Born to Be Ch. 06

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Ashley and Selena decide to have a little wrestling match.
14k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/06/2023
Created 03/07/2019
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A.N. Here we are again with more Born To Be!! :D

Thank you all for waiting for these things to be updated, plenty more chapters are on the way!

The Following Contains: Big black lady fucking her little white boy up with a strap-on. Ever seen ultimate surrender? Expect that up ahead ;)

Enjoy the chappyyyy!


For a long time, Ashley actually considered his furniture not showing up in time at the apartment, as a curse. Just another obstacle in his seemingly never-ending course to achieve his right to the title of manhood. To prove to his parents that he could be his own man and live alone, no help from them, start a good life, marry a good woman who he could support, and be the manliest man who had ever manned.

...looking back now...that was so silly.

And more than ever, Ashley instead of cursing his unfortunate luck with the moving company, now he was thanking them every single day. Had they not screwed up the shipment of all his belongings and furniture, he may not have spent so many nights at Selena's house. He of course would have still met her, but he wouldn't have slept in her bed, or gotten to know her smell, her personality, see her bright, beautiful smile every morning. The pearly white teeth contrasting her chocolate skin, and who knows where their relationship would be?

He was grateful he'd never have to find out now that the furniture was all comfortably moved into Selena's house, where it would remain.

The bed was brought into the empty guest room of her home, and his wardrobe, dresser, book case, and other amenities were now strewn about the house the couple shared together. And the apartment? The tiny studio apartment that Ashley was meant to live in for a while...welp, they kept the security deposit.

Basically, Ashley paid his first months rent and the security deposit...and never really moved in. He spent about three nights in that place, then pretty much never went back. He'd been with Selena for maybe two weeks when they first decided to move all his stuff over to her house. And when three weeks rolled by, Ashley agreed that the place wasn't as fun as living with her was anyway.

Here the two of them were, week five of their relationship and rolling around in bed together, giggling and panting as if it was still their first time.

Ashley didn't care that he didn't really get a chance to live on his own, compared to being with the love of his life, being his 'own man' could never live up to the joy she gave him. He wanted to spend every moment of every day with her. They worked together, lived together, went out together. If this was still the honeymoon phase, he hoped it would last forever.

What they had was beautiful. she was beautiful, he loved her, and she loved him.

Ashley collapsed into the bed, "Ahh! Haaah!" Wide, open-mouthed grin on his face as Selena came down with him. Her own expression matching his before their lips crashed together, tongues batting and swinging, beating the crap out of one another, desperate to keep the kiss deep and lusty. His arms slapped around her back pulling her as flush to him as she could possibly get.

Both of them were sweaty, and rolled around for what had to have been the dozenth time in the bed so that Ashley may sit on top of Selena. They traded position after position, cycling through the multiple poses which they could express their love and desire for each other. His hands grabbing hold of her breasts for leverage as he began to ride her like an experienced cowgirl. Straddling her hips and panting heavily, anal muscles working that black cock inside him. Shifting and tussling the dildo about so that it massaged Selena's clit with an equal vigor to it.

Her larger hands slapped onto Ashley's hips hard and helped work his tiny body on her waist. The pair rutting like wild animals as they basked in their nightly love session. This had become quite the norm for the young couple, no matter how rigorous the day was. Or how stressful, even if they had already had sex a couple of times, they always rounded down the day with one last evening fuck right before cuddling into each other for bed. They shared such an equal sexual energy ever since Ashley truly started to embrace his inner girly girl.

The long brunette hair around Ashley's face jumped up and down on his shoulders with the bouncing of his body. The longer it grew, the crazier it got during sex, it was no longer shoulder length like he usually kept it, but several inches below them now, giving him a pretty, voluminous mane of hair on his head making him more girly than ever. And God he could ride her cock good, Selena loved watching him go nuts on top of her, most of the time she took charge and did most of the work in their positions. But every now and again, her little lady climbed on top to do some purely wild rough riding.

And fuck was she into it.

He rode her good and hard, his ass now adjusted completely like a pure pussy, built to take a pounding and able to adjust to her size on the drop of a dime. Still tight as a virgin, but with the skill of an on the rise pornstar. And when he came, his little dicklet barely managed to squeeze out tiny little jets of his excitement. The pleasure was still as intense as always, but the more into this rabbit hole he went, the less and less masculine his orgasms became.

Eventually becoming just a tiny little prick leaking out some runny sperm as his prostate spasmed with joy and glee. And Ashley always collapsed afterward, falling into Selena's embrace with panting lungs, and a loopy, 'well-fucked' smile as he smooched her skin, thanking her for her glorious cock and whispering sweet nothings while she stroked his hair.

This was the norm for them, every night, falling into each other and whispering soft confessions of love until they both drifted away. Each with smiles on their faces and happiness in their hearts.

The gender roles were entirely reversed for this couple, when they had sex, Selena wore the pants, and made sure that Ashley came as many times that she could wring out of his little cute balls. While she would only cum once or twice, but that was more than enough for her. Five to one orgasm tally was a pretty big confidence booster for her and an ego stroker too. Not to mention, Selena was aaaaallways the big spoon.

She also was the main bread bringer. When they first officially moved in together, Ashley tried to insist on paying some of her rent. Which he quickly discovered that Selena didn't pay rent, she had a mortgage on her house. A whole other layer of rules and complications that Ashley was completely unaware of, being as he barely even had the chance to live in a small apartment, he still was pretty untrained in the ways of the world.

Even so he tried to insist on helping pay some bills or anything to contribute so that he didn't feel like such a freeloader. And for a few days Selena wouldn't have it, dismissing his desire to fork over some cash so that she could prove she didn't care about his money. Just having him here with her was all she wanted.

But it came to the point where Ashley practically begged her to let him pay for something, just for his own peace of mind at least. And eventually, they agreed on letting him buy food for the house...considering Selena's tastes were...not exactly five stars.

Her diet basically consisted of exactly what you'd expect for a fitness nut to have, lots of protein, carbohydrates and energy stuff. Anything with meat was what Selena's taste buds craved, and also anything easy to make. Something you could toss into a microwave or heat up for twenty minutes in an oven. She was a great many things...but a cook? That was not one of them.

And suddenly Ashley felt like he was the most useful human being on the planet. He LOVED cooking, and he gladly took on the food bill, feeling grateful to both apply a passion of his to their home life, and also not to feel like such a bum. He did all the shopping and updated Selena's poorly kept menu of her kitchen.

He also updated her barren walls and undecorated house as well, something he noted his first night there was that the place could use a feminine touch. Little did he know that touch was his own, so he outfitted her house with excellent decor. A selection of potted plants on end tables by some of the windows and empty walls, a few paintings and portraits of things like a sunset, the moon and stars, and even the patriotic American flag. So much that just filled out her previously empty home and brought it to life.

Selena didn't complain once that he was packing it full with odds and ends, it may have been her home but it was, for lack of a better term, a bachelor pad of sorts. All the amenities you need, but nothing else.

That's where her adorable little ladies touch came in.

And speaking of Ashley being a lady, in addition to him embracing his feminine habits, he also embraced his feminine looks. All throughout his life, he had tried to act like a boy, tried to act tough, manly, masculine, all of that stuff. But truthfully, he could never get it right, something always went wrong or it just felt weird to him. He never managed to look good, and masculine at the same time before. But now, he was finally able to let go of all his preconceptions of what he needed to be in life, and just behave like his true self.

He never knew how liberating and freeing! It could be, until Selena showed him.

Ashley was no longer Ash, no longer the boyfriend, nor did he have any desire to be. He was the girlfriend in every shape of the word, his mannerisms, his hobbies, his wants and desires. Everything pointed to him being a girl, he did the cooking, he did the cleaning, which was something else he was thankful to contribute. Being a neat freak while Selena was...not. It definitely satisfied his OCD to clean up her messes and keep both her, and now HIS home neat and tidy.

Plus on top of that, Selena was the real money maker between them. Yes he did take on the yoga job, which was...awkward at first. In the tightness of the yoga pants and the rest of the uniform, which was really just a thong and a tank top. He was one hundred percent sure he was going to be recognized as a boy for his first session.

Only that recognition never came, and he went through the first day completely under the radar. None of the girls who attended his yoga class knew he was a boy. And after the initial anxiety quieted down, the rest of the lessons came along much easier. Ashley found out that not only were his worries about being discovered completely out the window, but he was also quite good at it! His natural flexibility and positive attitude with the sunny disposition he naturally possessed just had customers gravitate towards his classes more and more every day.

So Ashley had his own steady job to make some money...buuuuuut technically...he was working for Selena. So technically she was the one paying him, his money was her money when you looked at it in the grand scheme. Besides even with that in mind she still made easily one hundred times what he made, so yeah Selena was the one who brought home the bacon.

And of course, the last thing that truly had Ashley embracing who he was as a girl, was his appearance. Regularly he bought perfume and makeup, which his skill with applying it also grew more refined with each use. He traded out and bought new outfits, things that fit the style he liked, and sold off most of his old boy clothes, with the exception of some pjs and some underwear that he just couldn't part with.

He moved like a girl, walked like one, talked like one, acted like one. By this point, Ashley was the girlfriend both literally, and the universe itself seemed to want to paint the picture of Ashley being the cute, weak, submissive lady with the big macho 'Daddy' to help her along. The 'pickle jar' incident was an event that came to mind in the young boys head.

Jars always seemed to give him trouble throughout his life, he always needed to pull out all the tricks to open them. Running them under hot water, grabbing them with a dishtowel, tapping them with forks, etcetera.

But on one particular day, a pickle jar was giving the teen an extremely difficult run for his money. He could remember wrestling with the damn glass container in the kitchen, trying to open it to complete making a sandwich for lunch. And also just because he wanted one of those yummy, briney, salty crunch rods.

Only he was unable to get the thing open no matter how many tricks he tried!

"Mmmmmm! Nnnnnfffeh!" Ashley grunted, struggling and fighting with the simple green jar. "Urrrrrggg! Come on..." His little fingers squeezing the lid with all his might!

Minimal as it may be...

He had been wrestling with that damn pickle jar for almost five minutes. Now that isn't a large amount of time normally, but when you're struggling to do something that normally takes one second... Five minutes feels like forever. This was maybe two weeks into living together and thankfully nothing this embarrassing had happened just yet. Even though by this point he was dressing and acting girly, nothing had straight up happened that basically smacked him in the face with the words, 'you will always be a bottom bitch' until now.

Ashley fought and fought with it, taking a very long time to throw in the towel, trying to prove who was the man in this bout! Himself or the pickle jar, only once that thought came to mind, it was like the crushing realization of defeat hitting him in his plump, bubbly booty.

Girls almost always had to ask their man for help with opening up sealed tight jars, and this was like the final nail in his bottom bitch coffin.

"Uggggh!" He groaned aggravated. All he wanted was a pickle! His neck reclined up to the ceiling and he sighed. There was only one way this was going to work out if he wanted a salty cucumber dunked in vinegar. He swallowed the last shred of manhood and dignity he could ever hope to possess, and called out. "Baaaabyyyyyyy!" He needed to call in the muscle. "Baaaaaaaaabbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

"Whaaat?" He heard Selena call from upstairs.

"Can you come heeeere?" This was so humiliating, but even something small like getting a stupid pickle could carry some love along with it. How he was willing to dig himself even deeper into the feminine rabbit hole, rather than try to win a small victory for himself. He relinquished all his earthly desires to be self-sufficient the moment he moved in with his Amazon.

Only fifteen seconds or so passed before he heard Selena padding down the stairs, sports bra pink top and black short shorts were all that covered her toned, strong body. So womanly and muscled at the same time. God she was beautiful, and those muscles could help save Ashley from a pickless sandwich.

"What's up babe?" Selena asked, finishing tying her hair up in a ponytail, ready to begin a late afternoon run on the treadmill.

Ashley looked over at her with the most pitiful, baby blue, doe eyes he could muster and slowly lifted the jar up to her. "Heeelp."

Selena almost straight up fawned at the pouty lip he gave her, so cute in this moment of weakness and submission. "Awww, lemme see baby." She reached out to take the jar from him and placed her hand on the green lid, squeezing and giving a twist...


"Oh come on!" Ashley complained, she opened it with what looked like literally no effort at all. And she stood there now with an opened pickle jar, and a cheeky, 'sorry you're weak' smile. "I loosened iiiit!" He protested, after flailing his arms in disbelief.

Selena just nodded, "Yes you did sweetie, hey some of these things are a bitch to get open." She handed him the jar back, "And besides, we both know that the strongest muscle you've got is your sweet, tight little ass baby." She tussled his hair a bit after he accepted the glass from her. Earning another pout of reluctant acceptance from him. She quickly dipped down to the tiny boy and kissed his forehead, "I'm taking my run now, get me if you need your Daddies help with anything eeeelse!" She sang as she turned about and headed back upstairs, "You're welcome honey! Looove yoooou!"

Ashley mumbled "Wuv you too..." Then proceeded to select his choice of crunchy, salty pickle delight.

Even though each new girly experience brought a heavy blush to his cheeks and a swell of embarrassment into his heart. It also brought excitement, knowing that all these tingly butterflies were being explored with the most beautiful woman in the world. It made it all worth it to him.

Both of them were perfectly content with this, and neither of them wanted to ever go back to the way things were before. They continued to all in love with each other more every day, and both had their eyes set on a long, beautiful, and loving relationship for years to come.

As today rounded down, over a month of being together and living with one another in Selena's home. The couple was ecstatic to get back inside, end the day with lots of cuddles, some Netflix bingeing, and maybe some ice cream too.

Selena parked the car in her driveway and quickly got out of the driver's side to dash around to Ashley before he even had the chance to open the door completely.

"You know, I'm pretty sure I can make it to the door on my own." Ashley tried to suggest only to have Selena immediately shoot it down.

"Nope!" And in a split second, Ashley's bottom was off the car seat and his form lifted bridal style into the air. "No ground for you, you come with me!"

He squeaked, "Eek! Selena! Hehehe!" Followed by multiple giggles of silliness, she did this aaaaaall the time. If he mentioned his feet were sore, even in the slightest. No more walking for him for the remainder of the day. And after today's long yoga session, which was a lot of standing tree poses, and leg work, he was ready to relax his limbs inside. But he made the mistake of letting this information slip to his lover, who took the opportunity to lift him up and haul him around from place to place so no more strain would be on his feet.

It was cute most of the time, but also just fuel for Selena's fiery ego. Both of them knew she just liked to show off how strong she was and how light he was to her. So easy to manipulate and flip around like a pretty little doll.

Now of course... Ashley liked it too...but he'd only admit it in private.

She walked him up to the front door and unlocked it, kicking it in and bringing him directly to the couch to plop him down. "There you are princess, now you don't move! I will fetch the ice cream and drinks, you pick the show tonight!"

Ashley rolled his eyes, "Thank you so much my dear lady knight!" He exaggeratingly said as she went off to procure the goodies. He meanwhile sat himself close to the arm of the couch, finding his favorite cuddle position and started to remove his flats. "You know, if you keep picking me up and walking me around, I'm gonna forget how to use my legs soon!" He called out to her.

"As long as you can still do splits and wrap them around me I don't mind!" Selena retaliated back from the kitchen.

"Ugggh." The boy groaned but with a smile, she was such a perv...he loved it.

Carefully he removed both flat shoes and set them neatly down next to one another, then hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his leggings and pushed them down his supple, creamy legs. They hadn't put on much muscle at all even with the yoga, but he didn't mind that, Selena often talked about how she loved his bubble butt. And if he ever thought about trying to lose weight and get rid of it she'd lock him in a room and force feed him donuts.

Apparently, she had watched a lot of the Simpsons before meeting Ashley.