel's credit, she didn't need to be given the idea to suck on the cock-head when it emerged from Sadie's cleavage.

"I need to get a job as a cop,' Terrence said. "I think all the girls that work there are freaks."

"Including Mrs. Crookshank?" Mel asked between sucks. "She's like . . . eighty and --"

"What's wrong with eighty?" Sadie asked primly.

Mel smiled. "Not everyone can keep their figure like you can."

"True." Sadie released Terrence's cock again and let her dress fall back into place. "We've only got fifteen minutes, and you have two women to satisfy buster." She lay back on the bench, her dress hiked up to her hips which were right on the edge. Mel climbed on top of her so that they were face to face. After the two women exchanged a heated kiss, she looked at Terrence.

"I'm pretty sure you can figure out what to do."

The male vampire knew exactly what to do. He pulled Melissa's dress up to her waist and pushed her panties aside, then put the tip of his member right at the entrence to her sex. Then he pushed in slowly, feeling her grip ever centimeter of his length as it slid in.

Sadie loved watching Melissa's face. That normally stoic visage was radiating joyful lust, and it looked good on her. She locked lips with the young woman, slipping her tongue inside. Her hands sought out the girl's tight little ass, where one hand gripped butt cheek while the other hand spanked.

"She's a freaky little chick isn't she?"

"I'm teaching her everything I know," Sadie replied.

Terrence pulled out, dipped at the knees and plunged into Sadie's waiting pussy. He drove all the way in and was rewarded with a grunt. Somehow she managed to wrap her legs around his hips and was spurring him on with her heels. She was every bit as snug in her sexual passage as Melissa's had been, and every bit as greedy.

Mel freed Sadie's breasts again, locking her lips on a nipple as Terrence began swapping between the two women rapidly. Sadie had released her death grip on Mel's ass and had moved her hand around to the front, pinning it between their bodies as she rubbed the goth girl's clit.

"Hurry!" Sadie growled. "Fuck her!" she ordered, then evilly upped the challenge. "Get her off or you'll never get this close again."

Terrence had no intention of letting that happen. He sunk deep into Melissa's body, grabbing her hips and penetrating like his life depended on it.

Melissa never had a chance, not that she wanted one. Terrence was filling her up with fantastic speed and power, Sadie was teasing her clit like a cat playing with a mouse, and Sadie's mouth could almost make Mel cum just by kissing her. With all the attention she was getting, Melissa was cumming within two minutes.

Terrence, under the pretense of letting the girl rest, plunged his sword back into Sadie's pussy. He had already taken a fair amount of "punishment," so he found himself unloading his seed into his fellow vampire's womb.

"No fair," Mel complained. "You didn't --"

"It's okay," Sadie said happily. "I'll just have to have both of you make it up to me sometime."

"How much time?" Mel asked Terrence.

"Six minutes."

Melissa bent at the waist and dove her face between Sadie's still open thighs and proceeded to launch an assault that rivaled the storming of the beaches of Normandy. The vampire could feel her lover eating Terrence's offering out of her pussy and then going back in for more. Terrence helped out, teasing Sadie's clitoris the way she had teased Melissa's earlier, and the two of them made her climax in less than a minute.

"Okay, points for the effort," she chuckled happily.

The three of them hurried to make themselves presentable as they ran back through the maze. They made it to the top of the terrace stairs and, after giving each other a brief once-over to make sure nothing was out of place, walked back inside. Before they started called for everyone to take their seats, Sadie was already in hers and basking in the afterglow of sexual release. Melissa was at her side and while her face was calm and collected, her breathing was still somewhat ragged.

"Get a hold of yourself, or everyone will know you just got laid," Sadie teased. But then she heard Mel's breathing slow and her complexion evened out. 'The girl's got some good self-control, I'll give her that.'

The table started to fill up, with Vladimir and his wife right next to Sadie. Vlad shot Sadie a shit-eating grin . . . he knew exactly what she'd been up to, but it didn't stop her from feigning total innocence. Soon the mayor, Lord Frost, and a number of other important people were seated and patiently awaiting dinner. A caterer came by and took drink orders. All the vampires ordered blood except Sadie, who asked for a rum and coke when she found out that they didn't have Guinness.

"Ever the standout," Lord Frost said by way of smalltalk.

Sadie rolled her eyes and took a swig of her drink.

"You know what they say about those starving to be the center of attention?" Teresa Koloff said with an aristocratic through-the-nose laugh.

"That they're elves?"

"Sadie," Vladimir growled. "Polite?"

"Oh she knows I'm only kidding," Sadie replied, her Marilyn Monroe voice coming to the surface in all it's helium- filled glory. "Don't ya toots?"

"Indeed," Teresa said, looking down her nose before turning to talk to someone else.

"You're not going to make this easy are you?" Mel whispered.

"Easy as pie for me."

Vladimir observed the proceeding with a careful eye. It was odd to see the Arbiter shut off after watching her be a social whirlwind the rest of the night. All of the councilmen attempted to engage her in conversation and she deflected their verbal offerings with flare and sarcastic delight. Only Mayor Jefferson and Lord Frost failed to engage her, and it didn't take a fool to figure out what they were doing: they were scoping her out. He knew that neither man, Frost in particular, was a fool. The Vampire Lord was popular in political circles both locally and nationally, and there were even rumors of ties to foreign nations. A connection to the Bureau of Arbiters would be a feather in his cap, as they were notoriously independent of other government agencies. They knew of legal proceedings that no one else did, as well as the locations of political refugees. The Arbiters could arrest, detain, and transport any person at their own discretion. The psych evaluation to get in was supposed to equivalent to psychological torture.

But Sadie played the game well, making her werewolf colleague wonder if that was simply part of the training. Finally, Frost spoke.

"Arbiter Hewitt, it just occurred to me that I still haven't received that birth certificate that you promised."

"Really? I'm sure I mailed it to you."

"I understand. The postal service can be notoriously unreliable. But still, I must insist. I would really hate to have to report the incident to your superious in Washington. Even the Bureau has some rules."

"I would hate for someone as important as you to be inconvenienced with such a mundane thing. Particularly since the Bureau is so mired in the red tape and trying to get work done that any requests might be bogged down for months," Sadie replied looking over the rim of her glass as she met Frost's gaze, "or even years."

"I see. Well perhaps I might find a path through the maze somehow. I get . . . lucky . . . that way sometimes."

"I'll do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure you don't have to wait any longer than is absolutely necessary."

"I'm sure you will."

Vladimir didn't understand at all. The tension in the air between the two vampires was so thick you could cut it with a knife, but the conversation revolved around the triviality of a birth certificate.

Mayor Jefferson raised his glass. "Please, no more talk of work tonight. Everyone, a toast to the prosperity of Midian and to the good health of its newest protector, Arbiter Hewitt."

Sadie raised her glass along with everyone else, but Vladimir saw the tension in her hand. She was gripping her glass so tightly he was surprised it didn't shatter. The woman looked sultry and mischievous and not at all unhappy. But underneath, she was practically leaking contempt.

About then, a band at one end of the dining hall started to play and within minutes, party-goers were taking the floor and dancing. Teresa flitted off with Lord Vallant, who had been the recipient of several barbs from Sadie over the course of the evening. She didn't know eactly what he had been saying to his underlings, but it reeked of arrogance and it made her want to gag. Melissa was actually dancing with Terrance, and he was whispering something in her ear that was making her blush.

Sadie grinned. Her friend was becoming a lot more confident in what she wanted. She liked it when someone else took charge and "made her" do what they wanted, but she wasn't as into the masochistic tendencies as she thought she was supposed to be. She didn't think that Terrence was Mel's "solution," but he would certainly be fun in the meantime.

The major and Lord Frost were whispering to each other and occasionally glancing in her direction. Sadie saw the Lord glance towards the musicians, then towards the dance-floor and finally back at Sadie, chatting to his co-conspirator all the while, a wholly unpleasant grin crossing his face.

"Fuck," she grumbled.

"What's up?" Vladimir asked. "Not enough people at the table to threaten?"

"I'd threaten you, but you might get off on it," she said sweetly, but her face reflecting more good humor than she had shown to anyone else. "Listen, would you do me a favor?" she asked standing up.