Bound Friends Pt. 04

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All four friends spend time at Lea's cabin.
16.1k words

Part 4 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/15/2014
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Megan and Sophia sat in slack-jawed silence across from Andrea and Lea trying to process what Lea had just told them.

"So let me get this straight. You own this place," Sophia said slowly as she looked around the living room, as if to make it extra clear which place she meant.

"Yeahuh" Lea said nodding her head quickly forcing her to push her black rimmed glasses back up.

"And you got the money by selling the software you've been using to torment us all month," Sophia continued, letting her eyebrows convey her disbelief. "And how are you not more freaked out about this Andrea?"

"Cause I.. kind of saw it two weeks ago?" Andrea sheepishly replied, her voice trailing off at the end.

"So is that what happened? You two have been like, well joined at the hip is understating it." Megan finally chimed in.

"Well I have been helping her move in, you should have seen how barran it was when she first got the place." Andrea said, looking back behind her and remembering how empty the living room used to be.

"Sure that explains where you two disappear to after school, but it's not just that. I don't think I've seen one of you without the other in... yeah just about two weeks now." Sophia said in an ever so slightly accusatory tone.

"We're just friends who've had a lot to do. This place came well equipped in some ways but it was still missing some of the more basic stuff. That's meant we've been off on our own a bunch, and this place is so far away it means we try and get it all done quick and minimize our trips out. That's where I've been but there's nothing nefarious about that."

Andrea said the words, three words she'd been chanting to herself more and more. We're just friends. She believed them, but it shook her some that she had to keep saying it to herself. Truth was somewhere between getting tied up, often naked, going down on each other, and cuddling in bed together after, not a lot of people would call them "just friends" anymore. But everyone comes to realizations at their own speed, and Andrea was not being very quick.

"Ok, slow down, I didn't mean anything by it. Hell, if it were me fixing up a secret cabin, I'd probably be 24/7 about it too," Sophia said, marveling at the strangeness of the topic as it left her mouth.

"So how about a tour Mrs. I-have-my-own-cabin-in-the-woods?" Megan butted in, not so much to defuse tension as out of genuine curiosity.

"That is not my name, that's a ridiculous last name, you're ridiculous, but sure lets start. You got the deck out there, the hot tub works now so that'll be awesome. Then, going clockwise around the hallway starting with first door you got the bathroom, and the wooden door next to it is the sauna. Past that you got doors to two guest bedrooms. The door at the end of the hall is is my room. Past that on the other side you have the laundry room which also leads outside to the carport, and finally the big ass room over there taking up the rest of the space we've come to calling the lounge." Lea explained pointing out the doors from the mouth of the hallway.

"And what are some of those small doors at either edge of the living room?" Megan asked.

"Just, uh, what do you call it, utility room." Lea stammered out. Andrea turned away as she began to grin. Andrea was terrible at poker.

"So Sophia, that room by mine is yours, Megan that one's yours and Andrea will just have the couch." Lea explained as she headed back to the car. "Why don't you go check out the room, Andrea and I'll go get your bags." Andrea soon began to follow.

The two pairs of friends headed off in their various directions. Andrea and Lea waited just outside, watching the screen on her phone as it played one of the hallway's cameras showing them each enter their rooms. Flipping back to the commands, Lea hit the button locking down both rooms like she had with Andrea. The two watching were a little giddy that it worked and turned back to head inside. "Hey where do you think you're going?" Lea asked as she turned back to Andrea and clicking the car unlocked at the same time. " Someone's got to bring the bags in. Put them in my room would you?"

"Yes Mistress." Andrea said with a wave of anticipation, the weekend's events were finally starting.


When Megan heard the door close and lock behind her she was already sitting on the bed getting situated. She gave the lock a quick lookover from where she sat and could tell even at that distance that there was no getting around it. She simply collapsed back in the bed and mumbled out loud "Damn you Lea, and your damn surprises. Would it be so hard to give a girl a heads up every once in a while about when things are starting?"

Sophia one soundproofed room over was not being nearly as blasé about it. She darted over to the sliding glass door that had bars in front of it. The bars looked like they could slide to one side just like some kind of high security screen door, but she also saw a very serious clamp on one side and a kind of metal ramp raised up to prevent it from sliding even if the clamp was gone. She tried pulling on the bars but nothing happened. She tried reaching behind the bars for the sliding glass door itself, but not only was it too locked, the metal handle gave her a slight shock. She moved over and tried pulling on the small door right next to the glass. While there was no serious lock, at least on the side that she could see, that handle shocked her too. More cautiously, she examined the front door and found that not only could she not do anything about the deadbolt, but that doorknob shocked her as well. She let out a scream of frustration, she would have thrown something but beyond the drawer and bedframe which were bolted to the floor there was nothing. She thought about flipping the mattress but decided to lay down on it instead and give the bed a few good punches.

"Wow, I'm actually a little surprised," Lea said laying flat on her stomach in the middle of her bed, looking at her laptop as Andrea entered overloaded with baggage. "Sophia gave up a little easier than I thought. I guess the shocks really do something."

"Well," Andrea said as she climbed onto the bed beside her friend to see the screen. "Having been on the receiving end I also can't stress just how little options you have and how quickly you realize that. Sophia's probably just come to the same conclusion."

"Yeah, but after some of our last talks I assumed she would put up more of a resistance." Lea said cautiously and quietly.

"What's that?" Andrea asked as she pointed to a colored bar dancing up and down beside the camera feed.

"Oh, that's the sound, I didn't have it on since I was switching between both rooms. This place has always got all the mics turned on and listening, but I didn't want two audio streams playing at once," Lea said before hitting the right keys to turn the sound on in Sophia's room.

"...ecret, I mean who does that? You bet your ass I'd tell you if I suddenly got rich. You better not have driven off, cause that right there would be the fucking line. I mean..."

"Wow, so she might be just a tad pissed," Andrea quipped. "Should we say something?"

"No, I think she probably needs to vent, let's see how Megan's doing." Lea said as she switched to make Megan's camera the main screen and the one producing audio. Presumably producing audio at least, since no sounds were actually coming from Megan or that room. She had gotten herself up onto the bed and was intent on staring at the ceiling, almost literally twiddling her thumbs. "And don't you have something you should be doing?" Lea asked Andrea who then silently got up went to work.

"Megan?" Lea said into her computer, causing Megan to sit up a bit.

"Lea? What's going on," Megan asked inquisitively and seemingly without resentment.

"Sorry for the ruse, but I thought this would be a good way to start things off. Like diving off the dock into the cold lake rather than slowly wading in from shore. I told you what we'd be doing this weekend, and that starts now. Strip down, and place all your cloths in the top drawer but do not close it yet." Lea said calmly, before switching over to another menu to unlock the top drawer.

Megan sat up and looked around, "are those cameras in the corners?"

"Well how else can I know what you're doing in there?" Lea asked, giving a rhetorical answer that seemed to be enough for Megan. She began to strip down when Lea switched focus back to Sophia.

"...ucker, I'm going to get you back for this some day. I mean, you clearly got a bag of tricks here that's all very impressive, but that can't save you forever. I'll get you back." Sophia's tone was much more subdued, calmer, though still slightly resentful. She finished in a pout and crossing her arms as she stopped talking altogether.

"No doubt you'll find a way," Lea said through the computer. "But for now remember who's in charge, do you feel very in charge?"

"" Sophia mumbled out almost inaudibly.

"Alright, now I want you to sit there quietly for a while, think you can do that?" Lea asked, clearly trying to poke the bear. She fiddled with a few settings while Sophia fumed.

"Fuc.. Oww" Sophia began saying before being interrupted with a shock through the anal plug of the chastity device she was wearing. She took the lesson but squinted her eyes trying her best to stare daggers as she did.

Switching over to the other screen, Megan was already naked, except for her chastity belt, and sitting back down on the bed. "OK, in the bottom drawer are you cuffs, collars and allen key to attach them. Put them on and place the allen key in the top drawer, only then close the drawers."

Megan did exactly as she was told, allowing Lea to switch back to Sophia and repeat the instructions she had already given to Megan. Sophia complied, but with a clear attitude on her face.

"Done Mistress," Andrea said as she knelt beside the bed having put the bags away and changed into her own cuffs and collar. The only item of clothing she wore was a black latex hood that had become a common addition to their games. It had holes at the mouth and nostrils, slightly raised tubes over the eyes tunneling her vision, and no holes allowing her hair to escape. The hood had slits to slip over the collar's d-rings and once the zipper in the back is lowered, it slips over and locks to the back d-ring making it impossible to remove without the remote. It erased most of Andrea's facial features, leaving only the appearance of a pleading-eyed slave without identity or humanity, kneeling before Lea.

"Very good slave," Lea said as she turned over to look at Andrea's downturned head and display of skin. She switched on Andrea's chip which elicited the seductive gasp Lea loved hearing and that the chip always seemed to force. "You can come back up here now if you want," Lea said as she slapped the bed beside her where Andrea had originally been. She watched Andrea as she glided back into place beside her, turning her attention back to the screen just in time to see Sophia close the top drawer. Lea turned on the speakers for both rooms simultaneously. "In each corner of the bed is a thick plastic cable that can be pulled out. Attach each cuff to its respective corner and spread your limbs."

Both girls were soon spread eagle on their respective beds with the cables constantly retracting and being pulled out again, much like a seatbelt. With a simple click of a checkbox on the computer screen however, the gears locked up allowing the cable to retract but no longer allowing it to be extended out. The two only slowly began to notice and each ended up regretting rolling around so much because they both were now very widely spread.

Lea turned on their NESICs, causing each girl to pull against the retracted cables. Sophia began to moan but was rewarded with a zap for causing noise. "That isn't fair," Sophia thought. "She finally gets to the good part and I have to stifle my moans or get shocked? That's some old bullshit right there." Unknown to her this was only an oversight, and after seeing it once Lea turned it off. Lea was going to say something but decided it would be more fun to watch if she didn't tell her.

Lea flipped from sitting forward on her stomach to laying back against her headboard. "I think I'll let them stew for a while, what do you think?" Lea asked as she lightly poked Andrea with her foot.

"I don't know, how long were you thinking Mistress?" Andrea asked as she turned to her side to better face Lea.

"Well I guess that's up to them. I want them like putty, willing... no, wanting to do whatever I tell them. I want them just a little bent, really embracing being my helpless little slave. Then I'd have them..."

"You've already got me Mistress," Andrea said running a finger up and down Lea's foot.

"Is that my slave's way of saying you'd be jealous?" Lea said with a smirk.

Andrea's face turned red, at least it did under the mask that totally obscured any trace of the change. Her thoughts began to race, "of course I'm not jealous, what a ridiculous thing to think. We're just friends playing a game, why should I be jealous if she's playing with other friends too? Maybe I've just gotten too used to being the only other player. Yeah that must be it, it's just weird newness, not jealousy."

"Hon, I was kidding. You OK?" Lea asked, allowing slight concern to show.

"Of course. No I mean it's just a.. no it's nothing. So is there anything you want me to do while you leave them to squirm?"

"Oh, well if you're just eager to please, then you can fetch your hogtie chain and get yourself prepared on the couch in the lounge."

Andrea welcomed the new task with a grin. She got the chain and headed for the lounge. She sat down on the L shaped sectional couch that was now the centre of the room. Andrea had used this particular chain several times and knew exactly the best order to put it on. In the middle of the chain was a small bar with a ring through the middle that the rest of the chain fed through, allowing the bar to move freely along the chain. The bar clicked over the D-rings on either foot, fusing her ankles together into nearly a single rigid restraint. She then flipped herself on to her stomach, bent her legs and grabbed the chain connected to it. At one end of the chain was a single connector that fit snugly into one of the slits on her waist belt. At the other end was another bar like the one that attached her legs together. Stretching her muscles to give her the most possible slack, she attached her wrists to the bar before releasing her muscles and allowing her legs to pull slightly on her arms. Now if she tried to move her legs the chain between the wrists and waist would tighten, preventing her from moving much at all.

Then came the waiting, something she looked forward to much more than she cared to admit. She was unable to move much at all, and with a place up on the couch she wouldn't want to try in case she fell off. She wished Lea would simply show up the moment she clicked the last lock closed, but then when she wouldn't it just served to highlight who's really in control. And the constant low stimulation wasn't hurting that either.

When Lea finally did open the door, she had changed into a domineering leather outfit. The halter vest was tight with a small pocket clearly carrying her phone. Down either side there were laces leaving quite a lot of her pale skin exposed. She wore a pleated leather skirt that went down to her mid thigh, it flowed freely as she glided into the room. Adding in the black rimmed glasses it and her jet black hair she was a picture of sharply contrasted black against pale skin, which seemed to be her go-to motif.

"Aww, I can always seem to count on you to follow instructions can't I?" Lea cooed as she sat down on the couch in front of her bound friend. It was rhetorical and so she received no response beyond Andrea's wide eyes. "What's your count to now?"

"Five, Mistress."

"Well do you want to risk the dice roll now to see if you get to cum or go for a guaranteed chance next time?" Andrea asked, as she moved one lag to the other side of Andrea, exposing that she was very clearly not wearing panties.

"No Mistress, I'd rather save it for later," Andrea said meekly but still able to look Lea in the eye.

"Alright," Lea said as she bent forward to grab Andrea's shoulders. "Lets scoot you up and get to work."

Lea dragged Andrea towards her, rubbing her friend's exposed breasts along the couch fibers as she went. Once she was close enough, Lea leaned back a bit more, bringing her waiting pussy directly against Andrea's face. Andrea got to work with the familiar ease that comes with weeks of practice. Lea let out a moan of gratitude as she rubbed her fingers over Andrea's latex encased head. She turned the projector on and scanned through until it stopped on the cameras watching Megan and Sophia.

Sophia was gritting her teeth and thrashing side to side trying to fight the feelings radiating from her chip as well as fight against the bindings that were holding her. Megan on the other hand had arched her back and was screaming in pleasure as she leaned in to every jolt that rocked her body closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. Even though she knew it was not going to be enough to send her over the edge, this was the longest Lea had left her chip on in nearly a month and she was going to enjoy it.

Lea decided to turn the audio on, allowing Megan's screams of frustrated ecstasy to reverberate around the lounge. Her tormented cries were working wonders in combination with Andrea's tongue to begin to lurch her towards a climax. The tight halter top was finally starting to make itself felt as its constriction was just enough to limit her breathing to just a bit less than her body was crying that it needed. Moving her second arm down to Andrea's head she pushed hard, smothering Andrea between her legs. Andrea knew that meant Lea was close and if she wanted to be released to feel the fresh air on her soon to be burning lungs she needed to power through. Lea's leg began to shake as she tilted her head back and let out a scream signalling the climax that was rumbling all throughout her.

She let go of Andrea who soon bent her head up and began to gasp for air. The two lay there each catching their breath for their own reasons. All the while, Megan's moans had taken on a much more desperate tone. It was no longer sounding like fun but like work, hard grueling work.

Lea sat up slowly as she regained her composure. "Mmm, lovely as ever slave," she said as she began to fix her hair. "Now let's get you turned around," she said as she reached under Andrea's stomach to begin turning her the other way. "No reason I should leave you without some entertainment." Once she had spun Andrea around completely she bent down to look her in the eyes. She kissed her friend on the forehead and turned to leave the room, leaving Andrea alone watching a projection of Megan squirming from two different camera angles.


Meagan was suddenly startled out of her haze by the sound of the door unlocking and Lea walking in. "Please.. Lea.. I need to.. I mean, really I have to.. I mean could you turn this off or let me cum? This is getting too much. It's been so long I can't take this. I don't know what you're playing at but please this is torture!"

"Well since you asked so nicely," Lea said before grabbing her phone and turning her chip all the way to maximum.

Megan yelled out unintelligible exclamations as she convulsed, pulling tightly on her bindings. Her whole body began to shake as she tossed her head from one side to the other, like that would make some kind of difference. Lea turned the device back down and stood square at the foot of the bed waiting for Megan to recover.